Tang Qian was a little anxious recently, he walked around to inquire about the news around him.

Of course, Bai Qi didn't need to mention it, he was still dealing with a lot of business, and occasionally he didn't forget to select a few ministers to ransack the house.

Qin Sheng is busy with writing reform. It is said that he recently recruited a newcomer to help, and called a group of people in Dengwenlou, abruptly turning this matter into a pioneering work. A large number of people poured in, and the Imperial Academy was bustling extraordinary.

Doctor You has been busy recently, and seems to be thinking about writing a book. She has been sorting out pulse cases, and it is said that she has sorted out a lot of things.

There are other people, each with their own business, the only one who has the most leisure time and hasn't made great achievements is him.

"Ahhh," Tang Qian scratched his head in pain, "Why don't people from Xia Kingdom come here? Where did their envoys go?"

Tang Qian was really in a bit of pain. Since the upper echelon of the Geisha was wiped out, he pretended to be the only Geisha executive who survived the catastrophe, recruited the lower-level staff, and began to continue the so-called "rebellion".However, the biggest fish is still on the way.

They didn't look for any ordinary people. Under Tang Qian's flickering, they all started to test some bandits and bandits, and even some assassins and rangers, to see if they wanted to go to the dark all the way, or if they wanted to abandon evil and do good. thought.

There were a few who were hesitant and still thinking about it, so Tang Qian made the decision for them. Just in time, he received news that Ning Wenzheng was building a village within the Kyoto area, so he planned to take these people there to have a look.

A group of people sneaked behind a group of old village chiefs, hid in a corner, looked at the scene in front of them, and exchanged information in low voices.

"Keep your voice down. This is the news I finally bought from a court official. It is said that the village is being rebuilt now. Some people who have not registered in previous years can also register." Tang Qian seemed to be inadvertent. He sighed, "Those common people, some black households who used to evade taxes, can now become serious citizens."

The men around exchanged information silently, occasionally looking at each other.

The village designed by Ning Wenzheng is very lively. She directly chooses to demolish, rebuild or renovate the original courtyard and replace it with a small courtyard. There are more than ten streets extending in all directions. The central square still stops there, and the surrounding one In the circle, one house is exclusive to the village head, and the others are empty there. The prepared market has also been built, and it can be opened just waiting for the things to be moved.

Although the walls are not clean and white, but the mud bricks and a layer of powder on the surface are generally smooth and flat enough. The layout of four bedrooms and one living room, leaving the kitchen and bathing places, immediately wiped out those dilapidated, shabby houses. The small earthen huts squeezed into a pile are better than going into the ditch.

Ning Wenzheng introduced: "Two villages can probably be accommodated here, and the rest of the people will be arranged forward. We try not to break up the people in one village, but if the house can't fit, we can only dismantle it first."

On the other hand, the carriage of the group of them moved forward all the way, passing through the streets, similar houses with the same layout, from beginning to end, which proved that Ning Wenzheng's words were true.

After getting out of the carriage, one of the village chiefs boldly touched the house, knocked on the door, and leaned his ear to listen carefully. Hearing the dull sound of the wooden board, he couldn't help being a little excited, "My lord, this wood is available. It won't rot easily, so these houses are assigned to us? Is this true?"

Ning Wenzheng nodded, "Of course it is. I am a minister of the imperial court, and this time I will lead everyone from the Ministry of Industry to supervise the construction of villages for everyone. Naturally, the law is enforced impartially. All content must be submitted to the emperor for review, and there will be no troubles on it." Order something."

After seeing the village, farmland is naturally indispensable. Although most of them are ordinary fields, Ning Wenzheng also promised, "There are also a lot of wasteland around. People who open up wasteland will register with the village chief and will be exempted from tax within three years. This year also Each person will be compensated with [-] catties of grain."

It's already September, and three hundred catties per person is definitely enough.

The village head's eyes lit up, "When do you think we need to vacate the place in the village, I can arrange for the villagers now, and they can leave at any time. We can just stay here, and the family can squeeze together."

The village chief who was leaning on crutches blew his beard, swept away the depression just now, and said unwillingly: "I said Hu, don't be so unreasonable, our village is the nearest village chosen by Mr. Ning, we must be the first one!" If it’s demolished, we’ll be the first to move. Don’t worry, Mr. Ning, since you’ve chosen our village, we won’t embarrass you. If you say we’ll finish the move within three days, we’ll definitely finish it within two days.”

Several village chiefs who still had opinions on Ning Wenzheng also gathered around one by one, their attitudes were extremely enthusiastic, and they wished to move now, fearing that the good location would be picked up by others.

Ning Wenzheng showed a smile at the corner of her mouth, she only hoped that her hard work during this time would not be in vain.

Seeing the village head banging on the wall hard, the black-faced man next to him was heartbroken, "How can you be so hard? What if it breaks? This house can be..."

Just as he was talking, the black-faced man greeted Tang Qian with meaningful eyes, and couldn't help but shut up, "I'll just say it casually, because I feel sorry for things, and I'm afraid they will spoil them."

Tang Qian laughed and covered up the matter, "Let's go, those officers and soldiers are already looking at us, we can't stay any longer."

He took the people away, and when he left, he deliberately paid attention to it, and realized that some people were particularly reluctant to part with this place.

Taking note of the names of these people, Tang Qian felt that by hanging the radish in front of these people, these people could still be drawn towards the court.

When Ning Wenzheng was building a village around the capital while relocating villagers, the construction workshop in the eastern suburbs was also fully prepared to start construction. Ji Pei didn't know much about these, so he just continued to immerse himself in his blueprints, occasionally I will go to the few people in the Ministry of War to test the power of the weapon and discuss improvement plans.

It was Bi Xuan who really took the initiative to run over to study how to place the boiler.

After discussing with many officials from the Ministry of Industry for three days, she finally persuaded some of them and began to put forward her views in a fair manner.

Seeing so many people in front of her, she didn't hide her talent and identity for the first time, she just looked at the crowd calmly, confirmed the location of hundreds of boilers at one time and transferred many master blacksmiths and their apprentices, one master equipped with ten Three apprentices work together, and three masters work together to cast a piece of armor or a weapon, and even the molds are the best.

After seeing the bill handed over by Bi Xuan, the Secretary of the Ministry of Household Department almost turned over on the spot, and Ji Chen accepted it without changing his face, and even stamped it after he approved it.

Hubu Shangshu was about to burst into tears, and his voice was extremely shrill, "Your Majesty!"

"The gold from that Buddha statue last time, hasn't it been used up yet? I remember that the treasury hasn't spent much money recently." Ji Chen just felt baffled.

Tong Nan, Minister of the Household Department, choked up and said, "The remaining gold and silver in the national treasury will also be saved, and the sacrificial ceremony for the late emperor and the late prince will also be prepared."

Ji Chen's face was full of astonishment, and he was a little terrified, "I still have to sacrifice to them? Do I have to prepare gifts for them?"

It's over, he thought it would be over if the person was buried, if it was impossible, he could send an eunuch to take a look at it in ten years or so, and if he burned a few sacrificial rites, it would be considered over.

But Ji Chen really didn't think so far away, after all, it's only been two years since the subjugation of the country.

When discussing the matter, Prime Minister Qin really couldn't listen anymore, so he had to dismiss the Minister of the Household Department first, and then patiently explained to Ji Chen that in ancient times, death was like life, and they paid special attention to the ceremony of sacrifice, so if you want to show filial piety, you must show It shows the importance attached to the sacrifice of the first emperor.

At the end, Qin Sheng, who accompanied Prime Minister Qin to report, couldn't help but sigh slightly. The emperor was born in a cold palace, and he couldn't see it normally, but at this time, it showed that he had no common sense and had no involvement in these things.

However, no one is perfect, compared to the previous unreliable emperors, Qin Sheng also felt that Ji Chen was already very good.

"Then I will send Song Empress Song Miao, who is now Mrs. Jingci, to accompany him, and let their family reunite as soon as possible. Is this considered filial piety?" Ji Chen couldn't help but eager to try.

Anyway, both Emperor Xian and Ji Han have been dead for so long, so why don't they affect the lives of the living and just disappear completely.

Speaking of which, at that time, Xia Guo's envoys must have left, and the last value of Empress Song was almost used up.

Qin Sheng was a little hesitant, and he was also a little ready to move, and his thoughts began to turn, "...it seems to be okay?"

Prime Minister Qin: "..."

Prime Minister Qin glared at Qin Sheng angrily, motioned him to shut up, then cupped his hands and said to Ji Chen: "Your Majesty really wants to do this, so don't make too much publicity, you have to be careful."

Forget it, then they should give up the sacrifice.

After Prime Minister Qin came out, Tong Nan, Minister of the Household Department, looked at him expectantly. Prime Minister Qin coughed lightly, "In my opinion, His Majesty pays more attention to people's livelihood, and the ritual of offering sacrifices should be simple and simple, and there is no need to be too extravagant and wasteful."

Hubu Shangshu tremblingly said: "Is it really necessary to take so much silver to fill a workshop that burns an unknown amount of silver taels?"

It's not that he is reluctant to part with the money, the main thing is that he is not familiar with the people in charge.

What Bi Xuan, what Ji Pei, what Ning Wenzheng, plus an unreliable emperor who stamped with his eyes closed, a bunch of juniors doing it themselves, plus a group of low-status craftsmen, can this really work? ?

"Naturally it can be done," Ji Chen said to Bai Qi, "What I want to do, I will naturally do it."

All his success and fame in the past came from his own hard work. Now that he has to do it, he must do his best.

He wants to build a workshop that can accommodate more than 5000 people, and then build weapons here, beat iron armor, and send continuous equipment to the army to create the most powerful Vietnamese army to defend the country.

Bai Qi also nodded seriously, "I will accompany you to fulfill your wish."

That's what Bai Qi said, and he did the same.

After Bi Xuan asked people from the Ministry of Industry to draw the drawings, Ji Chen made some simple repairs, but the specific arrangements and orders were still made by Bai Qi. After all, his current status is enough, and he is suitable for pressing in the past. place.

After Bai Qi left, Ji Chen said to Eunuch Xin: "Go and invite Imperial Physician You, I'll talk to her about the pigeons."

Eunuch Xin was in a hurry to give orders, and when he walked to the door, he suddenly realized that His Majesty always asked people to say something casually, and never said the purpose, why did he say something more today?

Ji Chen called You Han, not for other reasons, but because according to his observation, this doctor You has the tightest mouth, and he has the most reason to call people over, such as pigeons.

You Han came quickly. First, he checked Ji Chen's pulse every day, and looked at him suspiciously, "Your Majesty is a little angry, so don't fluctuate too much recently."

Ji Chen lazily responded.

When the little eunuch ran out to get the medicine, Ji Chen finally sat up straight and coughed lightly, "I remember that every ten days, people from the imperial hospital would go to ask for Bai Qi's pulse. Next time I want you to go, I will Tell you what you'll tell him when the time comes."

You Han sat there quietly.

As Ji Chen talked, he became a lot more casual. After all, he was an old acquaintance. He said: "He has too many worries and is busy on weekdays. He is worried about many things. Go and persuade him to take a good rest. I will He can’t listen to what he said. If he is properly fattened up, give him some tonics, and take a good tonic, his body was a little weak before, and now he is a little weak.”

You Han: "..."

She lowered her head consciously to hide her delicate gaze, so how did His Majesty know that Bai Qi's body was a little tight?

The author has something to say:

You Han: Although a pigeon reported to her, she still couldn't guess where the two of them had progressed.

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