Mr. Duke glanced at Brian meaningfully, did not answer, but started another topic in a stern tone: "That lunatic has returned, you should think about what to do. Severus has been The goal is very clear, how about you?"

Since Mr. Duke finished this sentence, he has disappeared from the frame.Only Brian was left standing in the middle of the hall, his expression blurred.I don't know how long it took, but in the end, Brian sighed and left Prince Manor resolutely.To him, the Princes family was his responsibility, but Snape's safety took precedence.What's more, the Prince family is just him and Snape now.If there is no way to guarantee the safety of the only two people left, how can we guarantee that the family can continue in his hands.

When Brian left, he didn't see Mr. Duke standing in the picture frame looking at him, with a mixed expression of relief and disappointment on his face.

Although he didn't know Snape's whereabouts, he knew that Dumbledore must know Snape's whereabouts.So Brian returned to Hogwarts without any hesitation.

There was no curfew at Hogwarts at this time, and groups of students in twos and threes could still be seen in the corridors from time to time.When the students saw Brian, they all greeted him.Because the news of Voldemort's possible return has not yet been announced, the entire Hogwarts is still relatively peaceful, and the students have not been affected in the slightest, with youthful smiles still on their faces.Among them, however, were a few Slytherins who were visibly concerned.Although in the eyes of students from other colleges, Slytherin usually looked like a yin and yang and lifeless, but obviously, Brian saw a little difference, which made his heart sink.

Brian quickened his pace and walked towards Dumbledore's office.Still at the door of the office, Brian heard Sirius' loud voice, which seemed to be very dissatisfied with some of Dumbledore's decisions.This is already the second time Brian has bumped into it.Since the start of school, Sirius has become the new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor at Hogwarts, and he has more opportunities to complain to Dumbledore.

Brian hesitated for a while, but finally decided to knock on the door.Although he didn't want to get involved in their affairs, but because he was worried about Snape's situation, he could only bite the bullet and knock on the door.

Sirius' voice was cut short by a knock on the door.Then Dumbledore's voice was heard: "Come in."

Brian pushed the door into the principal's office, and saw Sirius staring at him with wide eyes, and Dumbledore sat on the chair, not surprisingly.

Brian grinned in embarrassment, then cleared his throat, and said, "I'm sorry for taking the liberty of visiting at this time. However, I wanted to ask you, did you see Severus?"

Dumbledore hadn't spoken yet, and Sirius over there looked like he had taken dynamite, and sneered at Brian, "Where else could that slug go? It must have run to his good master and wagged his tail." Said Then, he looked at Brian with disdain, and said: "But yes, you are probably not much better than him, and you definitely don't care about it."

Brian frowned, he was very dissatisfied with Sirius Black's words.He looked at Sirius seriously, with coldness in his voice: "Your Excellency, please pay attention to your words. When you don't know the facts, don't make judgments or blame others. I think this is the attitude an adult should have. .Besides, I thought the upbringing of the Black family should be trustworthy."

"Ha, the Black family?" Sirius let out a mocking laugh, which made Brian very unhappy.

Or Dumbledore interrupted the gunpowder-filled conversation between the two: "You can't find Severus?"

As soon as Bryan heard about the business, he stopped entangled with Sirius and replied to Dumbledore: "He didn't tell me where he was going, but I think he is not in good condition and has been clutching his arm. Could it be an injury? ?”

As soon as Brian finished speaking, Sirius sneered, but under Dumbledore's stern eyes, he closed his mouth embarrassingly.

"He should have been summoned by Voldemort." Dumbledore rubbed his forehead, looking very tired, but still explained nicely, "You don't have to worry. Voldemort still needs Severus to help him now, and Prine The S family may still be in his plot, so he will not be in danger at the moment. However, if you really want to find him, go to the house in Spider's End and wait for him."

Brian nodded and got up to leave.But he looked at the square box on Dumbledore's thin hand, and suddenly slowed down.Finally, he stopped and said, "You take care of your health." After finishing speaking, he looked at Sirius, frowned, and said, "There is also the matter of little Harry. I think you should understand that his current situation is How dangerous. As his godfather, can we expect you to keep him safe without any carelessness?"

This sentence was like a bomb thrown like a black lake, and Sirius jumped up and retorted angrily: "I don't need you, an evil Slytherin, to dictate! Little Harry is my godson, I will definitely do my best to protect him, even at the cost of my life."

It's a pity that Sirius jumped like this but there is no one to watch.Because Brian turned around and left after finishing the previous sentence, without the slightest hesitation.

According to Dumbledore, Brian came directly to Spider's End Alley.He didn't come to the house here many times, but he was deeply impressed.According to his idea, this place is not suitable for human habitation at all.The alley is dark and dirty, just like a garbage dump. From time to time, there are swearing punks and drunk homeless people passing by, and people who are spraying strong inferior perfume keep winking at passers-by. Oriole, Brian swears, he will never walk this road at night again next time, he really feels that his personal safety is not guaranteed.

Brian finally arrived at the house belonging to Snape. He knocked on the door, but found that he was ignored at all. Instead, a family next door opened the door a crack, and seeing him standing in front of this famous haunted house, Brian "Huh" closed the door.Only Brian was left helpless and amused in front of the door.After waiting for a while, it still seemed that no one was going to come to pick him up, so Brian directly ignored that this was an owner's house, and the owner of the house was not a good-tempered person.He swaggered and undid the warning spells that Snape had placed around the house, and then walked into Snape's exclusive room.

The inside of the house is very tidy, or it is so simple that there are only necessary daily necessities, and the quality of life is not considered at all, so there is no way to get messy.Brian didn't light a lamp either. Although it was pitch black, he couldn't see anything after he got used to it.

In the dark environment, his hearing became sharper, and he soon heard a "creaking" sound from upstairs, as if a person couldn't sleep, and when he tossed and turned, the bed made an overwhelmed sound.

Brian followed the sound directly and walked upstairs.Sure enough, in what looked like a bedroom, he saw Snape who was delirious.

Brian walked forward quickly, and then saw Snape, flushed and frowning, tossing and turning on the bed.He stretched out his hand quickly, and as soon as he touched Snape's forehead, he was taken aback by the scalding body temperature.Snape had a high fever and was already a little confused.Because of Brian's slightly cool body temperature, he felt a bit of coolness in his drowsiness, so his brows relaxed a little.

It's just that the coolness was only temporary, and soon Snape frowned dissatisfiedly, and his mouth was also tightly pursed.Because of this action, the seemingly bloodless thin lips formed a sharp contrast with the flushed face.But even the sleeping Snape was very restrained, he didn't make any more movements, and he didn't even make a sound.

Brian sighed, and stepped forward to lift off his tightly wrapped quilt. What he was more worried about was that the fever was caused by trauma.In this case, he had to solve the problem of the opponent's trauma first.

After checking Snape thoroughly up and down, Brian was finally relieved that there was no external injury.Then he settled people down carefully.If it was normal, if he had the opportunity to see Snape's good figure unscrupulously, Brian would definitely be in a hurry.It's just that right now, he doesn't have the time or the mood to think about it.

Brian was busy physically cooling Snape, these actions made him feel better, and the expression on his face also relaxed a lot.As soon as a person relaxes, the self-control in drowsiness also becomes a little loose.He squeezed Brian's hand tightly, and then let out a muffled sound from his throat.With this action, Brian simply lay down on the bed himself.He leaned over curiously, trying to understand what the other party was saying.

After a while, he came back to his senses with an indistinct expression, and then hugged Snape tightly, who was still unconscious.

The author has something to say: Guess what Snape said? ~(≧▽≦)/~

The network in the dormitory is intermittent, and I can’t post it at all, so I can only delay it for a day. I’m really sorry.

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