Lord, he is not a man [infrastructure]

Chapter 21 Find a Little Laborer

Tang Bo didn't come forward, he asked his servant to send a message to Piglet: "Yes."

Piglet burst into flames and couldn't believe it: "What does it mean?"

The male servant replied: "The young master said yes, that is, you can transfer the debt to the lord of Sanshu Lord, and let the lord come to collect the debt."

Piglet didn't expect to get such a shameless and bold response, and subconsciously asked, "Are you young master crazy?"

The male servant rolled his eyes in displeasure: "Are you insulting our young master? Do you want to leave our Bailu collar?"

Fuck!Piglet is even more unbelievable, even a servant is so tricky!

"I hope you young masters don't regret what you said today." Pijie can represent Sanshu to lead the merchants, so naturally he won't be so stupid as to say harsh words in other people's territory. He wants to go back quickly now, lest that shameless Tang Bo do nothing. Send people to snatch the IOU.

Just as Piglet boarded the carriage, the servant slapped his head, as if thinking of it temporarily, and added loudly: "Oh, our young master also said that if you have the guts, you can take a gamble with him, the bet is All the debts of our lord."

Piglet sneered, all the gamblers wanted to gamble again, so as to win back what they lost, but in the end...

"Okay, what does your young master want to bet on? What can he bet on?" Piglet turned around.

The male servant replied neatly: "It's just a bet on combat power. The young master will send someone to fight with the person you choose. Whoever is stronger will win. The bet is the seed, a kind of fruit seed that is resistant to drought and has a short planting period. It can mature and can be planted twice a year, both in spring and autumn. The fruit is luscious and has a lot of water. It can not only fill the stomach, but also ward off evil spirits. The fruit is so big."

The male servant said proudly while gesticulating: "This is the precious seed that Bai Luling gave to our young master. Our Luma Principality does not have this kind of fruit."

"Can I see the real thing?" Piglet became a little curious. He didn't believe that this kind of seed was really a gift from Bailuling, but with such a name, it shouldn't be an ordinary seed. It can only be planted twice a year. It's attractive, not to mention it's drought tolerant.Some seeds are worthless, but some seeds are really hard to change.

"No." The male servant said proudly: "Our young master said that when he finishes his work, he will go to Sanshu City to find you in a few days, just wait."

Piglet cursed secretly, and purposely set the time and said: "Okay, then it's settled. The time is set at the last day of the end of this month. I'll wait for your young master in Sanshu City. I hope he won't forget his words."

The valet snorted, but did not refute the time, anyway, this time was said by Piglet himself, whether he would go to Sanshu City at this time to see if the young master had time then.

After Piglet left, the servant rushed to report to Tang Bo, recounted the conversation between himself and Piglet, and focused on Piglet's expression.

Tang Bo looked at the male servant's proud expression asking for credit, and sighed secretly in his heart: Those who can sneak into Yuanshen's side should not be underestimated.

In the past two days, Tian Min and Jia Dou were ordered by him to go out to do things. Several personal servants around him immediately posted up, secretly competing with each other. At present, this servant is the most outstanding. His advantage is that he can speak well and has a good memory.

"What's your name?" Tang Bo couldn't find the name of the servant in his memory. It wasn't because he had a bad memory, but because Yuan himself didn't remember the names of the servants around him.

The male servant was overjoyed and hurriedly said: "The small ones are called flying insects."

"Good name, you will serve him personally in the future."

"Yes, thank you, young master!" Fei Chong was so happy that he almost turned around in circles.Although the young master is scary, it seems that the young master is the master in this mansion. When the housekeeper comes back, the young master will be [-]% able to sit on the position of lord. At this time, don't squeeze around him and try to gain his trust. When are you waiting?

Tang Bo actually didn't want to let Piglet go just like that, he really wanted to get the IOU back.

But... Although the power of the river crab is good, once you feel that you are wrong or that your behavior is wrong, the power of the river crab will be greatly reduced when used.

Tang Bo didn't think he was in the wrong, but it was true that his father Tang Ze owed him money, and even if he snatched the IOU back, he couldn't erase the fact.

In fact, practicing superstition is also an illegal act, but it is to help the people of Bailuling. He himself is not a direct beneficiary, so when he performs superstitious activities, he has no loss in his heart.

Besides, religion itself is protected and does not count as superstition.And since there are gods, mutants, and demons in this world, maybe there really are earth spirits.So when he pretended to be Bai Luling, he didn't feel that he was doing something bad.

But grabbing IOUs is different, and besides, grabbing IOUs is just a bad idea.

It's not that he doesn't have other ways to deal with Piglet and Lord Three Trees, so why bother to play such a laborious thing that doesn't have much benefit.

gamble?How could he gamble with the power of a river crab?

Of course that's not gambling, that's competition!The Olympics and boxing.

Athletics aside, he still has a lot to do before that.

The first is to build water conservancy projects.

Some people may say that they can’t get enough to eat, and what kind of water conservancy projects are going to be built, of course, to fill the stomachs of the people first.

But that is when the local water and soil are suitable for farming.

At present, Bailuling is an area that is very dry except for the rainy season when there is a lot of water.

According to the memory left by the original body, there is a lot of water in the rainy season, which proves that there must be a very abundant water source nearby, but this water source is likely to hide underground after flowing through the vicinity of Bailuling, or it may simply bypass it I got the white deer collar.

But no matter what, the large amount of precipitation in the rainy season cannot be wasted in vain. In the past, people died of waterlogging when it was flooded, and died of drought when it was dry.

To solve this situation, it is necessary to build reservoirs and canals, which not only discharge floods reasonably, but also retain a large amount of precipitation in the rainy season, and at the same time ensure that it is not evaporated and provide water supply in the dry season.

Building reservoirs and canals is not a trivial matter, nor can it be done recklessly with strength. If everyone has no experience, it is best to start with digging and building wells.

On the one hand, it is to practice hands and cultivate professionals, and on the other hand, it can also let the people see the benefits.

It happens to be a relatively leisure time of the year, perfectly avoiding the busy farming period, and there are still more than two months before the harvest period. This period of time is just used for some infrastructure construction.In winter, the ground is frozen solid, and it is difficult to start work.

But just to build such a small well, the Bailu leader spent a lot of manpower and material resources.

Even though Tang Bo is mentally prepared, he is still extremely tired. Being a leader can be very comfortable or painful.He wanted to choose the former, but the current situation forced him to choose the latter.

However, there are not even suitable talents here. It is difficult for Tang Bo to just move his mouth, and everything has to start from scratch.

It’s fine if you don’t have talents, and you don’t have suitable tools yet. Most people are still using stone tools today.

Those who are responsible for mining stones have to smash sharp stones into the crevices of the rocks, break the stones apart by manpower, and then grind the stones to a suitable size by manpower.

People who mined wood were also not easy. They didn't have sharp axes and saws, so they could only use stone axes to slowly chop trees down to a suitable size.

The transportation process is not easy, neither stone nor wood is light.

And there is no wheelbarrow here, and people transport things by shoulders and hands.

Tang Bo really didn't want to take care of things, but he couldn't see that these people were exhausted and ineffective.

Therefore, Tang Bo taught the stone miners how to crack the stone by burning the rock and pouring cold water.

Mining stones is time-consuming and laborious, and Tang Bo wants to find someone to open a kiln to burn bricks.He asked Tian Min to select fifteen fast-working young men from fifteen villages, and brought them to the Lord's Mansion, intending to train them to be potters and masons.

He also specially asked Tian Min to help him choose fifteen other teenagers from ten to ten years old who looked smart to bring along with him. He thought that children are quick-witted and easier to accept knowledge instillation than adults.

Because the focus of these teenagers is to study, Tang Bo asked Tian Min to make an agreement with the families of these teenagers that they would only pay for food without wages.

Tang Bo didn't personally follow Tian Min to select candidates, so he didn't see the misery of the villagers especially when the fifteen teenagers were selected and taken away, especially the families of the fifteen teenagers, crying It's like life and death.

Seeing the villagers like this, Tian Min was very angry, and scolded loudly: "Why are you all crying! The young master just took people to work, and didn't intend to hang them. Besides, this is for the sake of the whole Bailu. They went, Bailu Luling has a lot of water to drink."

Not only were the villagers not comforted, but their faces turned pale with fright.

After Tian Min took him away, a rumor spread in Bailuling—it was said that the young master would use his young life as a sacrifice to the land spirit Bailu in exchange for Bailuling to become more prosperous again.

Tang Bo's character value dropped, but he didn't care. He thought that the villagers just didn't want to work in summer or leave home, or they didn't understand what he asked Tian Min to explain.

Immediately afterwards, Tang Bo collected a few iron swords in the lord's mansion, and no matter how reluctant those who were the lord's guards were, he melted all these iron swords and remade them into saws, planes, axes and other necessary tools .

Blacksmithing requires skills, and Bailuling does not have such talents, not even Sanshuling, who owns a city.

So far, the forces that own ironware have regarded the knowledge of how to discover and smelt iron ore, how to smelt pig iron, and then use pig iron to make ironware as a top secret, and will never spread it to the outside world.

Tang Bo can't let outsiders know that he knows how to forge iron.

For this reason, this time he did not look for the villagers, but directly looked for six slaves given to him by his mother, and selected two of them who were careful, patient and strong.

Tang Bo wanted to train them to become blacksmiths, the best way would be to teach them from scratch, but now that the territory urgently needs tools, Tang Bo can only teach them to melt iron swords in the most primitive way, and then pour molten iron into the mold , After cooling down slightly, take it out and beat and polish repeatedly.

As for how to turn pig iron into mature iron, how to turn wrought iron into steel, and then make alloys, etc., including the iron-making blast furnace, we can only wait for later consideration.

With iron axes, saws, planes, drills and other suitable tools, Tang Bo once again ordered Jia Dou to send [-] people from [-] villages to help him make a wheelbarrow, and at the same time, he selected [-] other teenagers to learn from him.

The unicycle seems simple, but the craftsmanship is very complicated. You must be very good at woodworking and be able to grasp the size.

The most difficult part of a unicycle is the wheels and axles. If you don’t consider technical issues, you can find a thick tree trunk, cut off a section and polish it, and dig a hole in the middle to make wheels.

But there is no tree with such a thick trunk in Bailuling. Even if there is, it would be too wasteful to use it as a wheel.

Tang Bo taught the villagers to divide the wheel into three parts: hub, spokes and rim.

The hub is the center of the wheel and has holes for the axle to go into, and the spokes go into it.

The spokes are those wooden strips that connect the hub to the middle of the rim.

The rim is the outermost wheel frame.

Both the hub and the spokes have their challenges, but the hardest is the rim.

How to make such a big round wooden frame?

Relying on his vivid memory, Tang Bo found out the content of the materials he had read, taught the villagers to make curved wood, and then connected these curved wood to make a circular wheel frame.

Before making the wheels and car body, Tang Bo first figured out the weights and measures, and required that all measuring tools after Bailuling must be in accordance with the size and size given by him.

This world also has its measurements, but they are very non-standard, there is almost one set in every place, and even the measurement standards used by each craftsman are different.

Tang Bo didn't bother to bother, since the earth already has a mature measurement standard, he directly used it.

He also dragged all the thirty villagers, big and small, to the Lord's Mansion, and together with the 30 people in front, let them live in the servant's house and work in the Lord's Mansion.

Naturally, Tang Bo did this in order to train a few qualified carpenters.

Who would have thought that whether it was the first batch of villagers who were brought here to build brick kilns, or the last batch of villagers who were brought in to be trained as carpenters, they were all in a state of distress, as if they could never go home again, and even died soon. It's like dying.

Tang Bo also talked to them specifically, describing to them the benefits of becoming a professional craftsman.

But... these villagers, old and young, all had mournful faces.

Tang Bo almost couldn't understand these people. He asked a few servants to contact these villagers, and only then did he ask the answers from them.

None of these people wanted to become a craftsman, and they were even more afraid that the lord would sacrifice them.

Because the lord will find craftsmen for everything he wants to do. Craftsmen seem to be popular, but if they don't do well, they will be easily angered and punished.The vast majority of craftsmen work for a long time, and may not get a lot of remuneration, but many people die on the way to work.

Apart from working for the lord, there is very little demand for craftsmen in the White Deer Territory. Even if ordinary villagers want to find craftsmen, they can't pay them.However, without the consent of the lord, the local people, especially the craftsmen, could not leave the territory without permission to find work outside.

In this way, being a craftsman is naturally not as safe as being a farmer honestly.

What's more, there are still rumors in the territory that the young master wanted those young children as sacrifices to Bailuling.

Tang Bo denied the theory of sacrifice, but the villagers didn't believe it at all, they only believed what they thought.

Tang Bo saw that comfort and encouragement were ineffective, and he didn't want to draw cakes for these people, let alone explain that he didn't mean to offer sacrifices, so he simply ordered them to stay in the mansion and complete the tasks he assigned , and must be completed to his satisfaction.

The villagers saw that the lord turned his face, and there was no one who was talking about it in the open, and they all started to work honestly.They will do whatever Tang Bo asks them to do.

The young master didn't care about things before, and the villagers were worried that the future lord would be unreliable.

But when the young master started to take charge, the villagers began to hate him for being domineering and troublesome.

The life of the villagers is very hard, but they are not slaves, and it is up to them whether they want to work or not. This is why there are some lazy rogues in every village.

But now the young master forces them to work all day long in the hot weather. Although he will give them money and take care of two meals, if they don’t do well, they will be deducted. If they dare to be lazy, they will be whipped directly. resentment.

The twenty or so villagers in Xiaohe Village who were forced to work without any wages hated Tang Bo even more.

But no one dared to resist, not even to complain loudly, let alone insult Tang Bo, everyone was resentful in their hearts.

Every day, Tang Bo would receive a bunch of reminders who hated him, cursed him, and how much his character value had decreased.He simply asked the system not to broadcast the hate value below 1 point, unless someone hated him to the bone, and his character value could be reduced by 10 points, then tell him.

Today, the system broadcasted his latest character statistics.

Currently, his total character value is: +11.6, -491.9.

The added 4 points of character value are the result of his gratitude to him after he taught the quarrymen to use the principle of thermal expansion and cold contraction to mine rocks more quickly and easily.

[Congratulations, you will be able to advance to the second level of transformation in about 8 o'clock. Please make persistent efforts to reach the second level as soon as possible.When your transformation level reaches the second level, all the special abilities rewarded by the system will also enter the second level. [Delicious] Up to the second level, you can randomly get up to two types of food for up to two people. [Laziness] Can rebound 2%-20% damage. [Self-interest at the expense of others] Can heal others. 】

Tang Bo raised his eyebrows. Although this system is very annoying, the abilities it gives are really good, such as [delicious], and now he uses this ability to give himself a toothbrush every day.The food made by the new cooks is far less palatable than the original cooks.

It's just that the portion of the random food is too small, if it can be made into two servings, then he will be full.

Tsk, this blatant temptation, do you want him to degenerate so much?

"Master, the cook said that the food in stock in the house is decreasing rapidly, and I'm afraid it won't last until the end of the month, so I want you to buy another batch of food." Jia Dou came to report.

"Consumed so quickly?" Tang Bo took out his accounting book, and he counted all the food and deposits in the mansion before starting work.

The housekeeper did a good job in counting the property in the mansion. There was a detailed account book, Tang Bo checked it again, and re-recorded it in Arabic numerals and tables.

He also learned basic knowledge such as mathematics and counting from the slaves in the church and the [-] teenagers brought in by force, but the effect was not very satisfactory.

Tang Bo wants to expand his teaching, find a needle in a haystack, and find a few talents who can be used quickly.But now he is already too busy teaching those who are bricklayers, masons, blacksmiths, carpenters, etc., as well as the thirty teenagers and servants in the mansion, so he can only put the expansion of teaching plans aside.

Jia Dou groaned: "Those mud legs are too good to eat. Knowing that the food provided can satisfy them and they don't have to pay for it, it's not like letting them eat. When they eat, they all feel like they have been hungry for eight lifetimes. I can't wait to support myself. That is to say, the young master is too kind. If you want to be young, you should let them bring their own food, not to mention that the young master will pay them wages. I don't even look at it. The lords everywhere let the people work, and there are a few who pay the wages. .”

Jia Dou felt that after the young master communicated with Bai Luling, something had changed, and he was much kinder to the people, which made Jia Dou very uncomfortable.

Fortunately, the young master also said that what the leader got from him now, he will get back twice as much in the future.

Now it's just that the young master has learned a lot of good ways to make the territory better from Bai Luling, and people need to do things to change the territory.The white deer leader was short of manpower, and the young master was anxious to accomplish certain things, so he had to serve them with whips and food.

"Stupid! If you don't let them eat enough, how can you make them do a good job? There are less than 800 people in the territory now, and one will be exhausted, and the young master will not be the one who loses in the end? Besides, one person only needs three copper coins a day." Tang Bo really felt that he gave too little.

Although the purchasing power of copper coins here is relatively high, one copper coin is equivalent to about ten yuan, but what can you do with only 30 yuan after a busy day?

For example, if you invite a pharmacist once, you will need at least twenty copper coins, which is not counted as medicine money.

Aqiu's mother attached great importance to her eldest son, and squeezed out the last financial resources of the family to hire a pharmacist for her son. However, the money was spent, and her son was still unconscious. In the end, he was put on the hat of being possessed by the devil.This kind of situation is very common among poor villagers, so villagers seldom go to a pharmacist when they are sick or injured.

In addition, the people of Bailu collar are not used to shopping in towns. What they usually need at home, they either exchange it with their neighbors or wait for the big fairs in fifteen villages.

But even in Daji, there are still very few people who use copper coins, and most of them are still used to bartering.

So Tang Bo felt that the salary he paid was very little, but Jia Dou and Tian Min felt that it was already a lot. Even the villagers were very satisfied with the three copper coins. What they hated was working in the hot weather. You will be beaten, and even more afraid of being sacrificed.

Tang Bo didn't really want to beat the lazy villagers, but some ruffians are disobedient if you don't beat them, and they want to make trouble, and some even have dirty hands and feet.For this kind of person, don't you want to keep it as an ancestor?

When the other villagers saw that the powerful and troublesome thorns had been whipped, they were all honest, but their fear of Tang Bo became stronger.

Tang Bo asked Jia Dou to bring the latest record of the grain inventory. He compared the figures and made a new record.

Grain stocks are indeed bottoming out.

This time of the year is the most vulnerable time.The new grain has not yet matured, and the old grain is almost gone after nearly a year.

In the past, the food stored in the lord's mansion must be enough for everyone in the mansion to survive until the autumn harvest, but there is a lord who loves to gamble and loses money all the time. Tang Ze can't get money from his son, so he puts away any valuables in the lord's mansion. Everything is sold.

If the original body hadn't left a batch of food forcefully, Tang Ze wouldn't have really starved his son to death. Tang Ze could really do the stupid thing of evacuating the food in the entire Lord's Mansion.

But under Tang Ze's torment, the grain inventory of the Lord's Mansion naturally became tight.

However, Tang Bo now has more than 80 villagers working, and he also provides them with two meals a day, which makes them open to eat.It's not how kind he is, but in his mind, giving money to food is the basic welfare for workers to work.

Who would have thought that there would be a problem with this meal.

There are only two masters in the entire lord's mansion, but there are 30 servants and slaves in total, which has been deleted. When the previous lord was still alive, there were more than 50 servants in the mansion.

All nearly 120 people, according to Tang Bo's original budget, each person has a catty of grain per day, and the inventory in the mansion can fully last until the autumn harvest.

But after eating for half a month, the actual consumption has reached two and a half catties of grain per person per day.

The reason is simple. The villagers used to eat their own food, but of course they were reluctant to let go of it. One catty of food per person a day felt that it was too much.And the meals of the servants in the lord's mansion are also rationed, and it is impossible to eat openly.

But Tang Bo let the villagers who came to work let go of their stomachs to eat until they were full.At first, the villagers took it a little bit, but when they found out that the food provider was really swearing and giving them more food, they went all out.

No one knows whether the workman can go back alive. Before that, let's be a full ghost!

This is the most realistic idea of ​​all the villagers who come to work.

While the working villagers can eat as much as they want, the servants working in the mansion feel aggrieved. They do no less work than these mud legs. Why can they only eat six percent full?

So the servants found the cook who was cooking, and asked the cook to increase the food supply for the servants in the house under the pretext that the young master said that everyone who worked would have enough to eat.

Jia Dou scolded the villagers very loudly, but he kept a secret when he talked about the situation in the mansion, but how could Tang Bo not hear or figure it out?

Tang Bo sneered.

That cook is very good, if she didn't play tricks in this matter, it is impossible for the food stock in the mansion to be depleted so quickly, and it is impossible for him to know after half a month.

The cook was only relying on the absence of the housekeeper, and he was too busy to supervise her, so she dared to relax the food opening.

Originally, because the cook had thanked him in his heart for taking things lightly, he kept the cook in the mansion to work.It's just that the cook was never in charge of his meals, but the former helper in the kitchen was promoted.

Unexpectedly, the cook still held a grudge and secretly made him unhappy.

"System, how high is the hatred value of the cook towards me now?" Tang Bonao asked.

【7.5.Alu, the cook, hates you for depriving her of her right to manage the kitchen, and even more hates you for demoting her from being a cook for the master to a servant who cooks for the servants. I hate you a bit.Recently, because you transferred her to cook for the villagers, she felt that you were torturing her even more, and you cook for more than 80 people every day, and there are only two helpers. Those two helpers don’t think highly of her. She can’t By being lazy, she is exhausted and her resentment towards you is heightened. 】

"Whoever hates me reaches 5 points in the future, tell me."

[Now you think this system is useful? 】

"Jia Dou, do you know anyone who can cook?" Tang Bo asked Jia Dou, ignoring Goudan at all.

Jia Dou knew that the cook, A Lu, was finished, but he didn't quite understand why the young master took her anger out on her.However, the young master would blame the cook who cooks for the villagers because his own orders were inappropriate and lead to too much food consumption, seems very normal and very young master?

Tang Bo didn't mean to explain to Jia Dou either, he asked Jia Dou's mother to come over for a while after hearing Jia Dou Qiqi Ai Ai say that his mother cooks well and intends to come to the mansion to do business.

Jia Dou was so happy that he could not close his mouth from ear to ear. Being a cook is one of the more lucrative jobs in the house. If his mother can really keep doing it for a long time, even if he has a few daughters in the future, he is not afraid that he will not have work for them.

Jia Dou left, Tang Bo looked at the ledger, yawned, frowned, and wanted to go to Sanshu City quickly.Before the autumn harvest, the only place where a large amount of grain could be bought was the nearby Sanshu City.

"You should find that girl named Ah Shu to be your cook. The gnocchi soup she makes is much more delicious than the helper you promoted." A childish voice full of teasing came out.

Tang Bo looked up at the little Maotou who crawled in from the balcony, and asked, "Have you eaten?"

"Of course." Gu Ding did not hide his behavior of stealing food in the kitchen of the Tang family at all, "I have been here for two days, seeing that you have been busy, I want to know what you are doing, these two days I live in the kitchen. "

"The people in the kitchen didn't see you?"

"No. How could they find me? But Ahshu may have found someone stealing food. She tried to find it several times, but couldn't find it." Gu Ding was proud, "By the way, what are you doing? Why did you invite so many villagers to do things? Do you want to build a castle?"

"No, I want to build a water conservancy project. Do you like that girl named Ashu very much?" Tang Bo had a little smile in his eyes.

Gu Ding: "Hmph. What is a water conservancy project?"

"Even if Bai Luling has water to drink in the dry season, there will be no flooding in the rainy season. Are you interested? I can teach you." Tang Bo stopped yawning and looked at Gu Ding like a fox seeing a chick.

Gu Ding took a step back subconsciously: "You will teach me? Don't you want to trick me into being your slave? Don't think about it!"

Tang Bo put down the ledger, and smiled very softly: "How can I make you a slave? How old are you, can you move a chair? Since you have stayed at my house for two days, you should also see me When teaching those children, the knowledge is very useful, it can let you learn how to calculate and keep accounts, so that you will not be cheated. And based on this, you can learn more things, such as the water conservancy project I mentioned .”

"I see..." You are teaching a slave to forge iron.Gu Ding hesitated, but he didn't reveal the secret he saw secretly.Even though he is only 11 years old, he also understands how important blacksmithing is to a territory. If Tang Bo knows that this secret is leaked, he is afraid that he will not be able to leave the Tang family.

"I saw that what you taught is different from that woman's handwriting, they are all different." Gu Ding thrust his waist.

"That's the knowledge that Bailuling taught me." Tang Bo sacrificed Bailuling again without blinking.

Gu Ding snorted softly, not knowing whether he believed it or not.

Tang Bo routine child: "Anyway, you still have a home and can't go back, why don't you just stay here and study hard. Don't you want to avenge your mother yourself? After learning this, you have the hope of winning the position of the Lord of the Three Trees, Even if you grow slowly. In your eyes, I am also one of your enemies, right? Don’t you think it’s very cool to learn knowledge from my enemy, and then use this knowledge to take revenge on me?”

Gu Ding: "...you have said it so clearly, can I still count on you to really teach me useful knowledge?"

Tang Bo: "Stay here to learn, there is also the fudge and roast chicken from last time, and there are more delicious and delicious foods that you have never seen before."

Gu Ding's saliva flooded rapidly.No, he cannot be fooled.

It happened that Tang Bo was a little hungry now, so he immediately used the skill [Delicious] by consuming ten points of mana, and a delicious food appeared in his hand immediately.

Gu Ding stared at Tang Bo's hand, what was that soft white thing?Why did it suddenly appear?

Tang Bo opened the bun and found that it was stuffed with red bean paste.

The sweet aroma of bean paste wafts into the air.

Gu Ding gulped.This looks delicious...

"Do you want to eat? I'll give it to you if I keep it." Tang Bo bit the other half first by himself, so greedy that the child's eyes followed his hand.

"Why do you insist on letting me stay? Knowing that I regard you as an enemy?" Gu Ding couldn't understand.

Because I urgently need a smart worker who can be inserted and used quickly, and you are the smartest one I have seen in White Hart Collar so far.Tang Bo ate half of the red bean paste buns in two mouthfuls, and he didn't want to share the other half with the children.

Gu Ding rushed over and quickly snatched the other half of the bean paste bun from Tang Bo's hand.He snatched it up and stuffed it into his mouth without even caring about burning his mouth.

Woohoo, so sweet and delicious!

If you have such delicious food every day if you stay, it seems that it is not impossible to stay?

Tang Bo grabbed the cloth towel on the table and wiped his hands, "Because an enemy's enemy can be a friend. Besides, my enmity with you is not deep. I didn't kill your mother. On the contrary, I stayed with your mother for a while. Relieve her loneliness."

The child made a disgusted expression.

"Well, your mother and I have what we need. But without me, there are others. It's just that near the Three Trees, the only one who is worthy of your mother's status and can make your mother look up to you is me. .”

"I know you're cheating her of money."

"I don't, I can swear." Tang Bozhen swore an oath to Bai Luling, expressing that he never intended to cheat money from Ma Ai.The real scammer is dead.

The child's expression softened a little, but the eyes he looked at Tang Bo were still not very friendly.The adulterer was wicked and cunning, a little different from what he had imagined, but just as annoying.

"Have you found the maid Haozi?" Tang Bo changed the subject.

"She died, strangled to death by Gu Hui himself. That is a stupid woman." Gu Ding disdainful.

"Then my guess at the beginning should be correct. Your mother's death has a lot to do with your father. Ninety-nine percent of the maid Haozi was instructed by your father." Tang Bo said with certainty.

Gu Ding rolled his eyes, "He also wanted to kill you, but you didn't die, he was very angry and was trying to deal with you."

Tang Bo was not at all surprised that Gu Hui wanted to kill him. Which man can stand being cuckolded?

Even if there was no such thing as a green hat, the lord of the Three Trees Territory still had the intention of encroaching on the White Deer Territory.

"Aren't you going to deal with Gu Hui? He almost killed you." Gu Ding challenged clearly.

Tang Bo thought to himself, it wasn't almost, it was really killed, otherwise he wouldn't have passed through.

Although this time travel was not what he asked for, and this body was not what he wanted, but the fact is that he used the body of the original body, so he has the responsibility to bear the grievances left by the original body... possible.

Revenge for the original body can be regarded as the end of the karma between him and the original body.

"What about you, do you want to kill Gu Hui?"

The child didn't answer, but his expression had already told Tang Bo the answer.

Tang Bo took the child to the warehouse, he had to calculate how many days the remaining food would last, and fired the cook by the way.

When the cook was fired, she kept yelling and begging Tang Bo to keep her. Finally, seeing that Tang Bo really had no intention of changing, she cried and asked what she did wrong.

With a cold face, Tang Bo said impatiently: "I told you to get out, but I still have to give you a reason? Where did you have such a big face? Someone, throw her out!"

Immediately two servants stepped forward, grabbed the cook by the arms and dragged her out of the lord's mansion.

【Congratulations!The original cook, Alu, has a lot of hatred for you, so much that she wishes you to die soon, and the character value of the transformed person is -10.Total character value: +11.6, -501.9. 】

【Congratulations!The transformed person Tang Bo's character value breaks through -500, and he is immediately promoted to the second level of transformation, and other corresponding abilities are upgraded at the same time.At the same time, the person who has been transformed will be rewarded with an increase of 200 cubic meters of portable space, and the current total portable space is 210 cubic meters.Please be transformed and make persistent efforts, and strive to reach the twelfth level of transformation as soon as possible, and become an excellent iron-blooded lord. 】

This was a pleasant surprise.Tang Bo didn't expect that just by upgrading to the second level of transformation, the portable space could be increased by 200 cubic meters. Before he did a task, he only opened 10 cubic meters.

What does this mean?

It means that Goudan hopes that his character value can be reduced and then reduced,

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