Azkaban's collective escape caused an uproar in the magical world that had been calm for a long time.In addition to the panic among ordinary people, there are also a large number of opposition figures who have begun to question the ability of the officials of the Ministry of Magic. What's more, it is not uncommon for people to fish in troubled waters and try to profit from it.The atmosphere in the entire magic world became tense, and law and order became much worse.Kingsley has complained to Dumbledore more than once that Auror's recent tasks have been much heavier, but it has not been effective.And Diagon Alley suddenly became deserted.

Brian was sitting in a Muggle café across from the Leaky Cauldron, where he and Lucius had arranged to meet.He casually sipped the steaming latte in his hand, and occasionally looked up boredly at the Leaky Cauldron bar across the way.Judging from the fact that no one can enter for half a day, the magic world is really deserted now.

Brian sighed inwardly, he was a bit at a loss for the next conversation.What kind of plans Lucius will have, he has no idea.And where to go for the Prince family is even more at a loss.

Just as he was thinking, Lucius appeared in front of him.Brian looked at his watch, and sure enough, he was on time.

Lucius glanced at the coffee in front of Brian, frowned, and said, "Such inferior coffee beans... how did you find such a place?"

Brian took another sip of the coffee in a daze. Although it wasn't fragrant enough, it couldn't be called bad quality either.He blinked at Lucius and asked, "You seem to be in a bad mood."

Lucius said "hmm", took off his coat slowly, and then sat down gracefully, as if the place where the two met was not a small cafe, but some solemn banquet hall.

Brian watched the opponent's series of movements, and twitched the corners of his mouth. Sure enough, a pseudo-noble like him who was pulled on the horse halfway couldn't be compared with the textbook among the nobles in front of him.Brian rubbed his clean chin with interest, watched the other party's slow and graceful movements, and then laughed: "It seems that you are not in a bad mood."

Lucius adjusted his cuffs before looking at Brian and smiling: "Instead of testing my attitude here, let's talk about the profitability of the last quarter."

Brian didn't expect the topic to change so quickly. He blinked and asked, "What's the problem with profitability?"

Lucius took out a report from somewhere, raised his chin, and motioned for Brian to take a look.

Brian looked at the result report, and then asked suspiciously: "Have you increased the investment in the production line? And opened new projects?"

Lucius smiled noncommittally, and said, "You should know how much the Malfoy family in the wizarding world is now."

Brian's expression tightened, and then he looked carefully at the materials in his hands. He had to say that Lucius' current investment was as if he would evacuate his own house.

Brian frowned. Although he had no idea about these things, he also knew that there are profits and losses in business. Judging from the current situation, if Lucius loses, the result will be unimaginable.

"I understand your position." Brian pursed his lips, but frowned even more tightly, "Although I can understand it, I have to say that the economic situation in the Muggle world is not that optimistic. In terms of business, we still have a hand in it." Better."

Lucius looked at Brian's expression, the corners of his mouth were raised, the peaceful and elegant mask was different, this time it was a smile from the heart.

"Of course the eggs won't be put in the same basket." Lucius nodded, and said nothing more, but his tone was determined with a desperate tone, "Then what about you?"

Only then did Brian really relax.Although he didn't expect that Lucius had made up his mind long ago, he was very satisfied with the current situation.He leaned back on the chair, knocked on the handle unconsciously, and said with a smile: "My position has been decided long ago, hasn't it? As for business matters, of course I will follow you. Can Sever Les, worry less. It's just the two of us anyway."

Lucius fell silent. He already knew about the Prince family. It was what happened to them that made him make up his mind early on to pave the way.No matter what happens to him, Sissy and Xiaolong must have nothing to do.

"Okay, I'm very satisfied with the current state. As long as Severus has no problems, I'm satisfied. So, now that you've made your decision, what are you going to do with those things in your hand?" Brian probably guessed When it came to what Lucius was silent about, he shrugged indifferently and asked.

"Of course it was lost during the Auror's hunt and hunt." Lucius gave Bryan a meaningful look, then smiled, and then answered Brian's question, "Although the excuse is a bit clumsy, I have to keep it. Only your own life will do."

Brian looked at Lucius in surprise. He never thought that the other party would admit the fact that he spared his life so generously, and there was absolutely no situation where he thought he wanted to save face.But even though he was surprised, he let out a good laugh from the bottom of his heart: "You are right. And what you said is not an excuse at all, shouldn't it be the truth?"

Lucius smiled knowingly, knowing that Brian would definitely find a way to make this excuse a reality, so he nodded gratefully.Then changed the subject.

"By the way, Sissy is taking Xiaolong out." Lucius paused, then said, "The toys you plan to give to Xiaolong will be left with you for now."

Brian was taken aback, then nodded: "Your determination is really..." But he also knew how much Malfoy valued his family, so he could only sigh in his heart, but he urged, "Let them pay attention outside Safety."

Lucius had a soft smile on his face: "That's for sure. At least for now, it seems safer than Malfoy Manor."

Speaking of this, Brian can only sigh.Fortunately, Lucius quickly changed the subject, and the two chatted for a long time about things they didn't want to care about before they separated, making the meeting seem not so deliberate.In Brian's view, whether it's the hidden deep meaning of the dialogue or the careful choice of meeting place, it seems to be the same as the spy scene in the movie, which makes him have to be nervous and exhausted.Looking back, since he entered the magic world, it seems that there have been no days of peace of mind.

Even if you don't worry about it, you still have to go on with your life.He looked at Lucius' back, pondered for a while, and finally rushed back to Hogwarts.

Before they could make any preparations, bad news came one after another.

"Remus has sent a message." Dumbledore is still not recovering, he is still lying on the bed crookedly, looking very old, "It seems that those who escaped from prison have begun to contact their local werewolves, Le It's not safe there either."

"I remember that he still holds the wolfsbane potion in his hand." Brian frowned, and was incredulous at Dumbledore's words, "Only he can find the person who made the wolfsbane potion, and the formula is also in his hand. I think As long as he is not an idiot, he can completely recruit those werewolves who need these things to work for him, or at least ensure that the werewolves maintain a neutral attitude. Not to the extent you said. When Severus was asked to make Didn't you already consider this step when you made the wolfbane potion?"

Dumbledore sighed, then smiled and winked at Brian, not knowing whether to be relieved or what to say: "The way you speak now is very similar to Severus. But you are right, just Sometimes we have to be on our guard, the human heart is sinister."

Brian pursed his lips and remained silent, anyway, he didn't want to interfere with the Order of the Phoenix.As long as Snape wasn't involved anymore.

"Those things are in my hands now, Severus has other things. When you need these things, just let me know."

Dumbledore looked at Brian's gloomy face and shook his head secretly in his heart. The war has not started yet, but it is already having a negative impact on everyone.

"Also, we are still researching the curse on you, but because there are too many things, we may not be able to research it so soon." Brian frowned and asked worriedly, "Now I feel weaker than before. ?"

Dumbledore waved his hand, and then showed Brian the left hand with the storage device.The scorched black before was still well controlled within a certain range, and it seemed that it hadn't changed.

"It doesn't do any harm except that you have to replenish your magic power and vitality every once in a while." He looked at Brian with a very loving gaze, and there was appreciation in it, "Your method is very effective. Trust me, in this regard , you are really a genius. If it is not the case, I really hope to introduce you to my old friend, he is also a talented alchemy master. His greatest achievement is to create the Philosopher's Stone, which is said to make people The existence of immortality."

Brian's eyes flashed, and he frowned: "Do you also believe that immortality is possible?"

Dumbledore gave a wry smile, and then said meaningfully: "It was possible, but now, look at the one who believed..." After saying this, Dumbledore didn't want to talk more.He just smiled and nodded to Brian: "I will tell you later if there is something to do. Also, please tell Severus for me, so that he can pay attention to his own safety. It is not impossible to tell me about my situation when the time is right. "

Brian frowned at Dumbledore, gave a disapproving "hmm", then turned and left.However, he didn't expect that when he returned to Prince Manor, he saw Snape staggering with his arms covered.

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