There are ghosts

Chapter 38 Visiting the Temple of Miao King at Night

Ling Jianhua spread her hands: "Well, Su Bai may be the reincarnation of King Huaiqing."

After hearing this, Tourmaline pulled Su Bai's face and looked carefully, with an expression of disbelief: "Are you kidding me?" Su Bai's face was hurt by Tourmaline, and he slapped his hand away vigorously.

Bixi took two steps back, her expression distorted: "You said... Su Bai might be Jiuyuan's younger brother? The reincarnation of King Huaiqing? Isn't this too bizarre?"

"Believe it or not." Ling Jianhua sat down again, with a light tone, "Jiuyuan came from the ancient Yu country."

"But..." Bixi couldn't refute, she glanced at Jiuyuan and was a little unconvinced, "Then what's the matter with King Miaojiang?"

The atmosphere fell silent for a moment.

Su Bai was also silent. If Bixi knew that Ling Jianhua was the reincarnation of Emperor Taikang, would she think they were partnering to fool him...

Tourmaline glared at the three people in front of her with her hips on her hips. Seeing that they were all silent, she shouted angrily, "Speak clearly to me!!!"

Seeing this, Su Bai quickly got up and covered Bixi's mouth, and whispered softly: "OK, please, keep your voice down, do you want to wake up this family?"

Tourmaline wanted to pull Su Bai away, but she didn't dare to use too much force, so she grabbed his hand, looked straight into Su Bai's brown pupils, and said in a sharp tone, "Since you were taken away by that group, do you know how much I worry about you! Okay? It's easy to find you, but there are so many people who know you better than me, obviously I know you first, but in the end I don't know anything!"

After finishing speaking, Su Bai was stunned by his words. To him, Tourmaline existed just like a master, getting along like relatives and friends. If he hadn't insisted on coming, Su Bai would rather Tourmaline didn't know anything. good.

His eyes suddenly dimmed. This kind of thinking seemed too selfish for someone who cared about him.


Ling Jianhua's face suddenly became as cold as ice, a shadow cast across his eyes, and a slightly ironic corner of his lips curled up.

Seeing this, Jiu Yuan frowned, his eyes were not as indifferent as before, Ling Jianhua glanced at him and raised his eyebrows slightly, as if he decided to give Bixi an answer: "Since you want to know, I will tell you."



In the following time, Ling Jianhua told Tourmaline everything, including his identity.

Tourmaline still felt unbelievable after listening to it, her voice trembling: "So, so you are going to steal the information of King Miao Temple now?!"

"Hush!" Su Bai threw on Tourma again, covered his mouth tightly with his hand, and looked carefully at the second floor.

Ling Jianhua rested her forehead and sighed. No matter how you look at it, this combination is unreliable...

"Keep your voice down!" Su Bai stared viciously at the stunned tourmaline, if this family heard it, something big would happen!Tourmaline nodded dully, Jiuyuan slowly got up and pulled Su Bai up: "It's getting late."

Ling Jianhua also glanced at her watch. It was already 01:30 in the middle of the night. She was supposed to leave at 12 o'clock, but now she wasted so much time: "Let's go first, we'll talk when we come back."

After finishing speaking, Su Bai quietly went to turn off the light, and the three of them simply packed up their luggage and looked at Tourmaline together.

Tourmaline stood up and puffed her chest out, feeling her sense of responsibility suddenly increased: "I'm a policeman! This kind of thing is illegal!"

"Then you wait for us here."

Ling Jianhua didn't care. After finishing speaking, he led Su Bai out lightly, and Jiu Yuan walked in front without looking back.Seeing this, Tourmaline hesitated for a while, swaying left and right, and finally decided to catch up with her teeth: "Hey! Wait for me!"

Although you can't curse them, at least you can supervise them to deepen their mistakes, can't you?

The village at night is full of mysterious feelings, the night wind blows through the hair, and the four people move quietly under the night.Jiu Yuan, who was walking in front, hid in the darkness, with an indifferent temperament, and a pair of cold eyes seemed to have long been used to the darkness.

Su Bai walked behind Jiu Yuan, looked up at his back from time to time, turned his head and asked Ling Jianhua softly beside him: "Do you think there will be guards inside?"

Ling Jianhua nodded, very sure: "Such an important thing inside will not be left unattended, so we have to find a way."

Tourmaline followed the three people and was constantly struggling in her heart. Three months ago, she and Su Bai went to investigate the tomb robbery incident, but now she is doing this kind of thing with them...

No, he must give him a good judicial lesson when he goes out this time!


Su Bai stopped in his tracks and looked up at the Miao King Ancestral Hall in front of him. The large and magnificent ancient building was filled with exaggerated and thick colors under the night, creating a mysterious and terrifying atmosphere.

The gate was tightly closed. Su Bai looked around and walked to the wall, and patted the yellow wall about two meters high: "Is there a back door? How can the wall be so high?" Ling Jianhua shook her head and called Tourmaline to come , the two acted as a ladder for Jiuyuan together.

……All right.

"Ho!" The nimble Jiu Yuan climbed up the wall and jumped up, stood on the fence, took the rope thrown by Ling Jianhua, jumped down neatly, and tied it to a nearby boulder, Su Bai pulled the rope to make sure After stabilizing it, I wrapped it around my hands twice, took a deep breath and climbed up.

After finally climbing up the wall, Su Bai's thin-skinned and tender palm was almost worn out by the hemp rope. When he jumped down, Jiu Yuan just caught him. He opened Su Bai's palm and frowned slightly.

"It's okay." Su Bai withdrew his palm in embarrassment, shrank back, and then Bixi and Ling Jianhua also jumped down smoothly, and then officially began to explore Miaowang Temple.

Relying on the dim moonlight, Su Bai could barely see the front clearly. Holding the flashlight, Su Bai walked for a while to the lobby during the daytime. It was quiet and empty, but the cigarettes were still burning inside.

This place is really big. After all, it is also a temple. It is not easy to find the place where the clan information is kept.Having wasted a lot of time before, Ling Jianhua proposed to search separately, and found a mobile phone to contact.

"Okay." After talking, the four of them spread out to look for it. Su Bai didn't have a good sense of direction, so he stepped over the gate and searched aimlessly. To be honest, it's really a bit strange to come to the temple alone in the middle of the night to do some sneaky things. cowardly.

Su Bai tried his best not to go to places with Buddha statues. In the late summer, he could still hear the sparse singing of cicadas. From time to time, he looked up at the stars in the sky, as if he could be careless no matter what he did...

"What's in here?"

Coming to a courtyard, Su Bai poked his head in and saw rows of rooms inside. It is very possible that the materials are stored in this room?So I approached carefully and listened to my ear, but there seemed to be no movement inside.

Suddenly, out of the corner of his eye, he saw a figure swaying back and forth not far away, Su Bai supported the pillar and immediately squatted down.

Is it tourmaline?Thinking about it, Su Bai quietly approached the figure, crouched behind the grass and looked, it was a generous figure with a tall felt hat on his head, Su Bai was startled, what the hell, it's a Miao man!

There are people patrolling!

Su Bai held his breath and backed away quietly. The sound of footsteps rubbing against each other seemed to startle the Miao people who were patrolling in front, "@#¥%#?"

I rely on!How did he come here!

Su Bai cursed inwardly, and moved to the side with hands and feet. Although the sky was dark and the moonlight was not so clear, seeing the Miao man getting closer still made Su Bai's heart beat faster. He lowered his head and picked up a small stone and threw it forward. !


The sound of the stone falling to the ground successfully attracted the man to turn around to check, Su Bai took the opportunity to get up and run back, hiding around the corner.

"?" The Miao man seemed particularly clumsy, and when he saw that there was nothing unusual, he turned around and walked towards this side.

In the end is to run out or into the room?After spending a second thinking, Su Bai resolutely pushed the door open and went in. There are people patrolling this place, maybe they are here to find something!

He stretched out his hand to open a small slit, retracted it, and immediately turned around and closed the door lightly without making any sound. Seeing that the Miao man was not disturbed, Su Bai couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief.

In here...

There are more than a dozen beds lined up on both sides of the inside, with people lying on them and covered with blankets.

Su Bai's eyes almost fell out of their sockets, is this, is this the place where monks from the temple live?Isn't that person outside the relationship on patrol?

The Miao people outside the door behind him were still wandering outside, Su Bai's face suddenly turned pale, and he felt like he was locked in a cage...

Looking up at the room, it was a very simple room, except for the bed and wardrobe, there were some sundries hanging on the wall.

Suddenly his eyes lit up, and there was another door on the opposite side!

It turns out that most of the houses are connected, and the door that came in must not be able to go out for the time being, so he had to bite the bullet and go through the beds and go out through the back door, so Su Bai slowed down his breathing and walked forward tiptoely, trying not to disturb them .


Suddenly a hand fell in the middle and just blocked the way, Su Bai's figure held his breath, his eyes slowly turned to the owner of the hand, and there was no sign of waking up, so he felt relieved.

Su Bai, who was jumping up and down, simply crawled down on the ground, lowered his head and passed through the hand, and crawled forward fearfully. Finally, when he was about to reach the back door, the front door was suddenly opened with a "creak" sound!


Su Bai's reaction was extremely fast, he fell down and rolled under a certain bed in an instant, the Miao man opened the door and squinted to see anything suspicious, then closed the wooden door, but he who was hiding under the bed couldn't take it anymore!I really can't wait to get up and rush out to leave this wretched place!

But thinking about the consequences...

Su Bai still obediently crawled on the ground, and finally reached the back door when he stretched out his hand to push it open...

The door was pushed open again with a "slap"!

The heart skipped a beat suddenly, Su Bai maintained the crawling posture without reacting for a while, staring blankly at the person who opened the door.

"Su... Bai?"

It turns's a tourmaline...

Tourmaline was also stunned. The two of them lowered their heads and looked up at each other. Seeing Su Bai's distressed appearance, they quickly covered their mouths with their hands to suppress their laughter, "Let's go!" Get up and push the tourmaline out, look back and close the wooden door gently.

"Hurry up!" Su Bai grabbed Tourmaline's hand and ran out of the courtyard. Obviously no one was chasing after him, but Su Bai just wanted to run wildly, shouting wildly in his heart. picture!

"Fuck... so tired..."

After running through the corridors, I don't know how long it took to stop. Su Bai, who was so tired and sweating profusely, held his knees and took a deep breath.

Tourmaline has better physical strength than him, seeing Su Bai burst into a smile, patted the other person on the back, and curled up the corners of her pretty mouth: "Little brother."

Su Bai glanced at Tourmaline, he felt that it was useless to speak, so he just sat on the ground and sighed, every time he did nothing good in front of Tourmaline, he would lose all face in this life.

Seeing his sullen expression, Tourmaline probably guessed the reason, sat side by side with Su Bai, leaned into his ear and chuckled, "I think this little brother is very cute."

"..." Su Bai gave him an expressionless sideways glance from behind, as if to say, "Can a man be described as cute?" with that contemptuous look.

Tourmaline's pair of red phoenix eyes became more and more charming under the moonlight, the pupils burst into bright colors, staring at the sullen Su Bai radiantly, with a unique tenderness on the corners of the lips, rubbing against Su Bai's ears.

Su Bai was tickled by the tourmaline, unable to push it away, staring helplessly at the big dog in front of him.

Tourmaline sniffed the fragrance of Su Bai's body, lowered her long eyelashes, and also stared at him.The black soft hair exudes a faint luster. Even though the whole body is messed up, it does not hide the picturesque eyebrows of the young man, with a gentle and cool temperament.

He once heard from his master that his younger brother was a lonely but not lonely person. After seeing him, he never seemed to rely on anyone. He usually looked deserted, but after a deeper understanding, he found many differences.

All he could see in his mind was his expression tainted with anger, his amorous feelings when he just woke up, his curious and sparkling eyes, all of which he had never seen before...

Su Bai didn't notice the complicated mood of Tourmaline at this moment, but Tourmaline seemed to be fascinated and slowly stretched out her hand towards Su Bai. The two got closer and closer, but obviously it was not suitable to do anything in this kind of place...

"Who is it!" Suddenly, with a roar, Su Bai suddenly woke up and looked back, two figures came faintly behind him!

Fuck!This time the patrol is really here!

Su Bai really wanted to swear, so he quickly got up and pulled the tourmaline and ran wildly: "Run!"

Tourmaline, who was dragged away by Su Bai like a piece of kelp, felt depressed for a while, and he really wanted to be rude.

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