Wei Jing looked up at Xu Yan.

In order not to trigger the monitoring keywords of Xu Yan's system, he can't say anything in front of him, but Wei Jing is really too curious.

He pulled Jiang Mo into the corner, "Have you upgraded the system?"

Jiang Mo shook his head.

Wei Jing laughed, "I believe you can breed mutant plants that can produce food, but I don't believe you are so generous."

"When it comes to understanding the main system, I don't necessarily know less than you. Last time you said that you can't enter the system, and the breeding field can only have five seeds a day at most. Don't tell me, you are willing to save us in order to attract us. The seeds are all planted in the yard of the Tongxin Club.”

Wei Jing asked this, which means that he didn't know that some mutated plants can be propagated by cuttings.

Jiang Mo also laughed, "I took a little bit of the system's wool."

He turned to leave, but was stopped by Wei Jing, "Be clear, I need to judge how long it will take before I can get the food you promised."

Jiang Mo ignored Wei Jing's cliché, "You don't need to judge, I can tell you the answer directly, next spring."


"Nope," Jiang Mo nodded, "Or do you exchange the same equivalent information? For example, tell me how much you know about the main system, or tell me how you became a defector?"

"Forget it," Wei Jing lost interest, "I don't really want to know. Anyway, we don't have the main system anymore."

He looked around at the ivy crawling all over the spacious courtyard, "The transaction is established, and the security of the low-rent housing area will be covered by the Tongxin Society."

Jiang Mo told him, "There are 27 creepers in your yard, and every three creepers can produce about 800 catties of wheat. Be careful when harvesting. A lot of wheat may be hidden in the leaves, which is not easy to harvest."

After that, he handed Wei Jing a pair of long iron scissors, "Think about using it yourself. Oh yes, when harvesting wheat, it's best to wear a mask."

The buffer zone of the farm was re-planned by Jiang Mo. In addition to the creeper area used to cultivate the first generation of creepers, he opened up a mutated pine forest on the top of the mountain and a mutated mulberry forest on the mountainside.

In order to build a low-rent housing this time, he used all the gene-stabilizing agents on the mutated cotton. When he has accumulated enough lucky draw points next time, Jiang Mo must cultivate the mutated pine forest.

In this way, there are enough planks for building boats and wooden houses in summer.

After the first generation of grafted creepers bore fruit, Jiang Mo cut off the branches and cut them into small sections to stimulate the roots.

After inserting the branch into the breeding potion to urge the roots out, as long as it can be successfully planted in the soil, you can get 10 points.

Jiang Mo didn't even want to go back to the lab shed, he squatted in the wind and snow every day to plant creepers.

On November 11, a blizzard fell and the temperature dropped ten degrees overnight.

In the past, if you dress warmly, you can stretch out your hands when you go out, but now let alone stretching out your hands, people don't even want to go out.

In this cold weather, as if the flow of time is frozen, the farm has launched new products.

A creeper that grows wheat!

Creeper, wheat, polluted soil, edible.

These words seem impossible to put together no matter how hard you think.

But the farm had given people so much confidence before that they hadn’t made a judgment in their heads, and their bodies had already walked outside the fluorescent market and listened to the salesperson’s recommendation for half an hour.

Creepers are planted in pots and are sold one pot at a time. A person can buy at most one pot, and a family can buy at most three pots.

The creeper in the pot is full of green and grows more than one meter high, and I can't see how it was cultivated.It just makes people feel tender and seductive.

It had been a long time since they had seen such a large expanse of green.

Some people want to question how this kind of plant with large green leaves can survive in winter. The steam emitted by the leaves alone can freeze the whole plant into a piece of ice.

But the question was not spoken, and they thought of the apricot tree growing in the square.

The apricot tree not only grows green leaves, but also bears small hairy apricot fruits.

If you observe carefully, you will find that the temperature of the apricot tree is indeed below zero, but it is not as cold as the ambient temperature. In the weather of more than ten degrees below zero, if you put your hand close to the trunk, you can even feel a little warmth.

But even so, it does not prove that the ivy can survive the winter.

Some people followed the salesperson to the buffer zone to visit the ivy breeding forest, while the other part planned to observe and observe first.

After all, creeper seedlings are not cheap, 10 fluorescent coins each.

Two frequent snowfalls have piled up thick snow inside and outside the farm.

It's just that the refugees' willingness to do short-term work is significantly reduced at the moment.

The weather is too cold, but those who have supplies and are not in debt are staying at home. Those who are willing to come out to work at the moment either have no supplies or need to qualify for low-rent housing.

The low-rent housing area was well managed by Weijing. Not only did they stop several waves of people who wanted to make trouble and rob houses in time, but they also established a workload assessment for them.

The accommodation conditions are adjusted according to the workload of each person every day, and fluorescent coins are issued.

Warm ginger water has now become a welfare ration in low-rent housing areas. Anyway, there are too many gingers on the farm to eat, and Wei Jing's fire-type abilities make it easy to boil some hot water.

Wei Jing himself is also saving fluorescent coins.

After saving the fluorescent coins, I found someone to go to the fluorescent market to buy creeper seedlings.

The seedlings bought back entered Weijing's stone house, as if they had entered a bottomless pit, and no one knew where they ended up.

Jiang Mo and Xu Yan tacitly turned a blind eye to these matters.

Now only Su Yu and the sled dogs are still running out enthusiastically.

On this day, Su Yu brought back a message.

The sea is completely frozen.

"North, north."

Big snowflakes fell on the frozen sea. Looking around, there was a vast expanse of whiteness.

Can't see the end, can't tell the direction.

"Xiangbei, don't sleep."

The world is vast, only a series of small footprints slowly extending to the east.

A gust of wind with snowflakes blew, and even the footprints disappeared.

"Brother, let me down." The boy lying on the young man's back opened his eyes and tried to look forward, but the wind and snow were so heavy that he couldn't see anything clearly.

"My wound is stained with a lot of the captain's blood, so it should also mutate."

The captain suddenly lost his mind and became a mutant. The stronghold they built with great difficulty was slaughtered overnight by the most respected people in the past.

In order to protect several children from escaping, Xiangbei had his legs chopped off. The wounds were not fatal, but just a few people rose up to resist and stabbed the captain who had become a mutant with sharp knives.

Black and red blood flowed out and flowed into Xiangbei's wound.

Everyone in Xiaogushan knew that most of the toxins in the mutant species were stored in the blood, and the wounds were directly exposed to a large amount of toxins. He was not far from becoming a mutant.

"elder brother."

The young man carrying him didn't respond, so Xiang Bei called him again.

"Don't think about it." Xiang Guang said heavily, "You'll be fine."

"You can't live here in Xiaogushan, the resources are getting less and less, and the competition is getting more and more. I'll take you to Island S, where there are more people and more food. When we get there, let's live a good life."

Live a good life, how can you live a good life?

Looking to the north, he glanced at his brother who was carrying his back. In just half a year, he had changed from a handsome young man with a dignified appearance to the current one with sunken cheeks and prominent cheekbones.

To keep warm, he wore two layers of fleece, two layers of plastic raincoat, and two layers of bed sheets. The neckline, cuffs, and trouser legs were tied up with cloth belts. The rags shook as he walked, making him look like a primitive man.

What he drank was bitter industrial condensed water. After drinking it, it hurt even to relieve his hands. What he ate was the meat of mutated animals. He slaughtered them quickly, drained the blood, and prevented the blood from seeping into the flesh. degree of variation.

But what's the point of living like this?People are not like individuals anymore.

Hearing that his brother didn't respond for a long time, Xiang Guang continued to encourage him, "Do you remember that we went on a self-driving tour to Island S before?"

"You ate a huge seafood platter arguing, and ended up with diarrhea all night."

"You said you like the scenery of Island S. When you have money in the future, go to Island S and buy a big seaside villa."

"Brother," Xiang Bei said, "the end of the world."

He felt a little itchy on his arm, and he stretched out his hand to grab it, but his cuff was also tied with a thick cloth belt, so he could only rub it a few times through his clothes.

The plastic raincoat he was wearing rattled against each other.

Xiang Guang did not give up and said, "Island S is also very good in the last days."

"Do you remember the man in the suit who came to Island S last time? He was so neatly dressed, as if he was not in the same world as us."

"He asked you for directions, and won't you give you back a piece of scone?"

Nodding to the north, the scones are really delicious.

It's a pity that he only took one bite before being snatched away.

"The man in the suit seems to be named Fang? His subordinates call him the third boss. Isn't he from S Island?"

The back of Xiang Bei's hands also started to itch.

He raised his hand just as he was about to grab it, when he suddenly noticed a dark brown bristle-like thing poking out from the back of his hand.

He hurriedly raised his other hand, and there was also one.

The nails are getting longer and sharper, and the phalanges seem to be pressing against each other.

"Brother..." Xiang Bei broke down and cried.

"Don't go, let's stop, we can't go."

"We've been walking all day!"

His brother didn't answer him, but stood there blankly.

Looking through the blizzard, a dark mountain stands in the distance.

There is no snow on the mountain, only the kind dark brown of rock and soil.

Among the mountains, more than a dozen snow-white windmills rotate slowly in the strong wind.

The mountainside was dotted with greenery, and he seemed to see tall pine trees pulling out of the soil.

Further down are one after another, round, snow-white, mushroom-like things, neat and dense, there can be hundreds of them.

"North, do you see it? Is this a mirage?"

This makes people instinctively feel the warmth and closeness of the mountain, which is too unlike the doomsday scene, as if there are two different time and space intertwined and converged.

One is the wasteland world that lacks food and drink and fights frequently.

One is a serene, fairy-tale paradise.

Xiang Bei wiped his eyes covered with tears, "It seems, it seems not..."

Zhang Yuanzi sat on the tower, wearing a sheepskin cloak approved by his superiors, eating melon seeds.

She sighed in her heart that as expected of the end of the world, she could only buy this small bag of melon seeds on the fourth floor of the market with her manager's ID card.

If you can't eat it yourself, give Li Si half of the points.

Then when he was on duty with Li Si, he was caught by the Wei team when he shared melon seeds, and he had to give him a handful to bribe him.

Life is hard.

After knocking the melon seeds for a while, the alarm at hand rang.

"Radar time." Zhang Yuanzi put down the melon seeds and clapped his hands, then picked up the telescope.

In the past, when she glanced at the direction of the sea, she always swept it away. Today, she didn't know what happened, her eyes stayed in the sea, and she always wanted to look at it for a while.

Then, she saw a light red spot and a deep red spot approaching slowly.

"It's a superhuman and a mutant who is about to mutate."

Holding up the binoculars, she nervously stared at the two figures, one big and one small, as they approached step by step.

"Hurry up, we'll be there in a while." She muttered softly.

in view.


The adult carried the villain on his back and fell to the ground.

Zhang Yuanzi dropped the binoculars and called the reception room.


Thanks to the little angel who threw mines: Caiwei 1;


Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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