Who would have thought that the two brothers and sisters who hunted mountain deer wanted to leave Devil Mountain a long time ago. If they hadn't missed their mother, they would have run away long ago.

Now Yunmei showed up to meet them, and made a good show with them, the two brothers and sisters packed their bags and prepared to go back to his territory with Tang Bo without saying a word.

Shan Lie has a lot of eyes, he doesn't say it on the surface, but he has already thought about it in his heart. If Tang Bo is not as good as his mother said, he will take his sister and leave quietly. With his ability to weave illusions, it is relatively easy for him to escape.

Yunmei's mind is over, and she doesn't want a ghost to stay in the Devil's Mountain alone. The reason why she can become a ghost and still be seen by others is mainly due to the natural energy of the Devil's Mountain. Once she leaves the Devil's Mountain, she will be lost. .

The Shanhun brothers and sisters were very reluctant to part with their mother. Yunmei asked them to burn their own bones and take the ashes with them. When they settled down in the future, they could bury her in the yard, which was equivalent to her accompanying the two brothers and sisters.

The Shanhun brothers and sisters approached Tang Bo and asked him if there was any way to make Yunmei's ghost leave Devil Mountain and still survive.

But Yunmei didn't want to stay in the world anymore. If she hadn't worried about her two children, she would have long since wished to return to ashes. century.

Tang Bo very much agrees with Yunmei's idea, if she deserves to die, she doesn't want to stay, so why force her to stay for others, besides, the two brothers and sisters have grown up and can take care of themselves.

But Tang Bo didn't want this strange woman to be scattered, but he didn't know how to save the ghost.

As a result, Gu Ding, who woke up from accepting the inheritance, took over this task.

He drew a soul-sending magic circle and sent Yunmei away.

In the eyes of everyone, Yunmei smiled and turned into light.

The light spots soared upwards and scattered in the sky and the earth, becoming the most primitive energy in the sky and the earth, and Yunmei's purest soul will become the soul of a new life in the future, but she will no longer remember everything now.

The mountain deer hunting brother and sister clutched their chests, seeing their mother smiling and leaving was a great comfort to them.Although they really wanted their mother to stay with them, after they communicated with Tang Bo, they also figured it out and were willing to let their mother go—the mother should find her own happiness instead of continuing to revolve around them.

"When a person dies, as long as he loses his memory, habits, likes and dislikes, he is no longer that person." Little Gu Ding said a thought-provoking sentence.

Tang Bo patted the child's head, and Gu Ding, who had accepted the memory of the demon clan, seemed to be more mature.

But soon Gu Ding raised his head and smiled ghostly at Tang Bo: "Aren't you afraid of me? I have inherited the magic knowledge of the demon race."

"You also said that you are human. Besides, even if you are a demon, it is just a name for a race. As long as you have thoughts and conscience, not just instinctive desires, then you are a higher creature. A higher creature means that you can communicate, Why should I be afraid of you?" Tang Bo laughed.

Gu Ding looked at Tang Bo's expression and found that he really thought so, which made him very confused.Tang Bo's thinking is different from that of people in this world now, and he seems to be very tolerant and open-minded.

"Have you also accepted the inheritance of a mysterious race? The inheritance of the White Deer Clan?"

Tang Bo laughed, "That's right, I also accepted the inheritance of a mysterious race, that race is also called the human race, but their living space is not here."

Gu Ding became interested: "Then can their side be connected to our side?"

Tang Bo shook his head, "It's not the same as the demon world there, there is no passage leading to it. I can get the inheritance of that clan through Bailuling."

"Are you actually not Tang Bo?" Gu Ding asked abruptly, "Inheritance of knowledge will not change a person's character, even if it changes, it won't change that much. It turns out that Tang Bo is so lustful that he can't leave even when he sees a beautiful woman." You don’t want to move, and you really like to do that kind of thing. But you... I’ve known you until now, and you haven’t found any woman, not even a prostitute.”

Tang Bo laughed, "You should observe carefully."

"Who are you? Where are you from?" Gu Ding asked after him.

Tang Bo laughed, thought for a while and replied, "My name is Tang Bo, and that's really my name. As for where I come from, guess what?"

Gu Ding puffed up his mouth, "Huh, I see, you are from the human race you mentioned, right?"

Tang Bo just smiled and said nothing.

Gu Ding was happy, he felt that he had also mastered Tang Bo's secret, just like Tang Bo also knew his secret.

Gu Ding stretched out his small hand to hook Tang Bo's finger, and shook it very childishly.

"The inheritance I received is only a part." Gu Ding told Tang Bo: "The magic wire cloth is only a part of the inheritance carrier. The demons sent many demons over, and prepared inheritances for these demons. But not anyone To be able to accept these inheritances requires luck and fighting. Demons only need the most powerful existence."

Gu Ding has complicated feelings for the Demon Race. He feels that the Demon Race has concealed a lot from him. He can also feel the Demon Race's desire for this world, but he coincides with the Demon Race's knowledge, and he also needs this knowledge and energy to strengthen himself.

The demons are activated in the human body. They are said to be demons, but they are actually more like hybrids of demons and humans. Hybrids have the common advantages of the two races, but they will also produce deformed children and useless waste.

The favored one is not a half-breed of the demon race.

Demon mixed-races are easily confused as god-favored ones, and the way to distinguish demon mixed-races is to see if there is any abnormality in their bodies.The vast majority of demon hybrids will have some peculiarities in their bodies when they are born, such as his third eye.

Gu Ding suddenly understood why the Grand Duke of Luma rejected the god-favored people so much. Maybe the prince and his ancestors knew about the demons, but they couldn't tell who was the local god-favored and who was the half-breed of the demon race, so they had no choice but to reject them all. .

But it's not necessarily true, he has never seen the Duke of Luma, and he doesn't know what kind of god-favored person appeared in that family. Maybe they don't know about the devil seed at all, but they just don't want too many people with this special ability to appear. so as to affect their dominance.

Gu Ding also told Tang Bo the difference between the gods and the demons. The gods will have a vision of heaven and earth when they are born, and the parasites of the demons will have abnormalities in their bodies.

"So the two brothers and sisters of Mountain Hunting and Mountain Deer are purebred native gods?" Tang Bo distinguished.

Gu Ding nodded: "Yes. I didn't feel the aura of demon seeds on them, but what's interesting is that those favored by the gods can absorb demon aura as energy."

"That's why the demons are interested in this world, because the energy of this world is compatible with their world." Tang Bo said.

Gu Ding suddenly realized, "No wonder."

Tang Bo feels that the energy of this world is also compatible with the energy of the earth, because he can also absorb it.

Before leaving, Tang Bo and Gu Ding put on the gold medal engraved with the "Speedy Magic Array" and quietly sent the three recovered children back to their home.

But what they didn't expect was that these three children were rejected by their own families.

None of the three families happily welcomed the child back. Instead, after seeing the child returned safe and sound, they all held up the puppet and shouted to their child: "Devil, don't come here!"

The family members of the three children were like this, and the villagers in their village were even more crazy. At first they were afraid and avoided the returning children. Later, seeing that the children had no special abilities, they arrested the returning children and tried to burn them to death. .

Tang Bo was glad that he stayed a little longer because he had seen a lot and knew how ignorant and terrifying people in some closed places can be.When he saw those villagers arresting the returned children and tying them to the stake to burn the three children to death, he rescued them.

Both Tang Bo and Gu Ding wore masks, they were fast, they snatched the child and ran away.It scared the villagers half to death, and made them more sure that the three returned children had been parasitized by the demons.

Tang Bo also brought the three children with him. The three children were quite frightened. Fortunately, there were many children in the convoy. The two girls, Bai Mingzhu and A Shu, brought the three children with them and fed them food and water. Soothe them quickly.

Aji and Alang saw the three children as pitiful, and were willing to take them to play. Slowly, the three children regained a little vitality, but the injury of being rejected by their relatives still left scars on them, especially the one who had A seven or eight-year-old boy named Niu Niu.

Niu Niu couldn't figure out why he was arrested by the bad guys and finally came back, why his family rejected them so much, not only feared them, but also hated them so much that they wanted to kill him together with the villagers.

He explained over and over again, crying to his mother, father and grandparents over and over again, but they ignored him, spit on himself, and threw feces at himself.

Niu Niu doesn't understand, so he hates it.

Later, Tang Bo gave them lessons on the road and explained to them why his family and villagers feared them and rejected them. Niu Niu understood and forgave his family, but he would never go back to that home again I will always hate their ignorance.

With hatred for ignorance, Niu Niu worked very hard to learn knowledge, to the extent that even Tang Bo looked at him differently.

After all the chores were sorted out, Tang Bo concentrated his energy on the relocation of the salt mine.

Soul-devouring salt worm Wang Xiaotian was reluctant to leave the Devil's Valley at the beginning. Relocating the salt mine was a laborious task. The salt worms hated moving house the most.

Tang Bo used refined salt mines to provide Xiaotian with a large amount of refined salt as a temptation, and finally coaxed Xiaotian to agree to take his belongings and people to go with him.

Tang Bo boiled the salt for two days in the Devil’s Valley for this. Because the tools were not sophisticated enough, the refined salt he boiled after twice filtering was not particularly high-quality, but Xiaotian, who had only eaten ordinary salt ore and brine After eating such high-quality salt, I was immediately confused.

Tang Bo actually couldn't figure it out. The corpses of salt bugs after death are the best quality salt essence, including their daily excrement.

It stands to reason that salt essence and refined salt are not much different.

"I have no experience and no knowledge! How can salt essence and refined salt be the same? Refined salt is the purest refined salt, while salt essence is a kind of salt mine. It cannot even be called salt, but a kind of medicine. Besides, you will Do you eat your own corpses and excrement?" Xiaotian whimpered.

Tang Bo: "...you are right."

Tang Bo originally wanted to see how Xiaotian would move such a large salt mine, but the earth was shaken that day.

Rumble!Everyone was shocked to the ground.

The horses and mules could not help neighing in fright, and they broke free from the ropes and were about to run away, but the mountain deer couldn't help calming them, so they barely stayed where they were.

If it weren't for the space not being able to collect living things, Tang Bo would have wanted to take everyone into the space.

Because he was unprepared, Gu Ding didn't have time to set up a defensive magic circle.

Everyone can only stay where they are.

Fortunately, this huge earthquake only occurred at the epicenter, and the ground in other places did not crack, but there was a strong shaking.

Tang Bo and others all lay on the ground, waiting for the earthquake to pass.

The insignificance of manpower made Tang Bo and Gu Ding feel vividly.

When all the dust settled, Tang Bo found a big tree that was still standing, and climbed to the top to have a look.

Including the Devil's Mountain, the Baili Mountains disappeared to the east, and huge deep and shallow potholes appeared in place, and groundwater gushed out. It would not take long for this place to become a group of natural lakes.

Xiaotian triumphantly flew onto Tang Bo's shoulder, "Don't look, the salt mine has been cleaned up and we can go."

Tang Bo was still dumbfounded, how could he have imagined that King Saltworm's move would be so exaggerated!

If a country happened to be built on a salt mine, and a group of salt worms happened to live below it, when they moved, that country might not even know how it was destroyed.

Poor Wu Yunling was nearby, and such a large earthquake would naturally affect it, but luckily no one was killed, at most the house collapsed and the animals ran away in a panic.Someone was hurt, but only slightly.

Gu Ding, Yan Ren, Bai Dou... When they got up from the ground, they all maintained the same expression while looking into the distance.

They didn't know about the move of the salt bug. They just heard Tang Bo say, "He has got the salt mine and can go home." Although everyone wondered how to get the "salt mine", Tang Bo said that he could go back. Yes, of course they won't object.

The results of it?

They experienced an earthquake of magnitude [-], and saw with their own eyes what is called "the vicissitudes of life in a blink of an eye", and large mountains have turned into deep pits and plains stretching for hundreds of miles.

Tang Bo and others don't know yet, but this is the result of Xiaotian's gentle treatment of the local people. If they are more rough, what they feel is not an earthquake of magnitude [-], but a magnitude [-] earthquake.

Tang Bo pressed his forehead, he thought he had raised his estimate of Soul Devouring Salt Insect King's ability, but he didn't expect that his bottom line was above his highest estimate.He was able to subdue the King of Salt Bugs simply because he had exhausted all the blessings he had accumulated in eight lifetimes.

"Where did those mountains go?" Tang Bo didn't know that he asked a particularly stupid question.

Xiao Tian said proudly and disdainfully: "Of course it's all stored in this king's sub-space. Don't you also have a sub-space?"

Oh, it turns out that his soul pet still has a sub-dimension, and it is a super-large sub-dimension that can enter the Baili Mountains.Tang Bo thought numbly.

Of course, maybe the Salt Bug King is only so good at collecting salt mines. No matter how big the subspace of the Salt Bug King is, he can only put salt mines.

If the salt worm king can destroy water and soil at will or cause natural disasters, it is impossible for him to subdue this salt worm king.

"Your Majesty Xiaotian, you mentioned moving...where do you always plan to put the salt mine when you go back?" Tang Bo asked respectfully.

"Anywhere, it's too troublesome to stuff it underground, and it will cause earthquakes. You definitely don't like it. There should be a few more mountains." Xiaotian said softly and delicately.

Tang Bo: "..."

How big is the white deer collar?Mountains stretching for hundreds of miles suddenly appeared in the White Deer Collar, not to mention that the White Deer Collar would disappear in an instant, even the other nearby territories would be in bad luck!

The most important thing is that Wuyunling is not his territory. When an earthquake occurs here, Luma City and nearby countries will only think it is a natural disaster, but the Baili Mountains suddenly appear in Bailuling?

He doesn't want to be so high-profile!

Heh, how easy does it sound to move a salt mine?

Sure enough, there is nothing so cheap in this world!

"If it is a mountain, will all the creatures on the ground be crushed to death?" Tang Bo asked cautiously.

Xiaotian said in a particularly embarrassing way: "Of course. Either I will put the salt mine underground, but there will be an earthquake."

Tang Bo: "...can you make it shallower? For example, two or three meters away from the surface."

"Yes, but there will still be a few more mountains, and there will also be earthquakes, especially on the blocked surface."

Tang Bo took a deep breath. On the way back, he must search around the Bailuling area to see if there is any particularly barren place.

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