After becoming the king of the subjugated country

Chapter 32 The harvest should not be dead...

Fortunately, the old emperor had already repaired the imperial mausoleum, and now that the day has come, it is almost time to bury him.

Ji Han was buried in the burial mausoleum as the crown prince, and Ji Chen reluctantly went through the process with his own mind, and started to let himself go the next day.

Because, in Huangzhuang, the foundation work has finally come to an end.

Ning Wenzheng sent invitation letters to a series of familiar relatives and friends, generously inviting everyone to come to Huangzhuang for a walk, and taste some farm food by the way.

When Ji Chen received the invitation letter, neither Bai Qi nor the pigeons were there.

When Ji Chen left the palace, he brought two guards with him, but not long after he left the palace, he saw a person climbing over the wall on the street of Qin's house.

Subconsciously took a step back, the man just fell on the ground.

Ji Chen walked two steps closer, said hello, and said kindly, "Hi~"

Qin Shu looked up, wiped his face immediately, looked up at the sky, his face collapsed.

Isn't this the culprit who caused him to kneel in the ancestral hall for half a day and was locked up for half a month, and now he can only rely on climbing over the wall to go out.

Seeing that there were not many people around Ji Chen, Qin Shu could only limped over, not daring to call out his identity, "Young Master Ji."

Ji Chen said enthusiastically, "I happen to be going out to play outside, why don't we go together?"

Qin Shu: "..."

He is thinking seriously now, whether it is better to turn around and go back now, admit to his father that he has climbed over the wall, and be fined again; or go out with the emperor first, and come back after the mess is over and be scolded.

He was going to be punished anyway, Qin Shu looked at death like home, "Let's go."

Ji Chen was immediately amused, and the group went to Huangzhuang without any hassle.

"Oh, here, I've been here," Qin Shu immediately relaxed a lot, as long as it wasn't the Jiangyunfang and Xuanmi Township he mentioned last time, otherwise Prime Minister Qin could really beat him to death.

Qin Shu felt a little regretful, "At that time, my brother was still thinking about doing some construction in Zhuangzi, but later on there were many things in the court, and he couldn't come to watch every day, so he could only ask people to follow his idea, and he didn't know the effect. How about it."

Ji Chen also felt a little emotional, "This round, Miss Ning must be ahead."

Of course, this aspect is indeed her strong point.

Qin Shu turned his head subconsciously, "Master Ji seems to appreciate her? Just like my brother."

Ji Chen was a little surprised, "I'm still worried that you misunderstood."

After all, in ancient times, the defense of men and women was no joke.It doesn't matter that he is a man and occupies the throne. Ning Wenzheng is a girl who wants to go to court, so his reputation can easily be made a fuss about.

Qin Shu shook his head, "Besides those gossips, there can also be pure appreciation and admiration between men and women. My brother admires her a lot, but it's really only pure admiration. My brother is a very proud person. He only likes to be with her. He doesn't care about the gender and age of the other person; for those who are not smart enough, regardless of gender, he is unwilling to waste time on these people."

Just as he was talking, he had already arrived at Zhuangzi, and Ning Wenzheng stood at the door, receiving the guests in person.

Now she is wearing the light blue skirt again, with a butterfly hairpin, holding a round fan in her hand, talking and laughing happily with many ministers, not at all inferior.

The wives of some ministers came to congratulate her, and some quietly hinted to her that it was almost time to go home and there was no more tossing about.

Regarding this, Ning Wenzheng just laughed without saying a word, treating everyone with gentleness as always, and just let everyone move forward.

When Ji Chen walked in front of her, Ning Wenzheng's eyes lit up suddenly.

Ji Chen blinked, "I'm just wandering around."

Ning Wenzheng smiled sweetly, expressing clear confidence in his words, "My lord, whatever you want."

Now, it's finally time for them to reap the fruits.

The tenants stood in the distance, watching a kind of dignitaries enter the village. Finally, they elected two representatives and came to salute Ning Wenzheng, with undisguised enthusiasm and reverence in their eyes, "Lord Ning, we The banquet is ready."

"Master Ning, not Miss Ning, means that the tenants have recognized her actions and no longer regard her as a vassal of the Ning family," Qin Shu couldn't help feeling a little envious when he said this.

As the Qin family, he has indeed been blessed by the family.But no matter how hard he tried, as long as others mentioned his name, his family would always be remembered, not him, which was really heartbreaking.

There is no decoration in front of Huangzhuang Gate, but the road surface is flat and straight to the distance, and all the broken stones have been cleared to one side. Obviously, it has been carefully rested. Ginkgo biloba has been planted around, and now the big trees are shady, and the scenery is also very good.

The minister on the side teased and said, "Lao Ning, does this count as a successor?"

Ning Yuan said stubbornly: "It's just so-so, it's just a simple clean-up of Zhuangzi, someone else can do it, and it's not much better than those in charge of the Ministry of Industry."

The minister kept laughing at the side: "Lao Ning, you are almost done. If my son is 20 years old, everyone will be able to listen to his command. I am not proud of myself. I can wake up with a smile in my dreams."

Ning Yuan, Minister of the Ministry of Industry, has a complicated complexion. He has the patience to start with small things, can subdue the tenants, and has a well-organized plan. Ning Wenzheng is talented and has great achievements in the future.

But, why is this a daughter!

Ning Wenzheng didn't care about his father's entanglement at all, and let everyone wander around easily, while he walked towards the main road of Huangzhuang.

Ning Yuan thought about it and felt unwilling, so he simply dragged his colleagues along and followed him.

A group of ladies had nothing to do, so they followed along. Ji Chen, Qin Shu and others followed behind.

After walking about 200 meters, the surrounding scenery changed drastically.

The road is about five meters wide, and there are wooden barrels collecting all kinds of garbage not far from both sides. Several old people are cleaning the street to keep the place clean.

On both sides of the road are neat mud brick courtyards, almost all of which have the same appearance.There are about four or five houses in a yard, a small warehouse, a pigsty, and a small vegetable field. It can be said that although the sparrow is small, it has all internal organs and is well organized.

There is also a huge square in the center. The square has also been cleaned up, and there is a high platform in front. This area is obviously still to be designed.In addition to the square, several places have been reserved for future construction plans, such as the village school.

A few tenants passed by pushing their carts, and the repaired road ensured that they could pass smoothly, talking and laughing as they walked away.Farmers and women exchange their needs in the fixed market area. There is a small shop in the center of the market. The goods range from firewood, rice, oil, salt to cloth bedding.

This place is no longer a Zhuangzi, but a simple village.

The next door, Huangzhuang, which was reserved as a control group, is full of cocks and dogs barking, dirt everywhere, small and dilapidated houses, tenants are exhausted, and the overall mental state is not as good as human beings. Even the roads are extremely narrow and full of messy debris As well as stones, it is also difficult for a wheelbarrow to pass. Peasant women can only move forward with baskets on their backs. What is lacking on weekdays, they can only go to the city to buy.

Ning Wenzheng looked at this place, and couldn't help but be filled with emotion, "In the past two months, I have knocked down all the original houses in Huangzhuang and rebuilt all the roads. There are a total of two hundred families, plus With the design of the route within a radius of [-] miles, the tenants have moved in again, and they are all willing to live here.”

At the beginning, a few people didn't quite adapt to it, but when they enjoyed a house that wouldn't leak in rainy days and could provide shade in hot days, and even had windows open for ventilation, everyone could enjoy a good enough living environment, and they quickly turned against each other. .

"This, how much silver did this cost?! It's too extravagant."

"How did you get so many mud bricks together?"

"This yard is not bad, and it is extremely practical."

"Datong society is probably like this. Everyone has a house to live in. People in the world don't have to suffer from the cold or too hot. Everyone can give birth."

The people around were talking.

"Everyone," Bai Qi stepped out from the crowd, walked up to the high platform, and said loudly, "Dengwenlou was invited by Master Ning, and I, Shang Nan, will be the representative to come here with you. Master He Ning is delighted."

The people below were silent.

"Dengwenlou has inspected Mr. Ning's account books, and hereby announce that a total of 5000 craftsmen participated in the renovation. The Ning family used a brick kiln, which cost [-] taels of silver, mainly for..." Bai Qi's words were not finished yet. , There was an uproar below.

"How much did Shang Nan say? I heard it right, five thousand miles? More than three times?"

"Do you really dare to say that? Did they falsify the account books to make meritorious deeds? After all, Shangnan is still the head of Dengwenlou, so he shouldn't be deliberately helping Miss Ning to tell lies, right?"

"Can 5000 taels repair [-] houses plus such a wide road?"

"If you don't believe me, the account book is here for everyone to check. Since I dare to speak, I know enough about the situation." Bai Qi was extremely confident.

Having participated in the overall process, he naturally knows that the silver consumption can even be reduced. After all, this time they are groping, and they are extra careful in every place, so the cost will inevitably increase a lot.

Bai Qi calmly answered everyone's questions on the stage, occasionally pointing people up, outright displaying his ability to fight with Confucian scholars, and occasionally satirizing some people who couldn't read Chinese characters and couldn't even learn math well enough, yes I can't figure it out, so I just go home early and pull it down.

The tone was sarcastic and interesting, and he didn't forget to use allusions in it. The literati from Dengwenlou applauded one after another, which made all the ministers who couldn't say Shangnan glared at him.

Bai Qi spoke from the left to the right, but saw a familiar figure in the audience on the right besides the people whispering to each other.

Seeing that he was discovered, Ji Chen also stood up generously and smiled leisurely at Bai Qi, his eyes unconsciously revealing a bit of appreciation.

Bai Qi: "..."

He felt a little uncomfortable, this was the first time he showed his temper so clearly in front of Ji Chen.

Seeing Ji Chen nodding to him, the joy in Bai Qi's heart began to spread again. He ended the simple debate with a few words and found an opportunity to step down.

"Shang Nan is really extraordinary," Qin Shu admired, "Among today's romantic figures, there is probably no one who can surpass him."

After all, Qin Sheng, who used to be the head of Dengwenlou, has lost his love for poetry due to his official duties, and now he is completely plunged into the vast sea of ​​writing reform, and he doesn't know when he will be able to finish his work.

"Shang Nan is indeed unusual," Ji Chen also agreed, "I was thinking of asking him out to play together, but I didn't expect that I could run into him on Zhuangzi when he wasn't around."

"Wow!" Qin Shu's eyes lit up suddenly, "Master Ji, among Shang Nan and Bai Qi, you are also standing in Shang Nan, right? I also like him very much. After all, our Qin family is a scholarly family. I also admire such scholars."

Bai Qi, who had just approached, paused and couldn't help squinting.

So, Ji Chen still likes Shang Nan more?

Today is also for Shang Nan to go out of the palace?

It is true that Ji Chen has never seen Ji Chen want to take him out to play together.

At this moment, Bai Qi forgot how busy he was with official duties.

"Mr. Shang," Qin Shu greeted Bai Qi excitedly, as if he had finally met his idol, "I am finally honored to meet you."

Bai Qi showed a standard smile, "I've also heard Mr. Qin talk about you."

Ji Chen also greeted Bai Qi, and the two tacitly pretended to be friends.

Bai Qi suddenly asked Qin Shu, "I heard someone vaguely mentioning the White Party and the Shang Party before. I don't know if you know about it?"

Qin Shu subconsciously looked around and saw that no one was paying attention, so he whispered: "It's Bai Qi in the palace, he is very bad, and he wants to target you, you must be careful about his party faction." people."

Speaking of this, Qin Shu was extremely resentful. He already knew that the emperor's confidant he ran into last time when he went out was Bai Qi.

The smile on Bai Qi's face deepened, "Okay, I see, thank you."

Qin Shu suddenly became happier, "You're welcome, it should be."

Ji Chen: "..."

When the literati from Bai Qi's side came to invite him over, Bai Qi reluctantly left.

Ji Chen couldn't hold back, and asked Qin Shu, "Do you trust your brother or Shang Nan more?"

Qin Shu said with emotion: "My brother has always been cunning, but Shang Nan is different. Such a modest gentleman will certainly not lie to others, nor will he beat others like my brother."

Ji Chen looked at Qin Shu with regret, "Promise me, try not to go out as much as possible in the future, and don't talk to literati casually."

Such silly spores are really rare.

Qin Shu: "...?"

While they were having a brief exchange, Ning Wenzheng had already walked to the center of the stage. She glanced at the ministers below who were still suspicious of her, and the wives who were somewhat dissatisfied with and admired her, and then looked at the station. The convincing eyes of the craftsmen in the distance, as well as the tenants standing on the outermost floor adoring her, suddenly raised a sense of pride and ambition in their hearts.

She will open a new era and is writing history.

Even though her appearance is still gentle and amiable, Ning Wenzheng's words are extremely tough. Faced with one sentence after another, she keeps fighting back, presenting data one by one, and calling the craftsmen to discuss on the spot.Everyone also recovered from their doubts, looking at her with complicated eyes, admiration and dissatisfaction.

Ning Wenzheng even made a bold statement at the end: "In ten years, I will continue to promote the design of villages in various parts of the country of Yue, and I will let the people of the country of Yue live such a life!"

I have to admire the boldness of the young man, Ning Yuan was about to comment on one or two, but turned his head, and accidentally saw a figure who was always on the throne of the Golden Temple, and his heartbeat suddenly increased.

After walking a few steps quietly, he heard the person say that Xingguo does not care about men and women, but only about ability, and the future Ministry of Industry should be handed over to her.

The last hesitation in his heart quietly dissipated, Ning Yuan laughed, and tugged at his colleagues, "Come on, let's go see my daughter."

Qin Shu asked curiously: "Xingguo doesn't care about men and women, but only about ability, so what's next?"

Ji Chen was expressionless: "The subjugation of the country is not due to the last emperor, but because of the general trend."

Don't think about acting against the sky all day long, this kind of person is most likely to be struck by lightning.

"I don't think that's right," the middle-aged man beside him couldn't help interjecting, "The Son of Heaven has no virtue, everyone gets to punish him, and there are even more talented people who take office. Besides..."

"What's more..." Qin Shu was startled, glanced at Ji Chen quietly, and urged him repeatedly.

The middle-aged man shook his head and sighed, unwilling to say more.

Ji Chen just laughed and didn't speak.

This is because he also recognized the identity of the silly spore, so he wanted to come to explore the way?

Qin Shu was sweating profusely in a hurry, and finally came to his senses, "Why don't we chat while eating?"

"Exactly, I also have the same intention." The middle-aged man introduced himself: "My surname is Ji, which is the homonym of Ji, and I ask for a single word."

Ji Chen nodded, understood.

Ji Wen, who should be a member of the clan, now sees that it is profitable, so he jumps out.

Ning Wenzheng had already arranged various tables and banquets in Zhuangzi, and they could sit at will, relatives and friends, or a table alone, as long as they discussed it.

The three of them shared a table together, and Qin Shu also asked someone to bring food and wine.

Ji Wen was very enthusiastic towards Qin Shu. Seeing that Ji Chen's clothes were simple and he didn't have any valuable pendants on his body, he simply ignored him. He just sighed and exchanged feelings with Ji Wen, and finally reached the key point, "My family has undergone great changes now, pity me That nephew passed away early, and the family property was handed over to his younger brother. I have heard people say that when someone came out that day, he still had poison in his arms. Mr. Qin, do you think I should face this matter? how?"

Qin Shu didn't understand, and said blankly: "If it was really poisoned, shouldn't it be reported to the authorities?"

"Report to the official? Oh, what report to the official!" Ji Wen said angrily: "The dog emperor teamed up with Qin Sheng, and the two of them were so bold that they poisoned the prince at that time. The next day Qin Sheng took the poison out of the palace to destroy the corpse. Qin Shu, you are also from the Qin family, your Qin family has always been loyal to the emperor and patriotic, if your elder brother did such a thing, what are you going to do?"

At the end of Ji Wen's words, there was a hint of persecution in his words.

He asked himself that he was absolutely sure.Qin Shu is a young boy with a soft temper. He has the Qin family's handle. As long as Qin Shu dares to say a word, he dares to break the news directly. Even if he dies, he will pull the Qin family back.

"What?" Qin Shu was startled.

Ji Wen sneered, "The witnesses and the physical evidence are convincing, you can't deny that. Your Qin family's century-old name will be destroyed by Qin Sheng, can you think about it? I don't ask too much. As long as you do one thing for me, I will hand over the witness card to you."

Qin Shu was dumbfounded, wishing he could disappear in place.

Is the news true?Qin Shu subconsciously glanced at Ji Chen, then quickly turned his eyes back, for fear of revealing any clues.

But he didn't have the guts to verify it, and now he was even more worried about his own life.

Knowing so much, can he still live?

"You're talking about this kind of medicine bottle, right?" Ji Chen stood up to the end and took out a black and green medicine bottle.

Ji Wen was taken aback for a moment, and subconsciously said: "Yes, that's right, I heard people say that that night, Qin Sheng ordered someone to smash a bottle of this kind of medicine, and it was buried overnight. Toxicity was detected."

Ji Chen showed a gentle smile, "Then you should try it too, and see how the toxicity is?"

Ji Wen raised his head abruptly, and finally looked squarely at the young man who was sitting on the side.

The guard on the side was already angry. Hearing this sentence, he quickly removed Ji Wen's chin, then picked up the medicine bottle, and poured all the medicine into it.

Ji Wen's servant wanted to rush over, but was kicked out with a stride.

No no!Ji Wen's eyes widened, he clutched his throat desperately, trying to spit out the medicine.

"I'm waiting for the day when you call me subjugated, and I hope that day will come soon," Ji Chen said affectionately, "It's okay, don't worry, go and spread the news, just right, I've wanted to deal with Qin Sheng for a long time. Come on, Break his leg and throw him out!"

The last sentence was spoken to the guard.

Coincidentally, he also wanted to go fishing with Ji Wen.

The resentment in Ji Wen's eyes poured out, he only thought that Ji Chen was deliberately mocking him, and he was unwilling to let people kill him, thinking that he would definitely not be able to turn the tide.

This is really insulting him to the extreme.

He made up his mind that he must live on, to the end, tell the truth to the world, and show Ji Chen some color.

Qin Shu hid aside and shivered, and waited until the guards dragged Ji Wen out before asking cautiously, "Your Majesty is so capable, you actually carry poison with you for self-defense?"

Ji Chen was speechless, "This is not poison, this medicine is used to cure baldness."

The best bottle You Han made was given to him.

Qin Shu was stunned and finally relaxed. "Then why did he say the medicine is poisonous?"

Ji Chen said: "Because this medicine is applied externally, not taken internally. The imperial physician also felt that the medicine was a little poisonous when it was prepared, but it doesn't matter if you don't drink it. It shouldn't cause death... right?"

Speaking of which, You Han seems to like to study poisons.

Ji Chen was also not sure.

Qin Shu shrinks back silently.

The author has something to say:

Ji Chen: Idle and bored -> Try fishing hard -> It's over, won't the fish be poisoned to death?

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