Yang Shiwu's legs were weak when he was "invited" by the police officers. He also saw his wife and daughter.

Yanglan and her mother were anxious. They were not restrained and free, but there were police officers watching them.When the mother and daughter saw Yangshiwu calling him, they wanted to ask him what happened.

Yanglan's mother really didn't know what happened, but Yanglan almost immediately thought that their family was brought in, and the lord came forward. It is very likely that the matter between her and Ma Jin was leaked.

But Yang Lan didn't feel that she was wrong at all. She felt that she was just looking for a husband. At most, the husband was a foreigner and a rich nobleman, but so what?

She has the ability to find such a husband, but others can't find it. Is it a crime?

Although Yang Lan thought so in her heart, her legs were still shaking and her face was pale with fright.

Maybe she and her father also knew in their hearts what good deeds they had done, and knew better why their family could be favored by a nobleman from Luma City.

But people will deceive themselves, it seems that as long as she doesn't admit it, she is not wrong.

Butler Bafu patted the horn to attract the attention of everyone present, and said, "Everyone, it was found out today that someone betrayed the territory and the lord. Now the traitor has been captured, and the lord will announce the punishment for the betrayer today."

Everyone was uproarious.

Yang Shiwu looked at the cold eyes of the senior management on the left and right, and didn't understand that the traitor in the steward's mouth was referring to him, so he immediately raised his voice and shouted: "I am not a traitor, I am not!"

The butler beckoned and asked someone to bring the Yangshiwu family to the middle of the high platform.

People pointed to the Yang family on the high platform and talked about it.

The butler clapped his hands, signaling for everyone to be quiet, and asked Gu Ding to come forward.

Gu Ding is the person in charge of Bailu's law, and he is also the chief judge personally appointed by Tang Bo.

Gu Ding was a little one, jumping on the stool, full of momentum, the loudspeaker spread his childish voice to every corner nearby: "There are laws and regulations in the territory, arrest people and give evidence, we will not wrong anyone."

"Yangshiwu, let me ask you, have you come into contact with Ma Jin, a man who claims to be from the Ma family in Lvmacheng?"

Yang Shiwu swallowed, and replied: "Yes, but he..."

Gu Ding raised his hand: "Yangshiwu, have you promised your daughter Yanglan to this man Majin?"

Yang Shiwu did not dare to lie, and replied: "Yes, he is my son-in-law, he is not an outsider, I did not betray the lord, I did not, I swear!"

Gu Ding ignored his argument, and asked again: "Yangshiwu, did you steal the latest water conservancy planning map of the territory and hand it over to Ma Jin?"

Yang Shiwu immediately denied: "No! I don't."

Gu Ding waved coldly, "Bring witnesses."

Witnesses take the stage.

When Yang Shiwu saw the two witnesses, his face suddenly turned pale.

One of them was his colleague. Although he took out the blueprint behind his back, he remembered that when he left the office, the other person came in and asked him what he was doing with the blueprint, so he was fooled.

The testimony of the other party also proved this point: "When I entered the office, I saw Director Yang took out the latest blueprints. I asked him what he was doing with the blueprints. He said that he would take them back for careful consideration. It may need to be revised. I told him at the time that it said that it was not allowed to take the drawings home. But he said he would just look at it, and he would not do anything. Because he is my boss, I can't say much. "

The other person is the waiter of the hotel where Ma Jin lived. He testified: "Director Yang of Yangshiwu met foreign businessmen many times, and under the introduction of foreign businessmen, he met Ma Jin, who claimed to be a nobleman of Luma City. Not only did he bring his own My daughter gave it to Ma Jin, and also gave him the latest water conservancy planning map, and revealed many secrets of my White Deer Collar to Ma Jin while drinking and having fun."

The other person was the conductor at the carriage station. The other party confirmed that Yangshiwu bought an extra ticket with the work permit of a worker led by Sanshu, and the person who got on the bus was Ma Jin.

When they arrived at Bailuling, more people saw Yangshiwu and Majin.

At this point, Gu Ding sneered and said to Yangshiwu: "Not only did you reveal the top secrets of the territory, you betrayed your family to curry favor with foreign nobles, and you even brought Ma Jin, a foreigner, into the Bailuling Industrial Zone without permission. And I have had several conversations with Lord Tang I have seriously warned you that except for the locals who come to work or those who are willing to work and live in the local area for a long time, other foreigners must not be brought into the White Hart Collar, how did you do it?"

Yang Shiwu's lips trembled, and he was still trying to argue: "Ma Jin, he gave the marriage contract, he is my son-in-law, my daughter's husband, he is not an outsider, I have not betrayed..."

"Marriage contract? You mean what is written on this piece of parchment?" Gu Ding asked someone to present a piece of parchment, and unfolded it for everyone to see on the spot.

Although everyone can't see it, it's fine if you have that meaning.

Gu Ding clicked on the place where the seal was stamped, and said sarcastically: "Do you think this Ma Jin really wants to marry your daughter? He is not a nobleman at all, and his surname is indeed Ma, but he and the current Earl of the Ma family, Ma Lin, are just The relationship between uncle and nephew, Ma Jin’s father was only a small accountant in the commercial department in Luma City, and Ma Jin himself didn’t even have a job. To put it bluntly, he was A swindler who pretends to be a cousin in the name of his uncle, is a gangster who spends his days fooling around."

Yanglan shook her body, she couldn't believe what she heard.That Ma Jin looks so good-looking, and his arrogance is heavier than Lord Tang Bo and Lord Gu. How could he be just an ordinary commoner?

Gu Ding cut the most ruthless knife: "This marriage contract is fake. Noble marriage requires the other half's name to be entered into the nobility genealogy. Usually, it will apply and register with the special nobility genealogy registration department before the wedding banquet, and then Obtaining a permit is also a certificate. Only by obtaining this registration permit can you truly enter the family tree of a noble family and be recognized by other nobles. For example, Lord Tang and I, we must first inherit the title and territory in this Departmental application and registration, and the corresponding qualifications can only be obtained after obtaining the permission of the Grand Duke of Green Hemp."

Gu Ding flicked the marriage contract: "In the words of our territory, this thing has no legal effect, and no one will recognize it. Moreover, the noble seal on it is also forged. As an ordinary civilian, Ma Jin cannot use this at all. This is a badge that represents the nobility, and even the earl's mansion. If this marriage contract really falls into the hands of Luma City, Ma Jin will also be charged with forging the seal of nobility and pretending to be a nobleman. Unfortunately, even if your Yang family holds this The marriage contract is to sue Ma Jin, as long as Ma Jin refuses to admit it, the people of Lu Ma City will only laugh at your family."

Yang Shiwu was very dizzy and his face was extremely pale.

He wanted to argue, but didn't know how to argue.

Just as Gu Ding was about to announce his disposition to the Yang family, Tang Bo came over and put his hand on his shoulder.

Gu Ding looked at him sideways.

Tang Bo gestured to him to wait a moment, stood in front of the loudspeaker and said to everyone: "You may not understand why I control the territory so strictly and why outsiders are not allowed in. Today I will tell you the answer .”

Everyone pricked up their ears.

Tang Bo: "Have you ever thought about why a noble blood from Luma City would deliberately go to our White Hart Collar to deceive a commoner?"

Yang Shiwu suddenly raised his head.

Tang Bo: "The answer is very simple, because the development of our Bailuling has attracted the attention of Luma City, especially the many good things we have produced, which made them greedy. Everyone, think about it, everyone lived five years ago. What kind of life is it, and what kind of life is everyone living now?"

Everyone doesn't need to recall, this is not such a distant memory.The red taro leader and the Hongshan leader have vivid memories.

Tang Bo: "Papers, pencils, stoves, briquettes, iron pans, kitchen knives, lime, cement... These things are not seen outside at all, only we have them in Bailuling. Although I don't want to sell paper, but our territory If we want to develop, we need a lot of capital and other resources. However, our Bailuling is very small, so it is impossible to have too many resources, such as silk and hemp for weaving. We can't cultivate much even if we cultivate it, so we have to buy it from other places. There are also pencils Cores, wood, leather, paint, copper, iron, gold and silver salts, etc., all have to be obtained from other places.”

"So we have to do transactions with other territories. I have chosen thousands of options to choose relatively safe and easy-to-trade paper as trading items. In order not to arouse the greed of other nobles, I said to the outside world that foreign businessmen resold it to us."

"But since the introduction of paper, there have been a lot more people who come to inquire in Bailuling." Tang Bo sighed softly: "In addition to paper, although I have strict control, there are still some that only we Bailuling can buy. Goods have flowed out, such as kitchen knives, coal stove briquettes, etc., but fortunately there are not many, so it only attracts the attention and suspicion of the big nobles such as Luma City. Without finding out the situation, they will not attack us immediately .”

Everyone was terrified, and they realized that their lives were not carefree.

"I don't let outsiders in except for work, just to prevent them from inquiring too much. Once I let Luma City and other nobles know that our Bailu leader lives so well and has so many good things, do you think they will do what?"

Gu Ding snorted coldly: "It's needless to say, of course it was snatched!"

Tang Bo nodded: "Our Bailuling is just such a big place, and the population has not exceeded [-] so far."

Including the bought slaves, the territory has actually exceeded 1 people, but it is impossible for Tang Bo to announce it now.

This also aroused the amazement of the white deer leader, the population was five or six times higher than when the lord first succeeded to the throne.

Tang Bo continued: "Our soldiers have just started training, and the number is very small. If a nobleman leads troops to attack us at this time, do you think the White Deer collar can be kept?"

Everyone was shocked.

Tang Bo looked around the crowd: "We need time to become stronger. As long as we are strong enough to have the same strength as Luma City, or even surpass it, we don't need to be afraid of other big nobles. At that time, what is in our territory will be greatly improved. Tell others squarely. But not now, we are like three-year-old children hanging around outside with a bag of gold coins. Once we reveal our wealth, a large number of wolves will rush over and snatch and kill us all. People will become slaves, and they will never have the life they have now."

Tang Bo called the butler Bafu again: "Uncle Fu, you have taken people to Luma City, you might as well tell everyone what Luma City is like."

The steward immediately described Luma City vividly, and told everyone that the nobles in Luma City may live well, but the life of ordinary people can only guarantee food and clothing, and some people can't even guarantee food and clothing. There are a large number of poor people living in slums, living like wild dogs.

Tang Bo interface: "Do you still remember Liu Feng, the tax official in Luma City? He came here not long ago. Why did he come here? He came to investigate the development of our Bailu collar and wanted to exploit us more. I think that person The way to fool it, but the Duke of Luma is not so easy to be deceived, so he secretly sent people over."

Tang Bo suddenly turned his head to face Yangshiwu, and said lightly, "Do you know why your every move is being watched by others?"

Yang Shiwu seemed to be dumbfounded, and shook his head in a daze.

Tang Bo told him the answer: "Because every outsider, as long as he is inquiring about our Bailuling, he will be monitored. In the past, any spies who wanted to enter Bailuling would be found outside of Bailuling. Was arrested. There are many pairs of sharp eyes on the outer edge of Sanshu City and Bailuling. They can tell at a glance whether it is a local or a foreigner. Ma King Kong was monitored when he arrived in Sanshu City. I am a businessman in the management of Three Tree City and White Deer Collar, we also have people watching."

Tang Bo was telling the truth. He specially arranged and trained a group of people to act as territorial spies to check on the coveted people.It is easy to distinguish between foreigners and locals. The population flow is small these days, and the accent, appearance, clothing, temperament, and even face shape will cause a big difference between locals and outsiders. Hear the difference.

Although this cannot completely eliminate subordination, the secrets of the territory can still be kept secret for a while when his important salt mines, iron mines, coal mines, lime mines and cement mines only use slaves and local people.

"So as soon as you and Ma Jin met, we knew about it. We even listened to every word you and your daughter said to Ma Jin. Why didn't we do anything at that time? It was because we wanted to see this Ma Jin What do you want to do, and I also want to find out other details besides him."

Tang Bo sighed: "It's a pity that you can't bear the temptation so easily, and you believed Ma Jin's deception so easily, and sincerely thought that Ma Jin would help you get a noble position. Even he himself and his father and brothers are not nobles. What can help you get the position of nobleman? If he can have the opportunity to become a nobleman, why should he give this credit to you instead of occupying it himself? And I can tell you clearly that most of the small noblemen in Luma City Life is not as good as yours. Think about Ma Jin's behavior when he came into contact with you, and his reaction when he entered the White Hart Collar."

Yang Shiwu's face turned from pale to gray, and he closed his eyes full of despair and shame.

The eyes of everyone looking at the Yang family's father and daughter also changed from resentment to ridicule, and even pity.

When Yang Shiwu opened his eyes, he saw the pity in everyone's eyes, and suddenly understood what the pity in Ma Jin's eyes represented.The other party was probably also laughing at and pitying him in his heart. He was letting go of a good life, but he had to take the risk of living a life that was far worse than the present, and he was also charged with the great danger and crime of betrayal.

By the way, he even lost his only daughter!

Yang Shiwu wanted to die, he didn't dare to look at the expressions of his wife and daughter.

Tang Bo no longer looked at Yangshiwu, he was not the only one who hooked up with outsiders, but this person was unlucky, he was too obvious, and his ambition was relatively big, so he became a "chicken" dragged out.

"Starting this year, I will take turns to organize people to join the caravan, so that you can see what the outside world is like. First, to increase your knowledge, and second, to prevent you from thinking that the moon outside is much rounder than ours."

Some high-level people laughed out loud.

Those who had run with the caravan couldn't help but shouted loudly: "Our White Deer collar is great, it can't be compared with the outside! Everyone will know when you go out and see. I have also been to Luma City, except that the place is big, it's just like that! "

Other people who have been to other places also spoke to prove it.

Everyone's expressions became relaxed.

Tang Bo raised his hand, and everyone became quiet again.

He finally said: "Our White Deer collar's wealth has been exposed little by little, wolves and hyenas have started wandering around our door, war will come sooner or later."

Tang Bo suddenly raised his voice: "My people, be vigilant! Tighten your nerves! Tomorrow I will recruit soldiers from the whole territory, and those who are interested can apply at the conscription office. Half of all taxes are exempted, and there are more than two people, all taxes are exempted. Soldiers' remuneration is at least [-] copper coins a month per person in non-wartime, and at least one silver coin a month in wartime, including food and lodging, military uniforms, weapons and equipment, and injuries Governance, disability is covered for life, and death is covered by pensions.”

The crowd was in an uproar, not fear, but excitement.

Although some people really don't want to join the army, many young people don't have to worry about such a high salary, disability and death. There are really many people who want to sign up for the army.

Gu Ding secretly gave Tang Bo a dissatisfied look. The trial meeting was going well, but it was almost turned into a conscription meeting by Tang Bo.

In the end, Gu Ding announced the results of the disposal of Yangshiwu and Yanglan with little interest.

No one was sentenced to death. Zhiyangshiwu was sentenced to five years of labor reform for the three crimes of stealing and selling the water conservancy project blueprints, violating the territorial laws and regulations to lead outsiders into Bailu collar by falsely using other people's identities, and embezzlement and bribery.

However, Yanglan was not sentenced because she was deceived and did not disclose many secrets.

Yangshiwu's wife really doesn't know anything, this simple woman doesn't agree with marrying her daughter to a nobleman at all, so Yangshiwu and Yanglan coincidentally did not propose a marriage contract with her.

Afterwards, Yangshiwu's wife approached the housekeeper Bafu to intercede, not wanting to absolve her husband of the crime, but hoping to move to another place.

Because of this public disposal by their family, other people pointed at their family. The little girl Yang Lan felt extremely ashamed and wanted to commit suicide several times.

The housekeeper Bafu told Tang Bo about the situation, and Tang Bo didn't make things difficult for the mother and daughter, and transferred them to the farming area of ​​the red taro collar, where they could concentrate on farming.

The effect of killing chickens and monkeys this time is really extraordinary, and if it is dealt with publicly, no one can afford to lose face.

And everyone knows that outsiders will be monitored, who would dare to have in-depth contact with outsiders casually?

When Tang Bo consciously promotes the superiority of the local area among the people, so that everyone has a sense of superiority, fewer people want to betray the territory and the lord.

Gu Ding deliberately promoted the concept of "enemy" among teenagers and young people who are most likely to get bloody, which made the Bailu leader a little nervous, and everyone looked like a robber.

Tang Bo didn't object to this either. It's better to be xenophobic than to lead the enemy back home foolishly.

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