When Tang Bo left Xiaohe Village, three people from Xiaohe Village hated him so much that they wanted him to die. Dozens of people cursed him in their hearts. His total character value easily broke through -200 and became -201.1.

Passing the river, Tang Bo glanced over a few scattered rocks by the river, and a biu lighted up in his mind, and he came up with an idea.

It's summer, and even as it approaches evening, the sky is still very bright.

All the prominent figures from fifteen villages came, along with some rascals who were causing trouble and villagers who really believed in the invasion of evil spirits.

The people from Xiaohe Village came the most, and almost everyone who could move came.They are the source village of the devil's possession, and they firmly believe that Aqiu and some people are possessed by the devil, and they firmly believe that disaster has come.

These people add up to two or three hundred people.

"The young master is here!" Someone shouted in a low voice.

Everyone turned their heads to look in the direction of the Lord's Mansion.

I saw their cold, vicious, vicious, and perverted young master, sitting on a strange thing, and was carried out by the servants.

That posture was really arrogant, and also very high above.

But the white deer leader followed suit and bent down to salute one after another.

Sliding pole, also called simple sedan chair.

It was a pretense tool that Tang Bo asked to make immediately after he came back from Xiaohe Village.

Due to lack of time, the sliding pole was not modified much, but two thick long sticks were temporarily attached under the armrests of the chair, allowing four servants to lift the chair up.

A simple cloth frame was temporarily erected on the back of the chair as a sunshade.

This hastily created handicraft is very simple in the eyes of the modern world, but in the situation of extreme shortage of materials and people have not seen much of the world, this sliding pole is a symbol of status, and the villagers feel very majestic no matter how they look at it.

If it wasn't for the temporary sedan chair being too small, Tang Bo would have liked to sit on both sides with two maids fanning him, not for pretending to be coercive, but because it was too hot for naivety.

The servants carried Tang Bo to the center of the small square.

There is no high platform for talking here, so Tang Bo didn't get off the sedan chair, just sat there and said to the leaders condescendingly:

"Since I was born, Bailuling has been getting poorer and poorer. The biggest problem is the barren land and lack of water. I pray to the gods every day, hoping that our place will be rich in water and soil. Just seven days ago, I had a dream , I dreamed that a white deer showed me how to build water canals and dig wells. I asked him who he was, and whether he resented my ancestors for dedicating him to the Duke of Luma. He transformed from a white deer into a slender, extremely A beautiful god who can't see male or female."

The villagers were stunned, not expecting to hear the young lord tell them a story, but the beginning of the story clearly attracted them.

Tang Bo continued in the feminine, slow but pleasant tone unique to this body: "He told me that it was not my ancestors who dedicated him to the Lord Luma, but the relationship between him and the Lord Luma back then. There is a fate in the past, He only met the Lord Luma through my ancestors. After that, the Lord Luma has always treated him very well, letting him live in the forest with beautiful scenery, suitable climate and abundant food."

"But Bailu was still a very young earth spirit at that time. He didn't know that his departure took away the aura of the water and soil in Bailu, which made the water and soil environment here worse and worse. When he grew up, when he followed After many years of practice, he changed from an earth spirit to a god. He finally heard my prayers and finally discovered the changes in Bailuling. He decided to help me and Bailuling to repay my ancestors for helping him and the green. Ma Dagong’s kindness in making connections. So, I begged him to give us more water sources.”

Many villagers exclaimed.

The story Tang Bo is telling now is different from the one they know.

In the story they knew, the white deer was obviously captured by the ancestors of the Tang family and sent to Luma City as a gift.But now, according to Young Master Tang Bo, it turned out that Bailu himself wanted to be with Duke Luma?

Tang Bo suddenly pointed to the southeast direction: "Over there, there are two deep pits that suddenly appeared. That is the first beginning of Bailu helping me. But he has just been promoted to the position of god, and he is still a small god with limited power. There is no way to fix the well and the canal in one step, so He only gave me the method, and as a reminder, dug out the two pits."

The people in Xiaohe Village had weird faces. It was Aqiu who discovered the two deep pits first, and they went to the housekeeper to talk about the matter because of fear. Why now the young master said that he already knew about the existence of the two deep pits?

Tang Bo seemed to know what they were thinking, leaning on the chair, and said lazily: "I didn't really believe in my dream when I woke up, but just when I was hesitating whether to go to the place that Bailu pointed out in my dream After taking a look, the steward told me that someone found two deep pits in a depression in the field. You can imagine how surprised I was."

Tian Bao, Daying and others suddenly realized that they had to pass through two deep pits, and the young master, who had never been interested in civil affairs, would follow him to check.

Sudden!Tang Bo patted the armrest of the chair, and he didn't know what he did. The sound was very loud: "But I never thought that after I prepared materials and manpower according to Bai Luling's instructions, I planned to build wells and canals for Bai Luling. When the deer collar brought more and even inexhaustible water sources, some people actually said that the two wells were the passages leading to the abyss of the devil world, and the path for the devil to crawl out, it is simply absurd!"

The villagers bowed their heads in horror.

"What's even more hateful is that it's just someone getting sick, and it's just the pharmacist's nonsense. You firmly believe that the villagers who usually get along with you friendly have been possessed by the devil, and you're conniving at the rogue to bully his family!"

There was also a pharmacist in the crowd, and the pharmacist's calf trembled slightly, but he couldn't help but argue for himself: "Young Master Tang, I'm not lying, the illnesses of those villagers are very strange, only those who have been possessed by demons or invaded by evil spirits will in this way."

Tang Bo didn't even bother to roll his eyes, and pointed at the pharmacist: "Get him out."

Jia Dou and Tian Min, who were not in charge of carrying the sedan chair, rushed into the crowd like vicious dogs and dragged the pharmacist out.

The pharmacist was so frightened that he couldn't help shouting, saying that he was from Sanshu City, that he had also treated the lords of Sanshu City many times, and knew several nobles.

"I don't care how many nobles you know, if you dare to harm my people, you will have to pay the price!" Tang Bo stared into the eyes of the pharmacist, and said grimly: "If you are a devil, you will be known by everyone. To let others know that you have possessed ordinary people? If you were a demon, you would find some weak women and children, and when you were caught, you would not even be able to escape?"

The pharmacist's lips trembled: "Devils... are very good at disguising."

"Yes! You also said that the devil is very good at disguising. If so, why doesn't it directly possess the strongest person in the village, not the village chief and others? That way, it can casually kill more Many people."

"Women and children... are more likely to be invaded. Those demons have just come out of the abyss and are still very weak. They need to devour more souls and bodies to become stronger and stronger. Children, women and the elderly are their prey. The first object. When they become stronger, they can possess more powerful people." The pharmacist insisted on finding a reason, and the more he said it, the more he felt that he was justified.

After hearing the pharmacist's reasons, the villagers also felt that it was reasonable.

"Really? So you still think that the two deep pits are passages dug by the devil, and the devil who ran out of the abyss of the demon world has been wandering around the White Deer Collar, just waiting for a good meal, and brought disaster to the entire White Deer Collar. Already?" Tang Bo had a half-smile.

The villagers were obedient and dared not look directly at Tang Bo, but the pharmacist who didn't want to die mustered up his courage and shouted: "That's it."

"So you think my dream is fake?"

Now the pharmacist dared not answer.

Tang Bo suddenly swung his whip at the pharmacist, and cursed fiercely: "If there is a devil, I think you are the devil. Your soul may have been swallowed by the devil long ago, otherwise, why would you come to the White Deer Collar so hard?" It is said that my good people are possessed by demons, and now I am even more suspicious of the white deer entering my dream."

Tang Bo scolded as he smoked: "When you healed me, I saw that you didn't know much about medicine, and you were very capable of protecting yourself with nonsense. I think you were already possessed by a demon at that time. I wish I could die sooner." All right!"

"No, that's not the case." Pharmacist was extremely painful and regretful. Before the Tang family sent someone to look for him, he shouldn't have come, no matter how threatened he was, he shouldn't have come.

"Why isn't that the case? Didn't that child, Aqiu, become so sick that he couldn't wake up after the people in Xiaohe Village called you? His grandfather also fell ill and fell into a coma after you came, and finally died. And the poor second son, Stinky Stone My mother-in-law, they all happened after you came to Xiaohe Village, do you dare to deny it? Shut up his mouth! Whether he is a devil or not, we will find out later."

"Whooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!"There is nothing wrong with wanting to commit a crime, and he has finally tasted it himself.

The villagers looked at each other in blank dismay, the more they thought about what the young master said, the more they felt that it was true.

At this moment, the mother of the second son uttered a mournful cry: "My poor child! It was this pharmacist who applied herbal medicine to the second son so that thick water would flow from the wound of the second son. It was also he who said that the mother-in-law of the stinky stone can't do it." It's all him!"

The villagers have found a new scapegoat, especially Tian Bao and other villagers who have been in close contact with the Devil's Well, feel that Medicine Master is more suitable for the identity of the devil possessed than Aqiu.

It's just that they didn't dare to think about the pharmacist before, but the young master of the lord already doubted him, so what do they have to be afraid of?

The villagers talked a lot, and many villagers stared at the pharmacist with doubt or hatred.

These people who hate the pharmacist are people who have been injured or sick in their families or themselves. They spent all the money in the family, but the pharmacist said that the patient was contaminated by demonic energy, or that the patient was rejected by the gods.

Jia Dou and Tian Min were dumbfounded. Their young masters were getting more and more sophisticated, and they managed to divert the target of hatred so easily.

The unlucky pharmacist was tied tightly with hemp rope, and a weed dumpling was stuffed in his mouth. Tang Bo turned to face the nearly three hundred villagers.

"Miracles are regarded by you as the work of the devil. What should I say? Should I guess that besides this pharmacist, some of you are also bewitched by the devil? Don't you all wish that we white deer collar people can't eat enough? Warmth and even water are not enough, will you be poor and miserable forever?" Tang Bo raised his whip and pointed at all the villagers present.

The villagers shook their heads desperately. No one dared to admit that he was possessed by the devil, and no one wanted to be poor forever.

Some rogues who came to watch the excitement had long wanted to escape, but if they escaped at this time, they might be regarded as possessed by the devil, and no one dared to escape.

"Snap!" Tang Bo snapped his fingers suddenly, "I also want to know whether my dream is just a false dream or real. After returning from Xiaohe Village, I prayed to the White Deer Spirit again, hoping that he would send a miracle, Bless our White Hart Collar, if our White Hart Collar really has traces of being invaded by evil spirits, I hope He can help to get rid of it."

Tang Bo's voice paused: "Just before you came, He gave me a response."

The villagers raised their heads abruptly.

Tang Boyao pointed to Xiaohe: "Bai Luling asked me to go there, saying that there is a gift hidden by him and the spiritual power given to me there. I want to know if this is true or not, so let's go in the direction he instructed me now one trip!"

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