At noon, the sun was baking the earth. In late autumn, the leaves had already turned dark yellow and withered, and gradually fell from the trees. Occasionally, one or two leaves floated on the city wall, and were quickly picked up by the old man in charge of cleaning.

A dirty middle-aged man limped over, followed by a large group of people, who surrounded his car tightly, as if guarding his only property.

Looking at the tall city gate guards, the middle-aged man swallowed, automatically changed his target, walked towards the old man, and shouted from a long distance: "Old man, do you know what you need to pay attention to when entering Beijing?"

It was said to be shouting, but in fact, the middle-aged man had not been able to drink a sip of water for a long time, and his voice was already hoarse. When he said it for the third time, the old man finally heard his words.

The old man was still dressed neatly. He turned his head and glanced back, but couldn't hold back his sigh, "It's a crime, it seems that another village has suffered."

The vicinity of Kyoto is not bad. Although it is a drought, it actually started at the end of September. Although it is indeed serious and has caused them a lot of difficulties, it is different in the south.

I heard the adults in those teahouses discuss that the drought in the south started at the end of August. At that time, there was no harvest yet, and it was midsummer. Many people didn’t care about eating and drinking for themselves. Fear that the crops will wither in the field.

The old man had a kind face. He walked over a few steps, pointed out the direction for them one by one, pointed to a small official not far from the city gate and said, "He is in charge of resettling the victims and will provide you with a place to live. Come in quickly." Well, now there is no charge for entering the city, but Master Bing has to check."

Qi Wu was a little wary, check?Will you just take something away?Will he smash the only few porcelain bowls in his family?

The soldier standing guard couldn't hold back, laughed angrily, and said in a bad tone, "Hurry up, come here, don't waste time! We'll just check to see if we have any weapons, and we can still take a fancy to you? We are the city defense of the capital city. People in the army all eat the imperial rations, how could they be short of three melons and two dates?"

If we talk about the previous ones, there might still be a part that is really missing. After all, the late emperor didn’t manage politics very much, and even the palace was in chaos, let alone other places. Now that it’s replaced by Ji Chen, he first solved the palace, and then After purging the capital, the atmosphere in the capital has taken on a new look. Soldiers' money and food are distributed on time. In addition, Ji Chen's methods are ruthless enough to kill a lot of people. It's not worth it.

Nowadays, if they want to be promoted, they need achievements and a good reputation. For these, they will maintain a kind face to treat the people below.

There was also a crowd in front of the petty official, the sound of crowded quarrels and children's cries continued to spread at the gate of the city, Qi Wu nodded and bowed to thank the guards at the gate, and stood at the end of the line, waiting for their turn , just passed a cup of tea time.

The little official looked up at them and asked, "Are they all the same family?"

Seeing Qi Wu nodded, the clerk counted the number of people again, and handed him a palm-sized sign, "Take it, and find someone who also holds this sign, just look for it."

Qi Wu nodded and stared at the sign in his hand, only to see two vertical lines drawn on it.

On the opposite side, there are more than ten long lines lined up, each long line is one meter apart, and there are officials waiting in front of each long line. Someone in front of each line is holding a wooden sign as wide as a table, with various paintings on it. markup.

Following the crowds coming and going, Qi Wu first lined up and went to the unified resettlement site, then he washed and changed his clothes in a unified way, and was organized by the officials to go to the construction site to do work and eat a dinner to satisfy his hunger. Only then did I feel that I had stepped onto the ground.

I heard people say that the settlement where they lived, the construction site with a little tail left, and the spacious and tidy houses on both sides of the road were all built by Mr. Xiao Ning. This Mr. Xiao Ning can be said to be an anecdote in Kyoto. She is a woman, but she can enter the court as an official.

Before going to bed, he was still thinking vaguely. He heard from the captain that these two vertical lines represent 2. Then they had so many teams at that time, how many vertical lines did the last team have to draw?The sign is so small, is it enough to finish painting?

Probably no one would have guessed that it was just such a little bit of curiosity that made Qi Wu the No.1 student in the evening school in the future, and made great contributions in the future.

"Relief for the victims must be done." Ji Chen's face was a little ugly, even if he knew the situation in various places, he was prepared for the damage to the court, but he really didn't expect the disaster to be so obvious to him.

"Huguang's production has been reduced by [-]%, Qilu's production has been reduced by [-]%, and Suzhou and Hangzhou's production has been reduced by [-]%..." Qin Sheng became more and more suffocated as he thought about it. These are all important grain-producing places in the Yue Kingdom, and almost all of them suffered losses. The output was lower than in previous years. many.

"This loss is bearable," Bai Qi said, "The key is to resettle the victims and let them live well. Don't let these people wander around, otherwise they will become refugees and bandits."

When the people can't survive, it is always the most chaotic time in the world.

Ji Chen said, "Give out the food."

Speaking of this, Ji Chen paused every word, "Whoever dares to do anything at this time will kill all the nine clans."

Each of them said that the policy was quickly summed up, and the people were organized to build roads in various places with work in lieu of relief. The infrastructure in the capital was almost completed, but there was still the big head of the canal.

"Speaking of which, Ning Shangshu," Ji Chen looked at Ning Yuan, "What about the plan from the Ministry of Industry?"

Ning Yuan quickly replied: "The ministers are going to divide the project into five sections, and start construction on the five sides at the same time, and try our best to ensure that the construction will be completed before the spring of next year, but these five sections are relatively scattered, and the section at Huijiang Peak has many rugged mountain roads and winding rivers. , is particularly difficult. Maybe we need to send someone to try it first, if it doesn’t work, I’m afraid we have to change the route.”

Ning Yuan also attached a number of lists, explaining to Ji Chen one by one where they are suitable to be sent, how many people are needed in each place, and he can even draw a rough topographic map of each place on the spot. Ji Chen nodded unconsciously. An experienced person is different, and he is more at ease when he speaks and does things.

"... Among them, the younger girl's qualifications are weak, but she is suitable for the second section, which is not too difficult—" Ning Yuan said this, but Ning Wenzheng took the initiative to stand up, "Your Majesty, I have something to say."

Ji Chen nodded at the table and motioned for her to talk.

Ning Wenzheng prepared a memorial, a memorial about the topography of Huijiang Peak and the design of the canal. The basic content of the canal has been drawn, and the content is even more detailed than that of Ningyuan, and all the difficulties in its construction are listed.

Her face is still clear and beautiful, her temperament is still elegant, but her skin is no longer bright and fair, her skin is obviously darker, but her expression is calmer than before, "I am willing to go, and I will do my best to live up to the emperor's grace."

She went to Huijiang Peak in person when she was resting, just to prepare for this day, and wanted to preside over such a project in person.What's more, she doesn't fight unprepared. She already has a team of about [-] people behind her, who can accompany her to complete this project. She even asked Ji Chen for more resources, more The artisans of the Ministry of Industry and the weapons of the Ministry of War.

Ning Yuan looked at Ning Wenzheng with complicated eyes. Now he no longer regrets that his daughter will not marry, but as a parent, he is always worried. He arranged an easy path for her, but she is willing to walk through the thorns and set foot on the road. new journey.

But now there was no room for him to refute or ask questions. He silently looked at the equally young and equally energetic king, and saw him and Ning Wenzheng nodding in satisfaction after a few conversations and saying hello.

November [-]rd is destined to be a day that will be recorded in history.

"Three, two, one!"

Sparks flickered in the fuse, bringing out a little pyrotechnic gas, and then sank into the foot of the mountain.

After they finished shouting their slogans, there was only a rumbling sound, and a small mountain outside Huijiang Peak was flattened.

The people outside were silent at first, and then there were bursts of cheers.


"The mountain is also flat, and it's easier!"

Ning Wenzheng looked at the gong prepared by his subordinates, knocked it hard, and raised his lips: "Start work!"

Beside Ning Wenzheng, all the concubines and concubines of the Eastern Palace who followed her changed into clothes that were more convenient for walking, and started their work today. Farther away, the people who did labor and the people who recruited workers to build the canal merged into one. Collectively, they took action.

The picks were distributed, the workers were assigned to designated positions, and the first assembly line was quickly built, with small carts going back and forth in it, and all tools being fully utilized.

The people from the Ministry of Industry cleared out a special route to reduce the labor of the workers. The officials of the Ministry of Households stopped at the first time to calculate the resources consumed along the way, including preparing sufficient meals for the workers and laborers. The Ministry of Officials also sent people to monitor the top and bottom.

Not far away, Bi Xuan finished recording the data and smiled at Ning Wenzheng, "This can be regarded as moving mountains and filling seas."

Ning Wenzheng would also smile, "Naturally, my country of Yue is omnipotent."

They exchanged various topics, and there was no lack of appreciation for each other in their language.In the court where men are officials, they are unique existences. Although they have hardly met each other in the past, they feel very cordial when they meet for the first time.

After all, my way is not alone.

When the first light snow fell, good news finally came from outside.

The construction of the five-sided canal section was considered a success, especially the most difficult section that Ning Wenzheng was in charge of, and the progress was still at the forefront.At the beginning, some people ridiculed her for not knowing how to live or die, but now they have changed their tone and praised her for her courage and wisdom.

At the winter banquet in the imperial palace, stoves were placed between the seats, hot meals were delivered, and the monarch and ministers rejoiced together, which was considered to be a celebration of the smooth progress of the primary election.

Mr. Qian has been beaming with joy recently. After many days of unremitting efforts, under the name of "good things come in pairs", he finally managed to put Shang Nan into the primary selection list. Naturally, this person passed the primary selection as a matter of course. The re-election was carried out.

Now, Shang Nan has taken on the important position of serving His Majesty's pen and ink and writing imperial edicts. He stays in the palace every day. Lord Qian thinks that he is kind to Shang Nan, so he is naturally in a very happy mood, as if he has predicted that he will step on Prime Minister Qin in the future. , Better than the good days of General Joe.

Xing Yi, Shangshu of the Ministry of Punishment, snorted coldly, turned around on purpose, and disdained to be with such villains.

I don't know how those people arranged the positions, but they actually arranged Mr. Qian opposite him. He could see it every time he looked up, and it hurt his eyes once he saw it!

Ji Shao talked to Ji Pei at the front, "What do you think those people think? Only [-] people passed the primary election, which means that many people can't meet the standards of the second brother, and they actually asked the emperor to make the third concubine The nine concubines are all filled, could it be that the second elder brother has filled the people and sealed the harem, and when he is in the harem, he will think of their fathers, brothers and uncles to these people, and then give them promotions?"

Ji Pei also nodded secretly, "If it were me, I would stay away from this matter and never get involved in it." Seeing that Brother Huang even agreed to such a ridiculous request for Bai Qi, he should know that Brother Huang is facing Bai Qi. Qi really has feelings, not just kidding.Even if these showgirls can really be sent to the harem, they are probably in vain.

Ji Shao and Ji Pei looked at each other and sighed.

There are too many stupid people, smart people face them every day, and life is not easy.

Someone also said to Ning Yuan sourly: "Master Ning, you don't have to worry about the girl from your Ning family spending her days on the construction site."

"Haha, Your Majesty said that when she completes this task, she will be promoted to the fourth grade." Ning Yuan didn't take it seriously, this person is still familiar, um, he is a family that has never been in the first draft.

"Oh, my son just doesn't care for fame and wealth, he's just busy painting recently." In fact, he failed the exam last time.

"Fourth rank is good, such a young fourth rank official is very rare. Many people are already old, and they are still third rank officials." Ning Yuan stroked his beard.

"Speaking of which, it's time for me to make a marriage for my son. I must find a virtuous and virtuous girl, and take a few beautiful concubines to spread the branches and leaves for my family."

"Speaking of it, I'm also worried. My daughters are all fourth-rank, but there are so many men, but none of them is fourth-rank. The only one, Qin Sheng, was married early. That's all, let's take it easy. In the end, others are not worthy of it." She." Ning Yuan sighed slowly, "If it's really not possible, first find a virtuous man, and then pick a few good-looking men to make her laugh."

That person: "..."

Nonsence!No wonder that after Ning Yuan became Minister of the Ministry of Industry, the Ministry of Industry was rejected by the other five ministries.

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