There are ghosts

Chapter 61 Skydiving

"Are you ready?" Su Bai looked at him suspiciously.

Shao Feng smiled frivolously at Su Bai, and asked Shao Wei and Shao Ling to take off their backpacks, and took out two small red backpacks from inside. They looked very small, but they were actually quite heavy.

"What is this?" Qian Dai also asked curiously, and Shao Feng also took out two small red bags in a half-squat. Ling Jianhua took two steps forward, glanced at them, and raised his eyebrows slightly: "A portable parachute? It's ready." Pretty complete."

"There is a river below. If this continues, it might be washed away by the river." Zhao Sheng glanced at it, a little vacillating.

"What's the big deal, let's dance together hand in hand, it's quite romantic." Shao Feng didn't care, playing with the red bag in his hand, how could he not take risks when he came out to do such a thing?Then snorted, they were too careful.

Jiu Yuan frowned and observed the cliff and the height. People who jump down and land will definitely turn into muddy meat. Even with the help of stone walls and resistance, even Jiu Yuan may not be sure to land safely.

"How?" Shao Feng smiled.

"It seems that's the only way." Ling Jianhua also smiled back, and glanced at the parachute in the opponent's hand, "But how many do you have?"

Su Bai also looked, Shao Ling and Shao Wei each held one, Shao Feng had two, it seemed that there were only four parachutes, how would they distribute the total of eight people?

Hearing this, Shao Feng raised his eyelids and approached Su Bai, hooked the corners of his mouth, and stretched out his hand towards him with a playful smile: "It's not easy? Everyone should bring one, I'm experienced..."

Jiuyuan quickly opened Shao Feng's restless paws with a "slap", his pupils turned slightly, and he looked at Shao Feng coldly, and it was not your turn to hug him.

Shao Feng knew that he couldn't deal with Jiu Yuan, so he stopped and cast a suggestive look at Su Bai without shame, but he couldn't get Su Bai's response and could only touch his nose and go back.

"That's a good idea, don't you think?"

Ling Jianhua glanced at them and asked for their consent. Zhao Sheng and Qian Dai met each other's eyes, seeming to bring back bad memories for Qian Dai, and swallowed: "How about... let's find out if there is a way down. Bar……"

"Are you going?" Ling Jianhua looked at Qian Dai with a smile, and finally walked out of the dense fog. Naturally, it was impossible to waste energy to go back and find the way.

Qian Dai could only give up, looked up at Zhao Sheng and said, "Then... you, take it easy..."

Zhao Sheng: "..." Can he change?

It seemed that the pair were already matched, Ling Jianhua cast her eyes on Shao Feng again, the other party spread his hands and said it didn't matter, Shao Ling and Shao Wei were brothers and sisters plus partners, so Ling Jianhua raised his eyes to look at Su Bai again.

Jiu Yuan took the first step and said coldly: "I'll hug him."

"Did you jump over the parachute? Su Bai probably hasn't tried it before, right? Are you sure that you two novices will have no problems with parachute jumping for the first time?" Ling Jian Huapi smiled, "It's safer for me to do it."


Su Bai thought about it for a while, and neither Jiuyuan nor he skipped it, so it's easy to go wrong...

"Impossible." Jiu Yuan will never let Su Bai out of his sight this time, but Ling Jianhua did not expect him to be so stubborn this time, even if he took Su Bai's safety into consideration, he would not let go. He was terrified.

Shao Feng casually threw a pack of parachutes at Su Bai, Shao Ling and Shao Wei were already ready, the burly Shao Wei easily hugged Shao Ling, Shao Ling tied his hair and held him in a habitual way The neck looks like it has undergone such training many times.

Su Bai took the parachute in a hurry, weighed it up and down, it was a bit heavy, there are two red drawstrings on both sides of the shoulder strap, Shao Feng added: "It's very simple, just pull the rope together after jumping, and control the direction Too."

"Oh." Su Bai nodded to express his understanding. It's not that he hasn't seen others jumping on a parachute, it seems quite simple, so he thought for a few seconds, raised his head and suggested to Jiu Yuan: "May I hug you?"

Jiu Yuan was silent for two or three seconds, and said, "No, it's too dangerous."

Su Bai was furious: "Neither of us skipped any pretense! Just let me hug you!"

Jiu Yuan: "..."

Now that there is no wind, the brothers and sisters of the Shao family nodded to Shao Feng and jumped down first. Zhao Sheng picked up the parachute and carried it on his back. He also nodded to Ling Jianhua with Qian Dai in his hand, and then jumped down with Qian Dai.

On the other side, Su Bai became awkward. He parachuted with a red umbrella on his back and walked to the edge of the cliff but hesitated to jump. Jiu Yuan frowned and had no choice but to wrap his hands around Su Bai's waist. An Xin's temperature, Su Bai, who was calling the shots for the first time, suddenly felt that he was finally a man, so he gritted his teeth: "You hold me tight!"

Jiu Yuan nodded helplessly, tightened his waist, and strode out.

The figures of the two disappeared in an instant, "Oh!" Su Bai couldn't help squinting his eyes when the huge airflow hit him. Su Bai's teeth chattered due to the rapid fall. He wanted to stretch out his hand to pull the red rope but was blocked by the airflow. Some faintly soft.

Su Bai kept breaking out in cold sweat and was a little scared. If he failed to pull the rope successfully, both he and Jiu Yuan would... Horrible scenes appeared in his mind. Wouldn't this kill the real Jiu Yuan?wipe!What was he thinking just now!

If Jiu Yuan is allowed to come, it will definitely not be like this. If there is a next time, Su Bai will swear that he will never be a hero again!

Zhao Sheng looked up and saw that Su Bai and Jiu Yuan hadn't opened their umbrellas for a long time, and frowned. Could something be wrong?

Jiu Yuan seemed to have noticed that something was wrong with Su Bai, and it was impossible to help him pull his waist with his arms around his waist, so he comforted: "Su Bai, it's okay."

Jiu Yuan's sonorous and forceful voice came from beside his ear, with a bewitching low voice and the constant body temperature from his waist conveyed into the depths of his heart one after another, it seemed to give Su Bai great encouragement, and Jiu Yuan has always been protecting him he.

He doesn't want to be anyone's burden and protection object...

He didn't want to look so useless.

He is also a man.

Su Bai kept taking deep breaths, raised his trembling hands vigorously, even his eyelashes trembled slightly, and finally covered the two red ropes fluttering in the wind, Jiu Yuan's thin lips were slightly hooked, and his eyes looked at him gently, shallowly Whispering: "Little quinoa...Su Bai..."

Pull it down hard!

At the same time, Jiu Yuan lowered his head and covered Su Bai's lips, with the scent of grass and the other party's unique smell, and his breath was chaotically intertwined.

With a sound of "bang", the red parachute was instantly as bright as a flower blooming in the sky. Su Bai felt his world spinning and his heart almost stopped beating. The strong wind swept his body and emptied everything in his mind.

This moment stimulated Su Bai too much, giving him the illusion of amnesia.

A bright red parachute covered the two of them, and the two figures intertwined in the air.


Ling Jianhua saw that everyone above jumped out, but he still stared at the direction where Su Bai and Jiu Yuan disappeared.But he had to face the reality, so he could only look away expressionlessly.

Shao Feng picked up the loose strands of hair on his forehead, made a very handsome pose, and winked at him.

"I can only make do with it. Should I hug you, or should I hug you? Or should I hug you?"

"..." Ling Jianhua responded with a smile, I want to throw you to death.



When Su Bai and Jiu Yuan landed, the parachute was hung on the tree, but this height was not difficult for Jiu Yuan. He let go and Su Bai jumped down first. Yuan caught it firmly.

The blush on Su Bai's face hadn't dissipated yet, but his attitude was not as resistant as before. He shook his head and looked around. He didn't deliberately adjust his direction, but luckily he didn't fall into the river.

"Everyone seems to land in different places, how do we find other people?" Su Bai walked while talking, and happened to land not far from the river, so he walked to the river with Jiu Yuan to check.

Jiu Yuan raised his eyes and pointed at the top of his head, a red shadow swayed in the air, Ling Jianhua and Shao Feng were the last to jump down, just follow their direction and go round.

Apparently other people thought the same way, everyone rushed over after Ling Jianhua and Shao Feng landed.

After Ling Jianhua came down, his face was obviously not good. Su Bai was a little curious about who could make Ling Jianhua so angry, but he shut up after seeing Ling Jianhua's faintly dark face. Two people.

Ling Jianhua lowered her eyes and saw that Su Bai's heart was filled with agitation, but he still looked calm. Seeing that he was getting closer and closer to the truth, the haze in his heart was getting bigger and bigger. If he wasn't the reincarnation of Jiuli...

"Huh? Where did Qian Dai and Zhao Sheng go?"

Su Bai obviously noticed it too. The group stood by the river and waited for a while, Shao Feng said lazily: "Could it be that they flew far away? There's no signal here, just wait like this?"

Ling Jianhua calmed down and glanced at him, thinking he might be unprepared?

After a while, a burst of light burst into the hazy sky and exploded. Su Bai looked familiar. Isn't this a signal flare? !Ling Jianhua tidied up the package, looked in the direction of the signal flare, and raised the corners of her mouth: "It seems that they are luckier than us."

If he remembers correctly, that direction is the direction of the Wutuomu tribe.

Taking advantage of the trend, I looked for the direction, pushed aside the heavy branches, and saw a stone road winding down, surrounded by stone walls.

For some reason, the stone wall above was still dripping with water, and the irregular stone steps were covered with moss and ground. Su Bai stepped on it carefully, feeling slippery.

To be honest, Su Bai didn't expect that the residence of the Wutuomu tribe was at the bottom of the canyon, and the surrounding area looked like a water curtain cave...


Stepping on the moss, Su Bai's foot slipped, Jiu Yuan stretched out his hand to catch him, but he was a step too late, Su Bai staggered a few steps and rolled down the stone steps!

Jiu Yuan quickly chased him down, Shao Feng laughed gloatingly, Ling Jianhua gave him a gloomy look, and quickly chased him down, Shao Ling curled his lips, it was really useless like that kid.

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