There are ghosts

Chapter 56 Tent


Su Bai was dragged into the tent by Shao Feng and fell to the ground. He didn't realize what happened. Su Bai only felt a pain in his back, and Shao Feng squatted beside him, grabbed Su Bai's collar and approached him again. .

"Does it sound good?"

Su Bai was having difficulty breathing because of the tight grip on the front of his shirt, he tried to break it off with his hands but the other party still didn't move at all, Su Bai raised his eyes and his eyes were full of panic.

"Are you the ones who took away the materials of the Wutumu clan?" Shao Feng continued to approach Su Bai, and asked this sentence in an affirmative tone. Su Bai immediately tensed up when he heard Shao Feng's words, and kept silent, but behind his back In a cold sweat.

The flickering candlelight made the expression on Shao Feng's face look a little weird, the corners of his mouth curled into a warm arc, he let go of Su Bai suddenly, stood up and looked at him: "You heard it all, we are not here to explore, They came to rob graves."

Su Bai swallowed, his whole body was a little weak, and the clothes behind his back were already drenched in cold sweat. Yes, he had known for a long time that this was a group of tomb robbers, real tomb robbers.

Shao Feng's eyes stared at him like some kind of reptile, Su Bai didn't dare to look at him, and looked away a little guilty.

"You know what we want." Shao Feng said with a slight smile, "Maybe we can make a deal?"

Su Bai shook his head honestly, and said in a hasty tone, "I don't know what you're talking about. We just came to explore out of curiosity. If you don't believe me, you can ask Qian Dai."

"Exploration..." Shao Feng snorted, repeating Su Bai's words in his mouth.

"No, that's right..." Su Bai's heart was beating violently, and Shao Feng's ambiguous attitude made him feel a little uneasy, "If you don't believe me, you can... Uh!"

Shao Feng suddenly stretched out his hand and grabbed Su Bai's hair and tore it, mercilessly pulling it in front of him, still staring at him with a smile, and said with a smile: "Are you on an adventure with a special yellow watch paper? You are a Feng Shui master." ?”

His scalp was so painful that Su Bai yelled in pain, his anger soared, he almost forgot that he still had the ability to move, so he lifted his foot and kicked him hard!

Shao Feng just blocked Su Bai's attacking kick with one hand, sneered a few more times, and twisted the hand holding Su Bai's hair a little bit harder, Su Bai yelled in pain and dared not move.

"Fuck, you have the ability to let me go! What kind of a hero is pulling your hair!"

Su Bai bared his teeth from the pain, not daring to act rashly, and scolded him angrily.

Shao Feng licked his tongue close to Su Bai's ear, breathed out softly, but the words he said made people shudder: "Well, besides pulling my hair, I have a thousand more fun ways to make you tell the truth, do you want to try it?" ?”


Su Bai's back felt cold, and his body was still covered with cold sweat, being blown by the cold wind, as if he was in an ice cave.

"Hey, I'm gentle." Shao Feng smiled brightly and coquettishly, and cast a wink at him, and Su Bai's expression immediately became ugly as if he had eaten a catty of flies.

Shao Feng looked at Su Bai with great interest: "Can you tell the truth?"

Su Bai was silent for a while, and told him it was nothing, anyway, they were not doing it for money, let alone for that Muchen Bead, as long as you don't kill people while he and Qian Dai are alone, you will suffer if you find Jiuyuan!

"We are indeed looking for the tomb of King Miaojiang."

Shao Feng touched his head smoothly: "That's right, we are all grave robbers, so there is nothing to hide. But grave robbers like you and that kid are quite rare."

Who is like you!Su Bai gave Shao Feng a hard look.

"Hehe, since he is a fellow, that gentle-looking guy has probably told you that our goal is not for money, and there is no conflict of interest with you, maybe we can help each other?"

Su Bai thought about it seriously for a while. Of course he knew that the Shao family's Feng Shui skills were extremely weak but they were proficient in tricks. This time, Mr. Hu didn't say that there might be some tricks in the tomb...

But his intuition told him that this group of people might be more dangerous than the agency, and their hearts were unpredictable.

Shao Feng approached Su Bai and asked, "How is it?"

Su Bai tried his best to ignore the arrogant face of the other party who said "you have no choice at all": "It's useless for you to tell me, the gentle guy you mentioned is the one who takes the lead, and the information is also in his hand." Here, Qian Dai and I are only responsible for going down to the tomb and connecting."

He didn't lie, even they haven't found the tomb yet, Su Bai calmed down, not to mention that Ling Jianhua was the one who organized this operation, he had no right to do anything at all.

"Is it……"

Shao Feng's cold and gloomy eyes were full of scrutiny, and he spit out two words lightly. Su Bai looked back at him without fear, and the other party let go of Su Bai and stood up after hesitating for a while.

Su Bai, who was freed, quickly got up and rubbed his scalp, and stared at Shao Feng vigilantly, only to see him wave his hands in dissatisfaction and say, "You follow me for now, I believe you can find them, if you do anything else... ..."

The threat is self-evident.

It means that he and Qian Dai are safe for the time being, and Su Bai is not so afraid anymore.

Shao Feng sighed lightly, took off his leather jacket and was about to rest. He turned his head and saw Su Bai still standing at the door in a daze, so he raised his bangs on his forehead, and changed his tone with a bit of frivolity and temptation: "Although today I'm a little tired, but if you want to stay, I'm fine, okay?"

"...Goodbye." Su Bai turned around and opened the tent and fled.

Almost ran out as if fleeing for his life, the bonfire was extinguished outside and it was pitch black, in order not to wake up the others, Su Bai tiptoed back to Qian Dai, seeing him smacking his mouth twice and still sleeping soundly, Su Bai really wished he could A slap to wake him up.

The emerald green leaves dripped a drop of crystal dew, the sound of the rushing water by the river woke everyone up, and the birds and insects sang and the breeze beat the leaves and grass in the early morning.

Qian Dai went to sleep early last night and got up in a daze in the morning, seeing that everyone had already got up to pack their things, so he yawned and patted Su Bai: "Hey, I'm up!"


Su Bai was threatened and intimidated by Shao Feng last night, so he fell asleep very late, and now he obviously didn't have enough sleep, so Su Bai whimpered twice and turned his head to continue sleeping.

Qian Dai rubbed his chin and let out an "Aiya". It's rare to see this kid lie in bed. Could it be that he traveled too hard yesterday?Tsk tsk, I can't even stand this bit of suffering, tsk tsk is really useless...

"Hey—get out of here!" Qian Dai stretched out his hand and rubbed Su Bai's exposed head, seeing that the other party still didn't respond, he grabbed him and shook him, and shouted in his ear, "Ah, hello— —!”

"what happened?"

Shao Feng walked over curiously with a backpack in his hand and asked, Qian Dai backed away when he saw him, pointed at Su Bai from a distance and said, "I was just waking him up, I don't know what happened to him yesterday, but he slept like this today die……"

Qian Dai muttered and stretched out his hand to shake Su Bai again: "Hey, hey! If you don't get up again, I won't wait for you!" Su Bai opened his mouth slightly, and rubbed his hand as if dissatisfied, but Qian Dai slapped him away in disgust. .

"It's okay." Seeing this, Shao Feng said in a very good temper, completely opposite to yesterday's image, he seemed very interested in Su Bai like this, and was a little eager to try, "I'll hug him."

Su Bai suddenly opened his eyes, and seeing Shao Feng's malicious face, he immediately scrambled and hid behind Qian Dai.

"..." Qian Dai was full of question marks, unable to figure out what happened.

Shao Feng folded his arms and smiled very satisfied when he saw Su Bai hiding behind Qian Dai like a frightened bird.

Su Bai stared at Shao Feng's leaving back with tears and gritted his teeth, he suddenly missed Jiu Yuan so much...

"..." Qian Dai looked back and forth between the two, still full of question marks.

Su Bai squatted by the river and scooped up a handful of river water. The cold water slapped his face and drove away half of his sleepiness in an instant. He looked up at the green forest in front of him. The endless feeling.

Then there was another boring and long road, Su Bai was always wondering that it seemed that Shao Feng and his group didn't know where the tomb was, so they just searched aimlessly like this?If the tomb is buried below, how do you know it was found?

Su Bai tried his best to peel off the vines, grass and branches blocking the way ahead, but I heard that the burial styles of ethnic minorities are also different...

Gradually away from the river and continue walking into the depths of the forest, although the green eyes are protected, the plants will also cause visual fatigue after several days. Fortunately, some colorful creatures often appear to watch them curiously.

"Hey, why don't you come across a decent animal or beast after we've been here for so long?"

Qian Dai walked behind and tugged on Su Bai's clothes, and said in a low voice, "Didn't 90.00% of the forests in the movies have large wild animals? Lions, tigers, bears..."

"Why did you come out? Did you come out to eat you?" Su Bai squinted at him, thinking of the next long journey, he felt faintly agitated, but he was also quite curious that he didn't even see a shadow for so long.

Qian Dai snorted, pointed at Shao Ling who was walking in the front and whispered: "If you want to eat, you have to eat a woman with her delicate skin and tender flesh! Huh, let her ignore me... If she is caught I will definitely not save her if the monkey catches her, maybe I will mend her feet..."

Su Bai was speechless when he heard Qian Dai whispering in his ear, only women love to hold grudges like you.

The wind stopped beating the branches as if it had stopped. I haven't heard the sound of insects and birds for a long time. The deeper you go, the quieter you go.

Why did it become so quiet all of a sudden...

Su Bai looked around and couldn't see any changes. Shao Feng was keenly aware of the strange atmosphere, and raised his hand to signal them to stop.

The few people standing there, including Su Bai and Qian Dai, did not dare to act rashly. Su Bai looked up at the sky and there were no birds passing by. Time was as dull and quiet as if it had been stopped.


The grass in front seemed to move a bit, and I don't know if it was caused by the wind. Shao Feng put his hands between his thighs calmly, and pulled out a small black gun. Su Bai hadn't noticed it before, so he couldn't help but tighten his hands. strap.

Six pairs of eyes stared at the grass ahead, until Shao Wei tentatively picked up a few branches and threw them over. After waiting for a long time without any movement, Su Bai was relieved, and he knew what to say. ...

In the next second, there were two violent movements in the grass, and a brown-yellow shadow jumped out very quickly. In the blink of an eye, a huge monster appeared in front of everyone, baring its white fangs, staring at them viciously.

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