[Thunderbolt] By asking why the world came

Chapter 4 is relatively long, take it apart slowly~

The chaotic red catkins, carrying the faint fragrance of peach blossoms, enveloped him in an untouchable dream, in which were his most youthful and deepest memories... "Peach blossoms..." His eyes were drunk, I want to reach out and hold a peach petal, but the surrounding scenery is gone in a flash, and the pieces are disintegrated.

Suddenly, he woke up overnight, his eyes fell back to reality, he stared blankly at the green leaves in his palm, it turned out that the peach blossoms are just an illusion.

His one-night dreamland has long since disappeared. What is he yearning for?

"Hey, can we have a drink together?" At some point, a hearty voice broke the silence, and Crow Soul came with his elbows in his arms. Before Chang Kong could respond, he kicked a can of wine and drank it.Chang Kong glanced at it, and seemed to have not recovered: "...Do you have peach blossoms here?" He also drank in a hurry, and staggered: "Hi, congratulations, Chiba Legend has made great contributions, I believe you will be able to go back soon. If you want to see peach blossoms, you can see them when you go back." "No..." Hearing this, Changkong was full of ups and downs: "In the future, I'm afraid we will work together." "Why?" Crow Soul Yinglang raised his sword eyebrows, also surprised.

"...He chose to stay and help Ye Shi Bingquan." A few short words, spoken from Zhang Kong's mouth, were so difficult.

Son of the Sun could have lied to him, lied to him that he hadn't made those decisions, that he hadn't laid out those secret schemes... But he didn't, instead he honestly opened his heart and told the bloody truth, time and time again.

Even if he didn't understand in his heart, going back to the sun-blind people now, I'm afraid it would be nothing.Going back early or going back late, it is difficult for the sun-blind people to return to the original state, but he has always believed that if the son of the sun is willing to go back, the sun-blind people still have hope. Based on the prophecy that has been sung for thousands of years, he will be as convinced as his people he.

But unfortunately, what Son of the Sun wanted was to consolidate his power first and then make plans.Thinking about this, the hot spirit seemed to burn even more in his chest.

To help Ye Shi with military power, is it for a while, or for a lifetime?With such a big bet, who can control the future?

Are the feelings of the sun-blind people so worthless in the eyes of that person?And the future that I risk my life to follow, is this what I hope?

Hope, after all, is an extravagant wish, and myself, once again, was calculated clearly and forced to accept the fate arranged by this person... "As far as he is concerned, this approach is completely based on profit, and it can't be wrong." Also a scheming person, Crow Soul knocked his head, and analyzed: "The Pojun Mansion is strong enough to be used as a force to rely on. He has the vision to plan a strategy to seize power. It is normal to have such a choice. But..." Crow Soul frowned Wrinkled, vaguely felt that there was something slightly wrong in some link, but couldn't tell, so he had no choice but to stop talking.

Perhaps he has always been curious, if this person is ambitious, he must be coveting a longer-term goal; if not, then the purpose of this person's stay is worth pondering.

Position, the person's true position is a mystery.

"Anyway, homeless people...where else can they go?" Chang Kong drank several times, his face darkened by the mellow spirits: "But it's back to the original point, still lost its home, I lost my heart... hiccup!" "This is life." Crow Soul held up the wine, with one hand hanging on his knee, facing the eternal starlight, with a wry smile on the corner of his mouth: "Some people, even if they use their whole body If you try to figure it out, you can only leave it to fate; for some people, their ambitions have not been fulfilled, but they are already dead; for some people, they hope that the curtain will end quickly and have room for life for no reason." "Well, so to be honest, I don't know what to do Tell me about your current mood." As Crow Soul said, he had to admit the facts, and murmured: "In this game, it is obvious who is the real winner. People are not as good as God, and no matter how I do it, I can't count Chiba Legend Club Appeared suddenly! Chang Kong, following such a master, you are very lucky, you will not suffer..." He drank the last sip of his wine and let out a long breath.

After all, he had a grudge against Legend of Qianye. He spent his whole life in vain, trying to get King Xiong to ascend to the throne. The river of blood was even more astonishing. In an instant, Can Zong's years of hard work went to Kongsuo, gaining an empty name and losing real power.

A wise man can command thousands of troops.He couldn't help sighing secretly.

"No..." Zhang Kong had already drank several jars of wine, and he was in a state of drunkenness: "You don't know, a controlled life... only... only confusion, even pain, hiccup! Just like this wine, no matter how much you drink , will always be empty!..." He murmured, his articulation was somewhat slurred, but there was a unique and strong sense of bitterness in his voice.

How confused is his direction, and how empty is his heart?What does he need, what does the sun-blind people need, does that person really understand?

This jug of wine is not only out of taste, but empty, no matter how empty it is, there is no sorrow or tears poured out!Even his anger has been washed away over and over again, so what is left of him? ... "Sky, you're drunk." Crow Soul's eyes widened, and he suddenly felt the suddenness of this moment. He thought this person was usually dull, but he didn't know that he was too depressed.

In his impression, regarding Legend of Qianye, Changkong rarely mentioned the past to him, occasionally mentioned it, and always frowned, but later witnessed Qianye being plotted against, and seldom glared at him.He was curious, could the entanglement between these two people be as simple as master and servant?Why is the sky so abnormal?

Chang Kong shook his head, unable to speak anymore, got up unsteadily, and walked through the empty wine urns scattered on the ground.Crow Soul saw the upside-down back of the leaving person, thinking that he had never been drunk for a thousand cups, but he became so drunk. He didn't know whether it was because the alcohol was strong or because he was mostly drunk and worried.

But now, worrying about others is worse than worrying about himself!

In the lonely starry sky, he is most fond of frustrated people. Crow Soul kicked up the last jar of wine beside him, opened it and drank it. The more he drank, the heavier he drank, and the more he drank, but he didn't realize that the handsome figure walking from the forest was behind him. staring silently.

He was astonished at the variable power seizure.Fortunately, the elder brother and the head of the house were safe in the end. The former was forced to join the Pojun Mansion together; An Hao... "Brother." Shi Feng watched, but couldn't stand it anymore, stepped forward to stop the wine that Crow Soul put on his lips: "Drinking is harmful to your health, don't drink anymore." "Shi Feng...Little brother? You Are you coming?" Crow Soul's eyes were confused, but his mind was still clear: "This day, we have finally arrived, come! You... Do you want to drink with my brother..." The bold call, but boundless loneliness, Shi Feng couldn't understand what his elder brother was worried about, and what he was thinking about, but in a fit of embarrassment, he finally duplicity, took the wine resolutely, and drank it down in one gulp.

Life is like an illusion, you should drink a lot of it.Whether it's fighting for fame or gaining profits, Shi Feng doesn't know if this day will really come.He only knows that no matter what, he will always be his little brother, and he is willing to do whatever he does, because they are a community of life, and that is an innate and constant emotion, and he is willing to do so.

Zhang Kong's stature is a bit stumbling, and he doesn't know what kind of virtue he has become drunk. He really wants to know where his direction is, and where should he return?

In the past, he still slightly convinced himself that the Son of the Sun is the hope of the sun-blind people, at least he can bring all the light to the sun-blind people; but now it seems that the Son of the Sun is not even hope, he can't even give that hope , Unwilling to give... He was forced to give up too many things, and he could get a response, but too little... He wanted to ask why, why... Driven by alcohol, the sky came upside down in front of a house, The moonlight was outlining the shape of the house, with a deep silence that could not be bullied, but he slammed into it without hesitation.He knows in his heart that this is the only place he can seek to understand, although he also knows that even if he enters, he will never understand...Life is always doing meaningless struggle and moaning, even if it is useless, he still wants to be lost. Destiny is looking for shore.He just wanted a home, a hope...


The remnant snow has not yet melted, and the dark night is even colder.The moonlight penetrated through the window, making the room, which was already resplendently illuminated by the candlelight, seem to be covered with a layer of crescent white.

In front of the qin, Legend of Chiba has long since shed his gorgeous attire. He is dressed in white and purple embroidered, and the black silk is hanging casually. He is playing the zither with both hands. The flying shadow of the candlelight is rolling on the engraved pattern on the body of the qin. Misty Yingze.

There was a loud bang, and the fingers on the kite boiled, emitting a cold trace like the whistling of the north wind, rustling, and the sound of the kite condensed again in the midst of the urgency, like a long river frozen in ice, cut off for thousands of miles...for a moment, that The tension slows down, little overtones accompany the soft trembling of the zither strings, like the hustle and bustle of the wind, the sun rises and shines, and the bright water moves secretly... A perfect interpretation of the song stops, and the reverie that goes up and down with the sound of the piano also stops congealing.Qianye looked at Qin thoughtfully.

The sound of this zither is good, because it is a good zither, but his mind is not on the zither, but he noticed the smell at noon.

After his research, he speculated that this unique fragrance belongs to Jijing, and should be improved from a kind of "fog fragrance", which has mild medicinal properties, but has the effect of fascination.Not long ago, he analyzed its ingredients through various methods, but the powder was so fine that he could not tell the original shape, and he could only guess two or three of them, and it would take some time to make a final decision after further inspection.

Even so, he can still judge that the smell is not harmful to the human body, so Si Huan and the others are not aware of it, and they usually carry sacrificial beads to keep the sachet close to their bodies. However, once this smell is mixed with other medicines, It is hard to guarantee that it will not produce other effects, Xiongwang is an example.

It can be seen from this that if there is a need for the Pojun Mansion, the priestesses are very likely to become the next king at any time.

It turns out that the Pojun Mansion has already used this method to quietly extend its tentacles into the Taiyin Division?

Qianye thought about it, and couldn't help closing her eyes, feeling a little unsure of where it came from in her heart - after sending people to search just now, Wang Ye and Yaoxing Priest who were in prison also had this thing, which revealed the clue It was beyond his expectation, and it also highlighted the ambition of the Pojun Mansion, which has been dormant in the dark for many years.I'm afraid that I, who has just entered the core, will not be able to find out more, and Guan Shan Lingyue, who is alone outside, will definitely need others to protect... However, the power that I can grasp right now is only a handful.

The night wind outside the window was whistling, and it also caused pimples on the skin. The sense of isolation when he first came to the market seemed to come to him again. Chiba reflexively stroked his arms, but he couldn't tell where the chill came from. I feel it myself.

At this moment, there was a sudden heavy banging outside the door, which seemed strangely abrupt in the middle of the night.Qianye asked alertly: "Who is it?" "It's...it's me." Is it Chang Kong?Chiba was slightly taken aback.What happened this morning is still vivid in my mind, why did I find it at night?

After hesitating for a while, Qianye pushed the piano and stood up, opened the door bolt, and looked out through a crack in the door, those dark eyes instantly came into view, but the indifferent aura was as vast as the sea, as quiet as if To wrap him up... "What are you doing here?" Qianye asked duplicity.

The sky responded silently, the cold night wind blew gently from outside, and a stupefied smell of cold wine entered his breath, Qianye frowned slightly, feeling unhappy, knowing that he was drinking again.However, after all, it was cold outside, he pursed his lower lip, opened the door, turned around and entered the room, behind him, the sky entered silently, and the door closed heavily with a "bang", but it seemed as if he couldn't stop the loneliness and night pouring in from outside .

"What's the matter?" Chiba walked back to the piano seat, turned around and stared at him.The blooming candlelight was flickering on the sharp and handsome face, flickering and flickering, making Qianye feel aloof.

What is familiar is the breath that is always growing in the eyes; what is unfamiliar is the burning eyes with turbidity.Qianye could feel that Chang Kong had never looked directly at him so boldly, his depression and unprecedented courage seemed to be completely exposed in front of his eyes... However, he knew that it was not Chang Kong who was looking at him, but the wine. It's just an exaggerated rendering.

His expression is still so depressed and painful, deep and desperate, why does he always face himself like this?

He doesn't understand, doesn't understand at all... The moonlight is dense, moving in the golden tones of the room, gradually blending into one, falling on the hair tips, face, and cinnabar, slowly, the night is like a quiet, heavy Overlapping, reflecting the eyebrows like water, but carrying the sun's rays full of edges and corners.

Changkong watched silently, not knowing what emotion to use to identify the person in front of him: this person is the son of the sun; this person is the figure who gave him rebirth; this person is the figure he followed, and the figure who gave him a distorted fate... ... In this foreign land, he used to be afraid of losing him, but now, he can't wait to leave him; but he knows that he can't escape his snare, nor can he escape the grasp of fate.

He lost his way in the turbulent stream, and when he looked back suddenly, he was still in the same place, nothing had changed, and nothing was completely different... In a trance, his consciousness was in chaos, and he could no longer tell the real scene from the virtual scene. Suddenly, the sky moved forward One step, relying on the alcohol, raised his hand to touch the shoulder of the person in front of him, and then followed the shoulder line, slowly, slowly holding a strand of black hair, as if holding a bay of clear spring, rubbing it between his fingers, freezing it Eyes never moved.

He looked for it like this, and stared at it like this.His life was already incomplete, and this person's wit and ease broke his rare integrity, but for his own sake, he would rather give up his efforts to save him... Such a person, he should love or hate... but Unexpectedly, now, they are close at hand, but each other's hearts seem to be separated by thousands of clouds, they can't reach each other, and they are at a loss.

He didn't understand why he and him, when they couldn't meet each other, missed each other; but when they met, they just kept torturing each other, depriving each other of their remaining possessions time and time again?

What you can hold and what you can't hold are all in vain... While staring silently, the distance between the two is extremely close, Qianye can only feel the slightly drunken breath spraying on her cheeks, and there is an indescribable feeling in her chest He overflowed, and subconsciously wanted to stop Chang Kong's wanton movements, but a dazed and sour feeling surged up in his chest, making him speechless.

The hand he touched was trembling, and his eyes were trembling faintly... If he could look at him like this through the power of alcohol, why would he never want to really look at himself?

"Withdraw your hand!" After a long while, rationality suppressed the undulating ripples, Qianye removed Chang Kong's hand, and said in a cold voice: "You are drunk. If you are fine, go back!" "No... I am not drunk." The hand After trembling, he gradually retracted it, but his voice was extremely firm.

Qianye Chuanqi was slightly stunned, and in the blurred night, he looked at that hand, and saw that the palm was covered with cocoons and scars, which were clearly reflected in the candlelight, and a certain deep wound was once his own hand. healing.

That's right, it's these hands... It's these hands, for the sake of the agreement, he had to heal him and save his life even if he paid any price; I have committed a serious illness; but these hands, in the past few catastrophes that were on the verge of death, finally opened a blood path for myself... It is the owner of these hands. Some expectations?But for him, he vowed to see people in life and corpses in death, and stayed here, resulting in the current obscure situation?

Endless doubts are swaying and dissipating...Finally, he tried his best to stabilize his footsteps, but he became farther and farther away from this person.He was thinking about him from the bottom of his heart, thinking about him deeply, but along the way, why was he always chasing after that figure, making it difficult for him to walk, which made him feel more uncomfortable than having both legs lost? ... At this moment, the past is like a tide, and the strings blown by the wind are making a faint and crisp sound. There is an illusion that time is stagnant... All of a sudden, only hearing the strings vibrate "dang", Qianye suddenly regained consciousness , but saw that the sky suddenly hugged him tightly, step by step, and pushed him to the side of the bed behind him. The eyebrows that were tightly locked were like a knife, but the tightly bound arms were trembling.

He felt an emptiness, a huge emptiness, but why was there such a tight embrace, but still an emptiness?

"You—" Chiba raised her eyes to look at the figure on her body, she wanted to have a fit, but she caught a glimpse of the eyes under the dim candle, and fell silent instantly.

Those eyes were very quiet, but completely lifeless, as silent as if they had never woken up.

"What do you want to do?" He watched calmly.

"I... never know." "Let go of me." "No..." Zhang Kong frowned, his absent-minded eyes were cloudy, and he looked down at the black-haired figure below him in a chaotic breath.He stared at his face with a floating expression, as if his face was his reflection. For a moment, there was a bang in his mind, bit by bit of bitterness surged up, severely torturing him.

He was not drunk, he was not drunk... He knew very well that in this life, he had gone through many emotions with great difficulty, but every time it made him feel heartbroken.Fate reminded him that in this life, he could only keep telling himself: neither can love, nor dare to love... The whole effort can only be given to that one time, the only peach blossom, because, he knows, as long as he truly belongs to him When you have it, you will lose it in a blink of an eye, and you are overwhelmed with pain.

He is afraid that he is not qualified to love, but he is even more afraid of the feeling of loss, so he is cowardly to protect, and he is unwilling to leave just because of the hope for tenderness... However, he is eager to know why he cannot love, dare not love himself , Still so at a loss in the end?Why, in the end, he still didn't deserve it?Why, in the end, it was still the person in front of him who deprived me of everything?Force yourself to go the road you don't want to walk with?

He loves peach blossoms, he loves friends in Zhongyi Village, he loves the bloodlines that the sun-blind people gave him, and he loves every bit of possession, but in the end, everything disappears and disappears inch by inch... It is so difficult to want a belonging ?Is holding hope a luxury?

He has nothing, nothing left... Only every use, every calculation, the rest of his life is just a pawn, a pawn forever!

Qianye looked up at his resentful eyes, her heart inexplicably cooled inch by inch, but she could only face the thorny warmth, and asked blankly: "Shang Kong, why... I always see you at such times... anger?" "Then why...you want to use me again and again? Why...you always destroy the hope in my heart with your own hands? Why...my road has come to an end, and you still don't let me go !" The deadly questioning, hitting the ignorant heart hard, Qianye was full of confusion, broke free from his tight bondage, and put his arms together: "Changkong, can't you understand the current situation?" "I What else can I understand?" His breath stirred his temples, and in his eyes, there was only constant depression, like anger, resentment, and even death, reflected in those pupils, it was an endless abyss.

In this world, if you want to love too much, you will only be more disappointed; if you are forced to love what you can't love, you will only be more desperate... Qianye shook her head very slowly, very slowly, and looked into the light in his eyes, pure and persistent.All along, he wanted to possess him, but he couldn't penetrate his heart.If what the other party gives is precious, how can he ask for more?Even if what he hugged was just an empty shell... "Sky." He pursed his lips lightly, trembling inexplicably, and asked in a confused but earnest way: "What on earth... what can I give you?" He really wanted to I know, what should he do so that this person stops looking at him like this?

"Go back." The cold fragrance touched his consciousness. Although he was drunk, the emptiness in his heart made Chang Kong's mind so clear: "Go back to the sun-blind people, even... go back, it's just a blank." "Go back now, The Pojun Mansion will not let us go." Qianye frowned slightly, no matter how much disappointment he had, he could only hide it in his heart, and declared lonely: "Stay here, I will take revenge, Changkong, I will definitely take revenge... ...You don't want to believe me?" Zhang Kong shook his head: "Why... I can't count on you, but I can only rely on you?" "You still have to wield your sword for me, I don't allow you to be so depressed!" Qianye Turning his head away, he couldn't hide his disappointment in his sullen voice.They are in a difficult situation, why is Chang Kong unwilling to go with him?Keep your feet on the ground, okay?Stay on the ground for now, right?He bears too many expectations of his people, he doesn't want to disappoint them, doesn't want to... "No..." His callused hands suddenly gripped his tightly: "I... can still be your sword Or, are we all someone else's sword?" "In the end, do you resent my decision?" "Resentment, to me, is not important anymore." "Sky, as you said, fate is like palm prints, Once you have mastered it, there is nothing to be afraid of." Qianye couldn't hear the meaning of abandoning herself, she stretched out her hand to spread the opponent's tightly clenched palms, and her white fingertips stroked the palm lines, silently, stopping at a horizontal position. Wen, looked at each other with clear eyes, and said in a firm voice, "We can only wait for the opportunity." "What do you want to do?" He seemed to see the blurred chessboard again in his pupils.

"Opportunity, I will fight for it, now you only need to protect one person for me." "Who?" "Guan Shan Lingyue." "...Why?" "Jijing, you and her cannot be lost." land.That's all he asked of him, and the rest is enough for him to bear alone.

The sky stared silently, only hearing his own heavy breathing, but the hands that embraced him tightened even more, as if what he embraced was just the floating air, but it reminded him of the meaning of existence.

He knew that after his rebirth, he never had a choice, he couldn't kill him, he couldn't love him, but he must obey him... He was forced, and couldn't lose him.

"As long as you know, I won't give up, whether it's you or the sun-blind people..." The night wind fluttered, the cold white curtains fluttered, and the candlelight was dense like smoke, as if there were crisp wind chimes ringing from the consciousness. , so that the sky can no longer distinguish between reality and a dream.

Wind chimes, the sound of wind chimes, where is this place?How much he wished that he would just sleep in Qianzhuwu and never be reborn, so that the reality in the future could always be avoided, never lost, never empty... In the end, can he still have it?Can he still be filled?Can he, can he? ... The desire that has been neglected for a long time is sprouting endlessly, the broken heart that is gushing out is looking forward to reunion, the sky is gradually, gradually leaning towards that face, the hands are getting tighter and tighter, but the face is still In front of the other party's snort, his brows were tightly furrowed, condensed and motionless—the desire to be close and timid, he needed to fill, but he had no choice.

The gradually deepening strength seemed to seep into the bottom of my heart, touching the hollow and cold crack.Qianye moved inexplicably, stretched out his hand and brushed aside the forehead hair of the person in front of him, and looked at the handsome face in front of him. In response to his desire, the slender eyelashes slowly closed, hooked his neck, and lowered the person in front of him inch by inch. Pressing, slowly, slowly covering his lips... In this foreign land, only he himself can fill him, even if it is a crippled self... He has no choice, and neither does he.

There are many troubles in the world, and now the situation is out of his control. In this place, he only has these people who care about him.Even if he is like an island drenched by ice arrows at this moment, and his whole body is pierced fiercely, he still has to hold on to the only grasp he has. Even if the way to keep them is to make them hate him, he doesn't want him Leave, don't... "The sun..." The warm lips that actively covered cut off the last sliver of reason in the sky.At this moment in him, a huge emptiness is filling his heart, he is desperately in need of warmth, need of warmth, why should he retreat? ...He panted low, half awake and half drunk, lowered his head, followed the soft rain, and responded jerkyly. In an instant, the sweet and greasy fragrance burned up quickly, letting the desire to move spread. The initial shallow exploration has gradually become a long kiss of absorption, melting the lock and suffering, and even the silent heart will beat tremblingly.

During this period of time, no matter what happened, it will stop at this moment and sink.

He leaned over to suppress him, with a bit of roughness, and gradually turned the initiative. Between his tongue and his teeth, someone bit his lip, and the hot blood dripped into the foam, smelling a little fishy, ​​a little bit Astringent, more arouse each other's original desire.

Glowing candles, the moonlight is like water.It's Shen Yuan, it's the sadness, the chaotic world where the hustle and bustle is gradually rising, they are ironing each other with their thin ones, like hedgehogs keeping warm together, they are always stabbed bloody by each other, but how can they deny that the warmth, Still the comfort they craved?How can he deny it?

He stroked his hair, the hickeys were moving between his perfect facial features, on the eyelids, on the pinnae, on the wings of the nose, on the thin lips... touched the thin cheeks that were more haggard than ever before, one place Not wanting to let it go, she made a preliminary exploration and aggressively loosened the restrained belt.Under the shadow of the misty flames, the snow-white figure loomed, and the line of defense was melted and kissed away one by one, and the lowered eyes were still there, and in a blink of an eye, the green lotus was just blooming, and the red petals were flying.He couldn't help himself, kissing and licking, the occasional slight moan from under his body touched his nerves, making him blazing, sinking into the rich dark lotus fragrance more hungrily, plundering Fragrance and sweetness, igniting fire...he wants him, even if it takes a lifetime to understand this lotus that is as hot as the sun; , even - loving him is more painful than death.

"Qianye, Qianye..." He whispered, plundering him, comforting him, looking for every bit of heat in him, biting lightly and sucking hard, not enough, not enough, can only lose control The ground forcefully climbs the slender legs, looking for a quiet path, seeking to absorb and fill the bone marrow.He is desperate, but he doesn't want to give up the last hope. Why, he only has this person left, this is the only person left... The faint clear light shines on the intertwined shadows, hurts, but doesn't know how to love each other, it's a mistake The direction of depression is also the wrong object of indulgence.At this moment, what is being sought is only a lonely man who is physically and mentally exhausted; and what is being sought is only the proud son of heaven who has been forced to fold his wings, who shakes the clouds and rains for a moment, hugs each other for a moment, tangles his hair and temples, and flows in a hazy way. The flames of love melted in the mist and rain, confused like a poem, confused like an illusion, every kiss is a wound, every penetration is an edge, deep and shallow, like imprints, but all are empty dreams... "Long, The sky... Ah!" At the moment of penetration, the hot wedge that seeks to fill advances, the tight and green scorching envelope, addicted to desire, awakened by time, never, he could not bear his persistence, and He, unable to bear his deep pain, ye love and hate, kindness and enmity, bear the collision of two worlds, shaking to pieces, shaking to pieces... once, again, again, again... filling the emptiness, Broken consciousness.He embraced him, always embracing confusion and emptiness; he embraced him, enduring all kinds of incomprehensible pain and confusion, but he always only saw the vast pale eyes, and could not see his own form... It was the lotus, forever I don’t know how to shed tears for the person on my body, so I can only fill him up and fill him up with blood; it’s the lotus, who is always raw and immature, in that tight hug, endures to the utmost, but what he gets in return is blood stained own body.

What are they asking for, and what can they get?There are so many, the tides come and go, they have no time to understand, but they have been forced to be scarred on this thorny road... The sand between the fingers, the ruthless flames, all sounds are like sound, all colors are like shadow, and everything is like Dream.

The blurred wind chime in consciousness rang softly again.Wherever the incense candle danced, there was a silent accumulation of candle wax, as bright as blood.

This night, the budding ink-colored lotus bloomed slowly in the middle of the night, sprinkled with fragrant petals, ignited thousands of flames, burned each other, but comforted the guardian who was pillowed beside him with tears in his eyes.

☆、Chapter Nine: Lianxin is in vain

Clouds and mountains are far away, Mo Daoqing, a little green light is cold and blossoming.

Large expanses of pink peach blossoms are in full bloom under the quiet sun. The breeze blows by, and the residual petals fall down like silk, reflecting the white and red all over the ground.

It was a night of noisy flowers and a night of madness.

The frost and snow outside have faded, and the gorgeous morning light shines through the cracks in the clouds, penetrating into the room like vaporized crystals, bathing the whole room in a warm and dry fragrance.A splitting headache awakened his consciousness, Zhang Kong opened his sleepy eyes, inadvertently touched the hand beside him, looked up, and was momentarily dazed.

The person next to him was rarely sound asleep, his black hair curled up, and his fan-like eyelashes were quietly closed, as quiet and beautiful as a jade carving.His skin was already fair, but under the sunlight, it was even more stunning.And that expression, like a child's, is so serene, and the vigor that is usually flying high seems to have been melted into the rarely stretched black eyebrows.

Zhang Kong half stood up, quietly looking at the peaceful face, guilt and bewilderment emerged from the bottom of his heart.

The bed was a mess, revealing his impulse last night.Although he was in a trance at the time, he knew that this person was not only ignorant, but also beyond the tolerance of ordinary people, allowing him to take what he gave away under control.

...Why can he tolerate his own offensive behavior, but always keep smashing his tiny hopes?

Chang Kong gently caressed the much lighter hand on the same cheek, and the thin grip felt in his heart instantly. It was both familiar and unique, like trying to catch the turbulent streamer, but in exchange for being completely at a loss.

He stared at him, only to realize that there was a faint fragrance of herbs floating around him, mixed with the original clean and light fragrance in the room, and the two breaths blended together peacefully, but seemed to lose the worldly fragrance. Alone.

The scheming can deceive people, but the appearance is real. If the Son of the Sun is so haggard, has he really suffered for him?Whether, also really had bad behavior? ...

In the end, how much did he count on himself?How much did you deceive yourself?

Unlike the hard search for each other a while ago, now that they finally meet again, there is no joy or excitement.After all, he has never understood what happened to Son of the Sun since the days of separation, and I'm afraid that Son of Sun didn't want him to understand...and he didn't want to understand either.

Every step this person takes, he can never tell which is true and which is false. Whenever he thinks that it touches his mind, it often only touches an illusion.

It is always so embarrassing, but also so resisting and confusing.

The rare and complicated thoughts are like bubbles ups and downs, twisting and turning in the long torrent, not stable.Changkong was stunned for a while, got up in his clothes, and stood by his side, with his palms against the cold fingertips, his skin warming his skin, after staring for a long time, Fang opened the door and left.

The world is changeable, and the hearts are more difficult to distinguish. After feeding the blood, they are like flying geese skimming the ripples of the cold pool, unwilling to delve into the depths of their hearts.

I don't know how much time has passed, the shadow of the sun moves westward quietly, the vast light overlooks the earth, and the sleeping consciousness finally floats up in the deep water.While the eyelashes fluttered, the sleeping figure gradually woke up. After looking up at the beam above him, he looked at the empty bed next to him for a while, and half-knowingly, he stretched out his hand to caress it.

No matter how much it is filled, it will be... empty.

In the end, is there anything that can be made up, and what is something that can never be made up?he can't understand...

Qianye unconsciously covered her body with a quilt, and slowly got out of bed as if lost in her soul. After walking a few steps, she still couldn't help supporting the bedpost, and slowly bent her body down. The scattered black hair touched the dust on the ground, Can't hide the scars and loneliness after bearing.


A few days have passed, and on Taifeng, where the yellow sand is rolling all day long, a standing figure is overlooking the silhouette of the mountain.

For many years, few people have been able to understand this groggy-eyed military governor, and even his partner Kill Daohou has always been in awe of him.However, he knew that the military governor had been waiting for an opportunity, but it seemed that the opportunity had arrived, but it did not go as smoothly as he had imagined.

Only the battlefield can prove the existence of soldiers.However, the battle must be fought beautifully, and it is also the soldier's desire to have someone who can plan the world for him behind the scenes.

"You have come here again." Killing Daohou stepped on the Taifeng Peak, his face was gloomy, and he seemed to have something to say.

"Today's information has been compiled, and there is another news?" The thick voice resounded in the wind and sand, and it was extremely majestic.

"Yes, there was a quick report just now, and the Buddha Karma Twins are finally executed."

"Oh?" Ye Shi Bingquan pondered, and ordered: "Tell him."

"Tell him, are you afraid that he will rebel?" The agreement between Ye Shi Bingquan and Qianye Chuanqi, the Marquis of Killing Dao knew a little bit, and he couldn't help saying: "Frankly speaking, it can be seen that this person is difficult to subdue."

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