Lord, he is not a man [infrastructure]

Chapter 72 The Secret of the Dark Cloud Collar

Thinking of Ma Ai, Gu Ding felt soft-hearted for a moment... Bah, he wasn't soft-hearted, he just disliked this corpse as an eyesore, yes, that's it.

Gu Ding wrapped up the corpse, carried it out of the cave.

He has a very good memory, and after devouring the demon seed, he knew more about the mountain, and walked out easily.

Gu Ding dug a hole under a big tree on the top of the mountain, put the corpse into the hole, and felt that it was unnecessary when he filled it with soil.Anyway, if you want to bury it in the soil, it is better to stay in the depths of the cave.

But then I thought about it, maybe the soul of this corpse is still there. Looking at the scenery on the top of the mountain is better than looking at the darkness deep in the cave.

Gu Ding filled the soil, patted the soil bag, and said: "Tang Tang said that if we meet, we are destined. For the sake of our destiny, I will dig a grave for you. If you are not satisfied with anything, don't come to me. That's it, let's go."

Gu Ding turned around and left, but almost bumped into a woman.

No, it's not a woman, but a phantom of a woman.

Gu Ding looked up at the sky, there was no sun, the weather was gloomy, a large area of ​​the sky was covered by thick dark clouds, it looked like it was going to rain heavily.

The female phantom raised her finger to Gu Ding's forehead.

Gu Ding dodged subconsciously, but he didn't dodge. The energy of the woman's phantom was unexpectedly strong, and a majestic energy enveloped him.

Gu Ding secretly shouted that it was not good, and deeply felt that good people could not do it. In such an instant, many scenes flowed through his mind.

Crashing, the heavy rain poured down, and Gu Ding stood blankly beside the tomb, as if lost in thought.

The rain kept falling, until the heavy rain turned into a drizzle, Gu Ding's eyelids moved, and his whole body came alive.

Gu Ding raised his hand to wipe the rain on his face, turned his head to look at the grave, and cursed someone in a low voice.

The phantom of the woman has disappeared.

Gu Ding pursed his mouth, as if he was angry with someone, and ran down the mountain after a while.

Halfway through the run, Gu Ding saw Tang Bo.

"Tang Tang!" Gu Ding shook his hands and ran forward quickly.

Tang Bo didn't expect Gu Ding to find him, so he stayed where he was and waited for him.

The man who sent him out of the mountain saw that there was another person in the mountain, but he didn't know it. This made him very unhappy and disturbed. Let it go again.

Tang Bo grabbed Gu Ding's little paw, and explained to Shan Lie: "My brother, he got separated before, but luckily I met him here."

Gu Ding blinked at Shan Lie, his eyes flicked past the big sarcoma on his neck, and all his attention was on Tang Bo, and the kid said in a coquettish tone: "Brother, where did you go before?" , I can't even find you."

Tang Bo lazily said: "I lost my way. I met this and his sister, and took shelter from the rain in their house. When the rain stopped, this kind brother sent me out."

The mountain hunter pointed down the mountain: "This is not far from the bottom of the mountain. There is a stream there. You can walk down the mountain along that stream, and I will send it here."

"Thank you." Tang Bo wanted to say something, but Shan Lie turned around and left.

Gu Ding made a grimace against Tang Bo who was touching the purse.

Tang Bo patted his head and asked him in a low voice, "Why did you come here?"

"I don't trust you." Gu Ding rolled his eyes, "I encountered a little strange thing on the mountain."

"what's up?"

"Let's go down the mountain, this mountain is not safe." Gu Ding grabbed Tang Bo's hand and urged.

The mountain hunter climbed up a big tree not far away, and when he saw that one big and one small were indeed walking down the mountain, he jumped down and went home with confidence.

When he was about to reach the door of the house, Shan Lie stopped and cursed in a low voice.He was negligent!

Just because he was a child, he ignored three major loopholes.

First of all, he made it easy to get lost on this mountain, the road was even more difficult to walk, and there were many traps and pits.Such a child, how did he safely walk halfway up the mountain in the heavy rain?

Secondly, that child is too courageous. After a child gets lost in the woods, doesn't he cry and call for an adult long ago?

The most important thing is that if someone enters this mountain, he will feel it.Just like when Tang Bo met his sister, he immediately felt something and rushed home quickly.But he didn't feel the existence of this little one at all.

To sum up, that little guy is by no means an ordinary person, maybe even Tang Bo, who looks like a noble young master, is not an ordinary person.

Mountain Hunter frowned fiercely. Could it be that the peaceful life between him and his sister was about to be broken?

He also thought about taking his sister to live in other places, but his mother was still in this mountain, and he didn't want to leave just like that before he found her and rescued her.

Down the mountain, at the campsite.

When several people saw Tang Bo and Gu Ding coming back, they all went forward.

Seeing Gu Ding, Bai Dou exclaimed in surprise: "Aren't you sleeping in the carriage? When did you run out?"

Gu Ding groaned to Baidou, expressing that he wanted to sneak away, and no one could look at him.

Piglet graciously asked Tang Bo and Gu Ding to go into the carriage to change clothes.

Although everyone wanted to know what the two had found in the mountains, they hurriedly asked them to change their clothes and rest first.

Gu Ding and Tang Bo got into the same carriage.

Tang Bo took out a bucket of water and two sets of clean clothes, and began to scrub in the carriage.

Gu Ding didn't dislike Tang Bo as much as before, and shared a bucket of water with him to wipe himself.

It's really comfortable to change into dry clothes for one big and one small.

The smell of roasted steamed buns and barbecue rose outside, and it was Ah Shu who was preparing dinner.

After Tang Bo came out, he told the story he heard from the mountain hunter.

Everyone was stunned when they heard it.

After Tang Bo finished speaking, he looked at Gu Ding: "What strange things did you encounter in the mountains?"

Gu Ding concealed the fact that he encountered a monster carrying a demon seed after he went up the mountain, and only mentioned the phantom of the woman: "I met a female ghost. She made me see some illusions. After listening to the stories you told, I think those Maybe it's not a hallucination, but a continuation of your story."

The first half of the illusion that the woman's phantom showed Gu Ding was similar to the story Tang Bo told, the change began when Yunmei returned to the Lord's Mansion.

As soon as Yunmei gave birth to the baby, she frightened the pharmacist who delivered the baby.

The child was born with two heads.

But after wiping off the blood on the baby's body, it was discovered that the slightly smaller head was not a head, but a large sarcoma.

But the pharmacist kept saying that this was a monster, a child of the devil, and he couldn't keep it.

The child was also lucky, his mother, Yunmei, was not in a coma at that time, upon hearing what the pharmacist said, she ordered the pharmacist to show her the child.

Yunmei took the child, saw the strangeness of the child, but said lovingly: "This is the proof of the son of God. I was originally hurt by the golden ax of the demon race. The true god of killing demons gave me the son of God, and the son of God swallowed the son of the devil. It's just the golden ax It has not been removed, but the power of the devil is still there, and the god is still too young to completely eliminate the devil, so this thing is left behind."

The pharmacist was dubious.

Yunmei asked the pharmacist not to tell about Shenzi's uniqueness.

But at this moment, the servants shouted with joy from outside the door.

The pharmacist opened the door to inquire about the situation, only to know that when the Son of God was born, three rainbows appeared in the sky, and the sky over the Lord's Mansion was still full of colorful clouds.

At this time, neither the rainbow nor the colorful clouds disappeared, and the pharmacist also saw it.

Only then did the pharmacist believe what Yunmei said, and believed that the deformed baby was really the Son of God.

The pharmacist promised to keep Yunmei secret, and promised to take care of Shenzi himself and keep others away.

Because of the abnormal celestial phenomena when the Son of God was born, Jin Ax was also reluctant to kill the child.

This is his own son, and doesn't such a strange celestial phenomenon prove that his son was born extraordinary?

His golden ax can give birth to such a son, what does it prove?

Golden Ax was moved, he even wondered if he was the incarnation of Demon Slayer God in the world.

Jin Fu even regretted saying that the child in Yunmei's belly was the son of the demon clan so quickly.

How nice it would be if he admitted then that the child was his?

But now it is too late to regret, Jin Ax can only think about how to use this naturally extraordinary child to achieve more of his ambitions.

He didn't want to stop at just a little black cloud leader of the Demon Slayer Sect's sixth-level demon slayer, he wanted to become a saint, a holy master, and even that position!

And he has this ability, his ability to make golems is inherently better than other believers.

Jin Fu began to win over Yunmei, admitting that the child she gave birth to was the Son of God, and declared that she was the Godmother.

In order to protect herself and her children, Yunmei is also borrowing the name of Tumo Cult.Because she knew that the Slaughtering Demon Sect was already deeply rooted in the local people, and now that a new god and sect were created temporarily, people would not accept it at all, and would instead think of her and the child as the Demon Race.

That's why Yunmei killed herself to get the Son of God bestowed by the God of Slaughtering Demons, and all the ordeals she suffered before were tests given to her by God to see if she was worthy to be the mother of the Son of God.

Under the deliberate promotion of Jin Axe, the Wuyun Leaders all believed that their young lady, Yunmei, had been favored by the Demon Slayer God and became the most glorious Godmother.

In order to strengthen people's reverence for the Son of God and the Mother of God, Yunmei asked Wu Yun to clean up all the places and burn all the unclean people who were sick and died with holy fire.

The so-called holy fire is actually Yunmei's people lighting a bonfire at the gate of the Lord's Mansion, which will not go out all day long.

Villagers all over Wu Yunling believe that this is a real holy fire, which can burn away all uncleanness, including strange diseases.They came to the gate of the lord's mansion one after another, took kindling from the bonfire, and then used the fire to burn the corpses and relics of the sick and dead, and even houses.

Yunmei also asked the pharmacist to brew a commonly used herbal juice, and she mixed the herbal juice with clean water, announcing to the public that it was a holy medicine blessed by the Son of God and Godmother, and that after drinking it, it could resist the invasion of evil spirits.

The leader of the dark cloud will also come to fetch the holy medicine to drink when fetching the holy fire.

What Yunmei never expected was that the holy fire and holy medicine she made seemed to be really effective, because the strange disease really disappeared about three months after the birth of the Son of God.

Because of this, Wuyun Leader believes in the theory of the Son of God and the Mother of God even more.

Seeing that she already had a mass base, Yunmei no longer had to worry about being dragged out and burned to death by the masses, so she began to prepare to deal with her enemies.

She first asked the people to burn a few villagers to death with holy fire on the pretext that there were demons lurking on the villagers.These villagers were the ones who clamored to burn her to death the most. They were Golden Ax's helpers and lackeys.

Because only a few villagers were on the list, the other villagers did not doubt Yunmei's intentions. Even Jin Ax thought that Yunmei was just using these villagers to show her prestige, and because Jin Ax wanted to use Shenzi and Godmother, there was no Stop Yunmei's revenge.

It is certainly not enough to burn a few ruffians to death.

What Yunmei hates most is Jin Fu and her own brother, followed by her biological parents.

She hated Golden Ax and those villagers for treating her so well.

And the latter two, those are her relatives!She trusts them so much and relies on them so much.

But these three relatives betrayed her mercilessly, and it was equivalent to sending her to the golden axe who made her extremely disgusted.

Her brother and her mother still worshiped the golden ax so much that it was almost a god.They believed what the golden ax said.

Her father also only considered his own interests and would rather sacrifice his daughter.

Yunmei hated these relatives to the core.

Yunmei began to deliberately seduce Yuntu.

Yuntu is also a strange person. He had low self-esteem because his sister was infested by demons, and rejected all the noble ladies introduced by his parents.When Jin Ax declared that his sister was the Godmother and the child she gave birth to was the Son of God, he felt that his status was extremely noble, and the daughters of those minor nobles were not worthy of him at all.


Because he and his sister are twins, they look so alike.His sister is a goddess, and if she is favored by the gods to give her a son, then he must be very extraordinary, and maybe he will be able to marry a goddess in the future.

Yuntu was not dreaming, he really thought so.

So when his sister took the initiative to show her favor and seduce him, he felt that he was guided by God.

According to ancient legends, many brothers and sisters combined to create a whole race. Yuntu felt that he, who is so noble, should marry his sister who is a godmother.

Yuntu and Yunmei quietly got together.

Yunmei uses her unique female charm to seduce her younger brother, keep him away from Golden Axe, and gradually make him feel bad for Golden Axe.

Where did the golden ax get such a huge amount of energy in the dark clouds?

Apart from his tricks of convincing the villagers, it is not because the largest local landowners and power holders are supporting him.

Yunmei wants to get rid of the golden axe, the first thing to do is to remove all the supports of the golden axe.

Jin Fu also felt Yuntu's alienation from him, and he also sensed a little danger, which made him travel to the lord's mansion more frequently to brainwash the lord couple and Yuntu. He also wanted to educate and raise the son of God himself.

The lord and his wife were actually persuaded.

Yunmei sternly refuses, and is even more disappointed with her parents.

Fortunately, Yuntu was on her side this time.

But Golden Ax bribed the pharmacist and asked the pharmacist to steal the child to him.

Yunmei noticed this, and treated the child more strictly, and she almost never left the child, even when she was with Yuntu, she would let the child stay aside.

Through the slaves he bought, Jin Fu found out that Yun Mei had an affair with his younger brother Yun Tu, which made him very angry and jealous.

But Yunmei found him at this time, and cried to him about Yuntu's perverted possessiveness towards her, saying that she was forced and imprisoned by Yuntu.

Jin Fu didn't believe it at first, but Yunmei began to secretly commit herself to him.

Jin Fu was fascinated by the pleasure of finally subduing the noble lady, and began to believe that Yunmei was interested in him-after all, they both had a child, and the fact that Yunmei hoped that he could save him from Yuntu.

Jin Ax and Yuntu became secret enemies.

Yunmei boldly mentioned something to Jin Fu, saying that she wanted her child to be the next generation of lords.

Jin Fu is very moved, Yunmei's child is his child, if his child can become Lord Wuyun, then his status will naturally be greatly improved, and maybe he can marry Yunmei.

Jin Fu began to conspire with Yunmei.

The golden ax used golems and poison to cause the lord and his wife to die strangely in their sleep.

Yunmei framed Pharmacist, and now Yuntu trusted Yunmei very much, so he sentenced Pharmacist together with Yunmei.

Although the pharmacist denied it, he was hanged for murdering the lord and his wife.

After his father died, Yuntu naturally became the new lord.

Jin Fu and Yun Mei secretly planned to make Yun Tu "die of illness".

But the plan failed, and Yuntu actually noticed Jin Fu's plan, and began to doubt his sister.

Yunmei immediately wins over Yuntu again and becomes pregnant again.

When Yuntu saw that his sister had his child, he was convinced that this was another son of God, so he no longer doubted Yunmei, and only made great efforts to get rid of the golden axe.

One day, Yunmei sent a message to Jin Fu, saying that there was a way to deal with Yuntu, and asked him to come over to help.

Golden Ax believed it was true, and quietly went to the Lord's Mansion.

But that was actually a trap for him.

Jin Ax was seriously injured, but still escaped from the Lord's Mansion.

Yunmei asked Yuntu to grab the golden ax no matter what, saying that the golden ax was a demon, and if he was not eliminated, they would all be in danger.

Yuntu secretly pursued and killed the golden axe, but the golden axe was very good at hiding, and he couldn't find it after searching for him for nearly half a year.

Yunmei originally wanted to get rid of her younger brother, but because Jin Fu hadn't confirmed his death, Yuntu's death would be very unfavorable to her, so Yuntu's life was left temporarily.

Jin Ax healed his injuries, and in order to save his "wife and children", he ventured into the Lord's Mansion again and used golems to deal with Yuntu.

He also proudly announced to Yuntu: Yunmei's first child was his offspring, and the daughters born after that were also his offspring.

Because that's what Yunmei told him.

Yun Tu was extremely angry. He didn't believe what Jin Fu said, but he couldn't help doubting it.

Yuntu asked Yunmei for proof, but Yunmei only pretended to be sad and weeping, and didn't say a word.

Yunmei's speechlessness made Yuntu and Jinfu see their respective explanations.

Yuntu aimed all his hatred at the Golden Axe, and the same for the Golden Axe.

What Jin Fu didn't expect was that Yuntu knew as much about golems as he did. Although Yuntu was seriously injured by his unprepared attack, he didn't really kill him.Yuntu also seriously injured him in turn.

However, Jin Ax still snatched Yunmei and the two children.

The seriously injured Jin Fu fled all the way to Devil Mountain with Yunmei and the two children.

Jin Ax judged that it was safe, and said to Yunmei: He has seriously injured Yuntu, and even if Yuntu survives, he can no longer have children.Said that when he recovered, he would take them back to kill Yuntu completely, and let their children succeed the Lord of Wuyun.

Yunmei smiled and kissed him happily.

Jin Fu was intoxicated by Yunmei's gentleness, but just when he thought Yunmei was helping him to bind his wound, the woman he thought he had subdued stabbed him in the back with a sharp iron dagger.

To Yunmei's great surprise, the dagger failed to kill Jin Ax completely, but turned Jin Ax into a monster that seemed human but not human.

The monster wanted to kill Yunmei and her two children.

Although Yunmei hated the biological fathers of the two children, these two children were conceived by her in October, and both of them were equivalent to saving her and giving her a chance to take revenge. Yunmei still loves these two children very much.

Fortunately, the eldest son was already a ten-year-old boy, Yunmei dragged the monster and handed the two-year-old daughter to the eldest son to let them escape.

"Yunmei was killed by that monster in the end, but Yunmei may really have a peculiarity. Her soul lingers after death, and she has quite a lot of energy. This energy traps the monster, making it impossible for the monster to Find those two children. Yunmei also sheltered those two children to grow up in the mountains." Gu Ding said.

"So the brother and sister that the lord met are probably Yunmei's two children?" Yan Ren asked.

Gu Ding looked at Tang Bo.

Tang Bo nodded: "Very likely."

The little girl Bai Mingzhu who was listening to the story together raised her hand and asked with a puzzled face, "Didn't the Lord of the Dark Cloud, Yuntu, come to look for his sister Yunmei and those two children?"

Gu Ding folded his little arms, "You've got the point. Yunmei doesn't believe her younger brother, and Yuntu also suspects that the daughter isn't his seed. In addition, when Yuntu brought people to look for Yunmei and the children, Encountered a monster turned into a golden axe. Yuntu and his soldiers were defeated by the monster and could only escape. Yuntu did not send a large number of people to search for the whereabouts of his sister Yunmei and the two children. Yunmei did not advise the two children Go find Yuntu."

"I see." Everyone nodded.

Baidou muttered: "It seems that there are so many golems at the foot of Devil's Mountain, just to prevent that monster from escaping."

"That's it. In the past, there were some people in Wuyunling who would run to the Devil's Mountain, and the Wuyunling people were also used to breaking offenders' limbs and throwing them into the Devil's Mountain. However, they encountered that monster several times when they entered the mountain. Many people were killed by the monster. Kill them and drag them away, and over time, no one will dare to come to this mountain." Gu Ding added.

Tang Bo rubbed his chin, and suddenly said: "The brothers and sisters should have gone down the mountain to meet the villagers, and the elder brother Shan Lie probably also had contact with the lord Yuntu."

"Oh?" Gu Ding and others looked at Tang Bo.

Tang Bo said: "Golems. And their living supplies."

Most of the legends about Devil Mountain and Wuyun Ling have been unraveled, but there are still some small doubts in the hearts of Tang Bo and the others.

For example, why are there so many puppets hanging outside Wuyunling Village, just to prevent that monster from running over there from the Devil Mountain?

In addition, why did the change in Devil Mountain come about?Is it the ability of the siblings?

And why does the golden ax become a monster when it dies?

Why did Yunmei gain such power after her death?

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