Bai Qi lowered her eyes, looked at Sang Xi's hexagrams, and didn't say whether she was satisfied with the result or not, "Really?"

Sang Xi nodded, and didn't know whether to praise this marriage first or belittle it, so he kept a low profile and kept silent, hoping that the current celebrity would leave quickly.

However, not only did Bai Qi not intend to leave, but he sat up straight, as if he wanted to have a long talk with him.

Bai Qi flipped through it briefly, but he hadn't studied the Book of Changes much before, and he was really not good at interpreting the hexagrams in detail, so he said kindly: "Let's talk about it in detail."

Sang Xi could only reluctantly say: "Lord Bai, it's not that I don't help you, it's that I'm not good at learning. I can only see that the two people's horoscopes are very compatible. But it's always up to people to make things happen. How long we can walk together is not up to me as an ordinary person."

Bai Qi didn't speak, just looked at him silently, but didn't move at all.

The pressure on Sang Xi was getting bigger and bigger, and finally his brain twitched, and he came up with an idea, "Actually, I have another way. Since ancient times, men and women have to pray to heaven and earth when they get married, and couples get married. This is also to get heaven and earth." The best way to admit it is as the saying goes, what happens is up to God, not to mention that if the name is not correct, the words will not go well, as long as there is a name of husband and wife, it will always be smooth."

Speaking of this, Sang Xi regained his spirits, ah, the royal empress cannot be abolished easily after being established, except for the unreasonable ones of the first emperor, if Bai Qi has the ability, he will send someone in to be the empress, and the marriage will naturally come true.

Bai Qi stood up indifferently, took the few pieces of paper from Sang Xi's hand, folded them together and put them in his sleeves, "Forget it."

Sang Xi was suddenly dumbfounded, forget it?

No, why suddenly forget it?

He still wanted to ask a few more questions, but Bai Qi refused to accept the offer.

Sang Xi hadn't figured out what Bai Qi was going to do in such a hurry, so he relaxed a little, and was informed by the palace servant that His Majesty wanted to see him.

Sang Xi didn't dare to delay, and hurried away.

Ji Chen was teasing the pigeon without saying a word, poking the fluffy feathers on its belly occasionally, and stopped when he saw Sang Xi.

"Is it finished?" Ji Chen didn't talk nonsense, and went straight to the point.

Sang Xi hurriedly said, "It's over."

Ji Chen signaled the palace man beside him to pass a piece of paper in front of him, "It's just right, there is one more thing, you take it, calculate this horoscope, and give a command, the meaning should be good and the best. "

Sang Xi glanced at it, and had to bite the bullet and remind: "Your Majesty, there is no year of birth written on it."

Ji Chen suddenly said, "I probably forgot, just remember, it's this year."

Sang Xi roughly calculated, that is, he was only six months old?

Ji Chen added: "Calculate whether it has Fengming, and Fengming, you can figure it out yourself."

Sang Xi: "..."

He thinks he can't do it.

Six month queen? ?This age is too young, isn't His Majesty eyeing a newborn?

If he dared to be a courtier, he dared to impeach him desperately, and sent his whole family to Dali Temple.

And Bai Qina...

However, Ji Chen was unreasonable, and if he didn't do it, he would go back to his hometown and eat himself. He could only respond with tears, racking his brains and thinking about the follow-up.

After Sang Xi left, Ji Chen grabbed the pigeon and murmured: "You really should lose weight, look at this body shape, when Fengming turns into a pig's cry, wouldn't that be a joke of the world?" .”

The pigeon cooed a few times in dissatisfaction, and rubbed against Ji Chen's palm reservedly. The whole pigeon was also very lively.

It was at this time that Bai Qi finished dealing with his own affairs in the study, carefully put away the hexagrams, and then came to see Ji Chen, "What's wrong with it today?"

The pigeon puffed up its chest, cooed a few times towards Bai Qi, and rested on a high place, Mung Dou's eyes were full of joy.

Ji Chen didn't plan to go into details for the time being, "It's very happy today."

Bai Qi looked at Ji Chen and said seriously, "I'm also very happy today."

For his victory, for his joy.

Ji Chen looked at Bai Qi and noticed that his gaze was persistent and hot.

He couldn't help but feel that way.

"I want to kiss you," Ji Chen took Bai Qi's hand and gradually tightened it.

Bai Qi also actively responded to him.

In the study room, only pigeons and a single lamp were left.

In the room next door, the voice of talking and the laughter of the two could be faintly heard.

The pigeon was resting on the desk, just in time to see a storybook open on the desk, and the pages of the book were turned to the last few pages.

The first few sentences are "As the saying goes, a woman's love is broken before she grows old, and she leans on the smoked cage until dawn. [1]"

The pigeons fluttered out of the house and soared in the sky to vent their energy. As a result, as soon as they made a circle in the air, a dozen or so carrier pigeons flew out in all directions.

The pigeon quickly turned around and let out a cooing sound, trying to find some playmates.

Some of the carrier pigeons in the air flew away hesitantly, while others approached the pigeon slowly and greeted it friendly.

This carrier pigeon was released by Xia Ye. After he returned to the station, he felt that his level was limited, so he simply wrote the important information on a note, tied it to the carrier pigeon's leg, and let it fly first, trying to give himself Brother Huang sends a message.

In order to prevent accidents, he deliberately released a dozen pigeons at one time, and all the important information was stored separately. It doesn't matter if you lose one or two pigeons, as long as you don't lose more than half of them at once. piece it together.

But Xia Ye is not a professional pigeon breeder, and he is extremely busy. The little eunuch he brought wanted to remind the prince that carrier pigeons sometimes release pigeons.

It's a pity that no one is willing to listen to the opinion of the eunuch who is in charge of raising pigeons.

When Ji Chen woke up, he saw six pigeons squatting in the yard outside. The one surrounded in the middle was naturally his big "pigeon", which looked very reliable against the crowd of carrier pigeons.

Eunuch Xin leaned over and fed and watered them. He obviously preferred the pigeons, and looked at the pigeons next to him with picky eyes.

Ji Chen: "... Where did this come from?"

Ji Chen couldn't help being stunned, good guy!

In just one night, Bai Qi was by his side, sleeping peacefully. This pigeon was dishonest all night, and actually abducted five carrier pigeons at once?Is this to open a harem or to take in younger brothers?

Ji Chen is still interrogating the pigeons here, while Xia Ye has already waited for the visit of Qin Tianjian.

Zheng Sangxi, the inspector of Qintian Supervisor, told them in embarrassment but politely that they put the horoscope of the Princess Xia in Fengtian Hall last night, but when the wind blew in the middle of the night, the plate fell to the ground and broke, which is really unsatisfactory. auspicious.

Moreover, the results of their calculations are also very bad. If the two get married, they will at most be resentful, and cannot be harmonious as a husband and wife.

Sang Xi talked eloquently about his work last night, memorized a lot of bibliographies he had found out, threw out a bunch of academic entries, and successfully stunned Xia Ye.

Xia Ye said with a cold face, "Okay! Just tell me the result and tell me, should the marriage continue or be cancelled?"

"Cancel." Sang Xi said firmly: "If Princess Xia insists on coming to get married, and because of her fate, she dies of illness, wouldn't it hurt the relationship between the two countries even more?"

Xia Ye looked at Sang Xi with a bit of murderous look in his eyes, how could a good person die of illness!Unless the Yue people do something!Is this threatening him?Send one in and kill one?

Zheng Sangxi, the inspector of the Qin Tianjian shuddered, and continued: "What's more, the Qin Tianjian watched the stars at night yesterday and found that there is a scene of phoenix singing in the capital. This is Your Majesty's concubine."

Xia Ye looked over suspiciously, and kept recalling what happened at yesterday's banquet in his mind. Yesterday, Ji Chen flirted with that Shang Nan, and today he has a wife?

Sang Xi firmly looked at the past, the six-month spouse is also a spouse, anyway, if His Majesty intends to become a queen, it's not that he can do whatever he says about Qin Tianjian, and he will say the same thing to anyone who comes.

Dissatisfied, Xia Ye withdrew his eyes, sneered, and made it clear that he didn't believe it, "Okay, then the king is waiting for His Majesty Yue's concubine to appear. When His Majesty Yue gets married, this king will definitely send a congratulatory gift."

In the past few days, Xia Ye often took people to be invited to a martial arts arena outside the palace to compete with the army of the Yue Kingdom.

Different from the defeat in the palace, outside the palace, some miscellaneous soldiers played. Xia Ye's people won one after another, with more victories and fewer losses. Finally, they guarded the ring, and all the various military branches showed their strength.

Old General Qiao said to the civil servants beside him, "Have you written it down?"

The civil servant nodded, "Don't worry, general, the ministers have written it down, and in a few days, they can almost empty out all the information about their military branch. The virtuous king has never found out, and we have also deployed people to coax him to continue to show Xia Guo's strength." strength."

Old General Qiao was full of relief.

The battlefield was too fierce, and he didn't dare to use his hands to test it. Now is just a good time to test the overall strength of Xia Guo.

Seeing that some young people in the back were a little unconvinced, Old General Qiao smiled helplessly, "Since it's almost there, go ahead, it's just right, to accumulate experience."

The young people's eyes lit up immediately, and they all prepared to end.

Xia Ye finally realized something was wrong.

At the beginning, the team leaders were some middle-aged men with big bellies, then some old people with gray hair in their fifties and sixties, and then a group of young people in their 30s and [-]s.

They accepted all the praises, and the Yue people also pulled out their cavalry and infantry for a walk, and kept improving against Xia's camp. In the last few days, almost every day was a draw.

Xia Ye held back a breath of anger, and couldn't help losing his temper when he returned to the station, "This is training soldiers with the king!"

Chen Envoy couldn't move his legs yet, so he shook his head and smiled wryly, "My lord, during this time, our horses have been weak and weak, and some of them can't even stand up."

Xia Ye was taken aback for a moment, thinking that he had found some evidence that he could catch the Yue Kingdom, and asked nervously: "Did they poison our horses? Did they deliberately not give good horse feed?"

Chen envoy covered his face and sighed, gritted his teeth at the group of Yue people, "I asked the attendants in the stables, and they said that these horses may be particularly weak due to insufficient kidney water recently."

As for why the kidney water is insufficient, it is worth pondering.

The next day, Bai Qi went to Dengwen Tower as Shang Nan, while Ji Chen was still carrying the pigeon, trying to reason with it.

"You've almost had enough fun, it's time to let them go," Ji Chen poked the pigeon's belly, he copied all the secret letters, translated the text, and then put the secret letters back.

Based on these words, he guessed something.

The pigeon cooed and patted Ji Chen's hand away, turning his head dissatisfied.

Ji Chen said: "If you let go of five of them now, that Xia Ye will send you more pigeons to accompany you, and there will be ten of them by then."

The pigeon tilted its head and looked at Ji Chen, "Goo?"

One person and one pigeon discussed for a long time, and finally reached an agreement. The pigeon bid farewell to its five younger brothers/harem, let them go, and continued to eat and drink at Ji Chen's side.

In the end, before Ji Chen had played with the pigeons for a long time, he got the news that Shang Nan had been assassinated and someone wanted to arrest him.

The captured person had not had time to be interrogated, but among the assassins, the commander was a woman, a wrinkled and old-fashioned woman.

Ji Chen dropped the cup on the spot.

Ji Chen looked sharply at Eunuch Xin, "Go yourself and see if it's the Song Empress Song Miao who entered the nunnery."

After finishing speaking, Ji Chen left the palace quickly to meet Bai Qi who was climbing Wenlou.

Ji Chen glanced at him and saw that there was no blood on his body, but his clothes were slightly worn and there was some dust on his body, so he breathed a sigh of relief, "Are you all right?"

Bai Qi tried his best to smile, his complexion was a little pale, and his spirit was not very good, "It's fine, Your Majesty doesn't have to worry about me."

Eunuch Xin also got the answer, sent a eunuch over, and gave an affirmative reply.

Bai Qi looked over immediately, Ji Chen didn't want to do it now, did he?

Seeing that he was okay, Ji Chen hurriedly comforted him and left, his anger was completely high, "Go and call people, and surround the station now."

How many people Song Miao had now, he did not believe that it had nothing to do with these Xia people.

He didn't go too far at first, but these Xia people kept jumping around, and now they got involved in Song Miao's body, wanting to catch Shang Nan, to help her turn herself into the Empress Dowager?

Suddenly there was a sound of weapons fighting outside the station.

Xia Ye rushed out, "Is there an assassin? Who is it! Dare to assassinate me?"

Ji Chen sneered, and his anger swelled completely, "You are the biggest assassin, and you dare to call out to catch the thief? Come, someone, catch the virtuous king and reward you with 1000 taels of silver."

Seeing that His Majesty was standing at the front, the soldiers below rushed forward one by one, and directly killed the soldiers of Xia Guo.

The few guards waiting beside Ji Chen were sweating profusely, looking at the people around them nervously, fearing that someone would make a cold shot.

Xia Ye hastily picked up the long knife, and before he even had time to put on his armor, he ushered in the first batch of crossbow | arrows from the Yue Kingdom.

At that time, I hurriedly tried it out in the Martial Arts Field, but now on the battlefield, these crossbow|arrows finally showed their true power. The arrows scattered and flew towards everyone, and the icy arrows|points pierced through the light armor, leaving streaks of blood behind.

Xia Ye was furious. Every person in the Xia Kingdom is extremely precious, and their envoys are just like this, "Are you sick? Why did you come to the post station to kill people for no reason? Do you think I, the people of Xia Kingdom, are easy to bully?"

Ji Chen asked with a blank expression: "Empress Song Song Miao came to you at that time, right? Is it your idea that she leads people to arrest Shang Nan now? If you are capable of kidnapping, you can't just come up with some tricks? You will too."

Xia Ye was taken aback, it was true that Song Empress Song Miao had indeed been here, but they only dug up information on her and gave her a sum of money to send her away. As for what Song Miao did, how could he know!

Seeing the people around him attacking more and more fiercely, Xia Ye finally came to his senses, and shouted while resisting, "Let's make peace, let's talk! Even if the two armies are at war, we won't kill them. Besides, my brother is not something to mess with." If you really hurt me, my brother will not let you go."

Xia Ye also completely gave up on the marriage.

The damned emperor of Yue sent troops to surround the post station at the slightest disagreement, yelling at him to kill him. No matter how rich or worthless his sister was, she was still a princess, so she couldn't be easily thrown out to die.

Ji Chen snorted, "That's really embarrassing, don't you always laugh at my studies? I really haven't learned these things, and I don't pay attention to not beheaded."

Bai Qi hurried over, happened to bump into this scene, didn't care too much, walked all the way with the sign "As I'm Coming", walked up to Ji Chen's side, hugged Ji Chen's waist and didn't let him go, "Your Majesty, the government is important , Xia Ye cannot die."

They put in so much hard work in the early stage, didn't they just think about the peace talks and want to be stable for a few years?

As long as Xia Ye didn't die, it didn't matter if the rest of them died.

Sir Qian, who was panting after running behind, was startled. He thought His Majesty had just taken a fancy to Shang Nan for a while, but it turned out that he was going to get angry at the crown?

The author has something to say:


[1] The confidante breaks her grace before she is old, and leans on the smoked cage until dawn. ——Bai Juyi's Harem Ci


Pigeons also mysteriously disappear

There was a pigeon racing competition in June in the UK. Out of [-] pigeons, only [-] flew to the destination, and [-] mysteriously disappeared.

Netizen: Goodbye.

Netizen: [-] racing pigeons give everyone away.

——from the news

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