Su Bai turned his head to stare at Grandma, a little surprised: "Grandma, so you can talk?"

The granny nodded and stared at the wooden box intently. Her old hands kept shaking. Ling Jianhua picked up the silver jewelry in the box and said slowly, "Grandma? Do you know this thing?" Although it was a question, her tone was sure.


Grandma sat on the side of the bed silently and took the silver jewelry from Ling Jianhua's hand, rubbing her hands repeatedly as if she had gotten something lost and recovered, Su Bai lowered his head and took out the paper from the wooden box to glance at it.

Sure enough, there were information about Utuomu written in it, but Su Bai naturally couldn't understand these things similar to ancient Chinese, so Ling Jianhua took over.

A gleam of ecstasy flashed in Ling Jianhua's eyes, he finally got the information of the Wutuomu clan...

"I got this thing under the stone statue of Wutuo Tamu Banner." Ling Jianhua suppressed his excitement, calmly put down the information in his hand, raised his head and shot at the dazed grandma with sharp eyes, "Grandma should know this thing, right?" ? Especially this delicate pattern?"

Grandma was startled when she heard the words, her cloudy eyes turned to Ling Jianhua dully.

"I've seen this pattern when I was searching for information before. This special pattern has changed over time, and not many Miao people know about it anymore." Ling Jianhua smiled and looked at the silver jewelry in Granny's hand, "And this pattern is just right but black Invented by the Tuomu tribe."

Grandma shook her hand vigorously, stared down at the silver jewelry and remained silent.

Su Bai was a little puzzled: "Why do the patterns of the Wutuomu tribe appear on the stone statues of the Wutuomu tribe?" Tourmaline also curiously guessed, "Maybe it's because of the collateral relationship of the Wutuomu tribe?"

"Grandma may have to tell us about this."

Ling Jianhua smiled warmly, took out the silver bracelet she bought last time and handed it to Grandma, but the other party didn't take it, so Su Bai took a look, the patterns on the silver bracelet were [-]% similar to those on the silver ornaments!

The [-]-year-old grandmother raised her weather-beaten face, her head was covered with silver threads, and her two deep-set eyes revealed a sense of sadness, but her tone was still alert: "Cough... who are you? Why do you want to know about Wu Tuo? Information about the Mu clan?"

Su Bai shook his head and quickly clarified: "We are not suspicious people, we need these things for special reasons."

"special reason……"

Grandma got up and turned her back, muttering: "What special reason do you need to know about the things of the Wutumu tribe that are over a thousand years old?"

"This..." Su Bai was a little embarrassed, maybe she wouldn't believe it if she told it?Ling Jianhua smiled, and said frankly, "Grandma, do you believe in reincarnation?"

"Reincarnation..." Granny paused when she heard the word, and looked back at him suspiciously, but her eyes subconsciously fell on Su Bai, and she suddenly grinned, "Hehe... reincarnation... I didn't believe it before, but now I'm old." It’s hard to say these things.”

"You believe this too?" Tourmait was speechless. How much mental preparation he had made for himself before he could barely believe it.

Grandma spoke again to the silver jewelry in her hand: "This thing... the last time I saw it was 40 years ago."

40 years ago?

Su Bai's gaze also turned to the faintly blackened silver jewelry in the old man's hand. Compared to the millennium, the number of 40 years is quite acceptable.

"I am... a descendant of the Wutuomu tribe. I have been living here since I came out, carving and selling silver ornaments. A young man came here with this silver ornament 40 years ago and asked me about it. Regarding the matter of the Utumu tribe, hehe, he said he was the patriarch of the Tamu tribe."

Patriarch!Su Bai's eyes widened, and he couldn't get it right in his mind, is he the current patriarch?still……

Jiu Yuan's fingertips moved slightly, his face was as indifferent as ever, but Ling Jianhua's eyes slipped a gloomy after hearing this, and he looked up at the grandma who was still in memory.

"I didn't believe it at the time, because the real Uto Tamu tribe has long since disappeared, leaving only some younger generations with thin blood to toss around. But I was very surprised that he was holding our unique silver jewelry. He asked me about Utumu I told him about the matter of the Wutuomu tribe. After the death of King Miaojiang, the Wutuomu tribe had already declined and had long been hidden from the world.

He came over after hearing this for a while before nodding, he seemed very sad, I just remembered that he vaguely said a word before he left, this is life..."

"After that, there was no news. After a period of time, I heard that the materials recording Wu Tuomu in the temple disappeared, and that person seemed to disappear. After 40 years, I actually saw it again... Hehe, maybe this is fate...?"

Grandma's old tone is mixed with sighs about fate. I heard that people may really know the destiny when they reach a certain age?


Su Bai's mind shook after hearing this, and the back of the red-robed old monk next to the prayer wheel appeared in his mind, as if he had said the same thing, could it have something to do with him guarding the prayer wheel and the wooden box?

Ling Jianhua rubbed her chin, glanced at Su Bai secretly, and raised the corner of her mouth: "If he did it, then why did that person hide the information about Wutuomu? It's still hidden in this stone statue... ..."

Su Bai keenly noticed Ling Jianhua's veiled glance, and turned his head uncomfortably. Maybe the other party was protecting the Wutuomu tribe?But if he is really the patriarch of the Tamu clan, he should have an enmity with Wu Tuoken, how can he protect them?But if not, who is he?Why do such things?

Perhaps this matter can only be solved by finding the tomb of King Miaojiang?Or, it is impossible to know in a lifetime.

Su Bai slightly raised his eyes and glanced at Ling Jianhua, should he tell him about the old monk in red?

Thinking of turning his gaze to Jiuyuan, he seemed indifferent and didn't care about this story. To him, perhaps only the matter of Jiuli was important...

Why did you think about this again?Su Bai bit the corner of his mouth, feeling a little breathless in the small and dreary room.

"However, there is still a small piece of silver jewelry missing."

Grandma's eyes are full of nostalgia, and her vicissitudes of voice seem to have traveled through time and space, returning to the yellowing era in her memory. She has never returned to her hometown for so many years. She has long forgotten the reason for coming out, and her rough and dry fingers rubbed against the silver jewelry.

At this moment, Jiu Yuan became interested: "A piece is missing?"

Grandma returned to her thoughts and nodded to him, and put the silver ornaments in front of them: "Look, the patterns on the silver ornaments are two watch sparrows standing on the branches, representing companionship, and our tribe likes this pattern with good meanings the most. But this piece of silver ornament only has the pattern of half-watching sparrows guarding each other."

"Watch sparrow?"

Grandma kindly explained to Tourmaline: "Watchfinch is a unique couple bird. It is said that as long as you see a watchfinch, you can stay with your beloved girl. Our tribe loves to make silver ornaments with this pattern as gifts for lovers."

"It means this is just a part of the silver jewelry?" Su Bai asked, such a small piece weighs so much, how big is the whole...

Staying together...why was it cut off in half?

Jiu Yuan stared at the silver jewelry in Grandma's hand, then looked at Su Bai who looked confused and confused, sighed softly, his eyes were deep, wondering if he still remembered the piece of white jade with both ears?

"You know everything you need to know." Grandma put down the silver jewelry in her hand, dragged her heavy body and got up slowly, "I can't tell you anything else, although I don't know what you are going to do with the Wutuomu tribe, but I still want to help you." I advise you to give up."

Ling Jianhua immediately asked: "Why?"

Grandma was silent for a while, and shook her head: "I don't want you to disturb my clansmen, they are not only extremely xenophobic, but also the area is very dangerous." After finishing speaking, he opened the curtain and drove Su Bai and others out, "I want to rest, You go after dawn."

They walked out of the house silently, not knowing if grandma was really asleep, the four of them were relatively silent.

Su Bai stretched himself. He was tired all night and had to escape all kinds of pursuits tomorrow, so he felt drowsy when he thought about it with a slumped face: "Let's take a rest too?" Tourmaline agreed, saying that he had not been relieved of the double blow to his body and mind. come over.

Ling Jianhua took out the materials and silver jewelry and put them in the backpack. The wooden box was too big and inconvenient to carry. After seeing that Su Bai and Tourma had fallen asleep, they started discussing with Jiuyuan. The most important thing now is how to escape from HN Province, Miao The village is located at the border of HN province and X province, so it is not difficult to say.

He has arranged for someone to meet him on the national highway, as long as he passes tomorrow's barrier.

After discussing for a while, no matter how careful Ling Jianhua was, she couldn't have predicted what would happen the next day, so she had to adapt accordingly.

After lights out, everyone went to sleep with mixed feelings and thoughts.

the next day.

When it was still daylight, Su Bai was woken up by Jiu Yuan, "Mmm..." The exhausted Su Bai whimpered dissatisfied twice and buried his head in his arms, his soft voice was like a kitten that didn't get enough sleep.

Seeing this, Jiu Yuan was silent for two or three seconds, looking at Su Bai who seemed to be acting like a baby, suddenly he didn't want to wake him up.

His eyes lingered for half a night, then he turned to Tourmaline who was sleeping with Su Bai expressionlessly, and lifted his foot.


Ling Jianhua, who was looking at the map, suddenly heard a tragic cry.

Su Bai, who heard the movement, got up sleepily, while the face of Tourmaline who was attacked was so dark that it looked like they were about to start a war, but Su Bai was still at a loss.

Ling Jianhua spoke lightly with a hint of sarcasm: "You don't have to pamper Su Bai too much, it's not certain whether it's Ah Li's reincarnation."

With an indifferent expression, Jiu Yuan raised his chin slightly, and gently shook Su Bai awake, obviously ignoring Ling Jianhua's sarcastic words.

Ling Jianhua's eyebrows twitched, and she said softly to Su Bai: "Get up, we still have a long way to go today."

"Oh..." Su Bai rubbed his eyes, and remembered that the current situation could not allow him to lie in bed willfully, so he patted his cheek to drive away the drowsiness, but the only thing that bothered him was that his paper talisman was still left in the inn ahh...

Ling Jianhua studied the map all morning, and now it is impossible for people who have been looking for a night to rest at dawn. It should be a good time to change people, as long as they go around to crowded places and get out.

"By the way, grandma, she..." Su Bai looked inside, there was no movement in the room, as if he hadn't woken up yet?

"It's better not to bother her." Ling Jianhua got up and flexed her joints, put away the map and information, walked softly to the gate and listened for a while, "There is no one outside now, let's go."

"Okay, but how do we get out?" Su Bai nodded and asked, seeing Bixi's resentful face staring at him, he couldn't help but get goosebumps: I obviously didn't kick him...

"I studied the map. The gates outside the village may not be easy to get out. The mountain road is easier. Let's try to see if the mountain road can lead directly to the national road."

Su Bai also agreed, he had nothing but a small bag on his body, and there was nothing to tidy up. Finally, he raised his head and took a deep look at Grandma's room, opened the door and went out.

Walking through the alley carefully, the journey was safe and sound. Those Miao people seemed to give up searching and blocked the door, but only a few dozen people had seen them. If they followed the crowd through the door and slipped out, they wouldn't recognize them, right?

Su Bai thought so luckily.

"Huh? What's that?" Tourmaline suddenly called out.Su Bai glanced at the paper with portraits on the slate wall not far away from the corner of his eye. When they passed by, the four of them took a few steps to check, and Tourmaline shouted again in surprise: "It's our portrait!"

After hearing this, Su Bailian turned pale and rushed forward, is he wanted? !

He is such a good young man who made progress in the May Fourth Movement, and he will be wanted one day! ?Su Bai felt extremely regretful in his heart!He really shouldn't have come out with Ling Jianhua to do such sneaky things!

It is really shameless to teach the master carefully...

Huh, wait...

Su Bai squinted his eyes and looked carefully. All four of them were drawn in the portrait, but only the faces of two were specifically drawn on it, and the other two wore masks and only described the specific attire.

Well, the point is to draw the faces of the other two people...

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