After becoming the king of the subjugated country

Chapter 72 A Leisure Life in Winter

Sending away the two old ministers who had become officials, but before the matter was finished and the real business hadn't started, Ji Chen called people back to the court again, and everyone returned the same way.

After walking back and forth, the courtiers, who originally thought the weather was cold, were warmed up by a little sunshine, and their hearts were far hotter than the current morning sun.

In fact, after the two veterans left, the courtiers did not forget to shed a few tears at first to cooperate with Ji Chen, but the atmosphere in the court became more enthusiastic.Not only because Ji Chen's actions won the hearts of the people, it was in line with the courtier's idea of ​​"winning fame in life and after death", but also because the first place of civil and military officials was vacated!

The military officer is not so excited for the time being. After all, most generals need to be stationed on the frontier, and they have experienced many battles, big and small. How to say it is somewhat dangerous. Is it necessary to rush forward? This risk is not worth it.

What's more, in these years, there is only one old general Qiao in the generals line, and the rest are far behind, and everyone is quite peaceful, thinking about each other, and there is a bit of humility and reason.

But the aspect is different, who doesn't want a position where one person is below one person and above ten thousand people.To be honest, the Yue State values ​​culture over military affairs, and the prime minister is the head of all officials and the person closest to the emperor. Only when he becomes a prime minister can he be regarded as having great power.

Today's courtiers are extremely active, and the procrastinated affairs in the past have been dealt with quickly. Seeing that they are getting more and more lively and cooperating with each other, Ji Chen is a little bit dumbfounded, but he went along with their wishes and threw out a message: "Qin Prime Minister and Old General Qiao left, and I lost my arm in pain, but all affairs in the court do not wait for others, and my affairs also need to be shared by others, what is the best strategy for you all?"

Immediately, a courtier stood up and echoed, eager to take the lead, "Your Majesty, I have worked tirelessly and are willing to share your worries for His Majesty!"

Someone next to him said in a strange tone: "There are many people who are willing to share the affairs for His Majesty, but the problem is to choose the most suitable person, not to mention serving the country and the king, how can it be called hard work? The minister must do his best. , After death."

Master Qian cursed inwardly, and took a step forward, "Your Majesty, this matter requires a long-term plan. How can the position of prime minister be easily determined, and it must be carefully considered."

The Minister of the Ministry of Officials agreed: "Master Qian's words are reasonable. I don't know if Qin Xiang has recommended candidates for His Majesty before he became an official?"

Ji Chen shook his head regretfully, seeing Mr. Qian's appearance, he almost didn't laugh out loud, and said in a serious way: "Qin Xiang said that he is old and lacks energy, and helping me deal with the memorials on weekdays has already exhausted his energy, and the rest of the people He didn't look at it very carefully, but most of the six ministers and ministers are not bad. The minister of Dali Temple, the inspector and the scholar of the Hanlin Academy are well-read poems and books. What comes out will always satisfy me.”

Qin Xiang seemed to have said a lot, but in fact he didn't say anything. He just sorted out all the candidates who were qualified to compete, and each found a reason to praise them.

In fact, it was because both Qin Xiang and Ji Chen knew it well. Qin Xiang thought that since he was going to resign, there was no need for him to intervene in the next person. After all, His Majesty had a plan in mind, and he had already made up his mind, and his own son had this idea. Although he doesn't help much, there's no need to bother him.

The courtiers didn't really hope that Prime Minister Qin would recommend someone, after all, no one was sure that they could pull this quiet veteran into their chariot, and now the question was just a topic.

Ji Pei, who never opened his mouth, stood up and said, "Your Majesty, why don't you give everyone a chance to speak freely on this matter and express your opinions."

One sentence immediately attracted the support of the civil and military forces of the Manchu Dynasty.

Ji Chen is as good as he accepts advice, "This statement is reasonable, so let's do it like this. In three days, you can speak freely, and you are welcome to choose anyone or recommend yourself. Don't be restricted by your own official rank, or be constrained by the system of the prime minister. If there are any changes that need to be made, you can submit a note, and I will think about it carefully, and I will discuss the next step after the next court meeting."

After waiting for the court, Ji Chen looked at the stack of memorials accumulated in front of him, and then looked at the three small boxes next to him. He couldn't help leaning back and sighed, "I'm starting to miss the two veterans."

Local funeral memorials, business memorials, annual summaries of various regions, various arrangements within Kyoto, and the end of each year are always the busiest times.

Back then, when Qin Xiang and Old General Qiao were around, they had one paper and one military. They read the memorial and then attached a note to write comments on it, and then handed it over to Ji Chen. Ji Chen only needed to write on it. Draw a circle or X to express your final opinion and you're done.When Ji Chen had any doubts, he just took a look at their correction slips, and if it didn't work, he just called someone over to ask a question.

Eunuch Xin served Ji Chen for a long time, and he had almost figured out Ji Chen's character, and immediately suggested: "Your Majesty might as well choose a few newcomers to come over to give condolences, or find some young people who can talk to each other. It’s a small gathering.”

Ji Chen's heart was moved, and he immediately asked people to invite people. He selected all the suspicious protagonists in his heart. Except for You Han who escaped because he was a medical girl, the rest were not let go.

Some courtiers heard the news from the palace and saw that it was just a group of young people, the oldest of whom was not yet [-] years old, so they immediately relaxed their vigilance, thinking it was just a small banquet.

That being the case, it will not affect the overall situation.

Inside the Qingyi Pavilion, Ji Chen raised his glass, "Don't be restrained, just relax, it's just a daily gathering, we can have another one tomorrow."

Qin Sheng: "..."

Ji Shao: "..."

Bai Qi took a copy of the memorial from the small box in front of him, "Hurry up, everyone, these memorials need to be reviewed by His Majesty after the preliminary review, and they will be issued before the next court meeting. There must be no delay."

Ning Wenzheng looked at a cup of tea, two plates of snacks, pens, inks, papers and inkstones, and a basket of memorials on the table in front of him, and he could hardly keep his gentle smile, "Isn't it a small gathering?"

Ji Chen coughed lightly, and didn't realize that there was anything wrong with the term 'small gathering', "We're all busy on weekdays, so it's rare to get together, you can chat while criticizing, talk about what you want to eat, ask Eunuch Xin to go Notify the Imperial Dining Room."

At any rate, if people are required to work, Ji Chen will still pay attention to keeping them fed.

Tang Qian swallowed his saliva. He was eager to move but hesitant. He pressed it up, but he didn't dare to open it casually, "But I'm a military officer."

Ji Chen looked at him with a gentle face, "Yes, you are the one who reassures me the most among the military officers, and the one I like the most among the young people."

One sentence immediately gave Tang Qian blood, and then he began to grind hard without saying a word, writing his opinion on a small note.

Ji Pei and Bi Xuan looked at each other, raised their eyebrows and said nothing, but they obviously didn't agree with Ji Chen's praise of Tang Qian's "the most promising", and they also started to move.


Qin Sheng looked at the people in front of him who were provoked by a single sentence, and he couldn't see it. He sighed deeply, and felt that he couldn't move the group of teammates in front of him.

But who can really not be moved by the trust in front of him, who can not bow down for the right to handle the world's government affairs?

Even Qin Sheng was a little flattered. Of course, he wanted to know why he had to deal with his own affairs even though he wanted to change this pile of memorials. Wouldn't it be that he was doing the work of two people with a salary!

Looking at the scene in front of him, Ji Chen suddenly felt a sense of boldness and ambition. This is the memorial he can solve with his own strength!

That's what being an emperor should be like.

Dividing the recently accumulated memorials into several piles, and then distributing the affairs, Ji Chen held the pigeon in one hand and the snacks in the other, spread out a story book in front of him, and started his leisurely life.

Crack clap.

Qin Sheng put down the memorial in his hand, and raised his head while grinding the ink. He saw that Ji Chen had solved a round fruit that was offered by a foreign feudal vassal, and now it was replaced by cracking melon seeds. Bend, still talking to the pigeon, with a rather leisurely look.

Sensing Qin Sheng's eyes, Ji Chen suddenly realized, and generously said, "I'll give you a plate of round fruits."

Qin Sheng couldn't laugh or cry, and was a little moved. Could it be that he was greedy for these round fruits?However, these fruits were too little to be offered by the foreign clan, Qin Sheng thought to himself, find a reason to beat it, implying that they will make more offerings, and try to let everyone eat it.

The memorials can never be finished correcting. When they worked hard, a new batch of memorials had already been sent in, and because the prime minister had only been discussed at the court meeting this morning, the fast minister had already thought about what he wanted to say, Who to recommend, a thick stack of memorials was presented again.

Qin Sheng resigned to his fate and took a bunch of them, opened a book, and saw an article on it, the words were sloppy, first he praised the emperor's political clarity, and then he boasted that he had worked hard and been an official for many years, but it was a pity that when it came to political achievements There was only a bunch of incomprehensible nonsense left, and the topic was named at the end. Although I didn't dare to dream of being a prime minister, I was willing to share the worries and solve the problems for His Majesty.

Qin Sheng only felt that it was not interesting. When he saw the name of the memorial, he quickly matched the name of the person with the list of ministers in his mind. Nothing would work, the reason he wasn't cut down was purely because there wasn't enough manpower to take his place.But out of respect for Ji Chen, he reluctantly gave a comment of 'all in balance' and put this memorial in the pile that had already been approved.

After eating the round fruit and teasing the pigeons, and flipping through the book, Ji Chen couldn't help holding up his teacup. He kept his hands outside in winter and always felt a little cold.But the tea in the teacup was too hot, Ji Chen immediately picked up the pigeon, trying to rub some heat on the pigeon.

The pigeon was grabbed by Ji Chen's wings and held in his palm. It only felt that Ji Chen's hand was too cold, and quickly disliked it and flew away.

Bai Qi just went to put back the memorials he had finished approving, and planned to get a bunch of new memorials. Seeing this, he walked towards Ji Chen again, and said in a low voice, "But your hands are cold? Why don't I exchange a cup of hot tea for Your Majesty? Or tell Eunuch Xin to find a Mrs. Tang, so as to warm your hands."

In fact, Eunuch Xin had already passed on the message. Just now his apprentice had found a hand stove and specially placed high-quality spices in it to warm it up. He was about to hand it over, but Ji Chen stopped him with a look.

"My hands are indeed a bit cold," Ji Chen said, "The hot tea is too hot to hold, so don't tell him to go out to find Mrs. Tang, he is also doing things slowly now, and he doesn't know how long it will take to find something , it took at least a quarter of an hour to go back and forth."

Eunuch Xin: "..."

He could only cooperate with Ji Chen's performance, put the hand stove into his sleeve and hide it, tried to put on an old and weak exhausted state, and then lowered his head in shame, "The old slave is old and can't do things well. gone."

Bai Qi glanced at the people in Qingyi Pavilion. In fact, everyone was five or six meters away from each other. Everyone was seriously correcting the memorial, and no one seemed to notice this.

Bai Qi quietly moved to sit next to Ji Chen, held Ji Chen's cold fingers, and whispered in his ear, "Then let me warm you up."

Ji Chen smiled back, "Then it's hard work for you."

Fingers intertwined, the two sat close to each other, Bai Qi was a little nervous, and looked at the people around him from time to time, Ji Chen comforted him when he saw this: "I have divided all the memorials with them, they will meet in a while. If you are busy, you won’t notice this side.”

Ji Shao: "..." She heard it, really.

Even if it's her own brother, when she's busy, he stays here leisurely and still doesn't forget to cuddle with his sweetheart, isn't it too much!

The next day, Ji Shao sincerely requested that it is better to set up a screen in the middle, or go directly to the next room, so that His Majesty has his own space for whatever he wants to do, and if they have anything to ask, they can go there and ask.

Ji Pei and Bi Xuan slipped away the next day on the pretext that the workshop of the Ministry of War needed someone to take care of them. Ji Shao also said that he wanted to go and see how the beautiful girls would go about re-election. Ning Wenzheng was forced to change the memorial for a few days. She wanted to run, and her reason was fair, "The next step of the canal construction plan has not been completed, and I still need to go to the field for a survey."

Ji Chen was taken aback for a moment, and finally remembered the matter, "Didn't work stop in winter first? Why rush it for a while."

In fact, the stoppage of work and progress is forced to do nothing. Although there is enough food, the people have too little clothes, and many people do not have two winter clothes. If they are really forced to continue, most people will probably not be able to bear it, and there will be a large number of casualties. inevitable.

Anyway, it was approaching the end of the new year, and it started snowing again recently. Ji Chen generously distributed coins, gave each person some wages, and distributed a batch of food, trying to let these people have a good year, but it ushered in the hearts of the people again. Opinions on building canals have decreased a lot.

"The draft for the next step is not finished yet, especially for the Baiyi tribe. It needs to be carefully considered. The topographic map of the Baiyi tribe was only sent yesterday, and now it needs to be completed slowly." Ning Wenzheng's reasons are well-founded. , "But the map is just a map after all, and many details are still lacking. I have to go and see it myself to be relieved."

Since the signing of the agreement between the Baiyi people and the Yue Kingdom, Qin Sheng has handed over the peace talks between the two parties and the construction of the canal to Ning Wenzheng. How it was discussed, at least when Ji Chen saw the plan, he saw something wrong after reading it.

At that time, Ji Chen thought, the person who made this plan really had sinister intentions, this is a soft knife to cut flesh, and if he doesn't make the other party half dead, it won't be enough!Taking a closer look, it turned out to be one of our own, oh, that's all right.

"To build the canal requires 10 people from the Baiyi people. These 10 people need to live around the canal, otherwise the road will take too much time. Therefore, houses were built around the canal station." Ning Wenzheng explained: "This is extremely useful. necessary."

The 10 people were all in their prime. Ning Wenzheng said that the construction period was too long and he couldn't bear to separate their husbands and wives, so he sent people to pick up their wives, children, and elderly people, trying to reunite their families, and opened a market nearby to give where these people live.

So, the army of Yue State came over and took another two hundred thousand away.

At the same time, these people need food, clothing, housing and transportation on weekdays, so tailor shops, taverns, tea houses, post hotels, and government offices that manage them are all organized. Where do these people come from?Find it from the Baiyi tribe.

The Yue army came again, and this time removed several elders of the Baiyi tribe, and also took away tens of thousands of people.

Of course, Ning Wenzheng's official language is extremely appropriate, and it doesn't restrict the freedom of these people, just saying that if they want to go home and have a look, they can do it anytime.

Ji Chen took a deep look at her, "So the number is increasing, and the final estimate is 40?"

"About 43." Ning Wenzheng corrected, with a little regret, "A group of old people among them are extremely nostalgic and unwilling to come out."

In the undisclosed plan, Ning Wenzheng plans to form a county and ten towns around the canal area near the Baiyi people, suck up the Baiyi people, turn them all into Yue people, and conquer this area without bloodshed. Set the original Baiyi people as an important dividing point between the Yue Kingdom and the Xia Kingdom, and build a city wall.

Of course, as far as the current situation is concerned, they don’t know anything about the Baiyi people. They really think that Ning Wenzheng is only here to help them repair the canal. So considerate.

In all fairness, Ning Wenzheng felt that what he had done was not good enough, but at any rate, he had consulted several senior ministers and discussed with many friends, and felt that the plan was doable.

Ji Chen: "...Then why don't we open the school and the medical clinic, and put a few of our people in the government."

To infiltrate, you have to pay attention to all aspects.

Looking at the calm woman in front of him, Ji Chen secretly felt that such a person should stand on the stage of history and bloom the most dazzling brilliance.

Ning Wenzheng and Ji Chen had a pleasant discussion. It is typical to catch a sheep and squeeze it out before letting it go. The pigeon squatted there blankly, tilting its head and looking at the front, the more meaningful it was. Human beings always feel that some great plan was born at this moment.

Finally, it passed through the window, flapped its wings over the busy crowd, passed through Linglang's palace, and finally arrived at the hospital. It came to meet a person who rarely went out on weekdays, trying to find a trace of human warmth here.

You Han grabbed it, frowned and reprimanded it, "I told you not to step on the medicinal materials directly, there is snow on your paws, if you get wet, you have to dry it again."

The pigeon shrank its head and rubbed against You Han's body, successfully leaving a water stain on her cuff.

You Han: "..."

In fact, You Han is also busy recently. She sorted out what she saw and heard during her trip to the Baiyi tribe, and then recorded the process of her discussing medical skills with the Baiyi tribe. With pictures and hundreds of pages of text, it is obvious that she also has her own plan.

Changing into formal clothes again, You Han packed up his records, holding an umbrella in his right hand and holding a book in his left, holding the pigeon in his arms, and just walked out of the hospital.

Seeing people along the way, everyone more or less greeted her with a smile. After all, eunuchs and maids of low status all know that once they get sick, the best thing is to ask for a bottle of medicine from Physician You. As for other imperial physicians, You Han would not show such pity for them, You Han also nodded politely, and didn't say much.

Qin Sheng and Tang Qian had just finished approving part of the memorial that belonged to them, when they saw You Han Shi Shiran passing by them, the two sides nodded to each other, and then staggered.

Qin Sheng took a slight look, "I feel that since returning from the Baiyi tribe, female doctor You seems to be a little different, and some things have changed."

Tang Qian disapproved, "Really? I feel that Doctor You must be going to ask for His Majesty's pulse again. She is almost the same as usual today, she is just as cold and distant, and doesn't like to talk."

With that said, Tang Qian glanced at Qin Sheng, his eyes rested on his forehead for a moment, and suddenly realized, "Oh! There is indeed a difference, especially female doctors, who are more skilled in medicine. It is said that in Baiyi and their clan doctors After discussing for a long time, it seems that the effect is good, and your hair has returned, so you don't have to worry about baldness anymore."

Qin Sheng: "..."

God is so chatted to death.

It is true that You Han came to see Ji Chen for her own business, and today is a routine time to ask for pulse, and she happened to have a fair reason to see His Majesty, so she first went to check Bai Qi's pulse, and then planned to show Ji Chen a pulse voila.

As soon as Pigeon saw Bai Qi, she turned her head angrily and flew away, even ignoring You Han.

The pulse condition was steady and strong, and You Han quickly withdrew his fingers, "Master Bai is in good health and everything is fine. There is nothing that needs medicine. It's just that it's cold now, and Master Bai still needs to keep warm and don't catch a cold."

Just at this time to say a few more words, You Han began to write the pulse case, and wrote quickly in a few words, and when she finished writing, Bai Qi hadn't left yet.

You Han raised his eyes and asked silently, is there anything else?

Bai Qi coughed lightly, after all she chose to believe that You Han would not say anything casually, "Then I am like this, may have sex?"

You Han choked, but as a doctor, she has long been used to the strange problems of patients, and she will not be shy or embarrassed by it, so she nodded coldly, got up and packed her things, "Just be restrained."

Bai Qi added: "Same with men?"

You Han: "..."

This question really stumped her.

You Han thought about it carefully, and said earnestly: "It's best to apply medicine before and after the event. I don't have the specific plaster here, but there is one in the Tai Hospital, but I can't take it easily. Let me think about it first."

This kind of medicine is individually customized, and it is the product requested by some high-ranking officials and dignitaries in the previous dynasties.

Bai Qi thought that You Han meant to write a fake pulse case for him, and used other reasons to get the medicine, and suddenly smiled, "When the matter is over, I owe female doctor You a favor."

Doctor You nodded, then turned to ask Ji Chen for his pulse, first told him that he was in good health, and then threw a big thunder, "Master Bai said that he wanted some medicine, so I came to ask His Majesty."

For You Han, the easiest way is to talk to Ji Chen directly.Ji Chen has a good temper, and Bai Qi is deeply trusted by him. There have been some great rumors between the two of them. Now that Bai Qi has entered the draft, isn't this the best solution?

So You Han sold Bai Qi in a few words, thinking that Bai Qi was embarrassed to speak up, and explained to Ji Chen how the bottles of medicines stored in the Tai Hospital are effective, and finally reminded him intimately, "These medicines have a certain period of time." It's time, if His Majesty needs it, I can develop another one."

Ji Chen's eyes moved, "His body is well."

You Han added: "It's not bad so far."

Ji Chen showed a smile, "I'll give you three months, is that enough time?"

You Han made a rough calculation and agreed with full confidence.

Knowing that You Han was so caring because he was looking for something, Ji Chen asked her calmly, "What do you want?"

When it came to the business, You Han's face straightened, "I want His Majesty to help me publish a book and make it really useful."

Ji Chen took it, flipped through it briefly, and was rather surprised.You Han did not seek to treat those serious illnesses and intractable diseases, but started from the most basic, and spent a lot of pen and ink on how to treat the most common cold, stomach pain, toothache and other problems, as well as some simple hemostasis methods such as pressing.

Not only that, You Han also said: "I want to set up a stall or open a small shop outside to help people outside with diagnosis and treatment. It's not the time when I'm on duty, I want to be busy outside."

Ji Chen looked at her, feeling a little bit emotional, "You are the only one who suggested that."

You Han didn't think he was so powerful, "It's just that I can't get used to it."

I can't bear to see other people groaning|groaning in front of her, and I can't see other people suffering or dying. That's why I studied medicine and made it through such a bumpy road.

"Then I will also contribute. All the medicinal materials and expenses will be contracted by my private treasury." Ji Chen said: "Why don't I send those official medical doctors to you, and let them take care of you in the future?" It’s a waste of time to get qualifications over there.”

You Han naturally agreed, she did not do this for fame and fortune, the more people who came to help, the better.

After talking about the matter, when You Han left, he specially presented Ji Chen with a hand stove, "The medicinal incense inside is specially developed, and it is good for people with thin bodies."

The gift is simple, but the heart is precious.

This is a medicine developed by You Han. The hand furnace was specially built by the people from the drag and engineering department, and Ning Wenzheng designed it himself.

I hope that His Majesty is in good health and can continue to move forward as before, and hope that the country of Yue will get better and better.

Ji Chen was dumb, and it took a long time before he said: "Thank you."

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