Back from Hongshanling, Tang Bo first sent people to receive the oily wood and garlic and leeks sent to the border by Hongshanling.

Leek can not be put, after Shanyan explained to Tang Bo, he replaced it with leek seeds and salted fish.

After Tang Bo learned that there was a shortage of salt in Hongshan, he exchanged five thousand catties of coarse salt for a large amount of fur.

Probably it was Tang Bo who solved the urgent need of using salt in the Hongshan Territory. The Hongshan Territory was very happy when he handed over the third of the territory. Without Tang Bo sending someone to urge him, Shanqiu had already taken the initiative to relocate the Hongshan Territory in that part of the territory. leader.

There are also some Hongshan leaders who have lived in the mountains and forests for generations and refused to move.

The hill people asked these mountain people if they would like to become white deer leaders. After they learned that the tax payment was the same as before, they didn't care whether they were white deer leaders or Hongshan leaders in the future.

After Tang Bo obtained this third of the territory, the first thing he did was to confirm the boundary markers.

It is naturally impossible to report this kind of private grant of territory to Luma City, which is a private transaction between territories.

And this kind of transaction is not stable, and it usually depends on which side is stronger.

With a large forest in the Red Mountain Territory, Tang Bo has no worries about firewood for the time being. He asked people to burn part of the oily wood into charcoal, and provided it to various workshops, and also put it in the territory store for sale.

Selling with charcoal is a small yellow clay stove. This kind of stove is not big, but it is just right for boiling water and cooking porridge. It can also be placed indoors for heating.

For those who bought charcoal, Tang Bo asked the store staff to explain to them the common sense, such as not being able to completely close the doors and windows.

But some people always ignore other people's advice. Tang Bo didn't want abnormal population damage in the territory, so he ordered the ironworker in the territory to make a batch of iron sheets first.

The blacksmith originally had only two slaves specially trained by Tang Bo, but with the discovery of iron ore and the increase in the amount of iron used in the territory, two blacksmiths were definitely not enough.

Tang Bo selected hundreds of slaves to work in the iron workshop, and then selected suitable talents from these hundreds of people to perform their respective positions.

He chose slaves instead of civilians because the life and death and personal freedom of slaves were in his hands, and he could protect the secrets of ironmaking to the greatest extent and for the longest time.

The miners who dig iron ore are basically rescued salt workers and their families, as well as slaves bought by Tang Bo in Sita County.

These people are outsiders, as long as they provide them with food, clothing, shelter, do not beat and scold them, build a village for them by the iron mine, and let them settle down, they will be more contented than the original Bailuling people.

Besides, Tang Bo did not treat them badly, at least he didn't let any of them starve or freeze in winter, including the elderly and children.

For the time being, the salt workers and the slaves were satisfied with their lives, much better and freer than they had been before, and no one wanted to run away.

Mining iron ore is hard work, but isn't it hard work digging canals and reservoirs, mining limestone, burning lime, making cement, and secretly digging coal in other people's territories?

Now in Bailuling, even children under the age of 13 have a hard time. They have to study every day. Learning is not just about sitting in class. They have a half-day handicraft class to learn various skills. More detailed class division.

It is probably because everyone has work on hand, they are paid every ten days, and bonuses are given for good work, and the territory store has always been open there and has never closed. Rushing to the store to buy food frantically, they began to have time to look at other groceries, and they also began to have time to learn some home cooking from Ah Shu.

The iron sheet looks thin, but it is not easy to make.

In order to improve the craftsmanship and ironmaking skills of the craftsmen, Tang Bo had to get out the blast furnace in advance.

It's also fortunate that he discovered the coal mine, otherwise, even if he wanted to make a blast furnace now, he would not have the right fuel.

Tang Bo is not a professional blacksmith, let alone a professional worker related to blast furnace ironmaking. He relies on his own vivid memory, which naturally leads to many failures.

While Tang Bo was working on blast furnaces, he was also developing the original iron smelting workshop, and both sides went hand in hand.For those who do not require high toughness and hardness of iron, he uses small workshops to supply first.

For example, all kinds of iron tools that are urgently needed for the development of the territory, as well as household iron pots, small iron stoves, etc.

Some iron swords and knives were also made, but these iron weapons all have a common shortcoming, they are relatively brittle.

This has a lot to do with the carbon content of iron.

Tang Bo remembered the proportions of various pig iron, wrought iron, alloy iron, carbon steel, alloy steel, etc., which greatly reduced the experiment time, but because of the technical problems of the workers, he wanted to forge what Tang Bo wanted. Steel, still has a way to go.

After the iron sheet was made, Tang Bo asked the blacksmith to roll the iron sheet into an iron pipe and then seal the edges, which became the most primitive flue duct.

Embedding this kind of iron sheet air duct on the coal stove, and erecting a pipe from the house, this can discharge harmful gases outside the house, which can effectively reduce the problem of carbon monoxide poisoning caused by closing doors and windows in winter.

But this is not absolute. Cracks in the furnace body and poor sealing of the flue ducts are also likely to cause toxic gas leakage, but it is better to have this than nothing.

The Bailuling people didn't feel any changes in their lives at first, because they were very busy every day, but when the winter was over halfway, they suddenly found that since the beginning of winter, they hadn't starved to death or frozen to death.

Aji was running in the field wearing small leather boots. The child who was less than five years old ran very steadily.

"Aji, run slowly." His sister chased after her.

The children who met him on the road looked at Aji's feet enviously.

Those are leather boots, shoes that only aristocrats can wear, and Aji can actually wear them.

Everyone is envious and jealous, but there is no hatred, because the children all know that Aggie got the pair of leather boots because he performed well in class and was rewarded by the lord himself.

This kind of reward is only once a month, and there are rewards for the top fifty, but the top three are especially good.

Aji is the No.3 of this month.

No.2 is A Shu, No.1 is Gu Ding.They got an iron pot and an iron knife respectively.The two didn't need it, so they exchanged the rewards for money, which allowed them to buy a lot of delicious and fun things in the store.

When they buy things, everyone follows them like little tails, which is very enviable.Ah Shu is generous and often gives everyone delicious food, while Gu Ding depends on his mood at the time.

"Mother, grandma! Look, my leather boots!" Aji ran to the door and couldn't wait to lift up his little feet to let the family see his little leather boots.

Aji took off his little boots and gave one to his grandmother and A Niang to wear.

Both his grandma and his mother were happy. This is not the first time Aji has received an award.Aji and his brother have been attending classes in the lord's mansion for three months. In the first month, Aji's sister Daya received a copper coin as a reward. In the second month, Aji caught up and went from the top 10 to No. [-] in one go. [-]. Got a clay pot and three clay bowls.

Da Ya was very jealous of her younger brother for a while, who made Aji fall in love with Master Gu Ding, and followed Master Gu Ding to start a small stove.

Master Gu Ding was someone who studied with the lord. For this reason, Aji and the lucky Alang can often follow the class, and everyone is very envious.

However, Alang's study is more partial. He prefers to use ground ice to ignite hay, use two pieces of wood to try to drill sparks, and he even likes tofu and filtered salt water.

The lord said that he would achieve something in physics or chemistry in the future, and now he was transferred to the iron smelting workshop, and let him be responsible for researching and teaching blacksmiths the ratio of iron materials.But A Lang would only stay in the iron smelting workshop for half a day, and for the rest of the day he still had to learn more systematic knowledge in the lord's mansion.

Aji is more sensitive to numbers, and has a clear mind at a young age. Gu Ding is now focusing on cultivating Aji's ability to solve crimes, and is also teaching Aji how to identify herbs.

When Aji's father and grandfather came back from work, Aji showed off his little leather boots to them, and then took off his little boots for grandpa to wear.

Aji's father was jealous and made Aji's mother and grandma laugh.

The big girl put her waist in and swore: "I will definitely be in the top [-]... the top [-] in the exam next month!"

Aji's father touched his daughter's head and said affirmatively: "That is, my daughter will definitely be able to do it, and try to beat your brother to the ground."

Grandfather Aji laughed, stroked his granddaughter's hair, picked up the little Aji again, and pricked his beard several times: "My dear grandson, this is what the lord rewarded you, and no one else can wear it."

Aji said regretfully: "My sister's feet are bigger than mine."

Da Ya was angry, and couldn't help but chuckled, and touched her brother's little feet, "You won't be able to wear these for long, at most half a year, your feet will grow up, and these boots won't be able to be worn until next winter. Change it for you."

"Thank you, sister!" Aji felt that her sister was the best.

Aji's father looked at the pair of children and felt a sense of happiness spontaneously. He clasped his palms together and said silently: "Thank you Lord, thank you Bailuling."

Grandfather Aji looked at the hot rough bread and noodle soup on the table, and sighed: "The days are much better than before, I thought... 嗐! Thank you Bailu Ling for giving us such a good lord."

The family ate dinner lively around the dining table, talking about the family's gossip, and decided on a major event that would have a profound impact on their family in the future.

After dinner, Aji's father put his newly warmed feet into the cloth shoes that had been warmed by his wife, and said to Aji's grandfather, "I'm going to the big dog's house next door, and I'll be back soon."

Aji's grandfather understood: "Go, just say that our family agrees, and leave tomorrow morning."

Aji's father nodded and was about to go out.

Grandpa Aji stopped his son again: "Bring Aji, it will be easier to talk."

Aji's father smiled, turned his head to pick up his son, and shook his head: "Let's go, let's go to Dagou's house and rush through the door."

Aji pursed his lips. He didn't like to go to Dagou's house. The family was very fierce. Dagou didn't like to go to class and bullied him and other children.

Aji's father took out a piece of wood from the stove at home, blew out the flames, held his son in one hand, and ran to the next door with the torch in the other.

"Big dog dad, it's me, open the door."

The door creaked open, and a warm yellow firelight leaked from the inside.

Arriving at Dagou’s house next door, the firewood in Aji’s father’s hand was just half burned, so he took advantage of the opportunity to fill it into the stove of Dagou’s house.

The big dog dad is more majestic, with a beard on his face, "Hey, isn't this Aji? I heard that you won a pair of leather boots. It's amazing!"

Aji raised his little feet.

The big dog father fondled those little leather boots, "It would be great if my big dog was half as smart as you, that kid will mess around all day long, and even go to the lord's mansion to stutter, even if he is so much younger than himself My child is not as good as that, I am really mad at his mother!"

The big dog immediately jumped out and shouted: "Then you let someone else be your son and drive me out!"

"Stinky boy!" The big dog kicked his son's ass, and kicked the 13-year-old eldest son aside.

A seven or eight-year-old girl came out with a kettle and several clay bowls, poured water for everyone timidly, and shrank back to the stove timidly.

When the big dog saw his sister, he kicked her angrily, and turned his anger on her.

The big dog's parents saw it, but it was as if they hadn't seen it.

Aji's father frowned, but this was someone else's son and daughter, so he couldn't say anything, but he didn't put Aji down and let him sit on his lap.

"Little girl is seven or eight years old, why didn't she send her to the lord's mansion for classes? Anyway, she can stutter." Aji's father still wanted to do something for this poor little girl.

Dagou's father didn't care and said: "What kind of class does a girl take, and there are so many jobs at home, her mother can't handle it alone, her brother can just go and eat, she doesn't have to go, and save some rations for our lord .”

"How much a little girl can eat. The lord doesn't care about this food, but he said that all boys and girls under the age of 13 should be sent to school..."

"What are you afraid of? It's not that our family didn't send the girl. If the girl doesn't go, the boy can eat more."

"Our eldest daughter was also sent, and the lord personally named her Mingzhu, which means she is the jewel in the palm of his hand, which means extremely precious." Aji's father said proudly.

"If you send your little girl there, maybe the lord will give her a name. When the little girl grows up, she will be able to marry well if the lord personally names her."

The little girl who was hiding by the stove raised her head secretly.

Dagou’s father was a little moved, but before he made a statement, his eldest son, Dagou, sneered and said, “The lord didn’t just name your big girl, he named many people. There are chances above the first name, but if it is stupid, it will never be possible for the lord to name it himself."

Dagou's father immediately said: "My little girl is just a stupid girl with no brains. If she can't do well at home, she won't be sent to the lord's mansion to make a fool of herself."

The little girl buried her head again.

Aji sat in his father's arms without saying a word, but he saw everything in the house.

"Let's not talk about Xiaoya, you came here to talk about that matter, right? I haven't figured it out yet, what is your family's decision?" Big Dog's father asked.

Aji's father stroked his youngest son's soft hair, and said: "Our family has discussed it. Tomorrow, my father and I will take turns off. We asked for two more days off with the manager, and we plan to go to the child's mother and grandma. Let’s take a walk. If the other side agrees, take over the whole family.”

"Is life so hard in the red taro collar?" Dagou's father asked, "My child's mother and I haven't contacted there for a long time, and we don't know how life is going there."

Aji's father sighed, "Didn't the people from Hongyu lead you to our village two days ago? That family is not far from Ziniang's village. People in that village can't get along. I'm afraid Ziniang and their village are also hard to say. According to what they said, there is no food there, the old people are walking into the mountains, the children are not cared for when they are sick, men and women are so hungry that they can only lie on the ground, and the weather is very cold. Some villagers fell asleep, I never woke up the next day."

Dagou's father took a sip of hot water and sighed: "Our life is better. The lord also made this kind of small stove that can heat hot water without using too much charcoal. It's a bit warm when you put it next to the bed at night."

"That's right, the lord even sent bricklayers to repair our houses, just for fear that we would freeze to death in winter."

"I heard that there will be more bricks and tiles in the future, and if the family has more money, they will be able to build a brick and tile house that is warmer, more comfortable and less prone to damage." Big Dog's father said with hope.

"You can endure hardships, and your mother-in-law can also work. Your life will definitely get better and better." As long as your son doesn't hold back.Aji's father picked up his youngest son: "I just came here to tell you that our family will leave tomorrow morning. If you want to go with us, then go out at seven o'clock. After the time, we will not wait for you gone."

Dagou's father nodded and got up to see off the guests: "Okay, the child's mother and I will think about it again, and we haven't asked for leave yet."

"Just passing by, you can drop by. The manager said that if you are going to pick up relatives, you are allowed to ask for leave."

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