Donglin looked sideways at the little light coming from outside the tree hole.

He knew that he was going to die, and the only thing he could ask for help before he died was a little doll that looked four or five years old. Although the little doll's behavior and words surprised him as an adult, what could a child do?

He only hoped that the little baby could pass on what he said to the adults of his family, and he hoped that the adults of the little baby's family would be a more powerful and prestigious person.

Even if a commoner has some money, even if he has a desire for salt mines, he will never dare to compete with a big lord, and rescued more than 200 people from his tightly guarded castle.

In fact, there is only one person he wants to save most, but he can't say.

The new lord has been looking for the descendants of the old lord, and he also knows that the leader of the salt cave hid the blood of the old lord, so he tortured and killed many people for this.

But the new lord still needs someone to open a salt mine and cook salt for him. He can't kill all the leaders of the entire salt cave.

So the new lord locked all the people he thought suspicious in his castle, let them dig salt for him, boil salt all day long, and deal with them with the harshest means. Surrender their blood and swear allegiance to him, and he can let them go home and live a normal life.

Some salt workers couldn't stand such a hard life, they gnawed and bit at random, and more than a dozen people died.

But the new lord did not keep his promise, he was still harsh on everyone and locked everyone up.

Finally the salt workers came to their senses, knowing clearly that handing over the blood of the old lord was just an excuse. The new lord just wanted to see them kill each other and see their own internal division. In fact, he would not let anyone who was imprisoned here go out.

And the new lord also seemed to believe the fact that the blood of the old lord was dead, and he was just as strict in guarding them, but he no longer stared at them all the time.

This gave him and others hope.

Donglin was secretly planning to escape, and he couldn't even discuss with that person because he didn't want that person to attract anyone's attention.

Sure enough, there was a traitor among the salt workers, and he started to incite everyone and wanted to create chaos, so he was reported.

He was pulled out as a senior rafter and flogged for public display.

He doesn't regret what he's done, but he's terribly worried about that man.After his death, among those salt workers, no one knew the true identity of that person, but there would be no one who wholeheartedly protected that person either.

He didn't understand why the new lord insisted on killing the old lord's blood. He had already obtained the lord's position. Even if the descendants of the old lord were still alive, how could he beat the new lord who was supported by the Duke of Green Hemp?

Donglin thought a lot, thinking of his dead family members, thinking... his consciousness gradually became blurred.

He seemed to hear something, something got into the tree hole.

Donglin thought vaguely: Is it a beast?Am I going to die at the mouth of the beast?

"He can't do it." A child's voice sounded.

"You come out, I'll come." An adult's palm pulled him out of the tree hole.

The wound hurt Dong Lin very much, but he was powerless to struggle.

The pain made him wake up a little bit, and he tried to open his eyes wide to see who pulled him out of the tree hole.

The opponent stood with his back to the moonlight, and he could only see two blurred shadows, one big and one small.

The big black figure squatted down in front of him, holding his neck with one hand.

"You stay away." Tang Bo told Gu Ding.

Gu Ding raised his eyebrows: "Afraid that I will see it?"

"You can stay and become a little old man." Tang Bo held the bush beside him with his other hand.

Gu Ding suddenly thought of Pijie, who had become much older overnight, hopped far away like a rabbit, and disappeared after two or three hops.

The corners of Tang Bo's mouth curled up, and then he cast [Harvest others to benefit oneself].

The effect of the third level of [Detrimental to others and selfishness] is much better than that of the second level, at least the healing speed is much faster, but the speed of plundering the vitality of other living creatures is also much faster.

Tang Bo watched the shrubs centered on his palm and the nearby grass turn yellow, with an expression of "I'm too stupid" on his face.

This is more than just a healing technique, this is basically a super easy-to-use comprehensive technique that kills, sustains, and destroys, okay?

In the simplest usage, he can absorb the vitality of enemies and surrounding creatures to sustain himself while fighting people.

With a big brain hole, he can destroy the vitality of a territory, such as crops, grassland, woods and so on.

Seeing that the salt workers had almost recovered from their injuries, Tang Bo withdrew his hands in time.

In order to save this salt worker, all the surrounding vegetation with a diameter of five meters died.

Dong Lin sat up in surprise, he looked at the piece of vegetation that was obviously different from the surrounding ones, and then at Tang Bo, his expression was like seeing a living demon.

Goudan didn't make a sound, which showed that the salt worker was not grateful to him in his heart, but was even wary of him from his expression.

Tang Bo wanted no one to appreciate him, so he stretched out his toe and kicked his thigh unceremoniously: "Alive? It's time for you to fulfill your promise. Tell me, where is the new salt mine you mentioned?"

Donglin swallowed, the person in front of him saved him, but such a terrifying ability also made him sincerely fear the other party: "What I, I and that child said is to rescue everyone, all the salt workers in the castle. "

Tang Bo raised his eyebrows, and said very simply: "Yes. But I also have conditions. Except for the address of the new salt mine, all of you must be loyal to me in the future. You don't need to be slaves, as long as you become my subjects. In addition, I don't want to The address of the salt mine, you must determine the salt mine that can produce salt, if you lie to me, I can save you and kill you all."

Dong Lin regretted that he didn't know what kind of person the person in front of him was, but he knew that he was definitely not an ordinary person just by looking at the person's aura and ability.Will he lead everyone out of the wolf den and into the tiger's den?

"I can promise you one thing. If you are not happy in my territory, you can run away. I can promise that you will never hunt and kill you." Tang Bo knew what the other party wanted.

Donglin didn't believe Tang Bo, but he had no other choice but to trust this person at this time. How could he save that person and the other salt workers by relying on him alone?

Even if he knows the location of another new salt mine, can he use this to make the lords of other territories offend the lords of the Salt Cave Territory for him?

No, those greedy lords will only torture him to find out the whereabouts of the new salt mine, so they won't care about the life and death of other salt cave leaders, let alone offend another big lord.

"Can you really rescue all the salt workers?" Dong Lin confirmed again.

"We can sign a contract now, and use the seal of the river crab as a seal. What's your name?"

"Donglin, Yandong Donglin." Donglin didn't know what the seal of the river crab was, but he felt that it was better for the other party to make a contract than not to make a contract, so he agreed.

"From now on, you will be the White Deer Cave Forest, and I will be the lord of the White Deer Lord. You must swear allegiance to me now, and I will only fight for my people." Tang Bo said seriously.

Donglin was moved by Tang Bo's last words. A lord who is willing to fight for his own people will never be a bad person... right?

Donglin swore allegiance to Tang Bo on the spot and officially became a leader of Bailu.

This is also a shortcut for the citizens of other territories to become official citizens of other territories.

The lord who accepts the allegiance of the lord will protect his lord, including fighting for the lord and other lords.

Of course, nobles seldom go to war for a few subjects.Generally speaking, as long as this kind of private escape does not become a public issue, no one cares about it. If there is a disturbance, it is a matter of paying a few dollars, unless the fleeing leader has a special status, but at most it is a war of words.

"My lord, are you begging me now, hoping that I can rescue your relatives and friends from the cruel, murderous and inhuman salt cave lord?" Tang Bo asked solemnly.

Donglin felt weird, but still nodded: "Yes."

"Then I accept your begging, and in exchange, you need to contribute a salt mine that can produce salt within three months, and I will rescue at least two hundred salt workers within the same time limit, and now let We make a contract."

Tang Bo drew a sleepy 69 symbol between Donglin's forehead with his fingers, and said in a low voice, "Use the seal of the river crab to confirm the verbal contract between the two parties. If one party violates the contract,

The soul is imprisoned for three years. "

This time, the foreheads of the two people light up together, indicating that this confirmation has a binding effect on both parties.

Dong Lin saw the light rising from Tang Bo's forehead, touched his own forehead, and couldn't help asking: "What will happen if the soul is imprisoned for three years?"

Tang Bo said indifferently: "Have you ever seen a vegetative person?"


"Just sleeping in a coma for three years."

Dong Lin was taken aback: "Isn't that the same as being dead?"

Tang Bo did not answer this question. In this era, without good care, no vegetative person can sleep for three years. Most of them will be abandoned by their families after one or two months of sleep. die.

"Get out of here first." Tang Bo whistled.

A horse came rattling.

Gu Ding also popped out a small head from a distance, and ran over.

Tang Bo got on his horse and pulled Gu Ding and Dong Lin onto his horse.

Fortunately, Tang Bo and Dong Lin are both very thin, and Gu Ding doesn't have much weight.

Tang Bo patted the horse's neck: "Hui Hui, thank you for your hard work."

The big gray horse made a snorting sound, flicked its tail, and started running in the direction Tang Bo specified.

Donglin turned to look in the direction of the castle, and swore with his fists: Wait for me, I will definitely come back to save you.

Tang Bo and the others rushed to Baidou and Tian Min's place, and Ah Shu was already curled up on the sack and fell asleep.

Bai Dou and Tian Min were relieved to see Tang Bo come back.

"Master, you are finally back. Not long after you left, two groups of people passed by us without any luggage. Baidou said that they were probably all planning to rob us. Range." Tian Min reported.

Bai Dou also said: "Young master, we'd better stay here tonight and wait until dawn before leaving, it's too unsafe at night."

"No, we're leaving tonight." Tang Bo got off his horse and pointed at Donglin, "This is your future companion. His name is Donglin, a local."

Tian Min immediately put on a simple and honest smile and got close to Dong Lin who came down from the horse's back. Dong Lin also secretly looked at Tian Min and Bai Dou, especially Bai Dou.

Tang Bo let the three of them find out about each other, he woke up the mouse, and quickly put away the huge pile of salt.

Dong Lin, who was talking to Tian Min, suddenly became dumb, staring forward with his mouth wide open.

Tian Min turned his head and said with great pride and complacency: "Our young master is amazing, that is the ability bestowed on him by the god Bailu."

"Is it a god?" Donglin murmured, wondering if he hadn't woken up yet, everything he saw was a dream.

The extra mule happened to be given to Donglin. Although Donglin was not very good at riding, this was not the time for him to learn how to ride a mule. Tian Min found a hemp rope and tied him to the back of the mule. As long as it doesn't fall off.

A group of people drove all night and left Yandongling.

But they didn't leave too far, and stopped in a wasteland where there were no people around.

Donglin thought he was going to stop and rest, since it was too dangerous to travel at night.

He never thought that Tang Bo would save people tonight. He thought that at least he would have to wait until Tang Bo returned to get those salt workers out by means of interest exchange or war coercion.

Tang Bo also wanted to use [Call to Come] after returning, but there is a prerequisite for this spell, that is, it must be in the enemy's territory.

But now the Salt Cave Leader and he are not enemies.

If he left his name or the name of Bailuling when he took the salt, then when the salt cave leader discovered that a large amount of salt had disappeared the next day, he would logically become the enemy of the salt cave leader.

But at that time, he never thought that he would save the salt workers, leaving only two mischievous bloody crabs behind.

So he asked Donglin to be loyal to him first, and then begged him to save people.

He didn't know if this would make the salt cave collar his enemy, he had to try first.

If he couldn't summon people, he would go back and do something to make the salt cave leaders their enemy.

But under the supervision of the river crab, if he wants to make trouble, he must have a clear reason.

This is also the reason why he asked Donglin to be loyal to him first. Donglin is his leader, and he accepted the leader's begging to help him save his relatives, so he didn't deliberately tease him.

Tang Bo first delineated the range in his mind, and the designated area to be summoned was the salt mine in the center of the salt cave collar castle.

"Come on call!" This special ability needs to read the name of the spell, and it also needs some gestures to assist.

Three seconds, five seconds... One minute later, Tang Bo had to face reality: the Yandong leader was not his enemy yet.

"Cave forest."


"You and I go back to Salt Cave City."

Donglin's expression changed: "You want to hand me over to the Lord of the Salt Cave?"

Tang Bo was not surprised that he had such thoughts, "No, I just thought it would not be good to just take you away like this, it's better to say hello to the lord of the salt cave, it would be better if you can buy your relatives and friends from him. Don't you wish to see your relatives and friends soon?"

Donglin shook his head: "I want to see them soon, but...the Lord of the Salt Cave Land cannot sell them."

"Everything is possible, how do you know if you don't talk about it." If you don't show your face and anger the lord of the salt cave, how can he be an enemy with the other party?

But before that, he needs to take a nap first, so as to recuperate his energy. Now he is very sleepy.

Tang Bo didn't expect that when he woke up, he didn't need to go to the Lord of the Salt Cave to provoke him, because the other party came to him on his own initiative.

Don't get me wrong, it wasn't the blood crab he painted that exposed his identity, but a group of salt workers rioted and rushed out of the castle by themselves, and the lord of the salt cave personally led people to chase them out.

And the direction in which these salt workers fled happened to be the place where Tang Bo and his party were camping.

In fact, this incident is not too much of a coincidence.

Donglin's death greatly stimulated a certain person, the only remaining blood of the previous lord, Yan Ren.

Yan Ren saw with his own eyes that Dong Lin, who protected him and loved him the most, was beaten to death by soldiers. At that time, he wanted to kill those soldiers and die with everyone, but Dong Lin's eyes made him bear it.

But when he returned to the slave camp like a walking corpse, the more he thought about it, the more painful and angry he became, and he didn't want to live like this anymore.

At this time, Yan Ren not only hated the lord of the salt cave and the Duke of Luma, but also hated the salt workers who betrayed Donglin.

He wants revenge on everyone.

The opportunity came, in the early morning of the next day.

At that time, just after dawn, the supervisor came to urge them to go to work in the salt cave.

When they entered the salt cave, they soon found that a large stock of salt blocks had disappeared, and they even found the huge monster painted on the cave wall with blood.

The salt workers were terrified. Some murmured and some shouted that the devil was coming.

With an idea, Yan Ren hid in the crowd and shouted: "It's the demons! It's the demons who crawled over from the abyss of the demon world! The cruelty of the new lord has attracted the demons, and all of us will be eaten by the devil!"

The salt worker yelled in terror, and the chaotic scene made it impossible for the supervisor to find the guy who disturbed the hearts of the people.

Immediately afterwards, something even worse happened. The warehouse manager screamed wildly and ran out of the warehouse, shouting as he ran, "The devil! I saw the devil! The salt is gone, the salt is gone!"

The castle was in chaos, and the soldiers rushed to the warehouse.

The overseers are beating the salt workers.

Yan Ren hid among the salt workers and threw down a supervisor, smashing him to death with a large salt block.

"Kill them! If we rush out of the castle, we can still live, otherwise everyone will die, either killed by the devil, or become a sacrifice to appease the devil!" Yan Ren shouted.

Salt workers exploded.

Didn't they live until now just to survive?

If everything is dead, then it is better to fight.

And they have accumulated too much hatred in their hearts, if they don't take advantage of this time to take revenge, when will they wait?

More overseers were killed.

"Everyone follow me! I know where to escape!" Yan Ren roared, grabbed a stone knife, turned around and ran deep into the salt cave.

He found a weak spot in the depths of the salt cave. Based on his knowledge of the ore veins, he speculated that by knocking that weak spot, he would be able to break out of the ground and leave the castle.

But it is not too far from the castle, even if you rush out, you will be found.

Moreover, the supervisor usually supervises them too strictly, so that he and Donglin have no chance to open up that weak area. Therefore, Donglin wants to incite the salt workers to make trouble, and create opportunities for everyone...mainly for him to escape.

After killing the supervisor, the salt worker, who also suffered a lot of casualties, was at a loss as to what to do when he saw the soldiers rushing towards him. Hearing Yan Ren's cry, he immediately followed this inconspicuous boy without a head.

Yan Ren led the salt workers to break open the weak wall of the cave with various tools, and the sky fell into the salt cave.

The salt workers were excited when they saw the light, and they rushed to escape one by one.

Fortunately, Yan Ren was clever and got out as fast as possible, otherwise he would be trampled to death by the people behind.

Yanren crawled out of the cave, saw the wilderness, and ran away.

He just wanted to stay away from the collar of the salt cave, so he naturally ran away from the collar of the salt cave.

One after another, the salt workers drilled out of the cave, and they all followed Yan Ren.

When the soldiers chased into the depths of the salt cave and found the hole that had been opened, and chased them out, the salt workers had already run a long way.

According to the news, the lord of the salt cave cared more about the escaped salt workers than the disappearance of the salt in his inventory. He immediately led his soldiers to chase after them, and issued the order "If you can't capture alive, you can kill them".

He would rather kill these salt workers than let them be owned by other territories.

Especially the blood of the former lord, he didn't know if this blood was still alive.It would be best if he was dead, if he was still alive... He couldn't let the other party escape alive!This is also the order of the Duke of Luma.

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