Tang Bo asked Piglet to change some words after seeing the contents of the gambling book.

Seeing that the changed content did not affect the actual effect, Piglet changed it.

When Tang Bo was betting on the fighting book in front of everyone... no, he signed his name on the fighting contract, the onlookers just cheered, and most of them didn't know that the person who ended up was the young master.

Piglet read aloud the contents of the gambling book, first of all, it stated that this gambling is a life-and-death game, and one party who is seriously injured or dead cannot trouble the other party.

"Competition, this is a competitive competition." Tang Bo corrected solemnly.

Piglet twitched his face, and didn't bother to be serious with the young master who wanted to die at this time, so he immediately followed him and read according to the content of the gambling book: "Yes, this is a competition. If the winner It is Tang Bo, and the reward is that all the unpaid debts owed by his father Tang Ze will be written off. If Tang Bo loses, he will be punished. The punishment includes paying the debt of [-] gold coins, and also paying a guarantee You can grow melon seeds that ripen twice a year."

While reading the content, Piglet murmured in his heart that this young master is really sick, a good bet must be written as a competition, and a bet must be written as rewards and punishments.

None of the people present knew what a melon was, so Tang Bo asked his servant Fei Chong to bring over a basket of melons, cut one up and showed it to everyone, and generously shared it with some guests who looked like rich people. Taste it.It's just that when the melon is divided, the pulp with seeds in the middle of the melon is removed cleanly.

Naturally, Gu Hui and the three guests in his room were assigned to each other.

Many people in the modern world say that the most natural crops have the best taste. In fact, the taste of most of the original ecological crops that have not been specially cultivated is far inferior to that of crops that have been carefully cultivated and improved for multiple generations. Among them, fruits and grains are the most delicious. obvious.

The melon that Tang Bo took out is an improved variety. The flesh of the melon is sweet and soft, and the skin looks thick, but it is actually very thin. The melon skin is still sweet to the last millimeter.And this kind of sweetness is not too sweet, it is just right.

Gu Hui and the three lords and guests ate much more good food than ordinary people, but this amount can never be compared with the modern Earth.

For this reason, when they took a bite of the melon, they all admitted that the melon was really delicious.

Before Tang Bo started the competition, someone asked him how to sell the melons and the price of the seeds.

Tang Bo said that the business will be discussed later, and he finished the competition first.

So those who intend to buy melons and seeds are urging the competition to start quickly.

Piglet looked at Tang Bo.

Tang Bo opened the fence gate generously and walked into the competition venue.

The spectators around were very confused: Why did the young master of the White Deer collar walk into the competition field by himself?

Until Piglet announced the participants of this fight, Tang Bo's side was Tang Bo's end.

There was an uproar in the audience, and people whispered in disbelief.

Jia Dou, Tian Min and the others were nervously clasping behind the fence, ready to jump into the arena to rescue the young master at any time.And this nervousness was multiplied ten times when he saw the contestants sent by Sanshuling.

What a huge little giant it was, his big feet stepped on the ground, and the ground seemed to be shaking.

"My God!" The noise suddenly became louder, and the spectators also saw the contestants sent by Piglet.

"My God, this man is terrible! Is he a descendant of giants?"

"Look at his muscles, look at his size, he can crush that young master to death!"

"The young master must regret it. I bet he will admit defeat immediately. Even if he loses thirty gold coins, it's better than losing his life."

Jia Dou, Tian Min and the others were even more anxious and shouted at Tang Bo: "Young master! Come out quickly! We can't compare. Please, young master, come out quickly! This is a conspiracy, they want to kill you!"

Piglet did not admit the crime, and raised his voice and shouted: "There is no conspiracy at all. The competition was proposed by your young master, and he himself wanted to enter the competition arena. No one wanted to harm him. We just found someone who can beat the opponent." Great guy!"

The tall, muscular man walked around Tang Bo, and Tang Bo, who was two laps younger than him, showed a ferocious smile and raised his fist.

"Make a bet, make a bet now! If you don't bet now, you will regret it for a whole year later."

People who want to gamble choose to bet on the big and tall to win.

But there are also people who are jealous and those who want to gamble on luck choose Tang Bo.

Tang Bo let out a breath, snapped his fingers, and looked up at Piglet above, "Let's get started, don't dawdle."

Piglet thought that this is your courting death, so he thumped the leather drum.

"Boom! The competition begins, life and death are at your own risk!"

Gu Hui, who was sitting by the window, subconsciously sat up straight, staring at Tang Bo, he wanted to watch this adulterer be beaten to pieces by the little giant!His nostrils got bigger because of his anticipation and excitement.

The other three lords in the room glanced at each other, shook their heads secretly, and were not very optimistic about Tang Bo's fate.

The big tall man roared and rushed towards Tang Bo.

"River crab, give me strength." Tang Bo yelled a little, clenched his fist, and swung it at the tall man's chest.

boom!The crit sound of physical compaction resounded.

The tall body enveloped Tang Bo, and the whole body showed a strange chest movement, and the big fist of the sea bowl was about to touch Tang Bo's face.

People gasped, thinking that the young master was dead.

One second, two seconds, three seconds later, the big tall man fell to the ground clutching his chest, the pain made him bend into a big ball.

The whole place was silent.

One punch, one punch!

A thin noble young master who only had a face to see, unexpectedly knocked down a little giant who was more than two circles bigger than him with a single punch.

How can it be? !

Tang Bo let out a big breath, raised his hand and waved to everyone, also intending to remind some people.

With this wave of hands, the audience erupted.

The applause and unbelievable exclamation almost alarmed half of the people on the street.

Be it Pijie or Gu Hui, including the three lords who were invited to act as witnesses, all of them changed their expressions.

Piglet didn't announce the result immediately, but hurriedly led the pharmacist to open the fence and rush into Bi Arena to check the tall man.

Fearing that their young master would suffer, Jia Dou and Tian Min also rushed in, and squeezed to Tang Bo's side, drawing out their iron swords as a gesture of protection.

Tang Bo was not interested in waiting for their inspection to end. He pushed away Jia Dou and Tian Min who were blocking him, walked up to Pijie, and lazily said, "Hey, does he still have the strength to continue competing? If not, please announce the result, don't procrastinate." .”

Piglet urged the apothecary.

The pharmacist pressed the tall man's chest, suspecting that his sternum was broken.

Piglet urged Big Tall to get up again and continue fighting.

The tall one struggled several times but failed to get up, and even spat out a mouthful of blood.

Jia Dou sarcastically said loudly, "Hey, in front of so many people, you won't deny it. If you lose, admit defeat. How long do you want to delay?"

Spectators booed.

The leader of the three trees may not dare to boo him because of the fact that Pijie is relatively powerful, but there are also many outsiders among the spectators, and many of them are brought by the three lords invited by Gu Hui. He didn't care about the face of Piglet and Sanshuling, the boos were especially loud.

Gu Hui pressed hard on the window sill, called a servant in a low voice, and told him to go find Piglet.

He, Gu Hui, is not someone who can't afford to lose, and Pijie's delay of time makes him lose face.

If you lose this fight, you lose. Now the key point is to figure out where Tang Bo got so much strength that he can beat such a strong man with a single punch.

After receiving the instructions, Piglet looked up at the window where no face was shown, gritted his teeth, and announced loudly, "Tang Bo wins this competition!"

The spectators who bought Tang Bo and won the competition cheered, but only a few people shouted with the momentum of dozens of people.

【Congratulations!The transformed person successfully completed the sixth branch task, and won today's competition representing honor and money. The transformed person was rewarded with a character value of -200 and a special skill [Call on call].The total character value of the transformed person: +11.6, -701.9. 】

Special skill [Call on Call]: Summon the enemy's subjects to serve him.

The number of primary summons: 1-100.

Use time: 3-10 hours (according to labor intensity).

Mana Cost: 10 mana/worker.

Remark 1: They will be very obedient, they will do whatever you ask them to do, don't worry that they will reject you, let alone that they will be lazy.

Remark 2: This is the enemy's people, don't be shy, use it to death.

Tang Bo... I don't know how to evaluate this ability anymore, okay?Of course good.It is to let him not be a human being and upgrade again.

But if this skill is used well, it will undoubtedly help him a lot, especially now that he is short of people.

Tang Bo walked up to Piglet and stopped.

Piglet pretended not to know what he meant, and said in a low voice, "Master Tang, our lord is here to invite you."

Tang Bo didn't dump him, "Here's the IOU. Write me another document, stating that Tang Ze's unpaid gambling debts before today are all cancelled. Write it on the spot, immediately."

Piglet still wanted to procrastinate, so he continued in a low voice: "The IOU is with our lord, please go up, Young Master Tang, and our lord will naturally give you what you want."

Tang Bo sneered: "What? Want to renege on your debt?"

The spectators booed loudly.

Piglet hurriedly said, "Of course not."

"Then take it out now, and we'll talk about the rest." Tang Bo didn't give in at all.

Piglet gritted his teeth, "Please wait a moment."

Piglet left quickly, taking the pharmacist with him.

The tall man was forgotten in the arena, and his employer didn't seem to care about his life anymore.

"Master, let's go up too." Jia Dou didn't like this venue that was often used for fighting beasts.

Tang Bo glanced at the tall man, he beat the tall man like this, and the other party didn't feel resentment towards him, it's rare.

It's a pity that this tall, competitive man belongs to Gu Hui.

Five or six people entered the fighting arena, trying to drag the tall one away like a dead dog.

"Hey, where are you taking him?" Tang Bo turned around and asked a lot.

These unskilled workers working in the brothel didn't dare to offend a powerful lord's young master at all, and replied with a bit of fawning: "Master Pi said, this guy is useless and eats too much, let's throw it out and leave it alone."

"Oh?" Tang Bo pushed aside a few people, walked up to the tall man, and kicked him with his toes: "Did you sell your life to Piglet or Gu Hui?"

The tall man wiped away the blood from his mouth, curled up his body and replied sullenly: "No."

Tang Bo raised his eyebrows, the tall man's voice was surprisingly young.

"How old are you?"

Da Gao didn't know why, so he replied, "Seventeen."

Tang Bo was surprised, "Then you look really anxious, I thought you were thirty."

The tall man was a little angry and stopped talking.

Tang Bo kicked him with his toe again.

The tall one was even angrier.

Tang Bo bent down, "Your injury is a bit serious. The pharmacists here may not be able to cure you. The internal injury will become an old injury that will not heal after a long time. It will greatly affect your health and life span."

The big tall one is depressed, you are not the one who beat me so badly?

Tang Bo: "If I don't knock you down, it's me who is down now waiting to die."

The tall man stopped talking.Willing to admit defeat, he has no complaints against Tang Bo.

"Since you didn't sell yourself to San Shuling, and Pijie and Gu Hui don't want to care about you, then you will follow me from now on, and I will treat your injuries." Tang Bo couldn't allow the tall man to refuse.

The tall man didn't respond for a while, Tang Bo thought that the other party was unwilling, and he didn't have to want this person, so he straightened up and prepared to leave the arena. "You... take care of the food? Let me eat?" The big tall man raised his voice abruptly.

The corners of Tang Bo's mouth curled up, and he said without shame (deceived tirelessly): "Eat as much as you want."

When the tall man heard this, he didn't care whether Tang Bo would lie to him, so he agreed to work for Tang Bo.

Tang Bo beckoned his people to come over, and put the tall one on his donkey cart first.The treatment of the big and tall ones will have to wait. This is not a good place to test the effect of [Harvest others to benefit yourself].

Jia Dou and Tian Min looked at each other, and they felt a strong sense of crisis.

After Tang Bo finished dealing with the tall man, he followed the two guards and left the arena, going up to the stands above.

Flying Insect immediately came over courteously, stood behind Tang Bo and fanned him.

Jia Dou and Tian Min squinted at the flying insect together, cursing inwardly: You are a sycophant!It's a pity that they only left for a day or two, and let such a guy squeeze into the young master's side.

And now the young master has accepted that little giant again.The two secretly vowed that they must behave well in the future, lest there will be no place for them by the young master's side in the future.

Flying insects lowered their heads knowingly, and did not fight with the two of them.Anyway, as long as the young master knows that he is useful.

Piglet also went to the stand and handed over the IOU with Tang Ze's fingerprint on it to Tang Bo.

Tang Bo: "There is also a write-off document to avoid other IOUs from appearing later."

Piglet bent down, and his attitude was at least three times more respectful than when he went to Tang's house before: "Master Tang, our lord is here to invite you. You don't believe me even if I wrote the document you need, why don't you let our lord write it to you directly. "

Tang Bo said indifferently: "He wants to see me so much? All right, I hope he and you won't regret it."

Piglet thought to himself that you went to see his lord, what should I regret?But soon he regretted his carelessness at this time.

Gu Ding jumped out from nowhere, holding Tang Bo's hand with his little claws.Tang Bo looks like his own brother.

Seeing Gu Ding, Pijie immediately whispered: "Master, please come here, Sir, let me take you home."

Gu Ding acted as if he hadn’t heard it, and murmured: “The area of ​​an ellipse is pi multiplied by the long semi-axis and then multiplied by the short semi-axis..., the circle covers the largest area, the water well is best made into a circle, and the wooden barrel is also round and easy to smooth. Pull it up along the round edge of the well..."

Piglet was shocked, what is this bastard talking about?Why can't he understand anything?

Tang Bo held Gu Ding's little paw, very satisfied with his hard work, and raised his chin to Piglet: "Let's go, don't your lords want to see me?"

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