Tian Min and others shouted "surrender, don't kill" all the way, but the effect was not good.

The lord of the Wild Boar Territory finally came to his senses and sent his men to intercept those who entered the city.

The victims who rushed into the city ran behind Bailuling's team. After entering the city gate, some continued to follow Bailuling, while others ran to the surrounding streets.

Although Tang Bo said that it is forbidden to harass civilians, kill and rob civilians in the city, but the victims on the adrenaline hormone will remember Tang Bo's order at this time, and some people have already become dissatisfied with Tang Bo and Bailuling , intending to grab and run in the city.

There was chaos in the wild boar city, and the civilians closed their doors tightly. People on the street outside ran to their homes desperately, or rushed in and closed them as soon as they saw the door.

The soldiers of the wild boar leader fought hard to kill the white deer leader who rushed in.

Tang Bo, Tian Min and others rushed to the front.

The cadets disappeared at some point, and only a few followed Tang Bo and the others to shoot and kill the enemy.

The victims didn't want to fight with the soldiers of the wild boar collar, but the soldiers of the wild boar collar regarded them as enemies and chased them to kill them. If they wanted to live, they had to fight back.

In the end, everyone was red-eyed.

"Boom!" A huge explosion sounded in the center of the castle, black smoke and flames rose.

Someone shouted: "The Boar Lord is dead! All soldiers stop attacking!"

After Gu Ding knew that Tang Bo wanted to attack the wild boar leader, he came back a day early.

What did he come back for?

Just look at what he's doing now.

Gu Ding sneaked into the wild boar collar last night and found the boss of the wild boar collar and several principals. He first killed several principals who were in charge of logistics and leading troops, and then killed the leader who controlled the slave soldiers.

He also found slave camps and instigated them to rise up and fight.

The slaves didn't dare at first, they were already frightened by the beating.

But one person from the slave camp stood up and asked Gu Ding if someone would really attack the wild boar collar tomorrow.

Gu Ding said yes, and said that the wild boar collar was only the first step, and their plan was to occupy the entire Sita County.

Many slaves didn't believe in Gu Ding, who looked like a five-year-old child, but that slave began to encourage the slaves, saying that this was an opportunity for them to do nothing first, but when chaos broke out the next day, they could kill those Those who control them escape from the wild boar collar in the chaos, even if they are wild people, it is better than staying here as slaves.

The slaves were moved by the words, and Gu Ding got them a lot of weapons. They lay in ambush. They were obedient slave soldiers on the surface, but they were all ready to rebel.

When Tang Bo attacked the wild boar collar, the interior of the wild boar collar was in chaos due to the death of several principals.

The wild boar lord heard that someone was attacking them and broke into the city. He was furious: "Who is it? Who is it? Who has the guts!"

"It's disaster victims, a large number of disaster victims!"

"What? Was it beaten in by a bunch of mud legs? How is it possible? Have all the city gate soldiers rebelled?"

Someone rushed in covered in blood and shouted: "The soldiers at the city gate did not rebel! The enemy is not only the victims, but the leader is a nobleman. They have strange weapons in their hands! They blew up the city gate! Many people were killed, they don't need to approach the soldiers You can kill soldiers from a distance!"

"Did they use bows and arrows?" Someone asked hurriedly.

"It's not a bow and arrow, it's a... I don't know, it's a weird... maybe a demon weapon!" the man said nonsense.


"Don't make wild guesses!" The wild boar lord shouted, "Go, lead a team to intercept those intruders and kill them all! Let the soldiers, let all the slave soldiers dispatch! Protect the castle first! You, immediately go to the county The Lord sent a message, asking him to send someone to rescue, hurry up!"

"Yes!" Everyone obeyed the order.

The general who dispatched the soldiers took a small number of soldiers and all the slave soldiers to intercept the intruders, but left most of the soldiers to close the gates of the inner castle, trying to protect the lord's family living in the castle.As for the other people outside the castle, it depends on their fate.

The general who dispatched the soldiers went smoothly, but the steward who dispatched the slave soldiers was suddenly stabbed into the vest by a slave from behind when he gave the order to turn around.

"Have you heard that there is chaos outside? That kid didn't lie. This is our chance. Let's run out! All follow my orders. If it is useless to attack the intruders, we will deal with the intruders. If the outsiders are strong, We don’t need to worry about anything, just flee. The kid said that we have the brand of slaves on us, and their people won’t kill slaves.”

Standing on a high place with a stone knife in his hand, the slave shouted to all the slaves.

The other slaves were used to obeying orders, but this slave was willing to stand up and speak as if he had a final decision, so everyone decided to listen to him.

"Follow me!" The slave waved his hand, and all the slave soldiers followed him.

The explosion sounded in the castle just a few minutes later.

The slave regained his spirits, looking at the highest end of the bombed castle, his eyes became extremely bright.

When he heard the cry of "The Boar Lord is dead", he had an idea and asked all the slave soldiers to follow suit.

The slave soldiers went in without knowing it, but when they saw the slave yelling first, they also yelled, and when they yelled the third and fourth yells, they seemed to have a lot of courage in their bodies.

The boar lord is dead, and they have a chance to escape!

The slave saw that the spirits of the slave soldiers had changed, and took the opportunity to shout: "Come out with me!"

The slave soldiers rushed towards the gate of the castle like a surge.

The leading slave ran and shouted: "Open the gate, we are ordered to go out and destroy those intruders!"

The gatekeepers believed it, and together they wrenched open the gate to let the slave soldiers out.

Some people think it's wrong, where is the leader of the slave soldiers?Why do I only see slave soldiers?

But it was no longer possible for them to stop the slave soldiers. The gate opened, and the leading slave soldier suddenly killed the soldiers guarding the gate with his backhand, and shouted: "Kill them, don't let them close the gate!"

The slave soldiers behind were afraid that the gate would be blocked, so they went to kill the soldiers at the gate together.

The soldiers guarding the gate of the castle were caught off guard. No one expected that the usually obedient and honest slave soldiers would suddenly turn their backs. Most of them were killed in one sight. Some of them reacted and wanted to kill the slave soldiers, but the slave There are too many soldiers.

These slave soldiers are different from the disaster victims. They are specially trained tools for killing and fighting. They usually wear wooden and stone shackles on their bodies, and they will only loosen the shackles during war.Usually they are hungry, and only before the station can they have a full meal.

The lethality of the slave soldiers is much greater than that of the disaster victims. They are not only good at killing and fighting, but their greatest advantage is to obey orders.

Now the steward of the slave soldiers died, and the general who led the soldiers was also killed by Gu Ding. If he failed to arrive in time, the slave who stood up became the leader of all the slave soldiers, and everyone did what he asked everyone to do.

Soon, the slave soldiers killed all the soldiers near the gate of the castle. They also rushed to the tower and killed the defending soldiers who shot them with arrows.

It was at this moment that Tang Bo arrived. He raised his hand and shot, killing the leader of the soldiers who was about to attack the leading slave.

The leading slave nodded vigorously to Tang Bo, and continued to kill others.

Tang Bo didn't stop, he took Tian Min and others to kill into the castle.

Gu Ding killed the Boar Lord, and his family panicked. When they saw that the gate of the castle had been opened and the invaders had rushed in, they immediately gave up their defense, packed up their belongings in a hurry, and wanted to escape through the secret passage.

"Madam, master, miss, this way! Hurry up! Don't pack your things!" the housekeeper urged.

"Where is the young master? Where is the young master?" Madam cried out anxiously.

"I'm going to find the young master, you go first!" The butler had no choice but to turn around and look for someone.

The wife urged her children to enter the secret passage quickly, and her eldest son ran the fastest, pushing his sister away and running first.

Several girls fell to the ground and cried bitterly. Their mother slapped them and told them to get up and run away.

Several maids followed them.

Madam waited for a while, but she didn't see the housekeeper and the youngest son coming, so she gritted her teeth and closed the secret door.She couldn't disregard other children for the sake of a young son. Anyway, that child is also a little weirdo. It depends on his fate.

In order to prevent other people from following the secret passage, the lady also put down a dragon-breaking stone similar to that commonly used in cemeteries. Now, even if people outside find the entrance of the secret passage, it will be difficult to open it.

A black shadow appeared outside the secret door. Instead of trying to open the secret door, he drew a magic circle on the outside wall and chanted a few more spells.

The magic circle map glowed slightly, and a black hole appeared in the originally solid wall.

The black shadow drilled into the black hole and easily entered the secret passage. No one in the family who ran ahead noticed it.

The butler found the young master, and the young master actually changed into a civilian attire.

"Young master?" the housekeeper was surprised.

The boy who was only eleven or twelve years old calmly put on the straw sandals and smeared black mud on his face, "Taking the secret path is useless, that secret path has already been exposed, that holy master of the Demon Slayer Sect is not a good person, I told my father He did, but he didn't believe it. The Holy Master could save us, but he didn't. He wants our family's property, and now is his best chance to seize our family's property."

The butler swallowed, did he ignore this young master too much before? He used to think that this young master was out of tune with the entire lord's family and was a weirdo in the family, but now thinking about it, is this young master the only one who understands in this family? ?

The little boy looked up: "Housekeeper, do you want to go with me? If you don't want to, you can go to my mother and the others, but I can tell you that neither my mother nor my elder brother can escape."

The housekeeper struggled several times before finally making up his mind: "Young master, I will go with you. You are too young to be safe alone."

The little boy nodded and said: "Then you change all the clothes on your body, don't dress like a housekeeper, just like an ordinary domestic servant, and I am your grandson, a little servant in this castle who dumps the urine bucket .Don't carry too many valuable things on your body, the poorer we are, the less people will pay attention to us."

The little boy lifted a bucket of stinking urine.He looks like a little servant working in the castle now.

After more than an hour, the shouting and killing in the castle finally stopped.

The most chaotic thing now is the outer city outside the castle. Those disaster victims and fleeing soldiers turned into the biggest scourge, and they robbed everywhere.

Tang Bo stood on the top floor of the bombed castle, watching the chaos in the city, and didn't take care of it immediately.

Gu Ding came out from nowhere, holding a big package in his hand. It wasn't the head of the Lord of the Wild Boars in the package, he had already thrown that head under the castle.

"There is also a demon-slayer saint in this castle, but he is very cunning. He asked many demon-slayers to stop me. Those guys have some weird skills. When I finish those demon-slayers, the saint and the demon-slayers here The lord's family has all run away." Gu Ding said angrily.Hand the package in your hand to Tang Bo to help him put it away, it is full of spoils he collected.

"You did a good job. If you hadn't stopped this force, we would not have taken this city so easily." Tang Bo touched Gu Ding's head.

Gu Ding raised his head: "What should we do next?"

"What do you think? I taught you." Tang Bo asked encouragingly.

Gu Ding rolled his eyes, slapped the hands on his head, and said angrily: "Okay, okay, I know you are lazy. Leave the next thing to me. The first step is to wipe out the remaining evils. The second step , to arrest those victims of robbery and murder. The third step is to execute the punishment publicly to appease the civilians and deter the victims. The fourth step is to reward the victims. The fifth step is to sort out the destroyed sites and send managers."

"Well, yes, let's take another step and see if we can keep that slave soldier."

"They should have almost run away now." Gu Ding said not very confidently.

Tang Bo smiled: "They didn't bring much food when they ran away, and the slave soldiers are different from other slaves, they have marks on their faces, if they disperse and escape, they are easy to be caught or killed again, so they should still gather now together."

Tang Bo paused, "Don't look at them rushing out now, they must be very confused next time. You catch up now, tell them that I provide food, and give them the status of free citizens, as long as they fight for me for five years. While they are fighting for me, they will enjoy all the benefits like my subjects, remember to talk about our military benefits."

"Tell them about the harm of becoming a savage. The point is that Sita County will soon be my territory. But if someone is really unwilling, there is no need to force them. Let them hide and tell them that when I become the lord, they will Even if there is a mark on your face, you can still become a free citizen. I am a white deer collar, and I have no slaves. This must be explained to them emphatically."

Gu Ding stuck in his waist: "I only have one person, if I go after those slave soldiers now, who will take care of the affairs in the city?"

Tang Bo sighed: "There are too few people who can be used. I'll do the things in the city. By the way, let A Lang and Bai Mingzhu have a good experience. You go and get rid of the slave soldiers."

Gu Ding left as soon as he said, and before he left, he did not forget to absorb the blood energy and soul power that permeated the city.

Xiaotian had already absorbed a wave with Tang Bo before, and now he didn't care about this snatcher.

Tang Bo yawned and snapped his fingers again to prevent himself from falling asleep in seconds.

It is easy to lay down this territory, but if you want to firmly hold this territory, you will be busy.

Tang Bo intends to pick and choose among this group of victims, to find some people who are bold, careful, and have not disobeyed his orders.

There are disaster victims who abuse others when they gain power, but they are only a part of them.

Yusheng and the first batch of rescued victims are the best seedlings among this group of victims. They have been working hard to restrain the victims who rushed into the city and fight the soldiers hard.

Tang Bo waved his hand and used [Call to Come] to summon five hundred puppets from Anheling, Sita County.

He didn't use [Call to come] when attacking the city before, but now he uses this trick to deal with the disaster victims entering the city.

Tang Bo healed the wounded guards, and then asked six guards including Tian Min and Bai Mu to take the five hundred puppets to the city to arrest people and put down the chaos in the city.

Tang Bo released the military cadets from the space of the cave, and asked A Lang and Bai Mingzhu, who had been following him, to explain the situation to them. People's hearts and other follow-up cumbersome things.

Xiao Tian suddenly popped his head: "Someone here is offering sacrifices with their souls."

"Soul sacrifice?"

"Yes, it's like summoning demons. Demons like to eat souls."

"Where is it?" Tang Bo was alert, he didn't want to take down the wild boar collar, and was immediately attacked by the demons.

"follow me."

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