Originally, Ji Chen was a little depressed because of the sudden time travel, but when he found out that the enemy's experience was also miserable, his mood instantly cleared up a lot.

Sure enough, one's own happiness should still be based on the pain of others.

For the convenience of watching the play, Ji Chen changed his direction to ensure that he could see the expressions of Ji Han and Chun Tao at the same time.

But Ji Han was in a bad mood.

Chuntao came out from the crowd slowly, frightened.

Of course she knew that it was the rag she used to wipe the table and chairs, and she threw it on the table at that time, but she couldn't let the prince know about it.

She could only be thankful that the tables and chairs were clean at that time, so there was no obvious dust on the rag, so that it would not be seen through at a glance.

"No need," Ji Han sneered, "You can't even make a handkerchief, so what's the use of you!"

Chuntao's eyes gradually turned red, and she hated Ji Chen to death.

The eunuchs and maids serving around had known the temper of His Royal Highness for a long time, and lowered their breath tremblingly, fearing that the prince would be dissatisfied in any place, so they would call them over to punish him.

After a few minutes, Ji Chen saw that Ji Han was only focusing on wiping his hands with a handkerchief, so he decided to take the initiative and move on to the next link.

"His Royal Highness, I hope you will forgive me and ask her to get up." Ji Chen frowned slightly, "She has served me for so long anyway, and she has worked hard without credit."

"A clumsy court lady, why don't I change it for you, so that she won't hurt you too much one day—" Ji Han tried to find a reason.

"His Royal Highness, don't worry," Ji Chen smiled softly, "I can't do anything else, but I'm lucky, and I won't get hurt easily."

How can I change it now, anyway, I have to use it until the end of today.

Ji · Unlucky today · Han: "..."

Ji Han gritted his teeth and squeezed out a few words: "Then it's up to you."

Chuntao breathed a sigh of relief, finally stood up, and couldn't help but cast a resentful glance at Ji Chen.

There was the sound of bees buzzing outside the house, and several eunuchs covered their mouths and noses with their clothes, and rushed out, intending to remove the obstacles for Prince Ji Han.

Glancing at Chuntao in disgust, Ji Han held his breath, pointed out the eunuch who couldn't hold him back, scolded him severely, and ordered twenty boards for him, and asked him to go back and pick it up by himself.

After venting enough anger in his heart, Ji Han turned around and went to the back room to change clothes.

Fortunately, the spare shoes and socks hadn't been changed yet, and now it happened that all the clothes had to be changed at once.

After dealing with the eunuchs and changing clothes, Ji Han turned to Ji Chen and fired, with deep resentment in his words, "Second brother, I didn't mean you, but you are also a prince anyway, how can you be so careless about where you live? The bee hives don’t even know how to call someone to deal with them, what if they hurt someone.”

Ji Chen pointed to the chair next to him, and spread his hands helplessly, "I was repairing the chair just now, and there is no one here, so there is really no way."

Ji Han glanced over, and saw that the chair was crooked, obviously one leg was a little shorter, and it didn't look very firm, so he couldn't help but choked.

This broken chair is not good enough for his pet dog to play with.

As a prince, Ji Chen obviously didn't get the treatment he deserved.

There is only a bed and a wardrobe in the back room, a table and a chair in the main room, and nothing.

So poor and white, the house is clean.

The only chair is crooked.

Ji Chen smiled embarrassingly, "The house is shabby, the prince laughed at it."

Ji Han: "..."

This was originally a humble word, but now, it has become the truth.

In order to find a chair for himself to sit on, Ji Han laughed loudly, "I actually brought some small gifts for my brother when I came here today, but I fell on the road when it rained. Quickly, take the gift I prepared for my second brother." Bring the furniture here."

A slender eunuch understood instantly, and went down with two young apprentices.

After leaving the Leng Palace, the eunuch took a few young apprentices directly to the room of the chief eunuch in charge of the Leng Palace, Eunuch Xin.

"Hey, what kind of wind is this? How did it bring these grandpas here?" Eunuch Xin immediately flattered them when he saw the eunuchs wearing Eastern Palace costumes.

There is no way, who will let his master have a future, even though he is of good grade now, but he has no master to support him, even if he is beaten to death, no one will ask more questions.

The eunuch turned cold, "Don't talk nonsense, hurry up and open your warehouse. The prince has gone to see the second prince now and wants to buy a set of furniture for the second prince."

It must be too late to make a set now, so there is no other way, who told Eunuch Xin to live closest to here?Moreover, everyone in the Leng Palace also has their share. Eunuch Xin must have the key to the Leng Palace's warehouse.

Eunuch Xin was stunned, feeling that he was going to bleed a lot today, so he forced a smile and said, "Okay, as long as the crown prince catches his eye."

The eunuch put some thought into the selection, after all, the table and chairs must be used by the prince later, and since the prince opened his mouth, he must not take some defective products, otherwise it would be embarrassing for the prince.

Come here, even if this trip is not going well, Ji Han doesn't plan to go back directly.

After clearing up his mood, Ji Han regained his doglike appearance, and said enthusiastically to Ji Chen, "Second brother, you are here to make me easy to find."

Ji Chen originally wanted to reply with a perfunctory word, but seeing the bruise on Ji Han's forehead, he couldn't hold it back, bent his eyebrows and revealed a smile.

Ji Han only thought he was embarrassed, and continued without shame: "It's okay, I don't blame you."

Of course, he will never come to this broken place again!

During the conversation between the two, the eunuch brought back a lot of things. The beds, tables, chairs, stools, cabinets and other things were all made of rosewood wood. In addition, there were some small things like book boxes and printing boxes.

The furniture was replaced quickly, and the eunuch put the things back together, making sure the prince sat down and had a good rest.

Ji Han glanced at the room, curled his lips, thinking he could have seen it better, and said, "Second brother, it's rare for us brothers to see each other, how about I treat you to a banquet today?"

"Your Highness the Crown Prince's words are wrong," Ji Chen said, "It's rare for the Crown Prince to come here once, so I, the host, should entertain the Prince."

Ji Han didn't intend to earn this title, but asked the eunuch to carry the wine he had prepared, patted the wine jar, and said with pride, "This is jade burnt white, you must have never drunk it? It's just right, we Let's have a few drinks together."

Yu Shaobai is a good wine, but it has a lot of stamina.

When Ji Chen put the tableware on the table, Ji Han looked at the worn-out bowl and yellowed chopsticks, and immediately patted the eunuch beside him, "How do you do it! I brought some utensils for my second brother, hurry up and bring them to me." come over."

These things in front of me are all bullshit!

That slap was extremely forceful, and the eunuch felt a burning pain in his back. He quickly ran out and ran to Eunuch Leng Gongxin, asking to open the warehouse again.

Eunuch Xin: "..."

He just finished caring about those furniture!

The room was small, and most of the eunuchs and maids retreated, leaving only two maids to wait on them.

Ji Han asked someone to serve the wine cup, and Ji Chen took advantage of the opportunity to ask Chuntao to take out the food box that he had brought earlier and put the dishes on. The two of them sat together on a small table.

Seeing the dishes on the table that were so simple that they were not even comparable to the dishes eaten by the maids of the Eastern Palace, one of the maids saluted the two of them this time without the Crown Prince speaking, and said: "The Prince also brought some snacks from the Eastern Palace. Just bring it."

Needless to say, it was Eunuch Xin's small kitchen that was occupied this time.

Eunuch Xin was already numb, allowing these people to use the best ingredients, and by the way helped them replace all the food boxes with the best.

As soon as they left, Eunuch Xin immediately washed his hands, went to burn incense in front of the Buddha, and sincerely prayed that these people would not come again.

The furniture has been changed, the tableware has been added, and the food has been improved.

Ji Chen thought to himself, he was wrong, he shouldn't think the prince is stupid and poisonous.

As long as he controls it well, the prince is clearly a living boy who spreads wealth.

The former waiter in Tsing Yi brought the pipa and played the tune slowly, with a clear and crisp jingle.

The slenderness is complacent, and the length is shortened. [1] Qingyi green bamboo, neither humble nor overbearing.

Even in the palace where there are many beauties, this appearance is considered unique.

It's really eye-catching.

Ji Chen couldn't help but glanced sideways, but remembered the phrase "still holding the pipa and half covering his face". [2]

The servant in front of him did not cover his face, but the hatred hidden in his eyes before, coupled with secretly tripping the prince, was not as gentle as he is now.

"He's a servant from the Jiaofang Division, and he's good at playing music, so I brought him here by the way," Ji Han was very satisfied, "I'll let him sing a few songs for you later."

The hand of the waiter in Tsing Yi who was plucking the strings paused slightly, then he lowered his head and continued to play.

It turns out that this is the servant of Jiaofangsi who was "bullied by him" in the plot.

"What's your name?" Ji Chen was rarely interested.

"Bai Qi." The waiter in Tsing Yi didn't stop, but simply replied.

Ji Han couldn't wait to say, "If you like it, let him serve you later."

Of course, he never mentioned it, the queen specially named this servant, intending to let him present at the emperor's birthday banquet.

Ji Chen raised his eyebrows, and agreed casually, "Okay, thank you, Your Highness the Crown Prince."

The mood is better, the environment has improved, and the beauty I admire is playing the pipa.

There is also a "foolish son of the landlord's family" who comes to add spices to his life.

After thinking about it in his mind, Ji Chen felt that his life in the cold palace was quite enjoyable.

Ji Han had never done such an out-of-style thing, and had never condescended to be in such a small room.

But he thinks that he is a tough person. Now that he has decided to plot against this younger brother, he must not give up halfway.

Ji Han figured, as long as he gets this younger brother drunk, and then pushes this Bai Qi into his arms, it is best to stimulate the two of them to have something really happen, then the plan will be successful.

When the queen mother accompanied the emperor father to visit his younger brother, and made the emperor think that his younger brother was only interested in bullying beauties, then his future throne would be assured.

Ji Chen watched Ji Han distracted with a smile, and had his own calculations in his heart.

"Second brother, we won't return today if we don't get drunk!" Ji Han raised his glass.

Ji Chen also toasted, "My brother will accompany you to the end."

So, he drank with Ji Chen, and the two had one cup after another.

After drinking a jar, Ji Han felt that this was not good.

Ji Han decided to change his strategy and asked someone to replace him with a big one, "Second brother, a man must be more bold when drinking."

Ji Chen propped his forehead with one hand, pretending to be dizzy, "His Royal Highness, I'm already a little dizzy, I'm afraid I can't drink anymore."

Feeling overjoyed, Ji Han relaxed his vigilance, and said solemnly, "Second brother, you can drink as much as you want, at worst, I will ask the eunuch to help you back to the house."

Ji Chen thought for a while, nodded, and drank a few more glasses with Ji Han.

Ji Han fantasized about the future, coupled with Ji Chen's constant persuasion, he unknowingly drank a lot.

A quarter of an hour later, Ji Han blinked, and felt that Ji Chen in front of him seemed to have become two, still dangling around.

Chuntao next to him quickly stepped forward to pour wine, and filled Ji Han's cup again, looking at Ji Han affectionately.

Bai Qi stood beside him silently, just changed the tune silently, feeling that the eyes of the world are quite absurd.

He silently counted, the second prince sent countless bees to the prince, and the prince prepared a room of furniture, several sets of tableware, and some delicacies for the second prince...

The world praised the prince for his virtue and prudence, but thought the second prince was mediocre and dull.

He lowered his head, hiding the sneer in his eyes.

If the second prince is mediocre?What is that prince?

Be a fool.

Half an hour later, the prince Ji Han, who had been secretly slandered by Bai Qi for a long time, finally realized it vaguely.

——All his plans are stuck in the first step.

This is the third altar, why did Ji Chen keep shouting dizzy, but still didn't fall down! !

If Ji Chen doesn't fall, he will fall!

The author has something to say:

Citation notes:

[1] The slenderness is complacent, and the length is shortened. ——Cao Zhi's "Luo Shen Fu"

[2] Still holding the pipa and half covering his face. ——Bai Juyi's "Pipa Xing"

In addition, drinking alcohol hurts the body, so don't imitate it.

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