Jiang Mo stood up and stretched his shoulders, looked at Zhang Yuanzi, "Come with me, and help me monitor his movements."

Then he opened the offices and strode towards the warehouse.

The road to the warehouse was all uphill, and Wang Cui was out of breath. Fortunately, he had a full meal at night, and now he will treat it as a digestion.

But speaking of it, the farm supplies are really rich.

When he visited today, he had already memorized the general defense of the farm, and as long as he found out what supplies were in these warehouses based on the warehouse map given by Director Wu, he could escape unscathed.

After all, the farm is such a big force that it is impossible for the Tongxin Society to be completely defeated. We can only pick the warehouses with abundant supplies first.

After walking for more than half an hour, Wang Cui was a little afraid that the people in the cafeteria would find him missing, so he finally saw the warehouse gate.

Five huge gates with a width of more than ten meters and a height of five or six meters are lined up and embedded in the mountain. In the dark night, the darkness is particularly oppressive.

Wang Cui was overjoyed and ran forward a few steps.

Suddenly, he saw a vague figure standing beside the warehouse.

At this moment, the vigilance was raised to the highest level, Wang Cui stepped lightly on the ground, aimed at the man and was about to rush up, but saw the man wave his hand, and there was a rustling sound from the left side.

He dodged to the right reflexively, dodged the attack, stumbled, and was wrapped around his ankle by something.

That thing was like a jigsaw, stabbing his ankle sorely, as if it could wring his foot off in a second.

Fortunately, he has a wealth of combat experience, he did not panic, drew out the dagger and cut, and the pressure on his ankle was instantly released.

It seems that it is not a wire or some kind of trap, it should be something like vines.

Wang Cui thought of the mutated plants he saw when he entered the farm.

It would be easier if it wasn't steel wire or traps. Mutated plants were easy to cut, but they could only be attacked mechanically, so they didn't pose any threat.

He took advantage of the momentum and rolled forward. Sure enough, the vine behind him made a sound of breaking through the air, but it didn't hit him at all.

It's crooked.

Wang Cui Yixi was about to get up from the ground when he suddenly felt something wrong under him.

Just as a "bad" thought flashed through his mind, the vines under him suddenly tightened, densely packed with jagged leaves and cut open his coat.

He was pulled aside with great force.

The vines wrapped around his wrist, and the dagger fell to the ground with a clang. The leaves cut open the back of his hand, and blood oozes out.

Wang Cui gasped in pain, gritted his teeth and broke free.

He himself is a power-type mutant, his giant strength is not much worse than the vines, and his tolerance to pain is extremely strong, after a few struggles, he actually broke the vines loose.

Seeing that he was about to get out of trouble, the man in the shadow raised his hand again.

The vines swung up high and threw him onto the thorny tree next to him. At the same time, several vines around felt the movement here and slowly extended over.

The tiny leaves made a rustling sound as they touched the ground.

This is the attack method of normal mutated plants.

And tied to this fast-responsive plant...

That person can control mutant plants!

Wang Cui's whole body tensed instantly, and he entered a state of extreme vigilance.

However, at this moment, he suddenly felt a chill down his spine, as if he was being attached to by something extremely terrifying.

A creepy feeling spread all over the body.

He didn't have time to react, his body froze suddenly, obviously there was nothing restraining him, but he seemed to be shattered by fear, unable to move at all.

"Ho, ho ho..." He opened his mouth wide, his eyes were almost protruding, and unknown saliva flowed from the corner of his mouth.

Jiang Mo was also shocked by the sudden change.

Just as he knocked the intruder into the branch of the thorn rose, he clearly felt the rose tree becoming restless.

The pure black thorns trembled slightly, as if they were excited to eat something extremely delicious.

Immediately afterwards, the intruder seemed to be drained of blood, and his body shrank at a speed visible to the naked eye, shrunken...

In less than 1 minute, he became alone.

The breeze blew, and with a "click", the dry intruder fell to the ground and turned into a pile of gray powder.

The rose of thorns stretches its branches as if spiritually.

Under the starlight, a red flower bud slowly emerged from its scorched black and thin branch.

Buds gradually plump and bloom.

A huge, perfect blood-red rose, standing alone on a branch.

[Variation Thorn Rose: A rose with thorns, currently only has thorns, it doesn't want to bloom for the time being. 】

Jiang Mo finally knew how to make it bloom.

"It...it bloomed..." Zhang Yuanzi crawled out of his hiding place with limp legs, his lips were trembling, and he seemed to be quite frightened.

"I see." Jiang Mo said.

After a few seconds, he said again, "Let's go."

Zhang Yuanzi gritted his teeth and glanced at the thorny rose in the dark. In the special field of vision, the crimson light was on the huge rose, making it look delicate and charming.

She shivered and followed Jiang Mo down the mountain.

Jiang Mo went straight down to the second floor of the restaurant, greeted everyone one by one, and explained the details of the contract to them.

Most of them came here for the farm, and they were idiots to leave when they saw how the farm was treated so well.

The first [-] people signed the contract without saying a word, and the little man had a satellite phone in his hand, so he called his family members directly and asked them to leave the camp as planned.

The remaining five people in Li Xiyuan's group, besides the dead Wang Cui, not only expressed their willingness to stay on the farm, but also thanked the big brothers for their loyalty and never forgetting to take them with them.

Only the two under Wei Jing didn't want to leave.

The atmosphere in their group is harmonious. Although life is not as comfortable as living on the farm, the group is full of brothers who go through life and death together. They don't want to abandon the boss and brothers.

It's just that the two of them were about to go out when they were stopped by the big man with someone, "You are leaving now, how can our family members come out?"

More than twenty people surrounded the two of them, not speaking, but their intentions were obvious.

One of them, surnamed Zhu, was dissatisfied, "Your group Wang Cui is gone, why don't you let us go!"

"Wang Cui?" Only then did everyone realize that their expressions changed!

Wang Cui usually looks gloomy, and everyone doesn't like to get along with him, and he doesn't have a strong sense of presence. He belongs to the type that no one will pay attention to wherever he sits for a day.

"Oops." The little man glanced at Jiang Mo and was about to report.

Jiang Mo cleared his throat, "He promised me not to leak the secret, so he can go."

"Then we'll just promise you too!" Xiao Zhu raised his voice, and after finishing his sentence, he was dragged back by his companion to cover his mouth.

The person in charge of the farm is not stupid, how could he let someone make a guarantee and let him go.

Wang Cui should have disappeared forever.

After a while of silence, the little man said cautiously, "Mr. Jiang, most of our family members are women and children, can we go out and meet them?"

"Someone has already picked it up." Jiang Mo said.

In the camp of Tongxin Society, several women walked out the gate with their children in their arms, chatting and laughing.

The gatekeeper frowned, stopped and asked, "What are you doing?"

"Old Yang's family found a batch of supplies, we'll go and bring them back." The women answered in one go.

The gatekeeper pointed to a one-year-old child in the arms of a woman, "Do you want to take the child to carry supplies?"

The woman lowered her head and tightly clenched the corner of the swaddle with her fingers, "Isn't it because no one is watching the baby for me?"

"Hey, isn't that Xiao Zhu's girlfriend? And Lao Wang's wife and children." Someone pointed to the distance and said to the two.

"Are Xiao Zhu and Lao Wang also..." Someone winked quietly.

"Take it with you, let's go together and share the blessings." The women chattered.

Xiao Zhu and Lao Wang are Wei Jing's two subordinates.

The family members of these two people didn't understand what happened. Anyway, everyone was very excited. It shouldn't be a bad thing, so they followed the crowd.

Taking advantage of this interruption, the women crowded around and wanted to go out again, but were stopped by the gatekeeper, "Who allowed you to leave?"

His eyes glanced at everyone one by one, "Bring something for me to check."

Someone spat, someone muttered a few obscenities, and everyone huddled together in a tacit understanding to cover up the valuables and supplies hidden in their clothes.

The other party quickly picked out one of the people who was wearing a particularly bulky outfit, "Are you wearing a down jacket in this weather? You took off your coat."

The woman backed away slowly.

The gatekeeper frowned, and stretched out his hand to pull it. Suddenly, there was a thunder in the air, and a bolt of lightning fell straight down, hitting his wrist.

He screamed, the back of his hand was scorched black, and pink tissue fluid leaked out from under the skin.

Looking up at the sky, he saw another thunderbolt striking him head-on, he hurriedly raised his hand to cover his head, his arm was in severe pain again.

The lightning seemed to find the exact location on purpose, and hit him twice in succession. The lightning flashed, and his whole body twitched uncontrollably.

"Let's run?" a girl whispered.

The women reacted instantly, pulling each other, stumbling towards the depths of the darkness.

After running for about 15 minutes, they turned into the hidden alley they had agreed upon. They didn't see the sisters who came out first, but bumped into two tall men in suits and leather shoes.

One of the men walked over with his pockets in his pocket.

He is like a god, in this filthy last days, he is so clean that there is no dust.

The phoenix eyes were lowered, and when looking at people, he raised his eyelids slightly, cold and arrogant, as if no one could catch his eyes.

"Do you know Yang Hui and Yang Qin?" he asked.


Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: don't dye 1;

Thanks to the little angel of irrigation nutrient solution: sell 5 bottles of apricot flower; 1 bottle of non-dyed;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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