——May 2006, 5——

It's the beginning of summer this year.

Also, the day after the video that caused a sensation all over Japan was sent.

At about 24:[-] in the morning, the clerk of the [-]-hour convenience store stood at the counter, stared down at the glass of the counter, and straightened his bangs.


Her sleepy eyes were reflected from the blurred glass.

At this point in time, students, office workers, road rollers, homeless people... no matter who they are, they should all nest in their hiding places and sleep quietly and soundly.

The only person standing behind this counter is the clerk.

Looking at the empty and silent shop with open eyes, the cold white light source is projected on each counter.

Just a microwaved bento box, the harsh cold light reflecting off that plastic wrap.

The Thick Tamagoyaki prepared in advance has already been completely cold. If you walk two more steps to the freezer, you can pick up discounted instant food.

In the morning, when people are active, it must be very popular.

(……can you?)

From the bottom of the clerk's heart, such doubts quietly emerged.

The scene that seemed so ordinary at first seemed like a monster hidden under the surface of the dirty water, which terrified her for no reason.

(that video)

(Is it true?)

With naturally hanging hands, I couldn't help but want to touch the phone in my pocket.

At the same time, she couldn't help but recall the quarrel at home last night.

The stepfather barely finished watching the video. If he hadn't considered the price of the phone, he would have smashed it to the ground as early as the first time.

Not only that, but also some curses such as "unintelligible", "shame", "government inaction", "shocking lies" and so on.

My brother has always been at odds with his stepfather.Seeing this scene, he pursed his lips and sarcastically said, "Why do you have to be angry? Could it be that you have done something shameful?"

Hearing this, the stepfather was so angry that he blushed and his neck was thick. He slapped the table and the teacup jumped up in surprise.

"You bastard——!" he roared angrily.

The elder brother was not afraid of him, but only sneered: "What? Did you do something wrong?"

There was long-spent resentment buried in that voice:

"Tell me, did you steal all your money to bet on the horse again?" My brother sneered, "With such a big reaction, you are not afraid of a curse on your body, are you?"

Brother Mingming is also a person who does not believe in ghosts and gods, but at this time he said without hesitation: "Why don't we count down to one and show off our phones together?"

On that face, it was written full of carelessness like revenge.

"If you can really see people's hearts and curses, maybe it's a good thing?!" My brother grinned, "If my mother..."

(Suspicious like a ghost)

(mutual suspicion)

—She ran away from home.

On the way to the part-time convenience store, I don't know how many similar disputes have been heard.

Years of old grievances.

The resentment that was once buried in the bottom of my heart.

The hatred I thought I could forget.

After growing up, there is an ugly thing hidden behind that smiling face.

No matter what it is, it is like a pool of sludge being muddied, and frightening changes are churning out from under the seemingly calm water surface.

She changed her clothes mechanically, and alternated with the shop assistant who was taking over.

Those sleepy eyes staring blankly at the counter.

From the reflection of the glass, I saw my own dull eyes.

It is difficult to describe in words.But everyone knows that something is changing.

Even the store staff and colleagues who usually smile at each other seem to stiffen their smiles when they talk face to face and take over the shift.

His eyes were filled with words like "I don't know if you will curse others", flashing guardedly and guiltily.

(after life)

(What will become, what?)

The clerk sighed hollowly.

(in short)

(It won't be worse than now...)

At this moment, she heard the shop door pushed gently, and the wind chimes hanging on the edge of the door collided and made a crisp sound.

The voice brought the clerk back to his senses, and the conditioned reflex greeted, "Welcome to—"

It was a young man who walked in.

Wearing a black close-fitting long-sleeved upper body, a short T-shirt with an exaggerated Tokyo slogan on it, and tight jeans with one side of the trousers rolled up on purpose. Judging from the walking posture, the pair of sneakers stained with plaster may not be How to fit.

The man was wearing a low baseball cap with "japan" written in big red on the brim, but it was also worn out.It seems to have been worn for a long time.

From the clerk's perspective, he couldn't see the other person's face hidden under the baseball cap.

"Hey, let me say," the young man came over, leaned against the counter in a crooked manner, stretched out his gloves—a half-finger glove with rivets that looked like he was trying to be handsome—put his index and middle fingers together, and waved them diagonally.

"Give me a pack of cigarettes. I want that one, the Peace brand."

As if amused by the name, the young man muffled a laugh.

The clerk didn't understand where the joke was at all, but out of professionalism, he still maintained a smiling face and nodded to get the cigarette.

(this dress and action)

(and that rude wording)

(no doubt)

(It's the little gangster who dropped out of school in the neighborhood, right?)

She pulled a pack of Peace cigarettes from the counter, her thoughts still wandering shallowly.

(...If you just become a low-level gangster like this)

(What should I do in the future)

The cigarette case was placed on the counter and pushed to the young man's hand.

The young man who couldn't see his face lowered his head slightly, used two fingers to dig around in his pocket, and found a few dirty coins.

The clerk's face was about to freeze with a smile: "...Well, customer, I'm afraid your payment is not enough..."

The young man pursed his lips and gave a "tsk", turned around and waved towards the outside of the store.

The moment he turned his face away——

(wrapped on the face)

(Is it a bandage?)

Before the clerk had time to verify this idea, another customer visited this humble convenience store in Chiyoda, Tokyo in the early hours of the morning.

When walking in the door, the cool air in the early summer morning was also swept in.

This one looks older, wearing a brown suit with cheap fabrics, even at this point in time, it looks like overtime is over, with a briefcase under his left armpit.

I don't know if the white hair that has been dyed on purpose is combed into a stereotyped three to seven points, and he wears a pair of old-fashioned black-framed glasses that were factory-made in the last century.

Behind the spectacles were a rare pair of beautiful blue eyes—no.The clerk exchanged glances with the customer for a short while, and quickly confirmed that it was probably the blood advantage brought by the mixed blood.Nothing but eye color.

There was really nothing attractive about those blue eyes which were listlessly drooping slightly.

(this is one)

(Ordinary office workers who work overtime until all night)

The clerk still maintained a polite business smile on his face, waiting for two customers who obviously knew each other to check out.

The office worker was surprised: "Do you still smoke?"

Asking this, he didn't stop touching his wallet.

However, as if he had forgotten where he put the wallet, he fumbled from his left trouser pocket to his bosom, and didn't even get a single hair from the wallet.

The clerk couldn't hold it anymore: "..."

"Hmm. Don't forget what I do," the little gangster said in a rough tone, using his half-gloved hands to rummage through a cowhide wallet with frayed horns.

From the gesture of counting money, there is no doubt that this guy is a skilled hand in stealing wallets.

The office worker coughed in embarrassment, "When did you..." He glanced at the clerk, paused, and then glanced again.Suddenly, he let out a "hum" with a little displeasure.

This sound was much more unpleasant than when the purse was snatched away by an acquaintance just now.

"Ah, pack that for me too."

Saying that suddenly, the office worker leaned out from the counter and reached out to the clerk.

That movement seemed to be going over the clerk to get something by himself.

For a moment, the clerk seemed to feel the hand brushing his shoulder.

At the same time, she felt vaguely.

It seemed that something that had entangled her for several years had left her back.


The clerk didn't know why, but he still smiled dutifully and took a pack of condoms from the counter behind him according to the customer's request.


I didn't quite understand it at first, but after the clerk saw the office worker retracting his arm, and holding the hand of the gangster youth as if nothing had happened, and shaking it affectionately.

The clerk had an epiphany.

The smile on her face suddenly took on a hint of blessing. When the two customers paid the money and turned around to walk out of the store, they almost blurted out a few typical speeches such as "I wish you happiness".

(although I don't know)

(Why when I got that bag of condoms)

(The expression of the office worker is almost split)

On the other hand, I just found an excuse to get rid of the office worker who kept yelling "daughter, daughter, daughter" on the back of the clerk—Gojo Satoru—holding a box of condoms, with an expression comparable to his face It is much more complicated to deal with special spell spirits.

Osamu Dazai, who was walking beside him, sneered at the outrageous expression of a large virgin.

He lowered his head, lit a cigarette with a match he found conveniently.

The fleeting flames suddenly appeared in the early morning light.

Milky white smoke floated from the slender cigarette.

Those two slender fingers held the cigarette, and the pink lips wet the cigarette holder, exhaling long smoke rings.

While doing these things quietly, Dazai quietly emerged with a sense of depression that can only be experienced after being immersed in darkness for a long time.


Dazai exhaled another puff of smoke, tilted his head slightly, watching it dissipate in the dim light.

"So, going back to the apartment next?"

Gojo Satoru said suddenly.

His originally straight back was slightly bent, and his height of more than 1.9 meters was actually not conspicuous at all.

With low eyebrows and pleasing eyes, he looks extremely inconspicuous.

Not to mention the fact that the man simply held the condom in his hand, showing the mark and a few words from between his fingers.

The whole person looked like an office worker who had finally finished working overtime all night and was busy venting his energy.

And Dazai held the cigarette holder with his teeth, and pushed it to the other side with a slight movement of his tongue.

Muttering vaguely and in a rude tone:


The two walked and talked.

Passing by the police car blocking the alley.

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