Lord, he is not a man [infrastructure]

Chapter 75 Finding the Ancient Cauldron

Tang Bo promised to provide Xiaotian with the best refined salt in the world, but he didn't have it now, and he paid on credit.

Xiao Tian was not so easy to fool, and made Tang Bo swear that he would let his wings grow up again within a month before taking him to find Gu Ding.

Tang Bo agreed.

Under the leadership of the local boss, Tang Bo smoothly walked into the heart of Devil's Mountain.

There is actually a big space under the mountainside of this mountain, but it is basically impossible to walk in without someone leading it.

"If it wasn't this king, or you, other people wouldn't even want to come in even if they knew the way." Xiaotian said, leaning on Tang Bo's shoulder.

"Humans are not allowed, but demons are allowed?" Tang Bo asked curiously as he walked on the road about shoulder-width apart with a torch.

Xiaotian snorted softly: "The energy here can confuse the eyes and sense of direction of ordinary creatures. After entering, they don't know where they are. Creatures with demon seeds and some people with strong soul energy are also particularly easy to find in this mountain. Mutations."

"Oh? Because this mountain leads to the Demon Realm?"

Xiaotian didn't answer, and reminded Tang Bo after a while: "There is light ahead! The person you are looking for should be right ahead."

Tang Bo's footsteps were lighter, almost silent.

Gu Ding was very angry, he was angry that he was too stupid and useless.

He was sleeping soundly two nights ago when he suddenly heard Tang Bo calling him.

He woke up and saw Tang Bo standing outside the car window waving to him, and he walked out without thinking much.

Tang Bo walked ahead and motioned him to follow.

Although he wondered why Tang Bo asked him to go out in the middle of the night, he trusted Tang Bo, and he didn't expect someone to pretend that Tang Bo was so similar, so he walked out of the camp foolishly.

It wasn't until he followed Tang Bo into this mountainside space that he realized that the Tang Bo he saw was not Tang Bo at all, but an illusion.

He was not the only child in this mountain belly, he also saw three other children, the youngest was four or five years old, and the oldest was only seven or eight years old.

The four children were kept in a wooden cage, and the other three children kept crying after waking up, but no one paid any attention to them.

Gu Ding saw a tall, thin man who was not dressed like a commoner and walked into the mountainside with a candle.

There is a stone platform here, and the man often stands in front of the stone platform and mutters something.

He would feed the children a kind of black water, and the children were so hungry and thirsty that they would drink whatever it was.

Gu Ding sniffed the black water, pretended to drink it, but poured it all out.

After the first bowl of black water went down, the three children became dumbfounded and stopped crying.Gu Ding followed suit and tried not to reveal his secrets.

So far, the man has provided three bowls of black water to the children.

Gu Ding wanted to escape by unlocking the cage while the man was not paying attention, but he found that the cage was so weird that he couldn't open it.

Just when Gu Ding was frowning and praying for Tang Bo to appear soon, the female ghost with cloud eyebrows appeared first.

But the Yunmei female ghost seemed to be very afraid of that man, and every time she appeared, it was when the man was away, and she only appeared twice.

For the first time, Yunmei floated up the cloth that the man put on the table that looked like cloth, and sent it to the cage where Gu Ding was held.

Gu Ding quickly grabbed the cloth and looked at it carefully.

The text written on the cloth is the magic text he saw on the golem.

He wasn't supposed to understand the writing, but he did.

This piece of cloth records six pictures of magic circles.The names are: Dream Lure, Ban, Disease, Ignore, Puppet, Speed.

Dream lures use dreams to trap prey, causing the prey to hallucinate, see the person or thing they trust or like the most, and then follow them.To use the dream-attraction magic circle, you must get the target's belongings, if it is hair, nails, blood, etc., it is better.

Sealing the magic circle can lock the target within a certain range and prevent it from coming out.

Disease is to make the target get sick.Personal products for the target are also required.

Ignoring is to let the person wearing the magic array be ignored by others, and even diseases and dangers can ignore you.

Puppets are puppets that turn people and other creatures into their own.Need to match concoction.

As the name implies, people and things wearing the magic array of Jixing can run very fast.

Gu Ding has already experienced the power of dream lure and ban, and also saw the effect of puppet concoction.With his intelligence, it is very clear without others telling him that if he wants to escape, he must figure out these six magic array diagrams.

Gu Ding tried his best to memorize. Although he had memorized all the six magic circle diagrams by rote, he hadn't figured out any of them so far.

Gu Ding concentrated his energy on sealing the magic circle, and wanted to open the cage that imprisoned him. If he couldn't escape, everything was useless.

The second time Yunmei appeared was before the man came back, and sent the piece of cloth back to the stone platform.

Gu Ding finally understood what the man was saying, it was a spell.

Gu Ding deduced that the man was thinking about the usage and effect of the puppet magic array, and he and the three children were the man's experiments.

When Tang Bo found the mountainside, the man was about to pour the children the fourth bowl of black water.

According to the magic array diagram, the magic array diagram for making puppets only needs a bowl of puppet potion to make qualified puppets.But the man doesn't know much about medicinal herbs, and he doesn't have a comprehensive grasp of the magic array. So far, he hasn't successfully made a puppet after using four bowls of puppet potion.

But these four children are the same as the villagers he got before, they are all experimental products, this batch is not good, he can change another batch, but not too often.

Over the years, in order to study magic array diagrams and magic spells, he has done too many experiments, which made the people in the territory panic.

The man didn't want to alarm the outsiders, let alone the upper echelons of Luma City and the Tumo Cult to know what he was doing. After finishing this experiment, he decided to go outside and buy a batch of slaves.

He had already used up the slaves he bought last time, if not, he wouldn't have lured a few children over in a temporary dream.

The man returned to the stone platform, opened the cloth and concentrated on deciphering the rune on it.

Now he has mastered the four magic arrays of dream lure, ban, sprint, and ignore. He has the best mastery of the first two, and sprint and ignore are not as good, but they can barely use them.

The disease magic array is still under study, and the puppet magic array has already been developed.

Tang Bo put away the torch and stuck himself against the corner of the wall, not approaching the man and the children in the cage rashly.

Under Xiaotian's reminder, he saw the magic array picture carved on the ground.

He didn't want to touch them until he didn't understand the use of these magic circles.

Tang Bo looked at the roof of the cave, but he didn't see anything obtrusive. He asked Xiaotian, and Xiaotian also said that there was no tampering with it.

Like a big gecko, Tang Bo climbed up to the top of the cave and got a little closer to the inside of the cage.

He wanted to sneak up on the man, but found that he could see a double image when looking at the man with the naked eye.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with his eyes, then there is something wrong with the man.

"Crab, give me strength!" Tang Bo put his legs crossed on an upside-down stalactite, finished shouting the slogan in a very low voice, took out his bow and arrow, aimed at the man in front of the stone platform, and shot an arrow.

Hearing the sound, the man turned his head subconsciously, but his body was still an ordinary person's body, and his reaction speed was also that of an ordinary person. Although he saw Tang Bo, when he saw it, the arrow shot right into his temple.

Tang Bo aimed at the back of the man's head, and he didn't intend to let the man survive.So no matter whether the man turns his head or not, it is a dead word.

This cave is too weird, the man is also very weird, and those magic arrays, he doesn't want to give the man a chance to fight back.

The man didn't even scream, and just fell down from the arrow.The final consciousness at the time of death was full of unbelievable, he was wearing a magic array map, how could that person aim at him?

Gu Ding stood up vigorously in the cage, looked up at the top of the cave.

Seeing that Gu Ding was not as flexible as the other three children, Tang Bo also heaved a sigh of relief, and waved to Gu Ding.

Seeing the man's death, Gu Ding was moved in his heart, and hurriedly shouted to Tang Bo: "Be careful that he turns into a ghost!"

Just as he was shouting, the dead man stood up unsteadily.

Tang Bo: "..."

Tang Bo pulled out another arrow and dictated: "Use the power of a river crab to destroy all evil spirits!"

call out!The flying arrow hit the man again, this time in the heart.

The man swayed and fell down.

Xiao Tian protruded half of his body from Tang Bo's collar: "Are you dead? You human beings are really scary. You can transform into another form to continue living after you die."

Tang Bo was speechless: "You can devour souls, what the hell are you afraid of?"

Xiaotian immediately yelled: "Whoever said that the king is afraid of ghosts, who said that!"

Gu Ding didn't expect the man to die so easily, he thought how difficult this man was to deal with.

The Yunmei female ghost hiding in the dark is also unbelievable.Yun Tu was killed just like that?Who is this archery youth?

Back then, the golden ax failed to kill Yuntu, and he was almost turned into a puppet by Yuntu after being seriously injured.

Yunmei had always guessed that the golden ax would turn into a monster, and it had a lot to do with Yuntu using the magic circle on him.

Yunmei was very eager to put the cloth on the stone platform that recorded the map of the magic circle, but she was afraid of Tang Bo's energy, so she didn't dare to show it.

Gu Ding commanded Tang Bo: "There is a forbidden magic formation below, you can only step on the sideline, don't step into the formation."

Tang Bo jumped down from the top of the mountain and landed next to Gu Ding's cage.

Tang Bo tried to forcefully break open the cage with the strength of a river crab, but failed.

"There is a magic circle map under the cage. This kind of energy should not be regarded as evil energy. Give me half a day, and I will be able to untie this forbidden magic circle." Gu Ding said confidently.

Tang Bo found that these magic circle pictures seemed to be drawn with animal blood, not engraved on the ground, so he immediately took out a bucket of water and a mop.

Tang Bo wet the mop and vigorously scrubbed the magic array on the ground.

The magic circle... broke open.

Gu Ding was dumbfounded: "...Can it still be like this?"

Tang Bo smiled smugly while supporting the mop: "It's very sharp to cut people, but it's easy to destroy the knife."

Tang Bo regards the magic array diagram as an electronic circuit diagram. No matter how powerful the electronic function is, if you cut the power cord and destroy the circuit, it will have no power at all.

However, Gu Ding felt that the man's magic circle diagram was not well learned, otherwise the magic circle would never be so easy to decipher.

But Gu Ding did not refute this point with Tang Bo, he ran out of the cage and ran to the stone platform, snatching the piece of cloth into his hands.

When Tang Bo went to check on the other three children, Gu Ding had already searched the whole body of the dead man.

It's a pity that Gu Ding couldn't find any other magic array diagrams, only found a purse containing gold coins, an identity seal, and two gold medals engraved with the magic array diagrams.

"This person turned out to be Yuntu, the lord of Wuyun?" Gu Ding looked at the name printed on the seal and said in surprise.

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