In Lupin's bar, two men and a teenager stared at each other silently, and the atmosphere was somewhat awkward.

Seeing that something was wrong with the atmosphere, the bar owner looked at his nose and his heart, lowered his head and wiped the wine glass in his hand intently, pretending that he didn't exist.

The three-flowered cat laying on the bar leisurely shook its drooping tail and yawned, completely unaffected by the embarrassing atmosphere.

In the end, it was Satomi Shiki who broke the suffocating calm: "Dazai, can you explain why you are here?"

The cause of the matter is this, at first, Satomi Shiki just went out of the house very usually, and then happened to see Dazai Osamu on the road.

Satomishiki was quite happy, just about to call Osamu Dazai's name, but before he could speak, he just watched him turn and enter a bar.And judging by his familiarity, it is definitely not the first time he has come here.

Satomi style:?

The smile on Satomishiki's face gradually disappeared, did Dazai still remember that he was just a 15-year-old minor?Should minors go to places like bars?

The guardian showed a disapproving look, and then followed into the bar.

So, the scene became what it is now.

Not long ago, he was fined to face the wall for cheating, and now he skipped work and came to the bar and was bumped into by Dazai: "..."

What's going on, why does he feel that he is always unlucky recently?Either overturning, or on the way to overturning.

If Nakahara knew Osamu Dazai's thoughts, he would definitely laugh at him severely, and then tell him that this is called evil force feedback.

However, Osamu Dazai, who was always on the verge of overturning, did not believe in evil, and he felt that he could make amends.

Osamu Dazai quibbled: "Mr. Shi, you misunderstood. Although this is a bar, I am not here to drink. I am mainly here to find someone."

In order to prove the credibility of what he said, he even pulled Oda Sakunosuke next to him as a guarantee: "Are you right, Oda Saku?"

Satomi Shiki followed his words, and looked at Oda Sakunosuke who had been silent and seemed to have no sense of existence.Seeing his honest face, Satomi felt that he should not be the kind of person who would lie.

The honest man Oda Sakunosuke: "..."

He received the signal from Osamu Dazai, and facing that honest face, he said without changing his expression, "That's right."

The bar owner who listened all the time: "..." Can't you see that Oda Sakunosuke has thick eyebrows and big eyes, but he can also deceive people?

Oda Sakunosuke said that he was also very embarrassed.Yu Gong, Dazai Zhi is his superior, Yu privately, Dazai Zhi is his friend, what else can he do besides cooperating with Dazai Zhi?

"Is that so?" Satomishiki looked at Oda Sakunosuke for a while, seeing his upright face without guilt, and said half-believingly.

Don't doubt, that half of the credibility was all added by Oda Sakunosuke, and Osamu Dazai, who has been overturned continuously, no longer has any credibility with Satomi Shiki.

Osamu Dazai said with certainty, "Of course."

"By the way, I just wanted to introduce you. Since we met today, let me just introduce you." Osamu Dazai changed the subject very naturally, and introduced Sakunosuke Oda to Satomi, "This is my friend, Oda Tian Zuo. I came here this time to find him."

Then he introduced to Sakunosuke Oda: "This is my guardian, Mr. Shiki."

Oda Sakunosuke no longer wants to correct Dazai Osamu's address to him, because he knows that even if he corrects it, it will be useless.So he skipped the question and greeted Satomi.

He didn't wonder why Satomi Shiki was so young, but Dazai Osamu said that he was his guardian, but accepted the news calmly.

The bar owner didn't have such a good attitude. His hand holding the wine glass shook uncontrollably, fully revealing the shock in his heart.

Premonitioning that the amount of information in the next conversation might be even greater, the bar owner put down his glass, excused himself to go to the back kitchen, and left the scene very quickly.

For little people like them, knowing too much is not a good thing.

The three-flowered cat, which was lying lazily on the bar, paused for a while when it heard the news.

Um?Why didn't he know that Osamu Dazai still had such a guardian?

That's right, this three-flowered cat is not an ordinary three-flowered cat. His real identity is actually the strongest power user in the legend. The power is called "I am a cat", and the specific ability is unknown.

On the surface, this ability can only turn him into a very rare male three-colored cat, which is convenient for him to eat and drink from various cat slaves... Cough, no, it is convenient for him to lurk around the target to collect information.

Natsume Soseki has been paying attention to Osamu Dazai for a long time, since his cheap apprentice Mori Ogai dragged Osamu Dazai into the port mafia, he began to pay attention to Osamu Dazai.

After all, Osamu Dazai can be regarded as half of Mori Ogai's apprentice, and Mori Ogai is Natsume Soseki's apprentice. Rounding up, Osamu Dazai can also be regarded as his grandson.

Dazai Osamu's original character is not very reassuring, and Mori Ogai is indeed not a good teacher. Thinking about the past with Yosano Akiko, Natsume Soseki is really worried.

Although Natsume Soseki didn't know much about Dazai Osamu's origin, he knew a little bit about it. In his impression, he didn't remember that Dazai Osamu had such a guardian as Satomi Shiki.

So where did this Guardian come from?

The three-flowered cat Natsume Soseki pricked up his ears, listening to the conversation of the three of them without any trace.

"Speaking of which, if Odasaku has the idea of ​​raising a child, you can ask Shiki-san for advice on this matter. In this regard, Shiki-san is very experienced." Dazai Osamu said while nodding, as if thinking that he This proposal is very useful.

Satomi, who didn't know that all the cubs he raised was fake, nodded, with a very reliable look: "If there is a need in this regard, I will be happy to help."

Oda Sakunosuke didn't know why the topic suddenly changed here. After thanking Satomi Shiki blankly, he thought about it carefully, and then said: "But I don't have any plans to raise a child at the moment. There will be a need for this."

Osamu Dazai smiled and said, "Be prepared, it's not a bad thing to plan ahead."

But isn't this too early?Oda Sakunosuke thought silently, but didn't say it.

"But when it comes to this," Osamu Dazai rubbed his chin and said seriously, "If you have a child, this job is not suitable for Odasaku now. Odasaku has considered changing jobs ?"

Oda Sakunosuke: I always feel that the topic seems to be getting further and further away.

"Is there any problem with Oda Saku's current job?" Satomi Shiki also started calling Oda Sakunosuke as Dazai Osamu.

Oda Sakunosuke was used to this kind of thing, and many people around him were called that by Dazai Osamu, and those who didn't know thought his surname was "Oda Saku".

Of course, Osamu Dazai could not tell Satomi Shiki that Oda Sakunosuke was a low-level member of the port mafia, so he avoided the important and explained: "There is one thing, after all, he is too busy with work now, and he will definitely not have time to spend with the children. In this case, It’s easy to overlook a child’s developmental issues.”

"Besides, Odasaku, your dream is to write a novel. You are so busy with work, you don't have the energy to complete your dream at all."

I don't know why, Dazai Osamu seems to be actively encouraging Oda Sakunosuke to quit today, and what he said is well-founded, making it impossible to refute.

"Didn't you say you're going to continue writing a novel? It's been a long time since there's been any movement, isn't it because you're too busy with work?"

"It can be seen that this job is not suitable for you. Sure enough, you should think about it and change to another job." Osamu Dazai made a final decision.

Although what Osamu Dazai said seemed to make sense, Oda Sakunosuke was not convinced by him just like that: "But apart from the current job, I can't find other jobs for the time being."

Here I have to mention the previous experience of Oda Sakunosuke.Before joining the Port Mafia, Sakunosuke Oda was a killer for a long time.

Logically speaking, this experience may be a taint in other places, but it is definitely a glamorous resume in the port mafia. No matter how you say it, it will not make Oda Sakunosuke an unknown low-level personnel all the time.

But the problem is that Oda Sakuno helped him wash his hands, and he decided not to kill anyone.This is very embarrassing, why do you join the port mafia if you don't kill people?

For Oda Sakunosuke, the port mafia really tasteless, and it's a pity to discard them. In the end, they can only arrange for him to do some trivial things such as picking up corpses.

People in the know feel that it is a pity for Oda Sakunosuke, who obviously has the strength to be the middle and upper class, but he has become like this.Oda Sakunosuke himself is very adaptable, and doesn't think there is anything wrong with his current situation.

Therefore, Oda Sakunosuke rejected Osamu Dazai's proposal, of course not because he was so sincere to the port mafia, but because apart from the port mafia, there was no job that could accept his resume.If there were, Oda Sakunosuke, who made up his mind not to kill people from the beginning, would not have joined the port mafia.

As a Kuroto, Satomi felt empathetic to what Oda Sakunosuke said, and agreed: "It is true that it is difficult to find a job now."

Osamu Dazai, who is also full of black history, didn't take it seriously, and said very easily: "It's not easy to find a job. If Odasaku wants to change jobs, I will help you. I just don't want to do it, maybe After quitting, we can still be colleagues.”

Oda Sakunosuke was really surprised this time. When Dazai Osamu persuaded him to quit, he didn't feel anything.He is just an ordinary low-level member of the port mafia, and whether he jumps or not has little effect on the port mafia.

But Osamu Dazai is different. He is the most powerful cadre candidate of the port mafia. He is a sure-fire high-level executive who has mastered many secrets of the port mafia. Will Mori Ogai agree with him to quit?If he really did this, let alone other things, the wanted spree of the port mafia would definitely be indispensable.

"Are you really going to change jobs?" Oda Sakunosuke asked again with concern.

The three-flowered cat Natsume Soseki who was eavesdropping on the side is also very concerned about this issue. The posture of lying down has now become straight, and the tail is not wagging. .

Osamu Dazai said briskly: "Of course, do I seem to be someone who would joke about such things?"

Oda Sakunosuke: Although, he really looks like someone who can joke about this kind of thing.

Osamu Dazai waved his hand and said: "But it's too early to say this. If you really want to change jobs, you still have to plan carefully. I'm afraid it won't work within this year. Let's talk about it later."

Then, as if nothing happened, he easily skipped the topic, as if the person who initiated the topic before was not himself.

They were relaxed, but Natsume Soseki, who was listening to the whole process, was not so relaxed.Even Natsume Soseki didn't expect that he just ran over to observe Osamu Dazai in an ordinary way, and he heard such explosive news.It really made the old man's heart unbearable.

Osamu Dazai wants to quit?Does Mori Ogai know?

More importantly, why did Osamu Dazai suddenly want to change jobs?Natsume Soseki frowned, his first reaction was that Mori Ogai was messing around again.

In short, no matter what unexpected things happen, as long as he thinks about his cheap apprentice who doesn't deal with personnel affairs, there are nine out of ten things that will go wrong.

But this time Mori Ogai was really wronged. Ever since he took over the port mafia, he has been conscientiously maintaining the operation of the port mafia. How can he have time to do things?

As for why Osamu Dazai wanted to change jobs, even if Natsume Soseki asked Mori Ogai this question, he would only get an answer that he didn't know.Because Mori Ogai really doesn't know anything.

Of course, Osamu Dazai wanted to change jobs not because of a whim, and the reason why he had this idea had nothing to do with Mori Ogai.

Indeed, Mori Ogai is now busy managing the port mafia and has no energy to make troubles at all, but that doesn't mean he won't make troubles after he's done.

As for why Osamu Dazai knew about these things that hadn't happened yet, you have to ask Bai Lan who borrowed from Sawada Tsunayoshi's house.

Bai Lan: Thank you for the invitation. I'm just an ordinary spoiler genius, so don't worry about it.

So, to sum up, Osamu Dazai would have this idea. In the final analysis, it was because Mori Ogai wanted to stay out of human affairs.

Natsume Soseki did not wrong him.

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