Lord, he is not a man [infrastructure]

Chapter 55 31 Red Mountain Territory

Tang Bo asked Shanyan to fulfill his previous promise very realistically.

The lord of Hongshan, Hill Hill, saw the intact and healthy taro green, and promised Tang Bohui to prepare all the promised items within five days, and deliver them to the junction of the two territories before the tenth day.

"If you want a whole tree, it's easy to do. We choose a big tree over ten years old, and we can cut down about a hundred trees to meet your requirements. But you don't want a trunk, you just need branches, and you need branches thicker than an arm. We have to cut it down and have to weigh it and transport it to the junction, which is very troublesome and we need a little more time." Shan Yan explained.

"It's really troublesome. Then I'll come back in ten days." Tang Bo said and left.

"Wait!" Shan Yanfei ran over to stop him: "Please don't go, please cure my father, I am willing to marry..."

"One-third of the Hongshan territory, the location is up to me." Tang Bo interrupted the girl's words.

Shan Yan was stunned, "What did you say?"

Tang Bo turned his head and said to Shan Qiu lying on the bed: "You should have heard it. If you want me to treat you, that's fine. But I want a third of Hongshan's territory, and the location is up to me to choose. For these ten days, you can Think it over."

Shan Qiu's face didn't change at all, and he just nodded slightly: "Okay, we will consider. Are you going to the Red Taro Leader next? If you see the Red Taro Lord, send him my regards."

Shanyan was anxious and wanted to say something, but his father raised his hand to stop him.

Shan Yan could only watch Tang Bo and his party leave.

"He's gone too far!" Shanyan said angrily.

Shan Qiu was extremely calm, "He only asked for one-third. Originally, he could have asked for more. If he told your uncle the news that I was going to die, and offered to help him secure the position of lord in the early stage, I believe Your uncle will be willing to give up one-third of the territory in exchange."

"He wouldn't want to!"

"He will. Otherwise Tang Bo can tell him that he will cure me like taro green."

Shan Yan bit her lip, she thought that Tang Bo was a good person, or that he meant something to her, but the reality poured a lot of cold water on her.

Not only did Tang Bo have no interest in her, but the other party's purpose was also very clear. He wanted more and practical benefits, and women were not considered by him at all.

Shan Qiu raised his hand for his daughter to come over.

Shanyan knelt down beside her father's bed, "Father, I..."

"Shh, it's okay." Shan Qiu lovingly stroked his daughter's hair, "One-third of the territory is nothing, at least we still have two-thirds. And as long as I can live, we still have the opportunity to regain the territory Hope. Even if we can't take it back from the White Hart Territory, we can expand to other territories or uninhabited lands."

Shanyan calmed down a lot, and her brain started to work again: "You are right, the most important thing is that you are alive. As long as you are still alive, we will not be beaten down, and we can get more."

Shan Qiu patted his daughter on the shoulder approvingly: "Go and prepare the wood and the two herbs that Tang Bo needs."

"Okay." Shan Yan stood up.

Shan Qiu suddenly asked, "Who do you want to marry now?"

Shanyan said without hesitation for almost a second: "Yuqing."

Shan Qiu smiled, "Let the steward prepare the wedding for you and Yuqing, and when Lord Bailu comes over again, it may just be in time for your wedding."

Shanyan raised her head, straightened her back and walked out of her father's bedroom.After marriage, she is considered an adult.After becoming an adult, she can take charge of practical affairs, and the first thing she has to do after marriage is to snatch all the power from her uncle's family.

Tang Bo did not visit the lord of the red taro collar, but walked the entire red taro collar.

There are indeed coal mines in the red taro collar, and some of them are open-pit coal, but the locals do not know that this is a fuel that can be burned. On the contrary, because the open-pit coal mines cannot grow plants, and the nearby soil is relatively poor, there is no human habitation within a hundred miles of the coal mines.

"One piece of good news, one piece of bad news." Yanren reported back from the preliminary exploration.

Tang Bo was trying to ignite the coal stove, "Tell me, let me tell you the good news first."

Yan Ren smiled, "The good news is that these black stones are the coal mines you mentioned are widely distributed, and I don't know the depth, but judging from the coal mines exposed on the surface, the upper part of them is at the tail where our white deer collar intersects. Up and down, it enters the red taro collar, and may extend to the peacock collar."

"What's the bad news?"

"The bad news is that I found that some hunters were using coal to make a fire. I saw the hunter's hut. There were firewood in the house, but there were also a lot of raw coal. Judging from the gray color of the raw coal, it should have been burned. This shows that more than We, and maybe others, have discovered a use for raw coal. And we don't know if it's just a few hunters who know it, or if it's known to all the hunters of the taro collar, or even the taro lord."

Tang Bo sat on a small bench and fanned the stove vent very calmly, "Even if a small number of people know about it, it probably hasn't spread. It's already winter, but no one sells raw coal in the market in the red taro collar."

Yan Ren sat down on a nearby stone, wiped his sweat and said, "I hope so, otherwise it will be very difficult for us to compete for this coal mine."

Tang Bo shook his head: "That's because you don't understand the characteristics of raw coal. Burning coal is not a safe thing. I guess, the red taro leader probably knew that raw coal can be used as fuel for a long time, but why hasn't it been popularized for so long? Come? There is only one reason, they found burning black stones dangerous, even deadly."

"Dead?" Yan Ren and the others were taken aback.

Jia Dou couldn't help but said, "Since this thing is so dangerous, let's not use it."

Tang Bo gave Jia Dou a cold look: "Are you kidding me? Coal mines will be the focus of our Bailuling's development in the future. And I only say that the red taro leaders don't understand raw coal, which will cause various accidents, but I have Professor Bailuling Naturally know how to properly use these combustible natural coals.”

Jia Dou immediately squeezed out a flattering smile: "My lord, you should have said it earlier, the little one doesn't understand."

No one would be disgusted with people who often flatter themselves, and Tang Bo was no exception, "The coal mine matter is very important, as long as the few of us know about it, don't spread it."

"Yes!" Jia Dou and the others responded immediately.

Tang Bo took over the map drawn by Yanren, which marked the direction and distribution of the coal mine veins he inferred.

"It can be seen that there is a coal mine next to the iron mine in Hongshan Ling. Although I haven't visited several nearby territories, my intuition tells me that this coal mine is not small." Yan Ren has the affirmation and pride of a professional.

"Very good." Tang Bo drew a line along the right side of the White Deer Collar with his finger: "We will develop to the east of our territory according to the original plan. If we can advance smoothly, we will have lime mines, iron mines, If the coal mine can be pushed to the edge of the primitive jungle, it will be our agricultural area and fishing and hunting area. If we can find the river that runs through the red taro collar and the red mountain collar in the primeval jungle, we will have a golden waterway .”

Gu Ding was the only person who was not afraid of Tang Bo, and he was the only one who dared to contradict Tang Bo. At this time, he said something very unpleasant: "It's easy to listen to you. But don't forget, the coal mine you want and the The iron ore is on other people's territory."

Tang Bo was not in a hurry, "I am [-]% sure that I can win the iron ore. Unless the lord of Red Mountain, Shan Qiu, wants to give the territory and his two precious daughters to his younger brother."

Gu Ding thought of some things he overheard in Hongshan, and curled his lips: "Even if you can take down the iron mine, what about the coal mine? You said it yourself, even if we have iron weapons, it is impossible for us to attack the surrounding area." The war will be discovered by Luma City, and when the time comes to attack us, we will be in trouble."

"How did our large field of Bailuling fall into Gu Hui's hands?"

"You want to blog with Lord Red Taro? No, you want to rely on trading?"

Tang Bo nodded, looked at the coal stove that was successfully lit, and said with a smile: "There must be something that Lord Red Taro wants in this world, and we don't need a lot of territory from him, as long as the tadpole tail borders us."

"You want to engulf them little by little? Just like engulfing the three tree collars?"

"The method is different, but it is indeed the same thing. We have been walking in the red taro for several days, tell me, what did you see?" Tang Bo motioned Ahshu to prepare meals for everyone.

As soon as Baidou saw that he was about to eat, he was very active in preparing tables and chairs.

Gu Ding hates exams very much now, but he still answered Tang Bo's question: "The red taro territory is relatively fertile, but the people live very hard. They hardly have any surplus food, and the market is not as lively as the Hongshan collar. I feel ...They are like the White Hart Leaders from before."

Tang Bo looked at Jia Dou again.

Jia Dou pointed to his nose, and after making sure he wanted to answer, he had to think for a while with a bitter face before he came up with a new one: "They own a river, but there are very few people fishing for food. There are also few people in the market." There are salted fish. As Gu Ding said, the life of the red taro leader is not as good as that of the Hongshan leader."

Tang Bo asked Yanren, Baidou and Ashu respectively.

All three of them said the same thing, only Baidou said in a seemingly naive manner: "The little stewards of the red taro collar live like nobles, and the leaders of the red taro collar fear and hate them very much."

"That's right. You all read it carefully." Tang Bo said his observation: "I paid to ask a few red taro leaders, and they told me that many red taro collars have died every winter. Most of them are old people and children. But the population of red taro collar has not decreased too much, do you know the reason?"

Several people looked confused together.

Jia Dou even blurted out: "Why? Because their women are more fertile?"

Who would have thought that Tang Bo would actually nod his head: "The red taro leader owns a women's village, and the village is full of fertile women. The red taro lord often brings caravans from other territories to this village. These caravan members don't need For one copper coin, a woman can sleep here. And the women in this village cannot leave the village until the end of their reproductive period, and they continue to give birth from the beginning of menarche."

Baidou frowned: "These women are very pitiful."

Tang Bo: "Yeah. But the women in other villages in Hongyu are very envious of the women in that village, because they can eat enough every day, including winter."

Gu Ding was still young, so he couldn't figure it out: "How many children can that woman's village have in a year, and how many can they support? Can they maintain the number of red taro collars alone?"

Tang Bo put the kettle on the coal stove, "If the lord of the red taro can exchange one of the beautiful children born in this village for two or even more, then it will be fine."

Gu Ding and the others were all stunned.

Tang Bo seemed to be talking about ordinary things: "The lord of the red taro has a good relationship with the slave traders in Sita County. He will exchange the beautiful children born by those women for more child slaves. After all, for the red taro leader, they What is needed is labor that can work, and the beauty and ugliness of the subjects has nothing to do with the lord."

Tang Bo raised his finger: "But where did the women in the women's village come from? They only rely on them to give birth, and the beautiful girls have to be exchanged. They must not be able to produce so many girls to maintain the number of people in the village."

"The people of the territory." Yan Ren said.

Gu Ding seemed to understand a little bit, "The red taro leader is easier to take down than the Hongshan leader, and it is also easier to invade. It can also make those leaders hide the news of the territory being invaded, right? Because the red taro leader doesn't like them lords, they hate their lords."

"These are all our guesses, and what I want to say is not that we need to take down the red taro collar now, but that we can recruit red taro collar workers to work for us. They should be willing."

This conversation ended here, and Tang Bo didn't mention his plan to invade the red taro collar after that.

But whether it is Gu Ding or others, they have already seen the ambition of their young lord.

That night, Tang Bo used [Call to Come] to summon three hundred coolies led by Sanshu to dig open-pit coal mines for him.

Although Yanren and the others saw him use this trick for the first time, they still couldn't help but shudder every time they saw it, especially when they saw that the coolies they called were all working with expressionless faces, and there was nothing to complain about. When not.

Ten days passed in a blink of an eye, and Tang Bo came to Hongshan Lord's Mansion again with raw coal that filled half the space.

It was a coincidence and an unfortunate coincidence that Tang Bo arrived.

Coincidentally, this day is the day when Miss Hongshan and commoner Yuqing get married.

Unfortunately, Shanyan's uncle Shanling's family brought people to make trouble, saying that they did not agree to let the niece sit at home to recruit a husband, and shouted loudly that the Lord Shanqiu should come out to meet everyone.

The mountains brought many people, all of whom belonged to him.

Shanyan's wedding was not grand, and there were not many guests. They only brought Yuqing's family from the other side of the river, and the village chiefs in Hongshan and some of Shanqiu's subordinates.

But these people are all related to the entire Hongshan territory.

This is also the reason why Shanling brought people here to make trouble today. He wanted to let everyone know that Shanqiu was too sick, and Shanyan was so eager to get married because he wanted to have a son and become a real female lord .

Father and son Shanling and Shanyin kept attacking Shanyan, relying on everyone's aversion to women in power.

Things have become like this, the lord Shan Qiu has not yet come forward, even if there are Shan Yan and the housekeeper to appease, the village chiefs and stewards can't sit still, and they all ask the lord to come out to see him.

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