A meeting, Fang Nan and the little secretary were exhausted.

Jiang Mo and Xu Yan became more and more refreshed, and their thoughts on the farm planning became more and more clear.

Everyone is drunk and I am awake alone, and to find a colleague who is awake together in this drunk world, the joy of sympathy and sympathy is enough to bridge the antagonism caused by petty emotions in the previous life.

Because there is only one small tourist reception building in Biyun Mountain, and even only two chairs, several people did not have a long meeting, and first planned the general division of the farm.

The top of the mountain is the power area, where solar power panels are installed, windmills are erected, and coal is stored.

Immediately below the power area is the warehouse area. The warehouse opens up part of the mountain and goes deep into the mountain. The innermost layer is the freezing area, which is directly connected to the power area on the top of the mountain, followed by the cold storage area and the normal temperature area.

Below the warehouse area is the office area, then the canteen area, and the dormitory area.

Further down is the planting and breeding area.

The farm was built in a hurry, and Xu Yan asked for it to be completed within a month.

After the meeting, Fang Nan had to contact the construction team. Outside, the ground was leveled first, and the power grid was connected. Inside, the wiring was laid at the same time, and the mountain was blown up. Several construction teams had to start work at the same time.

The little secretary has to order the materials listed by several people first, and then she will live in the farm and supervise the progress of the project with Fang Nan.

The two left in a hurry before Jiang Mo went down the mountain with Xu Yan.

When parting, Jiang Mo hesitated for a long time, and finally asked the question that had been hidden in his heart.

"How old did you live in your last life?"

It's because Xu Yan is so easy to talk today, which makes him always wonder if Xu Yan has treated him like a son or grandson in his heart.

Xu Yan can be reborn with him, and become his grandpa after rebirth, but not!

Xu Yan raised his eyebrows slightly, "29."

Jiang Mo breathed a sigh of relief, and then said, "Isn't that one year after my death? You are too..." swallowing the word "useless".

Forget it, I have died so badly, so what qualifications do I have to say about others.

He waved the mobile phone in his hand, "Let's go, contact me at home."

After speaking, step on the electric car and go home.

Xu Yan stood in front of the car and watched him off, until Jiang Mo disappeared from his vision, then he sighed softly.

It seems to be gratifying, but also like relaxation and relief after long-term exhaustion.

Jiang Mo first went home and planted fruit tree branches in flower pots, and then went out again on his electric bike.

The farm has a farm plan, and he has to buy what he should buy on his own side.

He ordered several large boxes of daily necessities such as laundry detergent, toothpaste, toothbrush, shower gel, and various seasonings such as oil, salt, sauce, and vinegar.

For some more detailed things, such as razor blades and underwear, he has also stocked up enough for a lifetime.

Then there are the drugs.

Sphygmomanometers, antihypertensive drugs, lipid-lowering drugs, joint drugs, all kinds of all-purpose Chinese patent medicines... Although the old lady is now in good health, Jiang Mo has already added all the diseases that the elderly may have to her.

Walking to the medical equipment section, Jiang Mo stood in front of a wheelchair.

As a major customer of the pharmacy, he was immediately warmly introduced by the salesperson, "This is the latest wheelchair in our store, fully electric, anti-overturn..."

Jiang Mo's mind suddenly flashed the image of Xu Yan being kicked over by his wheelchair and falling to the ground when he first arrived at the stronghold because he angered him.

"Pfft", Jiang Mo bit his lower lip and controlled his smile, "I ordered this too, and it will be delivered to the address I mentioned along with those medicines later."

Mrs. Zhou didn't let him buy anything other than food, so he planned to store all the supplies in the farm temporarily.

Then there are weapons and various protective equipment.

Jiang Mo bought a few engineering shovels, and went directly to the second floor of the wholesale market to buy work clothes and raincoats.

City S belongs to the mid-latitude region, with four distinct seasons.But after the apocalypse, City S can reach minus thirty or forty degrees in winter, and thirty or forty degrees above zero in summer for a long time.He has to buy items to keep out the cold, heatstroke, and insects.

Toilet water, essential oils, small electric fans, heatstroke medicine for summer, kitchen gadgets for winter, various blankets, pajamas, hot water bottles...

Jiang Mo bought two sets of military overcoats and four sets of down jackets for himself and the old lady, plus the original clothes at home, which were almost enough.

When checking out, in the shop next to the cash register, his eyes stopped on a model wearing a long trench coat.

"The handsome guy is interested in that dress? His house has an off-season special, and it's a good deal to buy now." The cashier said a lot.

Jiang Mo stepped forward and touched it. The outer layer is soft leather, and the inner layer is a whole piece of fur, which is warm and slim.

Xu Yan doesn't like clothes that are too bulky.

When I saw him in the winter before, he was always wearing a slim-fit windbreaker made of good material. Later, he broke his leg and was thrown to S Island. Without conditions, he would rather wear those suits to survive the cold than wear a down jacket and military overcoat.

Of course, it may also be related to the inconvenience of wearing a down jacket in a wheelchair.

"Does the handsome guy buy it for himself?" The salesperson greeted him.

Jiang Mo shook his head.


Jiang Mo thought for a while, then nodded, "My son."

The salesperson was an older lady in her 40s. She was taken aback for a moment, held back her smile, and crossed the subject with a professional attitude, "How tall is he?"

Jiang Mo frowned, trying to recall Xu Yan's height in the cave, "A little taller than me."

The salesperson estimated Jiang Mo's height, "186? 187? Is it 1.9 meters?"

Jiang Mo scratched his head, "Is there a big difference?"

He really didn't know how tall Xu Yan stood up. Even before Xu Yan broke his leg, Xu Yan was always sitting in the two limited meetings they met.

The first time we met, Xu Yan was on a helicopter.

After helping him clean up the besieged mutant beasts, "Can you still live?" Xu Yan stepped on the hatch with his long legs and shouted down with a horn.

Jiang Mo raised his hand feebly, and Xu Yan dropped a medical bag.

The second time we met, Xu Yan was sitting on the high deck, "The last time the death squad recruits members, and if you join the group, you can directly obtain a residence permit in the central city."

Jiang Mo stepped onto the boat carelessly.


"Jiang Mo."



"I don't have superpowers, but I can fight three superpowers at once." Jiang Mo grinned with white teeth, "But I want the salary to be paid in advance, and I want three antidotes."

Xu Yan raised his eyelids and stared at him for five seconds. "Zuo Zhao, let him take that material away."

"What do you mean? When I beg for food?!"

Zuo Zhao stopped him and opened the supply package to show him.

It contains the antidote he needs most, which can save all three of his comrades in arms.

Jiang Mo gritted his teeth, took the supplies and left.

When we saw each other for the third time, a merchant ship came by the sea, and Jiang Mo brought his younger brother to exchange supplies, just in time to see Xu Yan being thrown off the ship.

"You have today too?" Jiang Mo's smile froze after seeing Xu Yan's broken leg.

Later, Jiang Mo used two catties of grain to exchange him for a wheelchair, and took him back to the base against all odds.

Since then, Xu Yan, whom Jiang Mo saw, has been sitting in a wheelchair.

"After all, these clothes are slim fit. It's better to know the exact height. Boys like you, sometimes you can miss a size by a centimeter." The eldest sister who bought the clothes interrupted Jiang Mo's memory.

"Or do you know the width of his shoulders?"

"He..." Jiang Mo tried to recall, but found that he had known Xu Yan for so long, and he seemed to have never looked at Xu Yan seriously. What he saw of Xu Yan were all extremely one-sided angles.

For example, his eyelashes as fine as crow feathers, his slightly raised eye tails, the redness at the corners of his eyes when he is angry, the movement of grinding his back molars lightly when he is angry, and the blue stubble on his chin when he is decadent.

He seems to have never dared to look at Xu Yan secretly, he always seems to deliberately control himself not to look at him openly.

Jiang Mo started to be irritable again for no reason, what clothes to buy, mother-in-law's.

"Don't buy it, forget it." He stood at the cashier and paid the money, his phone beeping.

Ordinarily, Xu Yan opened his mouth and gave him 40% of the shares, so he should buy something to give back to others, and express his gratitude to some extent.

Jiang Mo thought gloomyly, or just give him a wheelchair, whether he likes it or not.

Anyway, he bought the wheelchair impulsively, and regretted it after buying it, and gave it away just out of sight and out of mind.

Other things can be sent to the farm to an address. Jiang Mo didn't buy many clothes, so he was too embarrassed to let them deliver them. He went home with a few big bags.

It happened that Mrs. Zhou came back from the fair, and Jiang Mo told him a few words that she had found a job. She went to work in the past few days, turned around and went back to the house.

After locking the door, he began to silently write down the members of the previous stronghold on the paper.

Later, the composition of the residents of Island S was very complicated.

After the end of the world, several cities near S Island were completely submerged by sea water, and as long as the refugees from the surrounding cities were still alive, they all gathered on S Island.

So even knowing their names and partial information, it is very difficult to find people.

This kind of complicated and arduous task is better left to Xu Yan. Jiang Mo took a photo of the paper with the name on it and sent it to Xu Yan's WeChat.

"Help me find them."

There was silence over there, Jiang Mo thought for a while, then teased him with a smirk.

"I have prepared a thank you gift for you."

After about 3 minutes, Xu Yan sent back another photo.

It was a transcribed version of his roster, but it was a roster of thirty people, and five names were crossed out with a pen.

Jiang Mo instantly understood Xu Yan's meaning.

"How many of them have problems?"

Xu Yan replied, "It has something to do with your death, and it has been handled for you in the previous life."

After typing for a while, another message was sent, "What gift?"

Jiang Mo: ...

A little speechless.

Jiang Mo suddenly felt that he was too petty.

He didn't expect Xu Yan to help him so much in his previous life.

It seems that after Xu Yan was reborn, he didn't like to mock him very much, but he still wanted to provoke the other party's anger from time to time.

He vaguely awkwardly said, "Let's talk about it when we meet."

There was another burst of typing on the opposite side, "Okay, come to the farm tomorrow and plan the planting shed."

Xu Yan is extremely serious, and I hope he will forget about the gift when we talk about business tomorrow.

In order to bombard Xu Yan with information tomorrow, Jiang Mo also became serious, wrote a bunch of papers, and began to study the layout of the planting shed and the breeding laboratory.

He also contacted the school's laboratory teacher and asked for the contact information of the contractor who provided the school's laboratory.

After making phone calls all afternoon, I finally decided on the general framework of the planting area, and only waited for the meeting of all staff to discuss it the next day.

On the second day, laboratory contractors and agricultural greenhouse contractors gathered at the foot of Biyun Mountain.

In just one day, there were already three board houses with exquisite interiors at the foot of the mountain.

Xu Yan came out of the board room, greeted everyone, and stretched out his hand in front of Jiang Mo.

Jiang Mo was taken aback, "Why?"

Xu Yan glanced at him with lowered eyelids, and said in a low voice, "A gift."

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