Xu Yan wanted to say something more, but Jiang Mo kicked him across the table and gave him a warning look.

Be honest.

The people in the meeting room had different expressions, looking at Xu Yan, wondering what happened.Xu Yan, however, looked like "everyone come and guess", raised his eyebrows, and raised his coffee cup to look at Fang Nan.

"Uncle Fang, are you going?"

Fang Nan rubbed his temples, "I'll go."

But let him stay away from this pair of dogs and men.

Fang Nan's work on the farm is not much, but it is very detailed and needs a careful and loyal person to take over.

Jiang Mo is going to hand over this job to Zhao Bai, his planting supervisor. He has observed this person for a long time, and all aspects meet his requirements.

After arranging the affairs of the steel factory one by one, Jiang Mo ordered the farm to rest.

In the weather of more than minus 30 degrees, there is no need for employees to go to work in the wind and snow.

Factories that do not produce much-needed goods, such as textile mills, refined iron factories, and canning factories, are a waste of energy if they are open.

Give the employees a one-month winter vacation and give them a small amount of basic materials to help them survive the cold winter. Both parties are happy.

In addition, in the cash crop greenhouse, the cotton planted at the beginning of the end of the world can finally be harvested!

After the cotton is harvested, the two greenhouses will be closed, saving a lot of coal.

Jiang Mo found that since he started managing the farm, he has become more and more stingy.

What I think about every day is either stuffing new things into the warehouse, or trying every means to save materials.

The only thing that made him dissatisfied was that the fibers of the mutated cotton were too thick to make warm fabrics.

On the contrary, some employees of the experimental greenhouse twisted a few cables with it, and it seemed to be very strong. When the ship sails next year, they can try it on a salvage ship.

After the meeting, everyone went to the cafeteria for dinner as usual.

Jiang Mo paused, "I'll go home and eat."

Everyone looked at Xu Yan together, and then wondered why the second boss looked at the big boss when he spoke.

Xu Yan explained for Jiang Mo very naturally, "Grandma is cooking at home, let's go home..."

"No," Jiang Mo interjected, "I'll go home and eat."

He stared at Xu Yan, implying a threat, and said word by word, "You eat here."

Xu Yan touched his nose, not only was he not angry at all, but he also took Jiang Mo's eye knife naturally.

He gently hooked Jiang Mo's sleeve with his fingers, and seeing that he really didn't intend to change his mind, he sighed, "Okay."

The good temper made everyone almost stare out their eyes.

After leaving Xu Yan, Jiang Mo finally calmed down, and the hot-blooded state passed, and he suddenly felt that it was not a very wise thing to confess to Xu Yan.

As for Xu Yan, he wished that the whole world would know the strength of their relationship, and the majesty of his second boss, don't want it in the future!


But thinking of Xu Yan's sweet talk in the morning, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but rise.

Regret, but not so regretful.

Humming a little tune to go home, after dinner, Jiang Mo finally had time to turn on the system.

The system has not been sorted out for a long time, and now the system has accumulated 43 points.

The 40 points will be reserved for upgrading the park, this time he only intends to use a fraction.

Thirty consecutive draws.

Jiang Mo obtained 3 hybridization potions, 2 grafting potions, and 4 gene stabilization potions.

This time, he actually acquired a new skill [Integration].

[Integration: The body merges into a plant.Growth: Strong.Growth method: practice diligently, or use skill growth potions. 】

Jiang Mo had seen this skill before.

During the Easter event, he sold 25 points after a 75% discount, which means he saved [-] points!

Jiang Mo is doing it again!

If it wasn't for upgrading the park and entering the system earlier, Jiang Mo felt that he could draw the system to a loss!

He took the lead in entering Mrs. Zhou's sun room, randomly selected a chili seedling, and used the blending skill.

His point of view changed.

This is a very strange feeling, as if there are countless air holes and sensors all over his body, and information such as the temperature, humidity, air temperature, and light of the environment is particularly sensitive to him.

His heart became very calm, without waves, as if he had really turned into a flower, growing slowly.

His vision has disappeared, but he can still outline the appearance of his surroundings with his keen sense.

In short, he changed the way of "seeing" the world.

Where he was originally standing, his body had disappeared, and he was completely integrated into the pepper seedling.

About 10 minutes later, Jiang Mo suddenly broke away from this wonderful feeling.

When the time came, he was kicked out by the plants.

Jiang Mo carefully recollected the feeling after blending into the plant, a bit familiar.

He suddenly remembered that when he used the dryad skills, he could also slightly detect the emotions of the mutated plants.

But that's not the same as when using blend in.

Jiang Mo was suddenly curious, what would happen if he used the Dryad skill at the same time as the integration skill?

This time he did not experiment with ordinary plants, but went to the buffer zone and found a grafted creeper.

When blended into the creeper, Jiang Mo felt much more intense emotions than ordinary plants.

It can feel the desire to stretch the branches and leaves, the joy of grafting with other species, the sense of accomplishment of watching the ears of wheat swell and grow, and the cautiousness of protecting treasures and not letting others take them away.

A wave of pity and guilt for the ivy rose from the bottom of his heart, and he even felt that he and the people on the farm who picked the ivy's wheat ears were as hateful as robbers.

Fortunately, he quickly woke up and realized that this was not his own idea, but was influenced by the mutant creeper.

He experimented with several different mutated plants one after another, using the dryad's skills while merging.

It was found that this not only greatly saves mental power, but also slightly violates the characteristics of plants when manipulating plants.

For example, let the mutant twisted vines that like to hibernate grow branches and leaves in severe winter, or let the crystal coconuts that only bear fruit twice a year bear four fruits.

This is still on the premise that only one plant can be integrated.

Jiang Mo had a vague feeling that when he upgraded his integration skills to a certain level, he would find a new connection between these two skills.

But for now, he put his skills aside and started the hybrid experiment.

There was an experiment he had been thinking about for a long time, and although it might be a little dangerous, he still wanted to try it.

He took out a mutated crystal coconut seed from the system warehouse, and took a handful of mutated algae from the water tank, put it in a petri dish, and poured in the hybridization potion.

After crossing, he got a coconut seed with a black pattern.

Jiang Mo had a little fun, turned on the system, and tried to plant this seed into the breeding field.

【warn!This seed is very evil, please do not put it in the breeding field! 】

When the system said that, he was relieved!

Jiang Mo called Zhang Yuanzi and asked her to pay attention to the direction of the pollution, and plant the mutated seeds into the buffer zone.

The coconut tree grows slowly, stretches its branches and leaves, blooms and bears fruit.

This time, even without Zhang Yuanzi, Jiang Mo could see that when the coconut tree bears fruit, wisps of red lines gradually spread on its branches.

The original white and translucent crystal coconuts have become red and black interlaced throughout, revealing faint rays of light, as if filled with slowly flowing volcanic lava.

Zhang Yuanzi opened his mouth wide, "Can you still do this?!"

Jiang Mo reminded, "Don't just stand there, show me how much the pollution in the soil has been purified."

Zhang Yuanzi originally thought that he wanted to collect polluted and raised mutated seaweed, only then did he realize that Jiang Mo wanted to purify the soil.

Since the end of the world, everyone has been actively looking for ways to purify the soil. If Jiang Mo can really succeed, will this usher in a new era of the end of the world?

Zhang Yuanzi was excited.

She lowered her head and calculated carefully, "There are two cubic meters of soil that have been purified relatively thoroughly, with only a very small amount of pollution remaining. There are about four cubic meters of soil that have not been completely purified."

The more I counted, the more excited I became, "The purification is very fast!"

Jiang Mo poured cold water on Zhang Yuanzi who was above him at the right time, "It's not fast,"

He looked up at the coconut tree, "Let's call it the fire crystal coconut. A fire crystal coconut only bears two crops a year."

That is to say, only four cubic meters of land can be purified a year.

This kind of plant cannot be planted in the breeding field, and the system welfare, the five free seeds per day cannot be received.

It can only reproduce with genetic stabilizers.

A coconut tree can only produce about 150 seeds, even if it is propagated with gene-stabilizing agents, it is too slow.

The best way is definitely to increase the fruiting frequency of mutated coconuts, but Jiang Mo has not found such a hybrid mother plant so far.

Only one step at a time.

He re-hybridized a mutated flame crystal coconut seed with the above ratio, soaked it in the gene stabilizer, and harvested all the seeds.

After that, he found a piece of fertile land before the end of the world, and after delineating the boundaries, he planted coconuts in rows.

The purified soil is moved into greenhouses or stored, and the mature fire crystal coconuts are used to breed mutated seaweed. Ecological agriculture before the end of the world will not be recycled.

Jiang Mo had just finished researching the coconut trees, while Fang Nan had already packed his luggage, counted the good people, and was ready to go.

To Xiaogushan, Fang Nan not only brought a group of farm cronies, but also a patrol team.

After thinking about it, he brought the team managed by Li Si with him.

In the past six months, the number of farms has increased greatly, but the number of patrol teams has not changed much. This time Fang Nan took away one team, and there are only three teams left. The number of patrols urgently needs to be expanded.

It just so happened that there were many supernatural beings among the refugees who migrated from Xiaogushan. Jiang Mo planned to continue to follow the method of dealing with the Tongxin Club. After recruiting new members, he divided the number of people equally and reorganized.

And with weapons, militias formed by ordinary people can finally start to form.

Jiang Mo handed over all these tasks to Wei Xinghe. After he planned the rules, he would slowly implement them.

In the evening, Jiang Mo, Xu Yan and others bid farewell to Fang Nan on the pier, watching the team he led slowly disappear.

"The territory of the farm is going to expand again." Xu Yan looked at Jiang Mo with a smile.

But Jiang Mo didn't look at him, but stared in another direction and blinked.

Following Jiang Mo's gaze, Xu Yan saw the expedition team who had been out for several days paddling back happily on skis.

Members of the original salvage team and the current expedition team waved their arms one by one, smiling so hard that they couldn't see their teeth, "Big boss! Second boss!"

Xu Yan seemed to remember that when Jiang Mo was called that last time, that group of people came back with a technical team.

He couldn't help blinking, his eyes focused.

"There is a big boat frozen on the sea! There are many plants in the boat!"


Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: Nian. 1;

Thanks to the little angel of irrigation nutrient solution: X40 bottle; read. 20 bottles; 15 bottles of Moxianbao Carrying Handle; 1 bottle of Dove;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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