【It's very irrational for you to do this. 】

After washing, Tang Bo changed into a set of clothes, and walked out of the room refreshingly.

Someone stood guard outside, it was Shiraki.

As soon as Bai Mu saw Tang Bo coming out, he immediately smiled at him with big white teeth: "Lord, have you finished your trance?"

Psychic?Tang Bo wondered when did you arrange such a function for me?But seeing Bai Mu smiling sincerely and full of pride, Tang Bo didn't explain, just nodded, "It's hard work."

"It's hard work to stand guard for you, it's my honor!" Bai Mu puffed up his chest.

Tang Bo chuckled, whoever said that the little giants are stupid, these people are obviously stupid on the outside, and they are not weaker than others in flattering.

"How's the situation outside?" Tang Bo and Bai Mu said as they walked.

[Stop your irrational behavior immediately, otherwise the system will punish you. 】

Bai Mu gave a general overview of the situation outside, which was similar to what Tang Bo expected.The city residents were terrified, and most of them stayed behind closed doors.Most of the problems are on the victims who rushed into the city.

Tian Min and the others led [-] puppets yesterday to arrest some victims of rape, killing and looting.

"One of them told the dog not to eat. He was a big rascal. He entangled a group of people and yelled that we had no good intentions and used the victims to break into the wild boar collar city. But we snatched all the good things. The upper floors of the castle They are not allowed to enter, nor are they allowed to enter the warehouse, nor are they allowed to enter the homes of the city residents, saying that we just want to take advantage of it, and it is no different from other nobles. However, many disaster victims were instigated by him, and now that group of people occupy They entered a big family in the city and confronted us. The family members, old and young, were killed by them!" Bai Mu looked angrily.

"Besides this group, is there any other trouble?"

Bai Mu shook his head: "You and Lord Gu cured many slave soldiers, and now those slave soldiers have promised to serve you for ten years. With this batch of more than 700 slave soldiers and the puppets you summoned, Gu Xiao The Sir has already suppressed those victims, but many victims took advantage of the chaos and fled, and now there are only two-thirds of the original victims left in the city."

"Well. The situation is good." Tang Bo smiled.

Bai Mu was surprised, "Lord, is this situation not bad?"

Tang Bo: "Of course not bad. I thought it would be good if half of the disaster victims would stay. Where is Gu Ding?"

"He's...uh, he's probably collecting money and supplies." Bai Mu scratched his head.

It turned out that many city residents wanted to leave, especially the big households. Many of those who fled at the beginning were killed by the victims, and only a very small number of people escaped from the city in the chaos.The rest are hiding in their homes.

Later, Tian Min and Gu Ding led people to quell the chaos, and these big families sent servants to talk to the leaders, and they found Gu Ding after searching.

They begged Gu Ding, hoping that Gu Ding would let them go, and the price was money and supplies.

Gu Ding agreed, and set up a table at the gate of the city, asking those citizens who wanted to leave to come and pay money and goods according to their family property. There are three standards for going out.

If there are more than [-] people in the family including servants and more than [-] catties of grain in stock, they need to pay at least [-] catties of grain or equivalent cloth. In addition, the head of the master is [-] gold coins per person, and the servant is [-] silver coins.

If there are more than 20 people in the family including servants and the stock of grain exceeds a thousand catties, they need to pay at least [-] catties of grain or equivalent cloth, plus ten gold coins for one person and five silver coins for the servant.

The last is the standard of ordinary people, one gold coin per person, or fifty catties of grain per person.

This price is not particularly high, but it is not low, but there are still many people who are willing to pay the fee and leave, most of them are medium and large families with many servants.

These people have many servants and have a certain ability to protect themselves. They leave the city with their family assets and lead the way to Anhe.

But there are also some big families who stayed, because they judged that the road might not be safe, and seeing that the leaders who entered the city were also nobles, they were more rational, so they might as well stay in the city.

As long as the victims were still able to move, they were also organized to patrol or do other things. Gu Ding wisely did not let them idle.

Tang Bo saw that some members of the cooking class of military cadets set up a large shed where they cooked noodle soup and steamed buns, and the victims of the disaster and the city residents in distress could line up there to get their food.Some of the victims were responsible for the order of the team and helping to cook the fire.

The students in the medical class were the next busiest. They also recruited a group of disaster victims to help them separate the patients according to their conditions and treat anyone who came.

There is also the statistics team, they set up a point near the cooking class, and let all the people who were separated in the chaos register with them, and some children and adults who got lost also stayed there.

The puppets had already returned to Anheling when the time was up, Tian Min cooperated with the slave soldiers and led people to surround the occupied big family.

When Gu Ding heard that Tang Bo had come out, he immediately ran to look for him and met Tang Bo on the way.

"Are you going to the big family that is occupied?" Gu Ding judged by looking at the direction.

Tang Bo: "Yes."

"What are you going to do with them?" Gu Ding asked.

"What about you?" Tang Bo asked back.

Gu Ding frowned slightly: "They have a relatively large number of five or six hundred people, and they are all young and strong, with weapons in their hands. I want to kill them, but I don't want to waste our manpower and ammunition for them. But I can't let them go." They come out, they come out, and the city is in chaos."

Tang Bo: "Then kill."

Gu Ding licked his lips, a red light flashed in his eyes.

When the three of them came to the gate of the big house, the leader of the slave soldiers guarding the successor He Tian Min came to greet him.

Tang Bo asked the two to take people away and evacuate everyone nearby.

Everyone was far away, and the rebels who were trapped in the big house noticed this and ran to tell their leader that the dog should not eat it.

The rascals surrounding the dog were surprised, delighted and puzzled: "Are they going to let us go?"

Goubuchi is a young man in his early twenties, and he is not ugly, but he is uncomfortable to look at, like a mouthful of thick phlegm on the shoe surface, which makes you want to wipe it off and feel disgusting. In the end, I had to throw away even the shoes.

Even if the dog didn't eat the food, the family suffered a disaster, but he survived because he snatched the only wooden basin in the family and swam out with his arms. The little food in the family was also put in the wooden basin for him.His parents asked him to bring the youngest brother in the family, but he kicked him on the ground.

The dog doesn't eat. This person is vicious, but he doesn't want to work honestly. Before the disaster happened, he played rough in the village, sneaking around and bullying the old, the weak, women and children. Everyone in the village hates him, but the dog doesn't eat. Ruffian, if anyone provokes him, he will take those rogue ruffians to pull wheat seedlings in the fields, smash other people's houses, and harm other people's women and children.

The villagers hated him and feared him.

In this flood, although Gou Buchi escaped, he almost starved to death on the road. His wooden basin was overturned in the flood, and he was washed up to a high ground to survive.

In order to survive, Gou Buchi really had a life in his hands. The first time he killed a pair of mother and son who were alone, he robbed the wild vegetables they collected.

After the first time, there will be a second time. The dog who has tasted the sweetness of killing starts to attack women and children who are alone. The women and children were arrested, and they went to find a few young men who seemed to be gangsters.

He told those bastards that those women and children were his family members, and they wanted to sell themselves to earn some food.

Those bastards saw women and children being tied up, knowing that they were not, but they still...

Goubuchi used this method to win over a few gangsters, specifically kidnapping women and children, using them to earn food, and if they couldn't earn food, they used them as food.

Just when this group of people was planning to develop further, they encountered the white deer collar team.

I heard that the team gave food, drink and medical treatment, but if the dog didn't eat and a few gangsters wanted to hang out with some food and drink.After entering the team of disaster victims, Goubuchi found that this team called Bailuling seemed to be very rich, and he wanted to rob, especially the well-fed and well-dressed girls in the team, which made his heart itch, but he also Afraid of the force displayed by the White Hart Collar.

After discussing with those gangsters, the dog changed from one meal to several meals.In order not to let the people leading the white deer convoy know what they did before, they turned around and killed the remaining dozen women and children. Anyway, there are many victims, and without these dozen, they can still rob them. better one.

I heard that the white deer led the convoy to rush into the wild boar city to grab food, and the dogs wanted to escape without waiting for the others. They didn't dare to confront the official army of the nobles, so they quietly fell to the back of the team.

Who would have thought that the white deer leading convoy would break into the wild boar collar city that seemed impossible in the eyes of the victims so easily.

Gou Buchi and the others changed their minds again, and they rushed into the city, disregarding Tang Bo's orders, and began to rob, kill and even harm women everywhere.

Tian Min brought people out to stop them, but they refused to listen, and even incited more victims to fight against Bailuling.

During the incitement process, Goubuchi suddenly discovered that what Bailu led the team could do, he could do the same.As long as he can lead those disaster victims to grab more good things, those disaster victims will listen to him.

The ambition of the dog not to eat swelled, and he even had a brilliant idea. He wanted to take advantage of the flood and the large number of victims to rob everywhere. When his subordinates formed a scale, he would negotiate with the princess and ask the princess to allocate a piece of land for him. , and give him a title of nobility.

If the princess doesn't agree, he will leave Sita County with his subordinates and the wealth, women and children he plundered, and occupy any unoccupied territory at will, so that he can be a grand master.

But the force of the white deer leading convoy was stronger than he had imagined. He and his men were pushed back step by step. If the dog didn't eat, he wanted to take the red-eyed victims out of the wild boar city, but Tian Min and several other guards The weapon in his hand was very powerful, and killed many young and strong people who rushed forward.

The dog refused to eat and was frightened, so in the end, he had to take people to occupy a big family with a tall door as a stronghold.

If the dog doesn't eat it, he negotiates with Gu Ding, asking the Bailu leader to leave them alone, and they will stay in the wild boar leader from now on.But Gu Ding ignored him.

Goubuchi saw Tang Bo.

He knew that this feminine and handsome aristocratic young man was the lord of the White Deer Lord. Seeing the other party appear, he changed a lot of ideas in his mind, including negotiating with the other party, expressing his willingness to lead people to surrender, as long as he is given a position in charge, of course his subordinates Can't make any plans to go out.

He even wanted to kill Tang Bo and make himself the lord of the White Deer Lord.He hates the nobles not because they are superior, nor because they exploit the common people, but because he hates the nobles because they are born nobles, why is he not?

"Boss, what do you think the lord will do? Is he going to negotiate with us? What are you going to do?" Several gangsters surrounded him and asked him in a low voice.

The dog doesn't eat and doesn't like other people calling him nicknames, so let everyone call him the boss. Because he has many ideas and is vicious enough, others give him a bit of face, and really treat him as the boss.

Goubuchi stared at Tang Bo outside, with various thoughts in his mind: "The lord seems to be soft-hearted, we can pretend to be soft-hearted first, and talk to him..."


A huge explosion sounded, and the middle room of this rich family was blown to pieces of debris.

The dog didn't eat and waited for people to scream, but this was only the first wave.

Tang Bo continued to raise his hand, and the magic explosive package kept flying towards the big house with four high walls.

He had already asked Gu Ding, the original owner of the house had been killed by dog ​​Buchi and other human disasters, the servants who could escape escaped, those who could not escape either joined forces or were also killed.

The dog didn't eat and wanted to run out to beg for mercy, but he never had this chance again.

Tang Bo threw five explosive packets in a row, completely blowing up the big house with the wall. The ground nearby trembled, and the wall naturally collapsed.

Some rebels ran out, but they were also killed by the slave soldiers waiting around.The slave soldiers also hated these people who harmed innocent city citizens. Although they didn't like wild boar leaders, most of the city residents never hurt them, and most of the slave soldiers were like this before they became slaves. ordinary people.

The mouths of the onlookers opened wide, and then they closed their mouths because of the large amount of smoke.

"Okay, it's settled. Pack up the convoy and we'll leave tomorrow morning." Tang Bo turned around.

"Okay." Gu Ding was the first to react and follow up.

Many of the onlookers looked at each other with solemn and fearful faces.The lord of the White Hart Lord said that he was kind, but his heart was hard enough.That's five or six hundred lives, if you say kill, you'll kill them all.

The young guard showed a slight smile. If Tang Bo just let the dog not eat and those victims, or negotiated with them to give them benefits, he would definitely get one hundred gold coins back to Tang Bo as soon as possible, and leave him and Bailu quickly. collar.

But now, maybe it's not such a bad idea to go to the White Hart Collar and hang out with the Lord of the White Hart.

Tang Bo knew that those who stayed in the big house were not guilty of death, but more people inside had already tasted the benefits of robbing and coercing the victims, and the leader dog had "awakened" if he didn't eat it. If he let it go, maybe It will form a small force.

This force may not bring trouble to Bailuling, or even make Princess Sita frown, but it will definitely bring more misery and suffering to the victims who are already miserable enough.

It's fine if he doesn't see it, but if he sees it and doesn't solve it, will he keep it and turn it into a cancerous tumor?

negotiation?It also depends on who you are with.

【So you don't plan to negotiate with this system anymore? 】

"You want to negotiate with me?" Tang Bo finally responded.

[It’s not a negotiation, your actions are completely meaningless. The contract between you and this system is a contract protected by the highest law. As long as you still owe this system a life, the contract between you and this system cannot be undone . 】

Tang Bo said indifferently: "Well, let's see if it really can't be untied."

[…… If we forcibly untie it, we will lose both. 】

"I'm willing to pay any price for freedom."

[Cooperating with this system will not do you any harm.As long as you reach the twelfth level of Transformer, you will not only be able to achieve great things, but also get more space, better and more special abilities and other rewards, and your soul will live forever. 】


[This system admits that if you reach the twelfth level of reformer, this system can also get certain benefits.But you get more benefits. 】

"Listen to you, when I reach the twelfth level of reformer, you will not leave me? What will you do then? Merge with me? Destroy my consciousness, rob my body, fuse my soul power, get my everything of?"

【Did the soul-devouring salt bug king tell you?It is lying to you.You are in such danger only if you make a contract with it, especially now that you have let go of your soul power and let it use it. 】

"At least I have an equal contract with it, and I can clearly know that if it wants to take the initiative to hurt me, it will get more harm than me."

[Do you want to change to an equal contract with this system?This is not impossible to discuss, when you reach the eighth level of reformer, this system can also reward you...]

"I want you to leave me even more." Tang Bo said bluntly, "I don't believe you."

[If you do this, you will be punished! 】

"Boom!" Tang Bo's body suddenly burst into flames, and he was burned into a burning man in an instant.

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