Lucius Malfoy is missing!

When Dumbledore knew the news, he was not as worried as he showed. He even secretly glanced at Snape and Bryan meaningfully, with an imperceptible smile slightly raised at the corner of his mouth.This smile was caught by Snape, and he muttered to himself indignantly: "Old fox." His face was still gloomy as usual, even a bit gloomy than usual.Students at Hogwarts all know that Professor Snape, who has always been able to scare students to tears with a straight face, has become even scarier recently. The students were trembling to such an extent.Even Professor Prince, who has always been amiable and cheerful, has changed his complexion recently.

If the students in other houses just felt the bad mood of the professors, the students in Slytherin thought much deeper.The owner of Malfoy disappeared and the entire manor was closed. What does this mean?The students from the Death Eater family seemed to have gotten wind of something, and they were in a state of panic all day long.If they were cautious before, now these children look like frightened birds, and a little trouble is enough to make them pale with fright.When the children from neutral families saw these students, they immediately analyzed that whether Lucius Malfoy had betrayed or was killed, the Dark Lord was not in a good mood at this time.Then their already very difficult neutral plan will undoubtedly become more difficult because of such a change.

As a result, the atmosphere in the entire Slytherin house became very tense, and the students lived more reclusively. Even the provocations of Gryffindor, who had always been at odds, were no longer tit-for-tat as usual. One glance, turn around and leave.However, it was precisely because of this high-cold attitude that the Gryffindor students jumped even more, and became more provocative.This made Brian, who tried his best to hide his true relaxed mood, see it, and couldn't help showing some smiles on his face.However, after Gryffindor was severely deducted several points by Snape, this situation was never seen again.

"Oh, Severus, you've got to have some fun in this suffocating atmosphere." Brian smiled and winked at Snape, only to get the back of Snape's head.He twitched the corner of his mouth, and found that in getting along with Snape, the other party became more and more childish.

"Okay, I was wrong." Brian shrugged where Snape couldn't see, otherwise he would have been told about a lot of aristocratic codes of conduct.

"Don't think that I don't know what you're doing now." Snape frowned, turned around and warned, "Don't leave Hogwarts soon, let the manor get ready. Otherwise, I can't guarantee your safety. "

Seeing Snape's seriousness, Brian put away his joking expression.He knew that although it seems that there is no difference in magical attainments between himself and his peers who grew up in the magic world, and even better than some people, if he really faced a big devil like Voldemort, I couldn't compare with Snape in terms of combat awareness or proficiency in using magic to fight, and even said that I might not be able to defeat those Death Eaters.At such a critical time, he is still very self-aware.

"Don't worry, I'll try not to hold you back." Brian nodded, and then asked, "When do you think this will end?"

Snape's face was deep, he was silent for a while, and then said firmly: "Soon."

Although Brian got a positive answer from Snape, his heart was always empty, as if there were always some things that he ignored.Even though Snape's answer gave him a little confidence, it still made him feel very uneasy.This feeling of unreliability lasted until he awoke from the darkness.

Brian woke up to find himself in a dank basement.Seeing the unfamiliar environment, he didn't feel stiff as he imagined, but he breathed a sigh of relief.This feeling is like knowing that there is danger, but you don't know when it will come, so you are always worried, but when you are really facing danger, you become relieved.

Brian moved his hands and feet calmly, and found that his whole body seemed to be petrified, and only his eyeballs could move freely.He sighed inwardly, completely expecting that.It just feels that the timeliness of the petrification spell should not be enough for these people to safely leave him here alone, maybe they used other methods.Brian rolled his eyes tentatively, but because he couldn't move his head, he could only see a solid ceiling.Up to now, he actually had a guess.However, there was one more thing that surprised him very much.He had clearly stayed at Hogwarts well according to Snape's orders, but he didn't know how he would suffer such a conspiracy.Does this mean that Hogwarts is no longer safe?Bryan thought about it, but he really couldn't figure out how he was caught, so he could only give up, close his eyes and rest.

It is in this closed and dark environment that other senses are particularly sharp.Brian soon heard footsteps, it should be two people.He quickly slowed down his breathing, pretending that he hadn't woken up yet.

"Good job, Labastan." It was a woman who spoke. Her voice was slightly hoarse, but not unpleasant. Brian thought it sounded familiar, but he couldn't remember where he heard it.

"It's my honor, Aunt Bella." The person who answered was full of respect and just the right amount of intimacy. It sounded like a teenager's voice. It wasn't so deep, but it had changed.

Brian tried his best to pretend to be unconscious. He heard the sound of footsteps getting closer and closer to him, and then a person seemed to be squatting beside him.

"Why haven't you woke up yet?" The woman asked dissatisfiedly, "Are you sure you used the right dose?"

Hearing the woman's dissatisfaction, the young man immediately replied with trepidation: "I've checked carefully, and the dosage is exactly as you said. Is there any problem with this?"

The voices of the two were so close to Brian that he could even feel the heat of the woman's breath when she spoke.This made Brian uncontrollably nervous.In particular, he had already recognized the voice of the boy, which was the Hogwarts prefect—Labastan Lestrange.So since he called him "Aunt Bella", that woman should be the crazy woman in the Lestrange couple.Brian was impressed with that woman.Moreover, because of the previous battle that almost killed him, he and this woman had already formed a bond, and he didn't know what terrible results would happen to him if he fell into the hands of this woman.

Obviously, without him thinking about the terrible results, the woman can draw her own conclusions.She smiled and said, "No, that's fine. I have a good way to wake him up." The danger in that tone made Brian's hair stand on end, and before he could react, the voice of a woman chanting a spell came over.

"Drill the heart and gouge out the bone!"

Brian was caught off guard and was hit head-on by the spell.When he was completely unprepared, his shrill scream penetrated the entire basement space.

Brian couldn't pretend anymore. When he opened his eyes, he saw a woman who was obviously in a very good mood with the corners of her mouth curled up: "Look, this method is not bad."

Although little Lestrange nodded frequently, his wide eyes and increasingly pale face deceived him.After all, even though he is a Slytherin from the Death Eater family, he is still an underage student. This kind of "Cruciatus", which directly uses one of the three forbidden spells, is nothing to him. It's still too exciting for bloody and violent students.

Bella obviously also noticed the young man's panic, and she snorted coldly: "If you can't even accept this, you'd better go back to that childish Hogwarts, let alone being marked by the master. What a waste!"

I don't know if it was stimulated by Bella's words. Although little Lestrange was still pale, he was able to harden his heart and look directly at Brian's miserable state.

However, Bella did not allow Brian to be tortured by "crucifixion" according to her own temperament.Seeing that it was almost done, she stopped the spell.After all, Brian was the one appointed by her most revered master, and it would be of no benefit to her if she was tortured to death or went mad.

Bella looked at Brian who was lying on the ground panting like a dog, and smiled disdainfully: "You are lucky. If it wasn't for the master to take you, it would be of some use, huh, I want to do the math with you last time." Blame!" As she spoke, she looked Brian up and down with malicious intent, and then said angrily: "I really don't know why the master wants you to be such a waste?"

Brian had been busy regulating his breathing and heartbeat, otherwise, he felt that he would die of a heart attack before he saw Voldemort.This feeling of déjà vu made his hands and feet weak, and he was not as calm as he was at the beginning.He didn't answer Bella's words, just took a deep breath.

Bella got no answer, so impatiently ordered Lestrange to drag him out.Immediately afterwards, Brian met Voldemort in what appeared to be an abandoned hall of an aristocratic manor.This was the first and last time he saw this frightening monster.

The author has something to say: Thank you [Linlin] for a mine!

I'm really sorry, I disappeared for so long without saying hello, there are too many deadlines, all kinds of immersion in writing papers, I really want to hit the wall...

So it didn't appear until now...

In addition, belated blessings, I hope you all have a happy Christmas~~

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