Wei Xinghe was silent for a while, "Wait until the three bosses come back, let them go outside the farm and wait for news."

"But if they don't obey..."

"The patrol team gets three times their wages, not to reason with those who endanger the farm." Wei Xinghe's expression was cold.

Several patrol members looked serious.

The usual training let them know what to do when they encounter this kind of thing, but they were just ordinary people before the end of the world, so it is really difficult for them to take action against ordinary people.

In the final analysis, he still didn't adapt to the survival criteria of the last days.

It's because these patrol members are more clever, so if they see the situation is not good, they will ask.

There are still people with poor brains who want to reason with the refugees, but are being pushed and shoved by the refugees.

Wei Xinghe really couldn't hold back, and walked over.

How could it be reasonable at a time like this.

These patrol members have lived on the farm from the very beginning, so they naturally don't realize the harsh living conditions of people outside.

The most they can think of is that wages will be deducted if they fail to complete the task, but if these refugees are driven out of the farm and their homes are flooded without food or drink, they are likely to face death.

This is simply not something that can be resolved by reasoning.

The second team leader Wang Chun blushed and calmed down, "Be quiet, everyone, don't panic, let's have a good talk."

"Talking about you!" A little crew cut jumped and scolded, "Kill them, we can stay on the farm if we kill them!"

But before anyone responded to him, he was dragged into the crowd by the ears of his old lady, "You ungrateful brat! My old lady gave birth to you for nothing!"

Xiaopingtou was dragged away, but the crowd seemed to have been turned on a certain switch.

"Anyway, if you go out, you're dead. Let's attack them! We'll take over the farm!" Another tattooed man yelled.

"Be human! We won't let you rush to the farm!" Someone among the refugees immediately expressed his attitude. As soon as he finished speaking, someone stood behind him.

The patrol team hadn't done anything yet, and the two groups were already on the verge of fighting.

However, most people still have a conscience. No matter how loud the tattooed man was, there were only a few dozen people standing beside him. At most, he only dared to push the patrol members.

But in this messy scene, no one noticed that the wretched man hiding behind him stabbed Wang Chun in the heart with a fruit knife.

Just as he raised his knife, a black shadow flew over, and the water in the puddle smeared onto his face in an anti-gravity way.

As soon as he inhaled, his nasal cavity inhaled a large stream of dirty water with alien dust, and the dirty water choked into his lungs, making his eyes full of tears.

The wretched man opened his mouth wide and was just about to breathe when he was suddenly kicked heavily in the chest.His body soared into the air, and then fell heavily to the ground, his chest was stepped on by a foot.

Wei Xinghe's ability is a water-type ability, not very easy to master, and not very lethal, but it is enough to deal with a wretched man.

Another patrol member came over immediately and kicked the fruit knife away from the wretched man's hand.

"I heard that you want to stay on the farm?" Jiang Mo's voice suddenly sounded.

Everyone present was taken aback, and Qiqi turned around.

Jiang Mo was the first to come back, and he and Zou Yang sent the people on the mutated duckweed to land, and the mission was considered complete.

Zou Yang couldn't go ashore, and had to wait for the farm's car to pull him back to the pond by the sea, so Jiang Mo went back to the farm alone.

Come back and see this scene.

His one-piece raincoat was unzipped and open at the neck, dripping water from the hood and back shoulders.

The soft hair on the forehead was tied into strands by the water, sticking to the fair skin.

He habitually bit his lower lip and smiled, his red lips lightly ground by white teeth, his jet-black pupils, and slightly hooked peach blossom eyes made him look extra alluring.

But probably only Xu Yan could tell that he was really angry.

"All of you want to stay on the farm, right?" Jiang Mo glanced at the troublemakers one by one.

He raised his hand and lightly lifted a fingertip.

In the flower bed, mutated twisted vines coiled into mosquito coils soared into the air.

It doesn't look long when coiled, but when its body stretches out, people are surprised to find that this vine can extend two to three meters.

The vine bound the wretched man, tightening it tighter and tighter, every tiny saw-toothed leaf on the vine was pulled on the wretched man like a knife and saw, and bloodshots were drawn out one after another.

"Ah, what the hell is this!" The wretched man's voice changed in fright.

He struggled hard, but found that his strength was nothing compared to this strange mutated plant.

The vines stretched tighter and tighter, the serrations sank deep into the flesh, several blood vessels were cut, and the blood stained the vines red, oozing out.

The pupils of the wretched man shrank extremely due to fright, and he shouted in fright, unable to utter a complete sentence.

Plants raised on farms... kill people...

Or is this not a plant, but... a monster?

Not only the refugees were frightened, but even Wei Xinghe and the members of the patrol team showed involuntary expressions.

It's not that they haven't seen mutations. On the contrary, most members of the patrol team are themselves supernatural beings.

But there is also a "person" for supernatural beings, and the premise is that he must be a human being.

What kind of mutant plant is this!

Usually when they pass by flower beds, will these mutated plants just lie dormant there, silently staring at everyone passing by?

It's probably a constant truth that the brain is always scarier than the truth.

"Who else wants to stay on the farm?" Jiang Mo asked.

He looked at the tattooed man, "Oh yes, you."

After saying that, he raised his hand, and another twisted vine rose into the air.

"Help, help... I don't dare anymore! I don't dare anymore!" The scream of the tattooed man echoed over the farm.


After taking care of the two troublemakers, Jiang Mo once again turned his attention to the dozen or so people who were clamoring to wash away the farm.

These people were so frightened that their legs went limp, and they apologized politely.

Jiang Mo ignored them, "Wei Xinghe, Qing people," he ordered, "except for those with white cards, all others will be cleared from the farm."

Those with white cards will stay here for a while until the evacuation plane takes them all away.

These people are intellectuals or above the middle class.

Huang Wenyu wanted to please them, and asked them to help him campaign after he went to the central city. When he sent them here, they brought their own relief food, so Jiang Mo naturally couldn't drive them away.

Wei Xinghe had calmed down now, thought about it, and beautified some people's questions with words, and asked, "Someone wants to know, is there any channel for them to join the farm?"

Taking advantage of being in front of everyone, Jiang Mo responded, "People with supernatural powers can directly join the farm, and those with outstanding talents can come to the farm for interviews. The rest,"

He paused, "You can stay outside the farm, pay attention to the farm announcements at any time, and conduct transactions with the farm."

Can trade with farms?Everyone's eyes lit up.

His words are like a reassurance, telling people that as long as they stay outside the farm honestly, there is always a chance to get help from the farm.

But the deal, what deal would the farm need?

Both sides of the transaction, one side has everything, and the other side has nothing to do, apart from selling coolies, they really can't think of the content of the transaction.

But to be honest, it's okay to sell coolies, but I'm afraid that none of these tens of thousands of people will leave, even if they sell coolies, it won't be their turn.

Jiang Mo didn't care about these people's thoughts, and told Wei Xinghe to wait for Xu Yan to go to the small conference room for a meeting after he came back, and then he shook off his raincoat and went up the mountain.

The rest of the people did not dare to make trouble anymore and evacuated in an orderly manner.

Most of the 2 people went to the evacuation airport to line up. A small number of people went home to check the situation at home. In addition, hundreds of thousands of people actually pitched tents outside the farm.

Xu Yan was the last to come back. His group encountered a few people who were sealed in an underwater confined space, and it took a while to save them.

When he came back and heard what happened, he directly removed Wang Chun and replaced him as the captain of the second team.

Then comes the official meeting.

The only participants were Xu Yan, Jiang Mo, Fang Nan, Wei Xinghe and secretary Wang Jingjing.

Now that the general framework of the farm is out, the tasks of these people are basically clear. Xu Yan is in charge of economics and overall planning, Jiang Mo is in charge of planting and production, Fang Nan is in charge of personnel and cashiers, Wei Xinghe is in charge of security, and Wang Jingjing is in charge of accounts and accounting.

After the framework comes out, the second step is to plan the next development.

"If the farm wants to expand its power, it cannot be done with only a few hundred employees in the farm, but it is impossible to absorb people without restrictions."

"The next step is to use economic means to form alliances. As long as we can trade with us, they are all our friends."

After finishing speaking, Xu Yan directly threw a blockbuster, "To achieve this goal, the first step is to mint coins."

Except for Jiang Mo who knew the news in advance, Fang Nan, Wei Xinghe, and Wang Jingjing all opened their mouths.

"This is not... a crime that will be punished by the Federation." Wang Jingjing didn't stop talking.

Xu Yan looked over, "Will there be a Federation in the future?"

"The federal lordship system has been in place for more than 500 years. The system is corrupt and is already on the verge of disintegration. Coupled with the catalysis of the end, do you think those lords will accept the federal unified arrangement and open their own granaries to receive refugees?"

"But...wouldn't this be too eye-catching." Fang Nan frowned.

"If we really want to mint coins, it must be after Huang Wenyu leaves." Xu Yan added, "Now it's just the preparatory stage."

Xu Yan went on to say, "What's more, the development of currency is an extremely slow process, which is closely related to the reputation of the farm, the income and output of the farm."

"Since it is impossible to accomplish overnight, it is natural to start planning from now on."

Fang Nan accepted it quickly, and nodded, "But we don't have any machines that can be used to mint coins in our supplies, and none of us know how to do this."

Jiang Mo replied, "The machine can be fished in the water. We have salvage boats and Zou Yang to explore the way. People can be hired now. I remember that the farm seems to have stockpiled a lot of rare metal bars before? They can be used as raw materials for minting coins."

Fang Nan: ...

He remembered cursing them in his mind when he bought the salvage boat and the metal bars.

Now he really doubts whether these two people have awakened some kind of foresight ability?

Wang Jingjing's work efficiency is very high. After the meeting in the evening, before it was completely dark, a piece of red paper with a recruitment notice was pasted on the wall outside the farm.

[Recruitment: Experienced in jewelry design or coin casting, detailed interview. 】

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