The only thing Su Bai could think of was...spider silk...

Zhao Sheng's face turned pale, and he pulled out the warm hand with brute force. The man was wearing the same mountaineering suit, still steaming from his body, with protruding eyes and a ferocious face.

Su Bai was also stunned watching this scene.

"First it was that snake...then it was a" Qian Dai suddenly cried, "Why did this happen?! I want to go out! I want to go home! I will never come to this kind of place again!"

Zhao Sheng didn't say a word, he slowly closed the eyelids of the deceased, and then quickly cut open the other figurines. Inside were all people wearing mountaineering suits, and there were a few people Su Bai knew well.

"Zhou Geng is not here, there are only six here." Zhao Sheng seemed to be relieved, while Qian Dai was still crying, and Su Bai tightly grasped the spell in his palm until his fingers turned white, and suddenly he turned around and covered Qian Dai. Dai's mouth: "Shh, there is movement."

Sure enough, he heard a sparse gliding sound getting closer and closer. Qian Dai immediately shut up and shook off Su Bai's hand when he heard it. Zhao Sheng also regained his vigilance and leaned forward. He took a photo of a stranger's face with his flashlight. !

Zhao Sheng was taken aback, he had never seen this face before, how could there be other people here!Su Bai and Qian Dai were also quite frightened, their faces froze in place, staring straight at the three of them, without any movement for a moment.

"Who are you? Why are you here?" Zhao Sheng took out his pistol. Guan the shotgun had just fallen on it. He didn't speak on his face, and stared at Zhao Sheng gloomyly.

Zhao Sheng approached step by step, Qian Dai hid behind Zhao Sheng and didn't dare to look at it, Su Bai felt that this face was weird for a while, it felt...not like a living person's face, without any anger.Thinking of him slowly removing the flashlight from his face, huh?What is that furry?

Under the face of that stranger is not a normal person's body, but a black and furry thing!Su Bai moved the flashlight a few more positions until he saw a complete foot, no, it should be eight...

Human-faced spider!Su Bai almost shouted, he has seen this kind of creature before!In the past, when I helped people get rid of ghosts, an unjust ghost once attached to a human-faced spider.That human face resembles the face of a beautiful woman, constantly seducing others into being fooled and then killing them!

At this time, the human face slowly moved, Su Bai was startled, and shouted to Zhao Sheng and Qian Dai: "Zhao Sheng! Qian Dai! You two come back quickly! Don't get close to it! It is not human!"

Zhao Sheng was also startled when he heard Su Bai's words, he immediately stopped and took Qian Dai back again and again, the face had already moved completely, as if he had sensed the movement of the three people and rushed towards them!

"Fuck! What is this!?" Zhao Sheng couldn't help swearing when he saw the whole body of this face, and immediately shot it twice, "Bang bang!" He hit the spider's stomach and sprayed green spray all over the ground. Liquid juice, the human-faced spider hissed in pain, and seemed to be very angry, and suddenly burst out with one foot and stabbed at Zhao Sheng!

"Try to hit it in the face!" Su Bai pulled Qian Dai to dodge around, remembering how he had dealt with the human-faced spider before, and shouted at Zhao Sheng, Zhao Sheng knew how to turn over and distance himself from the spider, and quickly He raised his hand and shot two shots at that face, hitting the face's eyes and forehead!

The spider really curled up in pain, disgusting green liquid flowed out from that distorted face, and suddenly opened its mouth and screamed!Then there was a sound of rustling, "Run! There is more than one here!" Su Bai shouted hastily, and the three of them came out from the small door next to them, and ran wildly in the dark corridor. was not overtaken.

There is another bifurcation in front, one is an upward tunnel and the other is a corridor to the left, "Which way to go?" Su Bai stopped for a long time, and the rustling voice behind him was getting closer and closer!

Running upwards at this time is obviously a waste of energy. Zhao Sheng just wanted to run to the left when he heard a gunshot from above, and he didn't have time to think: "Above!"

The three of them ran for their lives desperately, Qian Dai's feet suddenly twisted and rushed forward, and a large number of spiders behind him had already caught up! "Don't come here!!" Qian Dai closed his eyes and shouted, Zhao Sheng's gun shot at the spider, Su Bai took the opportunity to pull Qian Dai up, the spider that was shot didn't flinch.

Seeing that sharp spider foot was about to stab Qian Daisu Bai, he gritted his teeth!Regardless of hiding, he pulled Qian Dai back hard, and urged the fire talisman in his hand, "Go!" The talisman instantly turned into a hot flame and shot out from Su Bai's hand!Hit those human-faced spiders!

As expected, those spiders were burned by Su Bai's talisman fire, rolling on the ground in pain and repeatedly rubbing their bodies, leaving enough free time for Zhao Sheng and Qian Dai, Zhao Sheng didn't want to pull up the stunned Qian Dai without thinking too much. run.

The three stumbling people finally came to the ground, Su Bai raised his head without stopping and was shocked by the scene in front of him again, this is...

……What is this?

...a pit?

That's right, there is a huge pit in front of you!It was so big that Su Bai couldn't even imagine it. Standing next to him, he felt very small. There is such a place in this underground mausoleum!What makes Su Bai's scalp tingle is that there are dense human bones under the huge pit!

Under the bones, I don't know what is glowing slightly red, it is a scene of purgatory on earth.

"This... is this the burial pit for thousands of people?" Zhao Sheng was shocked when he saw the scene in front of him, and muttered, "It is said that the king of Huainan bloodbathed the capital before his death. Ten Thousand Burial Pit..." Su Bai instantly recalled the material he had read in the cave, Huainan King really massacred the city and had people dig this ten thousand people... a sacrificial pit?

Su Bai felt that King Huainan could no longer be described as cruel, he was simply a devil, right? !

Qian Dai was tired and paralyzed on the spot. Even though he found this magnificent scene, he didn't have the heart to look at it, but he pricked up his ears and heard a gunshot, and quickly raised his arms and said to the two people: "Quick, look over there..."

Su Bai and Zhao Sheng pulled back their thoughts and looked in the direction Qian Dai pointed. The group of people surrounded by spiders on the edge of the cliff were Professor Lin, Mr. Hu and others who had separated before!

Seeing this, Zhao Sheng took out a pack of explosives from his bag and rushed over, "Professor Lin! Mr. Hu! And everyone, come here!" Everyone saw Zhao Sheng running with explosives and immediately turned around and rushed towards Zhao Sheng's direction, "Shoot! Hit that spider in the face to distance yourself! I'm going to light a fire!"

As he spoke, Zhao Sheng pinched the end of the thread, and the fuse ignited thin sparks. Here, Professor Lin knowingly picked up the gun and fired at the spiders a few times, telling everyone to get down quickly. Su Bai only heard a loud "bang" The sound was loud, gray smoke and the smell of gunpowder filled his eyes, Su Bai was choked by the smoke and coughed twice, his face turned purple, he swore that the thing he hated the most in his life was definitely explosives.

When the smoke gradually dissipated, except for the people lying on the ground, those spiders were indeed blown to pieces.

Professor Lin raised his body and coughed twice, his eyes were gloomy, "Huainan King... you are doing such things in the tomb, you don't want people to disturb you and him, do you...Puff cough cough..."

"Professor Lin, are you alright?" Zhao Sheng rushed over to support Mr. Hu, and looked back at Professor Lin and the others worriedly. Before the others recovered, Su Bai hesitated for a moment before going up to support Professor Lin. Hearing Professor Lin's soft words, I couldn't help but feel a little puzzled.

With these words, why does it feel like he has the same origin as the owner of this tomb?Although he sometimes felt this inexplicable feeling, the difference was that he felt a strong hatred from Professor Lin.

"How did you come back?" Professor Lin discovered Su Bai just now, and simply put all his strength on Su Bai, while carefully observing Su Bai's embarrassed side face, he couldn't help thinking that he was completely different from that cold and handsome face when they first met. On the contrary, it feels inexplicable joy like a cat rolling in the mud.

"It's a long story, I said you are not at ease, let Zhao Sheng tell you later!" Su Bai gritted his teeth as his feet were a little unsteady under the sudden gravity.

Professor Lin noticed that Su Bai seemed to be in a bad mood, and his tone seemed to be a little different from the original one. Could it be that something happened to them underground?Professor Lin raised his eyebrows and said nothing, Ren Su Bai hunched over him and walked away.

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