The location of the headquarters of the Demon Slayer Squad is a very important secret, and of course it will not be revealed to Satomi and the others so easily.

On the way to the headquarters, Satomi and the others were not only blindfolded, but even the hidden team members who were carrying them changed several times.

Regarding this, the blindfolded Satomi said he had something to say: He already knew how secret the location of the headquarters of the Demon Slayer Squad was, but all these things you did were useless.His navigation is always on, and it is not easy to determine a location.

Satomi showed a hesitant expression, but finally chose high-quality silence.

"Here we are." With Satomi behind his back, Yin stopped and put him down, and Inuyasha and the others were also put down.

After taking off the blindfold, Satomi found himself in a yard, under the corridor not far away, sitting a very young boy.

The boy was about fifteen or sixteen years old, but he looked very calm and mature, sitting there upright, with a smile on his face, he looked like a very gentle person.

And judging from those hidden respectful attitudes towards him, he should be the protagonist of the Ghost Killing Squad.

Too small, still a child.Satomi Shiki thought so, but when he thought of Satu and others who were also young, he was not so surprised.

Think about it carefully, in the final trial on the mountain of vine attack, those who took up the knife and fought the evil spirits with their lives, weren't they also children?

There are big problems in this world.Satomi Shiki crossed the world in his mind. In his world, kids their age were still in school.The cruel, dark, and bloody side is naturally carried by adults like them, how can a group of children face it.It's just too outrageous.

After seeing the young protagonist who was sitting there, the few people who sent Satomi and the others silently and quickly disappeared.In Satomi's perception, there were only five people around them and the boy.

This is of course what Yuya Ubuyashiki meant. As the protagonist of the Demon Slayer Squad, his safety is of course very important. How could there be no one secretly protecting him?

In fact, when he said that he wanted to talk to Satomi alone, other people disagreed, but he thought the content of this conversation with Satomi was very important, and it would be bad if too many people knew about it, so he finally convinced him. them.

"It's the first time we met. I'm the current head of the Demon Slayer Squad, Yuya Miyayashiki." It was the boy sitting on the corridor who spoke first. Just like his impression, he also spoke in a gentle tone, without that kind of tone. A condescending feeling.

"Satomi Shiki, these are my children." Satomi Shiki introduced the three of Inuyasha to Miyashiki Yoya one by one.

"I know them, this child told me." While talking, a hovering crow flew to the side of Yoya Shiki, but it didn't land on him, but lightly landed on his hand .

Miyayashiki Yoya touched the crow and said sincerely, "Mr. Satomi's children are very cute children."

Hearing him praise Inuyasha and the others, Satomi Shiki was very happy, and the smile on his face became a lot more real, "Yes, they are very good."

At this moment, he completely forgot how many things they had done, and how angry they had made him.

Inuyasha and Nura Rikusheng were somewhat awkward and embarrassed when they heard Satomi say that, but Bai Lan accepted the compliment very calmly.

Bai Lan: Although I have a bad personality and like to make troubles, how does this conflict with me being a good boy?

As for the extermination of the world, what does Bai Lan's other things have to do with him?He was just a weak, pitiful and helpless little fellow who was almost taken away by Bailan from another world.

Yuya Ubuyashiki is undoubtedly a person with a high EQ, and in just a few words, he brushed up Satomi's favorability.Then he very frankly explained the reason why he called Satomi Shiki and the others.

"Mr. Satomi and your children are not ordinary people, right? This child told me that you all suddenly appeared on Fujishishan Mountain." He touched the crow and said so.

Satomi style:!

Inuyasha and Nuliang Rikusheng are also:!

Bai Lan: Oh, the reason for the rollover is actually a crow?

"You don't have to worry, I don't mean any malice when I say these words." Yoya Ubuyashiki said sincerely, "I just said this because I know Mr. Satomi has mysterious power, so I want to invite you to help us here. .”

He knew that although Satomi Shiki seemed to be joining the Demon Slayer Squad now, his heart was actually not here.

On the one hand, the current strength of the Ghost Killing Team is still very insufficient, and it urgently needs a powerful force like Satomi Shiki to join.On the other hand, it was because he had a feeling somewhere that the addition of Satomi would bring a different change to the war between humans and ghosts that had lasted for thousands of years.

The latter was the real reason why he made this request rashly.

In many cases, Satomi is a very talkative person, so Zhongya Nakahara is worried that he will be cheated when he goes out one day, because he seems to be the kind who doesn't know how to refuse other people's requests look.

In fact, Satomi Shiki really doesn't agree to everyone's request, he is just simple, but not stupid, he can still tell whether others are malicious to him or not.Just like now, he can feel that Yoya Ubuyashiki was very sincere when he said these words, and he didn't intend to deceive or use him.

Yuya Ubuyashiki's request was neither difficult nor harmful for Satomi Shiki, so he agreed after a little thought.

"Thank you very much for your help." Yoya Yashiki's gratitude was unadulterated, and he said with a smile, "You don't know much about ghosts, right? If you don't mind, you can come in and I'll tell you slowly. You listen."

"Thank you." Satomi nodded, agreeing to his proposal.

Miyayashiki Yoya has been waiting here for Satomi Shiki for a long time, his legs are a little numb when he was sitting, and he staggered uncontrollably when he stood up, seeing this, Satomi Shiki naturally stepped forward and reached out to support him.

Yuya Ubuyashiki didn't think this was a shameful thing, and said very frankly, "Thank you."

After entering the house, Yuya Ubuyashiki, Satomi Shiki and others sat face to face, and began to tell them about ghosts.

Although Sabito had already told them part of it before, as the protagonist of the Demon Slayer Squad, Yoya Ubuyashiki could tell them obviously more.

From his mouth, Satomi and the others learned that there is not only a division of strength between ghosts, but also a division of classes.In addition to ordinary ghosts and ghosts who mastered blood ghosts, there are also twelve ghost moons.

The twelve ghost moons are divided into six upper strings and six lower strings. Although both are twelve ghost moons, the strength of the upper strings is far stronger than the lower strings.In the history of the Ghost Slayer Squad, they have killed many Xiaxian, but there is no record of killing Shangxian.Therefore, the last string of the twelve ghost moons often changes, but the upper string is always those six.

Above the twelve ghost moons, there is also a ghost king, and this ghost king is the chief culprit who creates ghosts and the source of all tragedies.

Unfortunately, the ghost killing team didn't know much about this ghost king and his twelve ghost moons. Except that the ghost king's name was Kiwu Tsuji Wumi, they didn't even know who his twelve ghost moons were. Not to mention their looks.Of course, the Ghost Killing Squad didn't know where they were all.

Satomi Shiki and others: This is totally looking for a needle in a haystack.

"I understand the situation, so what do you mean, do you want me to help you deal with Ghost Mai Tsuji and his Twelve Ghost Moons?"

Satomishiki asked this sentence in the tone of "what did you eat today".

Yuya Miyayashiki nodded first, then shook his head, he said very honestly: "I dare not say that I don't have this idea at all, but your safety should always be the priority."

If possible, Yuya Ubuyashiki of course hopes that Satomi Shiki can solve Onimai Tsuji, or Twelve Onizuki.But he knows how cunning Onimai Tsuji is, and how powerful he and his upper string are, and Satomi Shiki may not be able to defeat them.

Satomi-style: "..."

Although the appearance, age, personality, identity, and many other things are different, but at this moment, he feels the same thing as Raziel and the others from Yuya Miyayashiki.

At this moment, Satomi Shiki truly recognized Yoya Ubuyashiki, and decided to help him with all his strength.He looked at Yaoya Shiki, and assured him earnestly, "Don't worry, I will definitely take care of Kimai Tsuji and his Twelve Kizuki."


That being said, but——

"Mr. Shi, do you know the whereabouts of that ghost dance Tsuji Mumi and his twelve ghost moons?" Bai Lan asked sharply after leaving the headquarters of the Ghost Killing Squad.

Satomi said innocently, "I don't know."

Bai Lan: So why did you promise so soon!

Satomi Shiki didn't think this was a problem, and said very easily: "It's okay, just look slowly, and you can always find it." Trust his search system.

Bai Lan sighed tiredly, forget it, he should have expected it a long time ago.

"But these are not important. The important thing is that our next board and lodging problem will be solved."

When he learned that they were troubled by these things, Yuya Miyayashiki generously advanced Satomi Shiki's salary in advance. If it wasn't for Satomi Shiki's refusal, he even wanted to leave a house for Satomi Shiki near the headquarters.

Satomi said with emotion: "He is really a good person."

Bai Lan twitched the corner of her mouth, isn't this the basic operation to win people's hearts?Although Yoya Ubuyashiki did these things, it was really natural and unpretentious.

At this moment, Bai Lan sincerely felt the same worry as Nakahara Zhongye - Satomi is so easy to deceive, what should I do if I am deceived when I go out?

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