"You're here, Severus?"

Snape walked into the bedroom, but was surprised to find that Lucius was already awake.He watched the other party lazily leaning against the head of the bed, it seemed that there was no difference from before.But if you look carefully, you can find that Patriarch Malfoy, who always pays attention to his appearance, has a messy hairstyle and pale lips, not to mention the blue under the eye sockets.

Seeing that Snape just had a dark face and didn't answer, Lucius didn't feel embarrassed at all. Instead, he said in a good mood: "It's been a long time, dear Severus."

Snape remained silent, but threw a dozen detection spells to the other party neatly, and then sneered with a dark face: "It's only been three or four days, so Lucius, is your head still imprisoned by the Ministry of Magic? "

When those red, green and green lights flashed by, Snape didn't give Lucius a chance to refute at all, and said angrily: "Malnutrition, lack of sleep, and old wounds that haven't healed, those blood-sucking moths from the Ministry of Magic have done something to you. What?"

Lucius smiled mockingly, and replied in a hoarse but undiminished elegant aristocratic tone: "They don't dare to do anything. They are only planning the Gallon of the Malfoy family. Compared with the Unforgivable Curse, it is already So much better."

Snape took out the prepared potion and put it on Lucius' bedside, "If you don't want to die young, remember to take it on time, I will remind Narcissa."

Lucius knew that his friend never cared about the taste of potions, so he could only look at the bottles of potions that seemed to taste weird with disgust, and sighed: "Oh, you can't be so cruel, dear Sif Les!"

Snape ignored Lucius, who was pretending to be hurt, but that cold glance expressed his contempt well.

"Well, you are really boring." Seeing that the other party was unmoved, Lucius could only curl his lips helplessly, and said solemnly: "Don't worry, I don't want to see Merlin so early. Besides, my little dragon needs a perfect childhood." Speaking of his son, Lucius's smile widened slightly, and he looked like a silly father without knowing it.

Thinking of that limp brat, Snape secretly twitched the corners of his mouth, and then said bluntly: "There are still some Death Eaters who have not been caught, I hope you can remember what you said."

"They don't dare to come directly to Malfoy Manor." Lucius' voice was full of arrogance.

The two were silent for a while, and then Lucius looked at Snape, who was much more depressed than usual, and said slowly: "The mark is still there, that person is not dead..." Lucius noticed that Snape The momentary stiffness was probably not only the reaction to the Dark Lord, but also the impact of the death of the scorching lily, "You..." Lucius tried to persuade Snape to let go, but felt that he shouldn't be here At this time, the old friend's scar was opened again.

"You must know that I am the Head of Slytherin. That was the man's instructions, too."

Lucius looked at Snape who was obviously reluctant to say more, paused, put on a relaxed expression, and said, "No matter what, the door of the Malfoy house is always open for you, dear Severus."

Snape's expression softened slightly, and he said, "I need to borrow your Pensieve."

As a typical Slytherin, Lucius respects the privacy of his friends very much. He thoughtfully did not ask about the purpose of the Pensieve. He just snapped his fingers and ordered, "Dobby, take Severus to the study." .”

The long-nosed house-elf obediently led him to the study, bowed deeply, and disappeared without a word.Snape went straight into the study and took a deep breath.He needed to bring up the memory of the pendant in his mind and take a good look to reconfirm that his guess was not groundless.

Brian didn't know that he was being targeted, and he was not in a good state recently.How should I put it, it was already enough to bother him to see things that other people couldn't see, but now he still always feels as if he has forgotten something, this feeling is really bad.

"Bryan, I am such a big living person in front of you, at least pay attention to me." The brown-haired young man waved his hand, frowning and complaining.

Only then did Brian break away from his thoughts, and hurriedly said, "Sorry, sorry. What did you just say?"

"I said, do you want to leave work early? If I hadn't been around when you demonstrated to the students in the experimental class today, you would have caused at least three 'medical accidents'."

Brian pushed his glasses irritably. He felt that he had misunderstood his son, and he couldn't let this state go any longer, so he nodded and said, "Then I don't have classes anymore anyway, so I'll go back first."

"Let's go, let's go," the young man shook his hand indifferently, "I'll go to the laboratory to watch those little guys, so that nothing happens again."

Brian nodded, put on his coat and left.As he walked out absent-mindedly, he was thinking about whether he really wanted to see a psychiatrist. Why did the disease seem to be getting worse.

Brian carefully recalled when this situation began to appear. After thinking about it, he could only think that on the way back from the orphanage that day, after going out of the alley, something seemed wrong with him.You can't really believe that something bad happened in the alley.Brian laughed at himself. As a scientific researcher with two doctoral titles, how could he have such wild ideas.

But even though he felt that his ideas were too unreliable, Brian walked into that alley involuntarily. "Just check it out," Brian told himself.

Snape did not expect to see the suspicious young man again so soon.Snape was running from the remnants of the Death Eaters when he saw the young man staring at him stupidly with his mouth wide open.It's also his bad luck.He hadn't been out of Hogwarts much since he encountered a fanatical and thoughtless Death Eater trying to kill him when he went out to run errands last time. As a result, just as he was about to go back to his residence to pick up his things today, he ran into another group of brainless Death Eaters. Death Eaters stuffed with Achnatherum splendens.No matter how powerful Snape was in fighting, he was not at the level of one against ten, not to mention that the opponents were all fanatical Death Eaters with combat experience.

Brian stared blankly at the man in the black cloak in front of him. He didn't know whether this man's complexion was darkened by the color of the cloak or it was just like that. He was an evil wizard who ate people in a fairy tale.Before he could react, the dangerous-looking man covered his mouth and swept him into the shadow of the alley.

Before Brian could struggle vigorously, he heard the man whispering in his ear, "Idiot, if you don't want to die, don't move!"

Brian didn't care about the numbness of the hot air in his ears, he stopped his movements in a cold sweat, and stood up obediently.His heart was beating like a drum, which made Brian frowned in some discomfort, and then took two hard breaths of air, trying to restore the heartbeat to normal.

Snape nodded in satisfaction. This person's identity was suspicious, and he couldn't be easily killed.Now it seems that it is finally considered to be aware of current affairs.Snape calmly cast an invisibility spell around the two of them, and also hid his aura by the way.Then he covered Brian's mouth with one hand to prevent anything from going wrong.

Brian thought that he might be a murderer when he encountered a perverted robber. He even imagined the serial murder incident of Jack the Ripper in his mind. Can't help but wonder.Just when he was wondering, several people who seemed to have completely lost their minds appeared out of thin air!

Brian's eyes widened, and he looked at those murderous men in black in disbelief, unable to figure out how those men appeared.Could it be that there really is a space-time tunnel?Or is it that he finally fell ill and died, all of this is an illusion...

"The aura of that traitor disappeared from here, I can feel it!"

The one Snape recognized as speaking was Fenrir Greyback, a notorious werewolf among Death Eaters.This man turned to Voldemort as a pure-blood werewolf, just for more food and his own tyrannical desires.Unexpectedly, when Voldemort's whereabouts were unknown, he would still bite everywhere like a mad dog.

This man is not easy to deal with.Snape pursed his lips tightly, his body tensed, ready to fight back at any time.He didn't even notice how hard he was covering the young man's mouth.

Brian was hurt by Snape's grip, but he didn't dare to resist at all.He could tell now that no matter who the other party was, he seemed to be involved in a vendetta anyway.Moreover, none of the people who were chasing after him seemed easy to get along with, especially the one who spoke. Just the disgusting ugly appearance made Brian tense up.Compared to those few people, although the person who dragged himself into the dark alley didn't look like a good person, at least he didn't involve innocent people and planned to save his life.Comparing the two, Brian couldn't help feeling a little fond of this man.Of course, if Snape knew what Brian was thinking at this time, he would probably sneer, and then mercilessly scold him with venom until he woke up.

The two slowed down their breathing as much as possible, and hid in the dark for an unknown amount of time.It took a long time for those people to relax after scolding and disappearing out of thin air.After making sure that those people would not turn back, Snape let go of the hand that had been covering each other's mouth.Enduring the dizziness caused by blood loss, he frowned and looked at the young man in front of him, thinking whether he should immediately give him a "forget it all".

Brian turned his head to thank him, but when he saw Snape with an expressionless face, he always felt that the other party was thinking about silencing him, so he shivered suddenly, and then looked at the other party with a little vigilance.Only after looking at it did he realize that the other party seemed to be a young man who was not much different from his own age. Although his face was gloomy, he could tell that he was well-bred just by standing there straight.Thinking of this, Brian felt a little relieved.

Soon, Brian noticed that the other person's face was unusually pale, and even his lips began to turn pale.He was too nervous just now, but he didn't notice that the young man's black cloak was wet, and the smell of blood rushed into his nose.Obviously a sign of excessive blood loss.

Apparently Snape also knew that he was not in good condition, and couldn't care if there were any aftereffects from being cast with the Forgetting Curse twice in a row within a week, so he decided to give the other party a "forget everything".

The author has something to say: the third update is completed~~

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