There are ghosts

Chapter 16 Spider Nest

Su Bai stared blankly at the huge spider web, is this the nest of those spiders?There were a few small spiders and human-faced spiders sliding on the criss-crossed spider silk. These spiders seemed to be very busy climbing up and down. Su Bai slowly turned his gaze to the white silk nest in the middle.

Inside...inside is a giant spider—! ?

The giant spider was about tens of meters tall, covered with fluffy fur, its huge body was covered with dense human faces, its legs moved slowly and clumsily, its head was lowered as if it was eating something, and it didn't notice what Su Bai was doing. side.

"Su Bai——!" Zhao Sheng crawled to the entrance of the cave and saw Su Bai sitting there in a daze. Seeing himself, Su Bai waved to them and responded in a low voice: "I'm fine." After speaking, he subconsciously looked for Mr. Hu and Professor Lin. Where did they go?also fell? !

"Be careful!" Suddenly there was a gunshot not far away, and before Su Bai could react, a spider behind him who was about to attack him was shot in the head!Su Bai was startled again and took two steps back to look at the giant spider above. It seemed that there was no reaction. Out of the corner of his eye, he caught a glimpse of the source of the sound. It was a young man he didn't know!Wearing the same mountaineering suit, that person looks familiar...

"Zhou Geng?" Su Bai raised his head suddenly, that person should be Zhou Geng?

Zhou Geng was covered in injuries, and he managed to save Su Bai's life with his gun. Seeing this, Su Bai hurried over to support him: "Zhou Geng? Where are the others?" Zhou Geng shook his head weakly, "They're all dead." Su Bai was shocked, but he didn't know what to say. Zhao Sheng and the others saw Zhou Geng, and hurriedly tried to find a way to climb down. Su Bai looked around for a week and didn't find Professor Lin and Mr. Hu and Li Er. Didn't they fall into this place? ?

"Let's find a place to hide first!" When Zhao Sheng and Wang Wei rushed down to pick up the weak Zhou Geng, they quickly helped him into a nearby spider hole, settled Zhou Geng and Su Bai stood up and said, "You stay here, I'll go find him." Find Mr. Hu and Professor Lin." Zhao Sheng also stood up: "I will go too."

Qian Dai immediately shouted: "No! Then I will go too! Brother Zhao Sheng, what if those spiders come again?"

Zhao Sheng looked at Zhou Geng, who was covered in wounds, and Qian Dai, who was only five in strength, and hesitated for a while, then Su Bai waved his hand: "It's okay, I'll go and look around, there aren't many spiders here, not to mention I still have my spiders with me." Life-saving weapons."

After Zhao Sheng heard this, he could only stay and protect Zhou Geng and Qian Dai. Wang Wei scratched his head and grinned with embarrassment: "I, I just threw away the bag in order to escape to reduce the burden... Now I have a handful of Guns and knives..."

Qian Dai patted Wang Wei on the shoulder and said sharply, "It's okay! I threw it away a long time ago! Life is important, isn't it?" After speaking, he glanced at Zhao Sheng with a smile.

"..." Zhao Sheng rarely rolled his eyes at Qian Dai, expressing that he was under a lot of pressure.

Su Bai walked out of the cave cautiously, stepping on the huge spider web and proceeding cautiously. How could there be no one when he heard a scream just now?Did it fall into another hole?Or... fell under the spider's web?

Su Bai lowered his head and looked, the bottom of the spider web was indeed empty, and it was pitch black, Su Bai frowned, do you want to go down and look?

"Look for it, maybe you can find something." Su Bai bit the flashlight, there are a lot of spider silks here, grabbing the spider silk along the edge and sliding down smoothly, there is an open space below, the strange thing is that it is not dark at all It looks very transparent, why is it dark when viewed from above?

Suddenly saw an unturned flashlight not far away, Su Bai went to pick it up, it should be Li Er's flashlight!So they really fell off?

Su Bai put away the flashlight and continued to walk in the depths. There was a faint familiar atmosphere here. He should have never been to a place like this. Why did he have an inexplicable feeling?Ever since he entered the tomb, he has been acting weird. After walking for a while, Su Bai found two people sitting in front of him!It's Hu Lao and Li Er!

"Mr. Hu! Li Er!" Su Bai trotted over, Mr. Hu was obviously surprised to see him, "Boy Su, why are you here?"

"I came to look for you, Zhou Geng also found it, and it's up there." Seeing that the two of them were safe and sound, Su Bai frowned again, "Where did Professor Lin go?"

"He went ahead to explore the way. There are no traces of spiders here. Let's rest here first." Li Er shook his head.To explore the way ahead?Su Bai returned the flashlight to Li Er, and said, "I'll go to Professor Lin, and we'll find a way to go up together later." As he spoke, Su Bai walked towards Li Er's finger. There seemed to be only one road here, without any forks. mouth, and no harassment from little spiders.

Why is there such a safe place here?Su Bai suppressed the doubts in his heart, walked a few steps and found a bright light in front of him, was it Professor Lin? "Lin..." Su Bai trotted over, it turned out to be Professor Lin!It was only then that Su Bai realized that the front was actually a place similar to an ear room, surrounded by some ancient books and secretaries, and there was a square platform in the middle.

"Ahli..." Professor Lin stood quietly in front of the square platform, muttering in his mouth with an inexplicable burning in his eyes, Su Bai walked in quietly, and only then did he see a handful of silver cones on the platform, with a head like bamboo. It is as sharp as a stick, and its four sides are as sharp as a knife blade. A red gemstone is engraved on the small and exquisite shape.

Su Bai stared at the weapon in front of him and was stunned, why... there is this weapon here...

"Why are you here?" At this time, Professor Lin noticed that Su Bai was standing behind him, his tone was fluctuating, and seeing Su Bai's eyes rolling with different emotions, Su Bai did not answer Professor Lin's words, but just stared at the stage. The silver cone, as if bewitched.

In the simple and elegant courtyard, a black-haired man in military uniform rushed over excitedly, handed a square brocade box to another man in white, and said with a smile, "Xiao Li, this is a weapon specially made for you."

"This is engraved with the inscriptions of our clan's soul suppression, do you like it?"

"Like it! What's its name?"

"Soul-locking cone..." Some memory fragments that did not belong to me kept flashing in my mind, and suddenly Professor Lin grabbed Su Bai's shoulder, "What did you just say!?" Su Bai was shaken by Professor Lin, and turned back The God Empress blinked blankly: "Did I say something?"

Professor Lin stared at Su Bai, the two faces were very close to each other, and the other person's deep pupils reflected the figure of another person, Su Bai pushed Professor Lin away in a panic, "I just feel that I may see it in some ancient book. Just something like that!"

"Is that so...also...absolutely impossible..." Professor Lin gradually calmed down and let go of Su Bai, his eyes returned to calmness, but he kept a trace of doubt and inquiry towards Su Bai.Su Bai continued to look closer at the silver cone: "What is this? Why is this thing placed here?"

Professor Lin said succinctly: "The inscription on the stone gate and these things are all to suppress some kind of evil."

Some kind of evil thing... Su Bai thought of the giant spider that was gathered from the ghosts and ghosts that he saw above, all these were to suppress the giant spider above?Then they destroyed the stone gate and suppressed the souls of the dead, so they released these spiders?

No... These are more like the places where those spiders are held!If those spiders reach the ground, what a commotion it will cause... If the master finds out that I participated in this incident, he will have to peel off my skin...

"The King of Huainan..." Professor Lin bitterly bit out these three words, and Su Bai couldn't help shivering. How much enmity did Professor Lin have with the legendary King of Huainan?

"Can I borrow it first?" Since these are all used to suppress evil spirits, Su Bai wants to use them to get rid of the giant spider, so as not to go up and harm people, which is the duty of a ghost exorcist.Professor Lin took a look at Su Bai: "This soul-locking awl is engraved with the special inscriptions of the Jiuli tribe. I heard that non-clan people will be backlashed by the inscriptions if they take it."

"Uh... Jiuli tribe?" Not really... Su Bai was a little embarrassed and curious.Professor Lin lowered his eyes: "Wang Jiuyuan of Huainan and his younger brother are said to be both from the Luojiuli tribe of the ancient clan, and they later entered the ancient Yu as generals."

"So that's it." Su Bai withdrew his gaze, feeling a little annoyed, "Then how can we get rid of the giant spider above?" Professor Lin stared at Yinzhuo for a long time before slowly opening his mouth: "The one above should only be a female spider that breeds all spiders." The root matrix of spiders, and the female spider probably has no more yin energy to absorb, and has begun to eat its own kind to maintain its function."

"Eat, eat the same kind?" Su Bai knew that some female spiders would eat male spiders after giving birth, but what should we do in this situation?Just when Su Bai was frowning, a gunshot sounded, Su Bai quickly raised his head, it was Zhao Sheng and the others!

How did they come out? !Then there was a sudden earthquake, Su Bai was holding onto the platform, and he was a little unsteady, the professor's expression was extremely ugly: "Oops, that female spider was disturbed."

Following the voice, a huge figure slowly squirmed and crawled towards Zhao Sheng's group.

Su Bai was a little flustered: "Then what should I do!?" Professor Lin shook his head, with a bad expression on his face: "The female spider itself is a gathering of evil spirits and ghosts. Ordinary weapons are useless to it. Now it can only run. As long as you find King Huainan The tomb can find a way to deal with it."

How could this situation last until the tomb was found? !What's more, there is no shadow of the tomb now!Su Bai scratched his head, "Is it possible to suppress it as long as there is a soul suppressing text?" Professor Lin nodded, his eyes were a little surprised: "Piercing the soul suppressing device through it can completely destroy it, don't you... ...You will be backlashed!!"

Su Bai grinned at Professor Lin, and resolutely reached out to the silver cone on the stage: "I am a ghost exorcist."

As soon as he touched the silver awl, a slight electric current pierced into Su Bai's palm, "Hiss—" Su Bai struggled to pick up the soul-locking awl, enduring piercing pains one after another. Something pierced it, and a stream of blood flowed out. Professor Lin noticed that the inscribed red gemstone on the soul-locking awl flashed for a moment.

Zhao Sheng and the others were still up there, and there was not much time left. Su Bai gritted his teeth, picked up the soul-locking awl and ran away. A trace of surprise flashed in Professor Lin's eyes, and his inquiring gaze followed Su Bai, and he also quickly retreated.

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