The six slaves were brought to Tang Bo by Jia Dou.

Tang Bo looked at the six slaves. These six were left to him by the original mother, so they were not ordinary slaves.

Their bodies are stronger, they are not as skinny as ordinary slaves, nor are they shrinking like ordinary slaves.

It's a pity that Yuanshen looked down on slaves before, and with Jia Dou and Tian Min by his side, he didn't care much about these six slaves, and rarely used them.

The six slaves were arranged by the housekeeper to do some rough work. The horses and mules in the mansion were raised by them. They also maintained the small garden that the original mother loved, and they also did the hard work in the mansion.

"Go to my father's room." Tang Bo took the lead and walked forward.

Along the way, Tang Bo deepened his impression of the Lord's Mansion by the way.

The family is barren, which describes the Tang family.

Except for the unpainted natural wooden cabinets that can't be sold at a price, the dignified baron's mansion is empty everywhere from the inside of the cabinet to the wall.

The tableware is not the silver tableware that nobles like to use, it is just wood, not even two pottery bowls and plates.

The linen clothes worn by the guards and the housekeeper were all yellowed, and it seemed that they had been worn for a long time.

These also strengthened Tang Bo's heart to imprison Tang Ze. If a family wants to be rich, it must not have a gambler, let alone a bad gambler who only goes out but never gets in.

The baron's mansion is composed of three large stone houses, which are in the shape of a character, with two openings in front and one opening in the back.

Tang Bo now lives in the stone house on the left front, and the stone house on the right front is a mixture of kitchen, dining room and living room.

Tang Ze lives in the main house at the back, with gardens on both sides.

Behind the stone house is a row of smaller houses mixed with mud and rocks. This is the house where the servants live. Mules, horses and cattle are kept behind the slave house.

Tang Bo looked at the structure of the back room and was very satisfied. This stone house can be completely isolated without affecting the operation of the entire baron's mansion.

"Come on, go to my bedroom, let's do a drill." Tang Bo explained to the two guards and six slaves what a drill was.

From now on, eight people will supervise each other, and no one can leave alone.

The other servants didn't know anything, and they were not qualified to enter the main house without being summoned.

A small figure leaned against the corner of the wall, peeking in through the gap in the floor-to-ceiling windows.

In the bedroom, no one found a child hiding on the balcony.

After many exercises, Jia Dou and Tian Min were no longer so nervous.At the beginning, the six slaves didn't know what they were called to do, but after many rehearsals, they also understood that they were asked to arrest and subdue people, and the object of arrest was still the owner of the mansion.

But the six slaves were not too flustered. The person they were loyal to was the wife. After the wife died, she would be the young master, not the baron.

"Master, it's almost time." Jia Dou looked at the sky and reminded.

The child clenched his fists: This Tang Bo is really too bad!He actually wanted to conspire to detain his own father and seize the position of lord.

He doesn't sympathize with the lord of the White Deer Lord, but he doesn't want to let Tang Bo's plot to kill his mother succeed.

How could he inform the White Hart Lord to be careful of his son?

It would be even better if the White Hart Lord could kill Tang Bo in turn.

Tang Ze, the lord of the White Deer Lord, was driving back in a carriage at this time. It would take about half a day for the carriage to go straight from the largest Three Tree City nearby to the White Deer Lord's mansion.

Tang Ze had a good time at his mistress's house, and he didn't want to come back to see his son's wife-like face, but he didn't have any money on hand, and if he wanted to continue spending time and money, he had to spend all the money left in his son's hands get it.

As for the son dying, that's fine.

He didn't like this son too much. After his death, he just let him inherit all the property left by his wife. He could remarry a rich woman as his step-wife and give birth to a more obedient heir.

Tang Ze didn't even ask why his son was poisoned, he only cared about one thing: "The kid said he wanted to leave his money to others? To whom?"

"It's the child of one of the young master's lovers. The young master likes that lover very much. He loves the house and loves Wu, and he also likes that child very much. After the young master found out that his poisoning was too deep and it was probably irreparable, he asked Jia Dou to bring the child back. "The butler was talking nonsense.

"What? He wants to hand over my Tang family's property to a mistress' child? Has he been blinded by poison?" Tang Ze was furious.

"So when I heard the news, I hurried to the city to find you. If you come back late, the child will leave with the young master's money..."

"What is the young master's money? It's all my lord's property! You bastard!" Tang Ze slapped the carriage angrily.

"You are so right." The butler echoed solemnly.

"Chang Zhong! Speed ​​up and go back as soon as possible!" Tang Ze slapped the carriage hard again.

Chang Zhong, who was driving outside, waved his long whip, and the speed of the carriage was obviously much faster.

Hurrying all the way, finally rushed back to the mansion before dark.

The butler jumped out of the car first, and stretched out his arm to support Tang Ze.

Tang Ze got out of the car as fast as he could, and walked towards the stone house where his son lived.

His four bodyguards and two footmen followed him.The butler originally wanted to keep at least half of these six people in his mistress' house, but Tang Ze thought that there were people around his son, so he didn't listen to the butler's "admonishment" and brought all six of them back.

The housekeeper followed closely and whispered carefully to Tang Ze: "Master, the young master's bodyguards are all in his room. You may make the young master think too much if you bring people in like this. Please let the little thoughts draw Jia Dou and the others out first." .”

Tang Ze paused and looked at the butler with admiration: "Very good. I'll wait for you here, you go and bring Jia Dou and the others out."

The butler bent down and took the order to leave.

A small figure suddenly came out from around the corner, and opened his mouth to ask Tang Ze: "Are you the Lord of the White Deer Territory? Be careful..."

Before finishing speaking, the lord suddenly pointed at him and ordered his subordinates: "Arrest this wild boy! Live or die!"

The child was taken aback.Why did you arrest him? He kindly came to report the letter, okay?Hesitating for less than a second between being caught obediently or running away, the child turned around and ran away after hearing the phrase life or death.

You idiot, you don't know good people, let your son imprison you!

"This kid runs so fast!" The guard caught the air and was greatly surprised.

Tang Ze scolded angrily: "It's useless, even such a small one can't catch it, go, don't let him get away!"

Tang Ze was worried that the little thing had already obtained his son's property, so what if he let him run away?

Immediately, two guards chased him out.

After a while, the housekeeper, who didn't know that he had made great contributions unintentionally, brought Jia Dou and Tian Min out.

Tian Min, the fake and naive, yelled, "Jia Dou, what delicious food did your father bring back? Give me some too."

Jia Dou scolded angrily: "You just know how to eat, the young master is so sick...Master?!"

"Master, you are back!" Jia Dou and Tian Min hurriedly saluted Tang Ze.

Tang Ze waved his hand, "Okay, Jia Xin, take your son and Tian Min down, didn't you bring delicious food for your son, go quickly."

Although Jia Xin didn't know what the master and the housekeeper were plotting, he also understood what the master wanted him to get away from his son and Tian Min's idiot, so he followed the master's words and greeted his son.

Tang Ze was worried that Jia Xin would not be able to control Jia Dou and Tian Min by himself, so he asked a personal servant to follow.

In this way, there was only one guard and one personal servant left by Tang Ze's side.

Tang Ze didn't know that Tang Bo called back the six slaves who had been forgotten for four years - even he had forgotten these six slaves. Tang Ze thought that there were three people beside him including him, plus a housekeeper, But Tang Bo was alone, and he was lying on the bed and was about to die. He was definitely unable to resist him, so he walked happily to Tang Bo's bedroom.

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