The salesperson was running around in a hurry, and she was also blocked by Chinese cabbage and couldn't get out.

She can't get out, who sells vegetables!

"Who came up with such a bad idea!" Selling Chinese cabbage all at once depends on the physique of this cabbage. Can it be sold all at once?

"Second Boss." The uncle from the meat stall next door carried a ladder and climbed down from the cabbage mountain at the back door.

Oh, Second Boss, it's all right.

The uncle put the ladder on the pile of cabbage and supported the salesman, "Come on, you go out first, and I will hand you the scale later."

Salesperson: ...

Jiang Mo strolled down the mountain, and when he reached the gate of the market, he stood and watched from a distance for a while.

Watching the little girl of the salesperson turn out from the pile of cabbage with the scale in her arms, and a bunch of people underneath reached out to pick it up.

Seeing someone holding a cabbage that was half the height of a person, he staggered a few steps and knelt on the ground with a "plop".

Jiang Mo grinned.

He sighed comfortably, and carried the shovel down the mountain.

The romance of farming people is to produce so much that they block the gate!

Wei Xinghe led a group of people, carrying shovels, waiting for Jiang Mo at the buffer zone.

"Let's dig." Jiang Mo gave an order, and the patrol team dispersed to the flower bed, carefully digging out the mutated apricot tree that had spread its canopy.

Jiang Mo stood on the side, helping them control the restless mutated twisted vine.

In order to protect the saplings, the mutated apricot tree and the mutated twisted vine were intermingled with each other, and the mutated twisted vine was aggressive to all creatures that approached.

As a result, no one dared to move the tree without Jiang Mo present.

The time of these tree species is different, and the medicines used are different, so the degree of growth is also different.

The largest apricot tree is already two people high, with a spreading canopy, and it looks like it will bloom and bear fruit this year, while the smallest apricot tree is only a shrub-sized seedling.

Jiang Mo led people to disperse these apricot trees outside the farm.

For the smaller saplings, he planted one or two trees in the circled cotton tent area.

For the larger saplings, he scattered them outside, mostly in high-lying places where no one comes and goes.

I don't know if the mutated apricot tree that has run out of medicine can bear fruit in the first year. If it can bear fruit, the refugees will have more food.

As for the pine saplings, Jiang Mo did not transplant them outside the farm.

Now transplanting it out, I am afraid that the tree will be cut down if it does not grow.

He transplanted all the pine saplings to the mountains in the buffer zone, intending to slowly accumulate seeds and plant a forest.

Just as the saplings were planted, Jiang Mo saw Lin Xinyi rushing over, "Brother Jiang! I couldn't find Brother Xu just now, so I came to you first."

Jiang Mo shook the soil on the shovel, "What's wrong?"

Lin Xieyi ran out of breath, "The latest news is that there will be a strong cold air going south in November, and there will be a blizzard on S Island on the evening of November 11, and the temperature may drop to minus ten degrees."

Lin Xiyi took a deep breath, "Also, if the temperature drops, it shouldn't rise again, because there are still several blizzards expected in the future."

Jiang Mo sighed.

What should come is still coming.

He couldn't remember the time of the first blizzard in the last life, but he hurried and managed to catch up.

He told the people who were working on the side, "Cover these mutated plants with grass curtains, and don't touch them in winter."

Then I looked back at the cotton tent area outside the farm and felt quite a headache.

According to the original plan, we only live in cotton tents, and the time is just enough to move in after the plants mature.

But now that he has Li Mei's skills, if he wants to make the tent better, he can only use the "Fury" skill to ripen it in advance, allowing more time for the transformation of the tent.

Using the "Fury" skill is too mentally exhausting, and he can spawn up to 50 plants a day.

In the next few days, I can only sleep less.

11 month 5 day.

The temperature plummeted.

Since the temperature dropped below zero after the first snowfall last time, it has never been brought up again.

According to this level, I am afraid that I can only wear down jackets in winter.

More and more people gathered in front of the cotton and cloth stalls on the second floor of the market.

But what is reassuring is that no matter how many people go to buy cotton, the cylindrical barrels are always full of cotton.

The order for the tailor shop on the second floor has been lined up for a month, and some dexterous people who know how to make cotton clothes have the opportunity to take over the job.

The price is not expensive, ranging from one fluorescent coin to two fluorescent coins, and you can pay with cotton and cloth.

Lin Xue came down from the market, holding two large nylon bags of cotton.

She walked up to the little girl waiting at the door, "Come on, I'll send you down."

"No, Aunt Lin, I can handle it." The little girl smiled sweetly, showing two small canine teeth.

"It takes a long time to walk down the mountain. How can I ask you, a little girl, to carry it by myself." Lin Xue handed her one of the lighter bags, and carried the heavier one by herself.

"No need, Aunt Lin, I will be very happy if you give me the job of making clothes."

Lin Xue ignored her, and raised her hand, "Walk, walk, if you keep talking, it will snow heavily."

Lin Xue and the little girl Zhao Xinyue both work in the newly opened textile factory on the farm, and the two work next to each other, and they have the best relationship.

For tailoring work, most people like to find people who live on the farm. These people have clean homes and will not stain their clothes.

Lin Xue didn't think so.

She thinks that clean people are clean everywhere, and dirty people cannot be cleaned up even if they are given a good house.

She thought the little girl was very nice. Although she lived outside the farm, she was well-kept, good-natured, and dexterous.

It's not easy for anyone these days. Her son is the captain of the patrol team, her husband is in the plantation shed, and her family has a good life, so she wants to help others.

"You just buy this little cotton, can you survive the winter? I heard that someone outside has started to build a wooden house? Can the wooden house prevent snow?"

Zhao Xinyue shook her head.

"Everyone thinks differently. Most people are saving to get into cotton houses."

Naturally, Lin Xue also heard that the farm has newly opened several thousand square meters of territory outside, but she is more curious about the cotton house that can live in.

"Can it really grow as big as a tent?"

Zhao Xinyue gestured, "It's bigger than a tent! More than 300 have been petrified now, and the workers are installing doors and windows one by one."

"The cotton is said to be bred by the second boss with the mutated plants he collected."

Speaking of this, Zhao Xinyue laughed, "Did you know that there is an information hall next to the second department of the market, and the second boss has been collecting news about mutated plants in the information hall."

"In the past, one fluorescent coin was one message, and everyone said that the second boss was stupid and had a lot of money."

Lin Xue also laughed, "No one talks about it now?"

"Now I am amazed how no one has found a mutated wheat."

The germination of the mutated canopy cotton is like a signal flare in the dark night. Although it is weak, it makes everyone see infinite hope.

Since mutated cotton can grow so much through breeding, will there be mutated wheat and mutated fruits in the future?

The apocalypse shatters people's hope of living, but there will always be new hope emerging.

There are quite a few others like Zhao Xinyue who received tailoring jobs.

Some of them are contacts they met through working as temporary workers; some were tailors originally, and they won orders based on their previous reputation.

From time to time, people chatted with cotton bags at the gate of the farm.

"If you take another ten orders, you will be able to raise enough money to buy cotton tents."

"My husband has arthritis, so he can't go out to pick up wood in winter, thanks to your family taking care of the business."

"The last place to join the group, is anyone coming? Five girls will join a tent. Only single women."

On the other side, a girl in a gray patrol uniform and a red shawl was standing at the gate, talking to a woman.

The woman held two five or six-year-old children in her hands, raised her head and called her sister in a milky voice.

I don't know what they talked about, the girl solemnly patted the woman's shoulder, turned and left.

"That's Captain Li Si." Zhao Xinyue looked enviously at the back of the girl leaving.

Lin Xue also looked over, "I heard that she is a very capable girl."

After leaving the woman, Li Si did not go back to the dormitory, but went directly to the office building to find Fang Nan.

"I want to adopt two children, what procedures do I need to go through?"

Fang Nan raised his head from the computer, looked the girl up and down, "You?"

He didn't know about others, but he remembered that Li Si hated getting along with children.

If Zhang Yuanzi, who never knew what was on his mind every day, came to say this, he would still believe it a little bit.

"Yes." Li Si replied decisively first, seeing Fang Nan's puzzled eyes, she thought for a while, "Zhang Yuanzi thinks too."

It's okay, even if she doesn't want to, go back and discuss it with her, she will think about it.Li Si said in his heart.

Fang Nan thought about it seriously, "Do you want to take people to live on the farm?"

Adoption of children is a private matter of employees, and the farm should not intervene, but if you want to take people to the farm, you need to intervene carefully.

Li Si pursed his lips and raised his head, "It's not difficult for adults to get through winter, but children get sick too easily, without a warm living environment and without enough food, winter is a nightmare for all children."

Her face was beautiful and sharp, with stubbornness and indifference written all over her face, but her drooping fingers clenched the corners of her clothes uncomfortably.Perhaps as the captain of the patrol team, it is a little inappropriate to ask to bring outsiders into the farm.

Fang Nan looked at her for a while, then suddenly chuckled, "Sit over there, I'll discuss it with the other two."

He gave Li Si to the sofa, made her a cup of coffee, picked up the phone and called Xu Yan and Jiang Mo.

After a while, two people came in one after another.

Hearing Fang Nan's report of the current situation, Jiang Mo pondered for a while, "Actually, there are still two vacant villas, which are normally heated in winter and can be converted into schools."

Jiang Mo quickly realized that something was wrong, "But the villa area is the central area of ​​the farm, so it would be bad if someone infiltrated it."

"Let's use the building next to the first part of the market. It's bigger, and it can accommodate more people." Xu Yan looked a little tired. He stirred a cup of strong coffee and spoke lightly.

Jiang Mo looked at Xu Yan in surprise. The building was really big, with six floors and nearly 200 rooms.If you pretend to be a child, you can hold thousands of people.

But this building is intended to be used as a commercial center.

Xu Yan's generosity is really unbelievable.

Jiang Mo couldn't help but think of Lin Xieyi's words.

"Disagree?" Xu Yan rubbed his forehead and asked.

Jiang Mo shook his head, "Agreed."

"Then follow the normal school process," Xu Yan continued, "One semester from November to March of the next year, one semester from May to September, boarding system, tuition fee of 11 yuan per semester, board and lodging fee of 3 yuan .”

"30 coins is not a small amount for outsiders." Fang Nan was a little confused.

"The farm is not a welfare institution, and the rules cannot be changed." Jiang Mo glanced at Xu Yan and smiled softly, "But Zhou Guifen plans to donate 1.5 fluorescent coins to 500 places."

As the second shareholder of the farm, the dividends and wages he received were simply inexhaustible. What's more, after the wage reform, he could get [-]% of the profits from all the lab sheds. This [-]% profit alone was enough for Mrs. Zhou to squander.

"Well," Xu Yan seemed to have expected Jiang Mo to do this, he took a sip of coffee and leaned back on the chair.

"Then Xu Yan also donates 500 places."


Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: 1 hairy cat;

Thanks to the little angels who irrigate the nutrient solution: 100 bottles of orange fat fat claws; 80 bottles of passerby B; 10 bottles of Lingxi susi;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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