Lord, he is not a man [infrastructure]

Chapter 47 Iron Ore and Side Quests

The pendant was still connected to the necklace, but no one specifically reminded Gu Ding of this at this time.

Tang Bo handed the Demon God's Eye to Gu Ding, just to let him try to see if he could get his third eye back from the system.

But the result is that no matter how Gu Ding presses the Demon God's Eye on the scar on his forehead, the Demon God's Eye is still the Demon God's Eye, and the scar on Gu Ding's forehead remains the same.

"I can feel it, I really can feel it...but why not?"

Tang Bo felt that the child was about to cry.

Gu Ding's eyes were red, but he didn't shed tears after all, he just held on to the Demon God's Eye, showing a unwilling expression.

Tang Bo rubbed the child's hair, "I will think of another way."

Gu Ding pursed his lips, and said after a while: "Can this necklace be placed here?"

"Okay, but as long as the distance exceeds [-] meters, it will automatically return to me." Tang Bo said helplessly.

Even so, Gu Ding still hung the necklace around his neck, and he wanted to try by himself to see if he could get his third eye out of the pendant.

Tang Bo warned Goudan in his mind: "Don't teach bad children."

System: [He doesn't need to be taught at all, his soul is inherently evil. 】

Tang Bo: "That's because you are blind."

The system shut up.It didn't lie, just now when Gu Ding put the pendant between his eyebrows and had a strong desire to withdraw his eyes, it felt an indescribable sense of familiarity.

And it will produce such a sense of familiarity, there is only one possibility, that is, [-]% of the soul of that body comes from where it came from.

The system is not surprised by this, it will bring Tang Bo to this world, naturally it is not the result of random selection, there is a passage here, which communicates with its hometown.

Since there is a passage, it is normal for its fellow countrymen to appear here.

Even the system knows one of the biggest secrets about this world, as long as it speaks out, the world will be turned upside down.

Of course, it would not choose to say now that it is better to save dessert until last.

"Maybe..." Just as Piglet started, Tang Bo and Gu Ding looked at him together.

Tang Bo: "What do you want to say, say it."

Pijie regretted that he misjudged Gu Ding's position in Tang Bo's mind. If Gu Ding's third eye could return to Gu Ding, then everything would be fine, but now Gu Ding missed his third eye. Eye, although this matter has nothing to do with him, but he has hidden Gu Ding's third eye for seven whole years, if he is Gu Ding, he will also transfer the hatred to him.

Pijie didn't want to offend Gu Ding, who was obviously favored by Tang Bo after offending Gu Hui.

So he told another news that he overheard, "Before Earl Ma Lin gouged out the young master's eyes, I heard Earl Ma Lin arguing with Madam Ma Ai, it seems that the Grand Duke of Luma City really wanted to get the young master The young master's third eye, and the madam satirizes the grand duke's wife, even though she is a great nobleman from our upper country, but still can't give birth to a god-favored man, and satirizes the grand duchess' wife who gave birth to a young lady of the same clan that the eldest son married at a high price. The son is weak and sick, I still need to rely on...well, I need to rely on the third eye of Young Master Gu Ding."

Gu Ding tightly held the pendant on his chest, his eyes full of killing intent.

Tang Bo asked Piglet: "What else did you hear?"

Piglet bowed his head: "I only heard a few words, I was afraid of being discovered, so I left quickly."

Gu Ding suddenly said: "Are you trying to tell me that besides getting my third eye back, there is another way for me to grow up?"

Piglet said fearfully, "I don't know, I just think those words should be told to you and Sir."

Gu Ding looked up at Tang Bo, he didn't know what this man would think, but in order to gain strength and grow up, he could do anything.

Tang Bo put his palm on the child's head, "They attack you first, and it's only natural for you to fight back. But don't attack ignorant children, find the mastermind."

Gu Ding was upset: "I am also a child."

"It's their adults who did it."

The adults of their family?Gu Ding glanced at Tang Bo: "I belong to your family?"

"Isn't it obvious, you eat my food, drink my food, live in my room, and learn from me. In the future, you will work for me for a long time, understand?"

"Huh." Gu Ding hummed, the little claw no longer held the necklace, but poked Tang Bo's hand, held it, and revealed a little secret: "I can get my eyes back, but I need more strength. This thing... is stronger than me."

Tang Bo understood, "Have you noticed the power of the Demon God's Eye?"

Gu Ding tilted his head and felt for a while: "Hmm."

"I will take you to Luma City, but not now." Tang Bo promised.

Gu Ding understood the current situation of the White Deer Collar, and did not force it, and even because of Tang Bo's honesty, he squeezed out a little truth: "Although I can't get my eyes back for the time being, I can feel that wearing this necklace is good for me. "

"Then you can wear it, and pay attention to the distance." Tang Bo wanted to ask Gu Ding if he felt the existence of another "soul", but he didn't ask after thinking about it.

The result of this trip was not perfect, but Piglet did what he promised, and Tang Bo was not stingy and fulfilled his promise.

Seeing that he had regained his youthful appearance in his 30s again, Piglet was so happy that he almost cried.

In order to show that he is useful, Piglet actively recommended himself: "I am very familiar with the nearby trade routes, and I am willing to assist the leader of the caravan you send, even if it is just to lead the way. I swear with my soul, I will never Betray you. If I betray, my soul will be devoured by the demons."

Tang Bo snapped his fingers and drew a 69 symbol on Piglet's forehead, confirming Piglet's oath with the seal of a river crab.

Tang Bo admitted that he is really short of people now, so short that he is willing to give this enemy defector whom he doesn't trust a chance.

And Piglet is indeed a rare talent in this era and in White Hart Collar.

Can recognize trade routes, be able to deal with strangers freely and bravely, can remember safe water sources and resting places, know the local specialties and trade prices of many places, and can understand and speak the dialects of many places—— This is very important. A territory can have one to three dialects. Although there is a so-called lingua franca, a different pronunciation can make you sound like another foreign language, and the vast majority of aboriginals do not know a lingua franca at all. , they only speak the local dialect.

Such talents are very rare in this era, and most of them need to be cultivated by big families since childhood.

Piglet was the helper specially trained by the previous lord of the Three Trees for the current lord Gu Hui, but the previous lord never expected that the talents he spent a lot of effort to cultivate would eventually go to the neighbor next door.

"I have a batch of salt on hand, I hope you can help me sell it, but it's best not to sell it to several nearby territories, and it's best not to reveal the name of Bailuling." Piglet performed a mission.

Pijie patted his chest: "Please rest assured, the matter that Sanshuling wants to solve my problem should not have been spread, and it will not be spread. I can use the name of Sanshuling, and the business roads I often take The landowners also know that I am from Sanshuling. Do you mind if I use the name of Sanshuling?"

Tang Bo: "Currently."

Pijie knew that everything would be different when Gu Ding got the position of the lord of the Three Trees in the future.

In order to show that he knows many ways, Piglet said: "If you are worried about selling salt and let Luma City know, I can sell your salt to the wild people. I know several wild people villages, and they do not belong to any territory. , It is also difficult to buy salt, I can sell it to them at a high price."

This was actually one of Piglet's original sources of extra money.

Gu Hui roughly knew the selling price of certain goods in other territories, and he could roughly calculate how much Piglet could sell and how much supplies he could collect.

If Piglet wanted to extract more benefits from it, he had to use his brains more. One of the targets he found was the wild village.For example, in other territories, coarse salt that originally cost fifteen copper coins per catty could be exchanged for fur and other valuables equivalent to thirty copper coins per catty if sold to wild people.

When Tang Bo heard the word wild people, his heart moved: "Wild people villages? Is there an owner in the places where the wild people live?"

As soon as Piglet heard Tang Bo's tone, he knew what he wanted to ask, and immediately said: "Some are three-way areas, some are unowned areas, and some have clear owners, but they were abandoned for various reasons."

"Mark all these places." Tang Bo instructed Piglet to draw on the sand table first, and then draw on the parchment when it is clear.

When Piglet transferred all the maps he remembered to parchment, the exploration team led by Yanren and Donglin returned.

Yanren found a vein of suspected iron ore at the junction of Hongshanling and Bailuling. He didn't intend to say it at first, but when he came back, the salt workers described to him and Donglin that the tax officer was aggressive. It shows their concern about the financial resources of the territory, especially the food stocks.

"Those tax officials are too ruthless. They took away all the autumn grain harvested from the territory, leaving nothing for us! The villagers in Bailu collar are crying at home, not knowing how to spend the winter. But this year there are more us There are so many people." Several salt workers gathered at Donglin's house, chatting with him and complaining about their grievances.

"Originally, the lord left a little food for each family, and promised that he would find a way to feed everyone's stomachs before the food was eaten. But those stupid tax officials actually checked the tax food that had been checked again, insisting that we pretend There are so many shriveled shells, and we need to add another [-]%. That’s a full [-]%! All the grain of the family has been scraped clean, including next year’s seed grain, it’s simply no way for people to survive!”

The salt workers yelled.Although the tax officials robbed the grain of the original villagers in Bailuling, they also robbed their rations.

"Did the lord say what to do?" Donglin asked.

The salt workers shook their heads bitterly: "What can the lord do? We guess he may want us to help him find a salt mine, and sell salt to buy food for the territory, but it is so easy to find a salt mine. Even if we are all sent out to find it, it will take time. But let alone the villagers’ homes in the territory, I heard that the warehouses in the mansion of the lord have been emptied.”

Another salt worker said: "Although our lord doesn't seem to be easy to talk to, and he is rather... weird, but he did do what a lord can do. He gave us all new clothes and new shoes. Let's hide it so that the tax officials don't see it. Everyone hasn't stored food for the past few days, and he is the one who supplies the entire territory with food, but the villagers say that the lord's food storage can't last for a few days. The villagers have now thought that the lord may Before winter comes, the old man will be sent into the mountains to collect firewood."

Donglin and Yanren looked at each other, they both knew what it meant to let the old man go into the mountains to collect firewood in winter.

A salt worker sighed: "The villagers don't look right at us. They seem to be plotting to talk to the steward, and want to suggest that the lord sell us as slaves in exchange for food."

The salt workers talked with Donglin Yanren for a while. What they meant was to ask the two to go to the lord and try not to sell them as slaves.

Yan Ren thought about it again and again, and after asking the housekeeper about the lord getting up, he took the initiative to find Tang Bo.

Donglin didn't know Yanren's plan at this time.

After getting permission, the two entered Tang Bo's small hall together.

"Iron ore?" Tang Bo raised his eyebrows.

Gu Ding, who was doing homework, also raised his head.

Dong Lin looked at Yan Ren in shock.Yanren discovered the iron ore and decided to speak out, but he did not discuss it with him.

Yanren nodded: "I still need to confirm. I brought back a few pieces of ore. If iron can be smelted, it is undoubtedly iron ore."

"Good job!" Tang Bo didn't even ask Yanren why he could recognize the iron ore, he got up directly and let the basket of raw ore on Yanren go to the blacksmith room behind.

Yan Ren was waiting for Tang Bo to ask, but until the blacksmith in the iron shop melted the iron ore and smelted molten iron, Tang Bo didn't ask him a word.

"Judging from the texture of pig iron, this iron ore is relatively pure." Yan Ren revealed some more.

Tang Bo was holding a pig iron block, with an undisguised joy on his face.This is really the best news during this time, happier than him getting a lot of salt and gold coins.

This is iron ore!

With it, he can have a real wok.

Don't underestimate the iron cooking pot, not to mention the various advantages of cooking and cooking. It can also save firewood and concentrate firepower. In addition, it can also supplement the iron element necessary for the human body. It can also be used as a helmet when necessary. There are many benefits.

Of course, with iron ore, he can formally pull up an armed force and arm all the white deer leaders to their teeth. He can also lead the leaders to rob, specifically rob the enemy, and grab what they lack.

In addition, with iron tools, the various projects of White Hart Collar can also be speeded up. Maybe they can have a canal around the entire White Hart Collar and a reservoir before the snow melts in the next spring.

Tang Bo's joy was felt by everyone.

In the end, Yan Ren couldn't hold back anymore, "Don't you ask me anything?"

Tang Bo: "Huh? What are you asking? Why do you know how to find iron ore and salt mines? Or are there other veins? It's not important. What's important is that I hope you can summarize this knowledge and teach it to others in the future. Others. By the way, if you have nothing to do tomorrow, you can find me in the small hall every afternoon from [-]:[-] to [-]:[-] pm, and have classes with Gu Ding and Ashu, and Donglin can come if you want.”

Yan Ren: "..."

"Oh," Tang Bo added: "I just taught you the number of time points. If you don't understand, you can ask Gu Ding or the housekeeper, and they will tell you how to read and count time."

Yan Ren: "..."

Tang Bo handed the pig iron ore to the blacksmith, and in front of Yanren and Donglin, he told the blacksmith how to make pig iron into mature iron, and how to increase the hardness and toughness of wrought iron.

Yanren and Donglin: Wait!Such an important secret, you just said it?

Tang Bo turned his head, saw the shocked expressions of the two, and smiled: "Want to learn more? Come to my class. I only have one condition, you must teach my leaders what you have learned from me. "

It’s okay in winter, instead of staying at home to be mischievous, it’s better to come to him to learn how to work for him in the future.

"Your people include us?" Donglin asked hesitantly.

Tang Bo: "Of course."

Donglin understands why Yanren wants to tell Tang Bo where the iron mine is. This lord is really different from what they imagined.

The non-existent system popped up again: [The system update is complete, the transformed person must understand the new rules, please listen!The basic principle of the holy father's transformation system remains the same, with the goal of cultivating iron-blooded lords, and no one should be allowed to think that the person being transformed is a holy father. 】

[Considering that Holy Father is already a derogatory term in modern times on Earth, let us redefine the meaning of the word Holy Father in the system.Any behavior of the reformed person must not make people think that you are a fool who paid for nothing, let alone let others take advantage of you and laugh at you. 】

[Major update, this system will cancel the calculation of character value and replace it with achievement value and ridicule value.The achievement value will be directly related to the mana value and transformation level of the person being transformed.The ridicule value is when someone thinks that your behavior is close to the derogatory term of the Holy Father and laughs at your efforts. The ridicule value is calculated according to the degree of ridicule, with a minimum of one point and a maximum of ten points.When the accumulated ridicule points reached [-] points, the transformed person would be severely punished. 】

Tang Bo criticized: "So you can no longer remind me of someone's hatred and gratitude for me?"

System: [Please don't try to be lazy and take advantage of loopholes. Understanding other people's emotions and mastering people's hearts are also compulsory courses for lords.In the future, the system will only remind you of achievement and ridicule. 】

Tang Bo: "Can I skip this update and return to the original version?"

System: [...cannot. 】

Tang Bo: "You castrated your best use. Please remember to feed this sentence back to your program development ape."

The system quickly counterattacked: [Submission 1000, Bailuling is extremely short of arable land. In order to solve the food and clothing of the people in the territory, the transformed people are required to obtain at least [-] mu of fertile land before sowing on March [-] of the next year, and this One thousand acres of fertile land must actually belong to Bailuling.After completion, the transformed person can get an achievement value of [-] and a random drop of a crop seed as a reward.If it is not completed within the time limit, the reformed person will be punished.The content of the punishment was to burn the whole body with fire for half an hour. 】

[Submission 1000, Bailuling is extremely short of water. In order to solve the problem of water for cultivation and the entire territory in the coming year, the transformed people are requested to build aqueducts with a total length of at least [-] kilometers and a capacity of at least [-] cubic meters of reservoir.After completion, the transformed person can get an achievement value of [-] and a space purification pool with a volume of ten cubic meters as a reward.If it is not completed within the time limit, the reformed person will be punished.The content of the punishment was to burn the whole body with fire for half an hour. 】

[Submission tenth, in order to strengthen the competitiveness and force value of the territory, the transformed people are requested to seize the complete iron ore vein at the junction of the Red Mountain Territory and the White Deer Territory at any cost before sowing the seeds on March 1000 of the next year, including extending into the Red Mountain Territory. Three-quarters of the veins in the mountain collar.After completion, the transformed person can get an achievement value of [-] and a reward of randomly dropping a magic ore.If it is not completed within the time limit, the reformed person will be punished.The content of the punishment was to burn the whole body with fire for half an hour. 】

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