Tang Bo reached out to Piglet's head again, "If you stay silent for one breath, I will make you one year older. You can calculate how long you can stay silent."

Piglet closed his eyes weakly: "The salt field is located in the salt cave collar in the north, and it takes about 20 days to walk from Sanshu collar. It will pass through four territories along the way, and each of these four territories will have to pay them a sum of money. Toll money, the price is that they will send someone to protect the salt buying team to leave their territory safely. If you don’t pay this toll money, you won’t be able to bring back any amount of goods.”

When Piglet walked out of the White Hart Collar, he kept turning his head, unable to believe that Tang Bo really let him go.

He has mastered many secrets of the other party.

Tang Bo: What secret?just saying.Let the surrounding lords tremble when they hear my name~

Gu Hui didn't expect Piglet to come back.

Pijie didn't even plan to go back to the Three Trees and continue to serve Gu Hui. The fact that he was captured by Tang Bo and taken to the White Deer Collar couldn't be hidden for long. Although he really wanted to tell Gu Hui Tang Bo's secret, but for a captured The servant who was released again, Gu Hui would never trust him again.

When Gu Hui knew that Tang Bo had also learned from him where the salt-producing land was, it would be considered Gu Hui's nostalgia if he wasn't skinned by Gu Hui.

So Piglet planned to leave Sanshu and go to other places, but...he was still reluctant to part with the family property he earned.

He couldn't take other things with him, but he dug a hole in his bedroom, in which he hid the private money he had saved for so many years.

These were all taken out of Gu Hui's hands by using his power, and there were a total of sixty gold coins.

As long as he can bring this money, he can start over wherever he goes, and he can also get an official citizenship.

At this time, Piglet was very grateful that his body and appearance were no different from a real five or sixty-year-old skinny old man.

When he walked into Three Tree City, no one recognized him.

But when he managed to sneak into the castle and enter his bedroom, he saw Gu Hui sitting in his bedroom, holding a familiar money bag.

Gu Hui looked him up and down in surprise: "You are Piglet? How did you become like this?"

Piglet was desperate, but he reacted quickly, and fell to his knees with a thud: "My lord, I encountered a monster, and I escaped with great difficulty. But how do you know that I will come back today?"

Gu Hui chuckled, and lifted the purse: "No, I didn't know you were coming back today, I just came to your house to hunt for treasure. Over the years, you have taken a lot of money from me, I thought that since you can't come back, The money you leave can never be cheap for others."

Piglet hated it, but cried with tears on his face: "Sir, you misunderstood, I didn't steal your money. Everything I have is given by you. When I leave, everything I have belongs to you naturally. "

Gu Hui didn't argue with him about the origin of the gold coins in the purse: "How did you escape from the monster? What does the monster look like? Where is its lair? Didn't the people from White Deer Collar encounter the monster? Why? Are they okay?"

Gu Hui didn't want such a terrifying monster to appear around the territory, and was even more surprised why this monster appeared so suddenly and let the white deer leader go.

Piglet starts to make up, and whether he can continue to live depends on the perfection of his story.

White deer collar.

Tang Bo is taking Gu Ding and a group of men along the river to walk all over the Bailu territory.

He will plan the route of the canal and the suitable place for the construction of the reservoir.

In order to teach a group of people as soon as possible, Tang Bo did not skimp on his knowledge, and explained as he walked, but it was up to the people how much they could absorb.

Education is an inevitable plan in the future, but now it can only be done piecemeal.

When surveying the route of the canal, Tang Bo also explored all the water, soil, features and special products of this Bailuling.

He mainly checked to see if there were any minerals in Bailuling.

This walk made him discover a small surprise.

There are small hills one after another in Bailuling. These hilltops are basically composed of gray-white rocks. In the past, Bailuling people only used these gray-white rocks as building materials. However, due to the difficulty of mining, they are usually only used when building houses in the Lord's Mansion. Only some will be mined.

Tang Bo didn't pay attention to these gray and white stones at the beginning. His attention was all on getting food and developing water sources.

This time, he found a lot of scattered stones in Huishi Village.

Almost every household in the village knows how to quarry stone, and anyone who pulls it out can be regarded as a qualified stonemason.

Tang Bo occasionally found that people in Huishi Village collected the broken stones and stone powder that they shot out when they mined stones, and took them home to plaster the walls.

This made Tang Bo have some guesses.

These stones are likely to be the very common limestone.

How much does lime work?

In addition to being used in construction, lime can also be used for disinfection, insecticide, and dehumidification.

Slaked lime can be made into lime slurry, lime paste, and lime mortar.

Cement, glass, ironmaking, steelmaking...all need lime.

If these gray and white stone mountains in Bailuling are all limestone, then their Bailuling can also have an economic product, even if they can't sell it, it's not a loss if they just use it for themselves.

Tang Bo brought in the villagers who were learning to burn bricks to make a cellar, and asked them to make a lime cellar in Huishi Village on the spot.

Lime cellars do not have a particularly high temperature requirement, as long as it can reach about 1000 to [-] [-] degrees, the purpose of calcining limestone can be achieved.

It is completely possible to build a lime cellar now, and it does not require any high-tech means, not even bricks, just dig a big hole and use mud bricks to build a lime cellar.

The most important part of the lime cellar is ventilation, heat collection, and the placement of limestone inside.

How to make a good lime cellar requires a lot of experience.

Tang Bo told these artisans who will be bricklayers and masons in the future the shape and construction method of the old lime cellar he had seen, and let them figure it out by themselves.

Burning limestone also requires a lot of hay and firewood. A cellar of two to three thousand catties of limestone requires at least [-] catties of firewood. The firing time is about four to six days, depending on the duration of the fire.

This time can be greatly shortened if coal is available.

But no coal has been found in Bailuling and its vicinity, and there is no habit of burning charcoal here.

Burning charcoal also requires a lot of wood, and Bailuling can't afford it.

Now we can only mobilize all the active young and old and young and strong in the White Deer collar, let them go out to collect all available hay and dry firewood, and burn a batch of lime first.

Although lime has many uses, it is also highly polluting. People who have been exposed to lime powder for a long time will have respiratory problems.

He also had to prepare special masks for those who burn lime in the future.

But at this time, the gap between the linen is relatively large, and even if it is made into a mask, the protective function is not strong.

All in all, it is a lot of trouble to engage in industrial land reclamation.

Especially when you want to be a capitalist with a conscience, it is even more difficult.

Everything is difficult at the beginning, but you can't stop doing it just because it is difficult.

Tang Bo can only do his best to protect the health of his people and protect the soil and water of this side.

For this reason, he asked Flying Insect to bring money to Peacock Collar, and asked him to buy several bundles of fine linen with finer warp and weft from Lord Green Peacock.

Now is the slack period for farming, Tang Bo mobilized the villagers to collect hay and dry firewood, and agreed on a copper coin for one hundred catties.

The originally reluctant villagers changed their mood when they heard that they could exchange for copper coins. As long as they were able to move, they all ran out to collect firewood regardless of the heat.

Why did the villagers suddenly become so active?

Because the people who were taken by Tang Bo to work in the mansion brought money home.

Their lord and young master really gave them money on a daily basis, three copper coins a day, one was a lot, and they also took care of two meals.

Now I can take one day off every ten days and allow everyone to go home.

The villagers who had their turn to rest all went home with their wages.

After they went back, whether out of excitement for the rest of their life after the catastrophe or to show off, these people told over and over again that they could eat enough every day in the lord's mansion, and even took out copper coins to rejoice with their families They boasted that they had money to pay taxes this year.

With so many role models in front, most of the villagers in Bailuling believed that the young master said that if he exchanged copper coins for firewood, he would really exchange them.

And collecting firewood is not too difficult. This is a job they do every day, but now they have to do more and more diligently.

Tang Bo can also activate the skill [On Call] to let free laborers work for him.

But he didn't want to be used to the white deer leader.

If the white deer leaders are used to having all the hard work done by others, they will only sit back and enjoy the benefits in the future, and even develop into a strange thing that "it is only natural for the lord to do things for us, and the lord should be damned if the lord makes the people work".

So he would rather exchange money for the labor of the citizens.

When the Bailuling people went out to collect firewood one after another, Tang Bo asked his maid to remove an old linen garment from him, and used it as drawing paper to draw the entire terrain of Bailuling on it.

Gu Ding was very interested in this very simple map, but the accuracy rate was already high at this time. When Tang Bo was drawing the map, he kept asking questions.

Tang Bo didn't think he was bothering him either. After he taught this little guy, he would be relaxed.

In fact, Gu Ding is now able to help him provide basic education to the [-] teenagers whom he asked Jia Dou Tianmin to select.

"We lack food and vegetation. If there is little vegetation, we will not be able to retain water and soil. If there is no abundance of water and soil, we will not be able to grow vegetation and crops. If the crops are not good, the people will not be able to eat enough, and they will not be able to pay taxes. The days will become poorer and poorer. However, our White Deer Collar does not have any other specialty, lime... even if it is burned in the future and made into various lime derivatives, it is not suitable for trading in a short period of time."

"Besides, there are not enough water sources to use, and it is very inconvenient for us to do anything, so our first step is to solve the water problem first."

Tang Bo drew a simple canal distribution map on the slate, "Building a canal requires a lot of cement and bricks, and to burn cement, we need to get lime first. To burn lime, we need to get a lot of firewood first. But our Bailu The firewood we received is not abundant, and it may only support one or two fires before autumn."

Gu Ding held up his little face, worried: "Then what should I do?"

"There is no way to create a way." Tang Bo threw down the stone on which the slate was painted, "Our White Deer collar is not rich in vegetation, but the vegetation in the nearby territories is very rich, and weeds grow casually. I am going to talk to the leaders of those territories. The villagers buy firewood, especially trees. Trees and branches can be smoldered into charcoal, which is better than burning hay, which saves a lot of hay and time. And we also need a lot of charcoal for winter.”

Gu Ding: "Wow, you think so far away, it's still so hot, you just think about how to spend the winter."

"People who have no long-term concerns must have near-term worries. Some areas have severe droughts in summer and cold winters."

Gu Ding didn't understand, Tang Bo explained to him, and also read a few proverbs and jingles about weather common sense.

Gu Ding wished he could write it all down.

"But if you buy firewood in several nearby territories, will it attract the attention of those lords?"

"Well, so we have to find a good reason." Tang Bo rubbed his chin, "Do you think the young lord of the white deer collar made a bonfire sacrifice to the land spirit White Deer for the sake of the seriously ill lord's father, and the bonfire sacrifice needs to burn nine Nine days and 81 days, every day can't stop, what's the excuse of needing a lot of grass and trees?"

Gu Ding: "...is there really a white deer with an earth spirit?"

Tang Bo smiled, but did not answer this question.

Gu Ding couldn't help but asked again: "Is your money enough for you to support until the autumn harvest?"

Tang Bo: "Not enough, so we have to start a business first, and then we can make a fortune."

"What business?" Gu Ding jumped up.

Tang Bo talked about other things: "The butler Bafu is coming back soon. He has brought important things. I plan to pick him up. Will you go with me, or stay in Bailuling."

Of course Gu Ding chose to go with Tang Bo, he didn't want to stay in Bailu to teach those idiots.It's really stupid, I can't teach it dozens of times!

For this trip, Tang Bo intends to travel in hardcover, and he only brought Gu Ding, the little giant Baidou and his bodyguard Tian Min who are not afraid of getting lost in the wilderness.

The bodyguard Jia Dou was left in the mansion by him to take charge of everything in the mansion, mainly guarding Tang Ze and not allowing him to escape.

Jia Dou was very wronged, he also wanted to follow the young master, he didn't want to stay in the mansion to take care of things.

Tian Min was secretly happy, but he didn't say anything.

Tang Bo not only promoted Jia Dou, but he also promoted A Tong, a train blacksmith among the six slaves, as one of the stewards, who was mainly responsible for the training and management of a group of craftsmen.

Tang Bo told A Tong that before he came back, he must build the lime cellar and prepare the first batch of firewood.

A Tong was very stable in his work, and he was the strongest among the six slaves, and he was very prestigious among the slaves.

Seeing that Tang Bo had promoted a slave, Jia Dou didn't dare to babble anymore, and vowed to do better than this slave.

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