It was already night when she woke up again, and Tourmaline was lying on Ling Jianhua's upper bunk sound asleep soundlessly, Su Bai lifted the blanket covering her body and sat up, Jiuyuan should be on top of him, right?

Su Bai looked around and found that Ling Jianhua was not here, did he go out?

After sleeping for so long, I'm so hungry...Su Bai put on a white blanket and got up and poured himself a glass of water. Holding the teacup, he looked out of the window. It was already in the suburbs and there was no light at night. With the moonlight, he could barely see clearly. A large piece of field skipped in front of my eyes, I took a sip of water, it was so beautiful.

The tender-eyed young man was wearing a blanket and standing under the car window. He had clean and delicate facial features, fair skin and smooth hair on both sides, holding a steaming teacup in his hand. It felt very unreal.

Ling Jianhua saw this scene as soon as she came in, her eyes changed slightly, she walked in lightly and did not disturb him, she leaned against the car door and stared at the young man in the quiet moonlight, not knowing what she was thinking.


Su Bai felt a gaze and looked back. Ling Jianhua was leaning against the door with bread in his hand. Seeing that Su Bai spotted him, he walked over and handed the bread to him: "It's too late, there is nothing to eat, only bread, eat Bar."

"Thank you." Su Bai took the bread unceremoniously. He happened to be hungry too, so he put down his teacup and tore open the bag casually. Seeing Ling Jianhua staring at him, he couldn't help but cautiously said, "Uh...have you eaten?"

Ling Jianhua nodded: "I have eaten, I probably know that you will bring it for you when you wake up hungry at this time." Slightly curled her thin lips and touched Su Bai's head, it was as soft and smooth as imagined. Also very soft?

Ling Jianhua nodded her chin and sat back to pick up the book.

Su Bai, whose head was patted inexplicably, stood there for a while, didn't care, took a bite of bread and sat on the bedside, and picked up the travel advertisement that Ling Jianhua gave him to read, the train was still moving fast.

"Ling Jianhua..."

In the narrow carriage, the two people were silent, Tourmaline was sleeping on her back, Jiuyuan was facing them, with the sound of the train roaring, the time and space turned into a silent gray, Su Bai glimpsed Ling Jianhua's perfect side face from the corner of his eye, Some can't figure it out.

The other party rubbed the pages of the book with his fingers, but Ling Jianhua didn't move because of Su Bai's whisper.

"You really..." Suddenly closing the book, Ling Jianhua raised his index finger to look at him, Su Bai closed his mouth obediently, he probably had nothing to say, he leaned comfortably by the window when he saw Su Bai calm down .

"I know what you want to ask, but shouldn't you have an answer in your heart?"

Su Bai shook his head blankly, he seemed to know something but didn't understand anything, he didn't even know what to say when he opened his mouth just now, and there were many questions that he couldn't ask.

Ling Jianhua smiled: "Some things have no answers, what are we to you?"

them?Does it mean Jiuyuan and him?is a person?Is it a ghost?

What is it to me?friend?Or an enemy?

"I don't know..." Su Bai fell into his own consciousness.

Ling Jianhua looked at Su Bai with twinkling eyes: "Maybe I will learn something during this trip?"

hope so.

Su Bai didn't think about these messy things, simply cleaned up the bed and continued to sleep.

Looking at the moonlight outside the window, Ling Jianhua couldn't help recalling many past events.


The sun is shining brightly, and spring is blooming.

The man in white laughed and wandered among the mountains and rivers of the ancient town. Everyone was friendly to him and didn't mind his status as King Huaiqing. In fact, he didn't know why he was conferred this status.

It’s just that I occasionally went to the battlefield with my brother, and all my military achievements belonged to my brother. On a certain day, after returning from the battle for two or three days, I met the person who peeped on him sleeping that day, and I was followed by my brother for no reason, and was given the title of this idle prince. .

He will come here every time he is free. He likes to play in the mountains and rivers. He likes these peaceful breaths. The laundry woman by the river, the children walking around the corners and alleys, and the old man playing chess in front of the door are all his favorite things to watch. landscape.

"Who is it?" He turned his head suddenly as he was walking by the river embankment. He often followed Jiuyuan to the battlefield and developed a keen intuition. He was a little annoyed that he was followed again. Every time I come back here after peeping, I feel this way.

"Ah! I finally found it!" The sharp-eyed man in white caught a blue corner of his clothes at the entrance of the alley, gritted his teeth and used light kung fu to pounce on him.

"Say! Who are you!" The man in white threw himself on the man, grabbed his collar and asked viciously.Unexpectedly, the person under him was stunned, staring blankly at the young man with white teeth and bright eyes sitting on him, his grinning face became even cuter.

"Hey! What are you laughing at! Believe it or not, I sent you to the government?!"

The man got up and patted the dust on his body gracefully, lowered his eyes and said warmly to the man in white: "I have seen King Huaiqing, my surname is Ling, this is King Huaiqing's property?" Yu Jue handed it over.

"This... is my jade!" The man in white fixed his eyes, touched his waist, and his face changed drastically. Isn't this the double-eared white jade that he and his brother wear together!He secretly scolded himself for being so careless!If you don't see your brother, you have to scold him to death!

He took Yu Jue in a hurry, his cheeks were a little hot: "Thank you, I'm sorry I misunderstood you just now..."

"No problem, King Huaiqing."

"It's fine to call it Jiuli from now on! The title of King Huaiqing is really ugly..."

"Nine quinoa..."



"Hey, get up!"

Su Bai, who was in a daze, opened his eyes and looked around. Tourmaline was grabbing his shoulders and shaking him. Su Bai waved his hands irritably as if chasing away mosquitoes. Tourmaline: "Hey——Su Bai, are you a pig?"

Damn, you are a pig.

Su Bai angrily opened his eyes and glared at him, only then did he realize that they were on the train, Ling Jianhua and Jiu Yuan had already sat up, so they coughed twice and got up and rubbed their eyes: "Are you almost there?"

"Well, Ling Jianhua said there are still three or four hours left." Tourmaline nodded.

Su Bai turned his head mechanically: "Then why didn't you wait to call me in an hour or two?"

"Because I can't take it anymore!" Tourmaline shook Su Bai again, as if she had a nervous breakdown, "Do you know what state these two people are in when you are asleep? It's even cooler than the air conditioner! Especially when that guy sees Who looked murderous, and all the passing passengers were scared away by him! There are a few timid people who thought he was a robber and almost called the police!"

Tourmaline turned her head to look at the car door, Jiu Yuan snorted coldly and continued to be the door god.

Su Bai: "..." Why did he stand at the door?

Of course, he didn't want to stay in the same space with Ling Jianhua, and at the same time he had to look at Su Bai, so he could only stand at the door.

Ling Jianhua looked at the book calmly, saying that he didn't care, anyway, Tourmaline came to clean up the mess in the end.

... Now he began to doubt whether the trip would go well.

Su Bai got up, twisted his neck and moved his joints, looked at his phone, it was already nine o'clock in the morning, he finished two or three bites of bread that he didn't finish eating yesterday, and got out of the car to find something to eat.

While chewing bread, I thought that I had a very strange dream, but I couldn't remember it again...

"What are you going to do in a few hours?" Su Bai turned his head and asked Bixi. He washed an apple and was stuffing it into his mouth. He glanced at Su Bai and shook his head blankly. Then why did you call me up so early? ?Su Bai endured it, and took out his mobile phone to play games.

After playing the game for two hours, Ling Jianhua closed the book and looked at the scenery outside the window. He had already gradually entered the urban area. He told everyone to pack up their luggage and get off the bus. Su Bai yawned: "I'm going to the bathroom."

Jiu Yuan followed him without saying a word, and Su Bai didn't bother to care about him when he saw this. Some embarrassing things often happened in the bathroom on the train, because there were often people sleeping on the floor at the door, smoking or charging. The couple hugged and blocked the door, Su Bai hesitated and stepped forward: "Excuse me..."

The couple ignored Su Bai and continued to make out.

"Excuse me, is there anyone inside..."

The couple looked at Su Bai irritably, the man caught a glimpse of the tall man behind Su Bai, Jiu Yuan's cold eyes looked at him condescendingly, as if he was in hell.

"Yes, I'm sorry..." The man couldn't help trembling, pulled his female companion and turned around and ran, his footsteps hurried: "Let's change places!"

Su Bai looked at the couple going away with some doubts, and murmured, "What happened all of a sudden?"

Jiu Yuan withdrew his gaze coldly, and had to say that he was quite useful in some respects.

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