Looking at the children standing in a row in front of him, Jiang Mo felt a little headache.

Except for Lin Ting, who is twelve, the oldest is six and the youngest is four.

Jiang Mo didn't know how to explain the tragedy that happened to these children, so he pursed his lips.

"Something happened to your village."

"Have they been attacked? Like the mutant creatures who came to the farm to attack that day?" Lin Ting asked, his whole body trembling slightly.

Seeing Jiang Mo silently nodding, Lin Ting burst into tears.

Xiao Douding next to him raised a confused face, "Did my father defeat the monster?"

Lin Ting put his palm on Xiaodouding's head and touched it lightly, "When did it happen?"

"Four days ago."

"Before the farm was attacked? So, did you see all of them? All of them were killed? Did you find them?"

Jiang Mo answered slowly, "The village is empty, and the people and dogs are missing. We guessed that they were dragged to Lanshan, but we didn't have any weapons at hand at that time. I couldn't let my team members take risks."

He explained, "Now we have weapons, so we are going to go to Arashiyama for an exploration, and remove the threat by the way."

"Then I'll go with you." Lin Ting's voice was trembling, but his heart was extremely calm, "I know most of the people in the village, and I want to bring them back for burial."

"Besides," Lin Ting added, "the dogs in Taiping Village are very smart, and they may not necessarily die. The farm also prepaid a lot of supplies to Taiping Village in order to buy the dogs..."

Jiang Mo frowned lightly, "I didn't mean that..."

Lin Ting shook his head, "Our relationship is very good. If they are alive, I hope to bring them out. I have learned a little bit about dog training from my uncle, and they can recognize my dog ​​whistle."

32 guns, one electromagnetic gun.

Two patrol teams trekked towards Lanshan with supplies, led by Jiang Mo and Xu Yan this time.

Walking to the foot of the mountain, there are chaotic paw prints everywhere.

Jiang Mo took out Su Yu's phone photos for comparison.

The shape is the same, but the paw prints are the size of a normal wolf.

This is the wolf's den.

He glanced up the hill and waved his team to slow down.

In a cave on Arashiyama.

Sixteen or seventeen big dogs huddled together, each with drooping ears, looking tired.

Of the two leading dogs, one had a cut ear, with a few pustules scattered on its body, and the messy hair was glued into strands of pus; one had fierce eyes, and a sharp, inch-long horn emerged from its forehead.

Behind them stood a snow-white shepherd dog, howling at the wolf outside the cave.

A dog and a wolf communicated for a while, and the voice of the wild wolf dropped. He planed the ground and threw a piece of bloody animal leg into the cave.

The shepherd dog lowered its head and gnawed at the beast's leg.

Seeing that the goddess's expression had softened, the wild wolf tentatively entered the cave.

As soon as the front paws stepped into the hole, the two vicious dogs guarding in front instantly crouched down and bared their teeth at the wolf.

At this moment, several crackling sounds like firecrackers sounded from the mountainside, followed by the wolf king's long howl.

The wild wolf hesitated for a moment, then quickly ran down the mountain.

As soon as the wild wolf was gone, the big dogs became restless.

They swept their tails and moved away, revealing a person who was deliberately hidden by them.

The man was in his 40s, lying on the ground, his face was abnormally pale, his body was stained with dried blood, his eyelids trembled very quickly, as if he was experiencing some terrible nightmare.

The shepherd dog put the animal leg to the man's mouth. With his eyes closed, he instinctively began to bite quickly, like a wild beast. Soon, half of the animal leg was swallowed by him.

I haven't woken up yet.

I ate all the food, why didn't I wake up.

The big dogs turned around anxiously, licking their master with their tongues from time to time.

Down the mountain, there was a constant crackling sound, and on the mountain, the big dogs whimpered anxiously, hoping that the owner would wake up as soon as possible and take them away.

Suddenly, the ears of the pure white shepherd dog moved, she suddenly turned over and stood up, listened for a moment, and ran firmly towards the mountainside.

It's a dog whistle!

It's the dog whistle for usual training!

"Wow - woof"

One after another the big dogs stood up, some of them lingered beside their masters, not knowing what to do, and some rushed down the mountainside without hesitation.

"It's Snow White! She's still alive!" Lin Ting excitedly pointed at the little white group flying down from the top of the mountain.

The boy was running in the snow, and he and the dog flew together. Immediately afterwards, one after another, the big dogs ran down the mountain.

Lin Ting cried so much that his nose and tears were dripping down, almost freezing into popsicles, he turned to look at the crowd, "They are still alive..."

Before she finished speaking, Snow White grabbed the hem of her clothes and dragged her up the mountain.

A group of people followed the big dogs up the Lanshan Mountain and walked into the cave where they were hiding.


"Uncle Yu?!"

Lin Ting and Su Yu spoke at the same time.

Arashiyama's operation went exceptionally smoothly.

The operation wiped out two special species and twelve ordinary mutant wolves, and brought back the delirious Yu Shu and seventeen big dogs.

And in the cave where the mutated animals lived, several piles of bones and some relics of Taiping Village residents were found.

With a battle experience and a new weapon, Xu Yan and Jiang Mo didn't even make a move, and the patrol team solved the problem cleanly.

A team of team members sent the hunted mutated animals back to the farm. The blood was used as a medium for cultivating mutated macroalgae, and the fur was stripped and tanned for winter protection.

The other team gathered up the relics and bones, accompanied Lin Ting, and brought them back to Taiping Village for burial.

After being taken captive to Arashiyama, the big dogs more or less showed some symptoms of mutation due to the intake of contaminated food.

Fortunately, they keep in mind their master's instructions and eat and drink very moderately, so the poisoning is not serious.

Once returned to the farm, they went to the infirmary.

In the past, there were rows of dogs lying on the hospital beds where people were lying. The dirty hair was cleaned, the pustules on their bodies were pricked, and the wounds were covered with an antidote made from mutated algae.

The nurses in the infirmary liked them very much. They secretly fed them snacks and rubbed their stomachs one by one, making the infirmary full of whining and barking dogs every day.

Uncle Yu's situation is much more serious.

His condition is similar to that of Zou Yang when he was poisoned. Injured and ingested pollution, his body is transforming into a mutant.

There is only one way to save him, and that is to see if Uncle Yu can copy Zou Yang's old ways.

After obtaining the consent of Lin Ting, the only relative of Uncle Yu, Jiang Mo soaked Uncle Yu in the bathtub, cut his skin, and planted living mutated algae in his body.

Newborn buds break away from the mother, and drill into the digestive tract along the mouth; black lines bulge out of the moist lung cavity; filamentous algae burst out of the skin from the capillaries, and stretch their bodies in the water greedily; the hair-like slender and soft newborn Algae, choked out from the throat along with a pool of congestion.

Jiang Mo used the skill of "Tree Demon" to carefully control the mutated algae to prevent it from overgrowth.

Uncle Yu's body was gradually wrapped in black filaments into a cocoon.

After more than half an hour passed, Jiang Mo exhaled and wiped the sweat from his forehead, "It's almost there, I have no strength, let's see his luck."

Xu Yan handed over a glass of warm water at the right time.

Jiang Mo took the warm water in his hand, paused for a moment, glanced at Su Yu and Lin Ting who were anxiously waiting beside him, and asked casually.

"If I want to know the weather tomorrow, can I ask you?"

Xu Yan froze for a moment, and suddenly realized what Jiang Mo was talking about.

His expression stretched out, his eyes sparkled, "It's not very good, I'm afraid you have to ask Lin Xinyi."

"Oh," Jiang Mo nodded thoughtfully, he slumped on the chair in a disfigured manner, and took a sip, "Then what if I want it to snow tomorrow?"

Xu Yan supported the back of the chair and leaned slightly, "I can snow anytime you want."

His voice was very close to Jiang Mo's ears, and the tone was no longer cold, just like the flames in the fireplace in winter, with the warmth that one couldn't help being close to.

The hot air brushed against Jiang Mo's ears, and even his neck burned.

Jiang Mo took a sip of water to suppress the inexplicable itching in his heart.

He restrained himself from touching his ears, and nodded calmly, "Then I know."

He handed back the empty water glass and added, "I have nothing to ask for now."

Xu Yan took the water glass he handed back, "Do you still want to drink?"

Jiang Mo shook his head.

The water cup was put back to its original place, and Xu Yan walked back, "Other mutant plants, you never seem to worry about their reproduction."

He pointed to the mutated algae that wrapped Uncle Yu, "This one won't work?"

Jiang Mo thought for a while and felt that he had no special reason to hide from Xu Yan, so he explained, "Normal mutated plants, even if mutated, are resistant to pollution, but it is not. It is against the polluting side from the root. If planted mine……"

Jiang Mer paused, "Breeding field."

"It kills other plants."

Xu Yan nodded thoughtfully, and pointed at Uncle Yu, "Then I want to send him to Tongxin Club, okay?"

Jiang Mo looked up at Xu Yan, wanted to say something, but closed his mouth again, "It's up to you."

Uncle Yu was awake longer than Zou Yang.

It took him a long time to wake up in the afternoon. The bathtub was already full of withered mutated algae. As for the living new algae, they were already hidden under his skin and merged with his body.

Because of this encounter, he who could not successfully awaken his powers awakened—he could understand the semantics of animals, and he could also communicate with animals in a simple way.

Jiang Mo briefly explained the current situation to him, and Uncle Yu smiled heartily, "It would be nice if I could save my life. Speaking of which, can I eat the meat of mutated animals now?"

The expression on Jiang Mo's face changed, "Aren't you afraid that they will grab food from you in your stomach?"

Uncle Yu made up the image of the dense black silk threads protruding from his stomach, entangled with the food...

"Hey!" He squatted in the corner and covered his stomach.

three days later.

Jiang Mo handed the temperature drop notice to Su Yu, "The forecast that Lin Xieyi just got, there will be another big temperature drop of about ten degrees in three days' time."

"Understood, the refugees outside the farm will be notified to me."

Su Yu picked up the loudspeaker and went downstairs from the reception room.

The snow on the farm has been cleared, but there is a flattened ice road outside the gate.

Su Yu led the patrol team to transport the necessary supplies to the newly remodeled, red-painted sled.

He let the two team members get on the car first, and walked around to the sled car by himself.

Nine fluffy big balls came over immediately, their tails wagging like fans.

Su Yu was impartial, and stroked each dog's head one by one. After touching enough, he put a piece of dried meat in the dog's mouth and helped them put on the reins.

"Fight!" Raising the reins, the nine sled dogs raised a cloud of snow fog, pulling the sled cart and galloping across the snow.

"Fluorescent Farm! The latest notice!"

"Three days later, there will be a big drop in temperature of about ten degrees! Residents, please prepare for the cold in advance!"

"Fluorescent Farm! The latest notice!"


Red-painted sleigh cars speed along flat ice roads.

Su Yu raised the horn high and sounded the alarm, not forgetting to maintain order in his mouth, "Excuse me, unicorn, don't go to Snow White, the car will be squeezed by the two of you!"

"Snow White, hurry up and get in the car! Huskies and Alaskan pull sledges, what trouble do you border herds!"

"Come on, furballs! I'll give you jerky after going up this slope!"

The author has something to say: the antidote is set to only treat patients with mild infections, so Uncle Yu will not come back, and the mutated dogs will also maintain the mutated state.This will be patched later~ I’m afraid everyone will be confused, so let’s talk about it first~


Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: lucky1;

Thanks to the little angel who cast the landmine: Sadako does not forget 2 well diggers; please use 1 non-stick pan, Yuntutu, Baichangyi Human Ideal, and [-] priest;


Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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