Lord, he is not a man [infrastructure]

Chapter 14 Improving Your Diet

That night, Tang Bo opened the portable space in his deep sleep.This night, probably because of too much mental energy, he didn't sleepwalk and go out to dig a hole.

No one can refuse a portable space. Tang Bo woke up in the morning, put all kinds of things in and out, and played for a long time until his head hurt a little.

Only then did Goudan remind him: [Using the portable space also requires mental strength, please do what you can, and don't use it frequently.Note that if the transformed person dies, everything in the portable space will disappear. 】

Tang Bo didn't care about this at first, he was dead, and the things in the portable space were gone, but he suddenly thought of one thing - during the transformation, he can be resurrected by the dog egg after death.

Think about it, you have worked so hard to hoard a pile of belongings, but after you are resurrected, you find that all of them are gone. How would you feel?

Goudan can really dig a hole for him, which is forcing him not to die easily.

But Tang Bo wouldn't die casually, he didn't want ten innocent people to sacrifice their lives just to save him.If he is resurrected by this method, he will not be comfortable living.

This morning's random delicacy is a meat bun.

Tang Bo, who ate fresh meat buns, couldn't eat the breakfast in the mansion more and more.Since I want to live here for a long time in the future, I can't endure it like this forever.

Tang Bo went to the kitchen.

The kitchen is the place that best shows the average level of development and affluence of an era, a place, and a family.

Stoves, pots and pans, chopping boards, knives, and other tools for processing food can show the level of industrial development.

Staple food, non-staple food, condiments, spices, these can show the development level of local agriculture and animal husbandry.

Whether the kitchen and chefs are clean or not can also tell the average quality and spirit of the local people.

The cook in the kitchen and a few servants were startled when they saw the young master came to the kitchen, and they all bent down to salute.

The cook was even more anxious. Could it be that the young master found out that she secretly took food from the house back to eat?

The housekeeper is very strict. Since there is no extra money in the house, the housekeeper has been stricter in checking the food and belongings in the house.In the past, the cook could openly bring back some unwanted leftovers or fast-perishing food from the house, but now she can only secretly hide them in her clothes and take them out, and she can't bring too much.

The system jumped out: [Mission 50, there are thieves in the kitchen, someone steals the lord's property, please the reformed person find out the house thief and punish them, so that the other party deeply understands the mistake of stealing the lord's property.The time limit for the task is one day. After completing it, you can get a reward of -[-] character points and a random drop of an edible plant seed. 】

The reward for the seeds is very attractive, but there is no rush to find the thief, he has to solve his own food problem first.

Tang Bo looked around the kitchen. The kitchen is about twenty square meters, and there are four people working in it.Before saluting, two people were removing wheat bran from the wheat. The person who looked like a cook was eating breakfast. The cook kept patting the head of a little girl kneeling on the ground while eating, and saw him coming. , I quickly put down my job and stood up.

The four of them were not too clean, and he could smell the smell of sweat when he stood at the door of the kitchen.

The nails of the four of them couldn't even be seen.

Tang Bo couldn't pursue too much. At this time, there were no nail scissors, and ordinary people trimmed their nails by gnawing their teeth.Without the help of modern tools, the servants, including the cooks, have to do a lot of work every day, and they don't have so much time to clean the dirt from their nails. The lack of water prevents them from washing their hands frequently.

But the kitchen itself was fairly clean, at least there was no obvious greasy on the chopping board, and the pots and pans were neatly placed.

The stove is the most common earthen stove, with a burner, two burners, one large and one small, and a chimney at the back.

"What are the food and condiments we usually eat, take them out, and let me see." Tang Bo's system of transforming the holy father is destined to prevent him from taking the line of being close to the people, so he didn't engage in heart-warming tricks, and ordered directly.

The cook hurriedly asked the helper to take out all the food and put it on the table.

The little girl with black and gray face shrank to the stove, she seemed to be in charge of lighting the fire.

The food is very simple. There are only two main crops in the White Deer Collar, rye and wheat.

Wheat was imported from other territories at a large price by the previous generation of lords. Previously, the white deer leader had always eaten black bread made of rye flour.

Even if all the bran is removed from rye flour and finely ground two or three times, the taste is still much inferior to that of wheat flour, especially the bread made from rye flour is very hard, and it can be used as a stick after a little longer.

After wheat was introduced into Bailuling, the lord's family only ate food made of wheat flour with the bran removed and finely ground twice.

Cooks don't know much, they can only use wheat flour to make white bread, or directly make wheat flour paste.

Unless the servants are rewarded by the master, they basically have no chance to eat white bread made of wheat flour. Like the people in the territory, they all eat black bread as their staple food.

Someone may ask, since wheat flour tastes good, why doesn't Bailuling just plant all wheat?

Tang Bo dug out the answer from the memory of the original body, probably because rye is easy to grow, easy to survive, and resistant to cold and drought. In addition, rye has been planted in the local area for a long time, and has been domesticated by the local water and soil. Introduced wheat has a high yield.

And wheat... I don't know if the wheat seeds introduced by the previous lord are not good, or this kind of wheat is not suitable for the local water and soil. It is not bad to harvest one hundred catties, and this still includes the weight of bran and husks.

Because the wheat flour has a good taste and can be sold at a higher price, all the wheat grown by the Bailu leaders will be used to offset taxes, and only the rye will be kept as rations.

After the lord's family received the wheat, some of it was kept for their own food, and the rest was all sold to the lord for money.

The lord then paid taxes on it, using coins and rye.

Apart from the staple food, the only non-staple food is stinky cured meat and some seasonal vegetables.There are very few types of vegetables, one is like cabbage and the other is like cress.

There is only one condiment, salt, and unsurprisingly, it is only coarse salt grains.

At this point, the cook even boasted to Tang Bo: "This is sea salt. It was bought by the previous lord and passing merchants at a high price. It's a pity that after so many years of eating, there is not much left."

Tang Bo was beyond shocked.The previous lord was also the original body, his grandfather had passed away for nine years, and the sea salt had not been eaten for nine years?

Fortunately, as long as salt is not too hot or humid, it will not deteriorate.

The cook also said that only the lord's family could eat sea salt, and the servants ate salt water made from ground rock salt blocks and crushed salt.

The brine is used to allow the impurities in the rock salt block to settle.This is the unique wisdom handed down by the cook's family. Many people are reluctant to melt the salt block into water, even if they know that the salt block contains some impurities.

"Is there any spice?" Tang Bo asked hopelessly.

The cook hesitated, and Tang Bo took out a small basket from under the counter in fear after being caught by Tang Bo's eyes.

In the basket were some plants that looked like weeds.

The cook wrung her fingers and said, "Put this kind of grass in the fish meat to get rid of the fishy smell. The pharmacist also said that this kind of weed is non-toxic, but..."

"But you don't dare to use it. You usually use this kind of weed to make food for yourself and your servants?" Tang Bo asked.

The cook was about to kneel down, "Yes, only when cooking fish. But river fish have spines, and you got stuck in them when you ate fish when you were young. Master and Madam have already ordered you not to prepare fish for you."

Moreover, she only knows how to cook fish, and the smell of the cooked fish is extremely strong. Even if the family weeds are put in, the effect is not particularly good.Serving this kind of fish in front of the lord's family is courting death.

Tang Bo picked up the weeds in the basket and took a closer look. It looked a bit like sage.

The main reason why he entered the career of an intelligence investigator was that he was found to have a camera memory, commonly known as a photographic memory.

But photographic memory is not a particularly beautiful ability, his ability is a kind of brain disease.This ability did not make him a genius, but at the beginning, his family and people around him thought he was inattentive and even had a low IQ.

He can remember everything he sees firmly, causing his brain to spend more energy than others to process daily things.When he was a child, his condition manifested as inattention, and his answers to questions were not right.Because when he hears a question, when he thinks about the answer, he will recall all the content related to the answer, and the surrounding scene he just saw will also appear in his mind, which will cause extreme confusion.

After his company boss found him by chance, he helped him for a long time, found a doctor for him, and trained him with special personnel, so that he gradually learned to sort information, store less important information, and organize information in the brain. Find and call quickly.

Because he owed a lot of favors, he started helping the other party with missions when he was in high school. Later, he learned that the company had cooperation with the country, which fell into the category of "I don't admit that you are related to the country, but internally you are one of the contractors of the Ministry of Defense." , he was deeply locked up, and he could never get off the thief's boat again.

To put it simply, the company is not a member of the establishment from top to bottom, but enjoys the same benefits as members of the establishment, and the front-line transfer can smoothly transfer to public positions within the system.They can also borrow various identities and obtain various conveniences when necessary.

Life is very exciting, very rich, and the rewards are very generous, but he suffered from narcolepsy at the age of 36, maybe it is the result of excessive use of the brain (mental power)?

Fortunately, the boss of the company is more humane. If the company employees want to retire, they can retire at any time as long as they don't leak secrets or change jobs with their (foreign) counterparts.

Tang Bola returned to his thoughts. Although he changed his body and brain, the knowledge did not disappear.And these huge knowledge bases stored in his soul sea are the real support for his life in another world.

Maybe the types have changed, but as long as the essence and principles remain the same, those knowledge are not waste.

"In the future, don't make wheat flour paste, you can make noodle soup. Get a basin of cold water, dip your fingers in the water, bounce the water droplets into the basin, and then use chopsticks... a small wooden stick to keep stirring until there is no dry flour at the bottom of the basin. The gnocchi formed."

While talking, Tang Bo took a basin and put a little flour for demonstration.

This process is very simple, and the cook said she understood after watching it for a while.

"Try to wash your hands when splashing water." Tang Bo handed over the task of stirring the gnocchi to the cook, and took another pot.

There are no iron pots in the house, only large and small clay pots.

Tang Bo had no choice but to simplify again, found a piece of fat meat, wiped it in a clay pot, and at the same time told the cook how to use fat meat to make oil.

The cook knows how to refine oil, but she just can't bear it.Seeing that the young master wanted to use the stove, the cook kicked the little girl and ordered her to quickly turn on the stove again.

"Are there any eggs? Bird eggs are also fine." Tang Bo pretended not to see, put water in the clay pot, and put it on the stove to boil.

"Yes, yes." The cook, who just stole an egg home yesterday, hurriedly asked the helper to take the egg basket and put it in front of Tang Bo.

Tang Bo asked his helper to beat two eggs and stir them into a uniform egg liquid for later use.

"Boil the water, put the gnocchi into the pot, then pour in the egg liquid, stir, wait for the water to boil again, add salt and some chopped grass leaves you used. A pot of gnocchi soup is ready."

Tang Bo grabbed the cured meat again, "When making these cured meats, don't use large pieces, cook them and tear them into strips, mix them with your kind of chopped grass leaves, put them in the bread, and put vegetable leaves on them .If the vegetable leaves are not tender enough, you can pass through the water again. Do you understand?"

The cook nodded vigorously.The other two servants wanted to come over to have a look, but the cook stared back fiercely.

Tang Bo also pretended not to see it.As a chef, in order to protect your own rights and status, it is normal to prevent other people from accessing new cooking methods.But this is not what he wants.

In less than half an hour, Tang Bo had a new breakfast.

Burger-style hamburger, and a simple version of gnocchi soup.

The taste was not to say delicious, but at least it was much better than the usual dry bread with stinky bacon and muesli.

Tang Bo ate a lot, and asked the housekeeper to taste some.

The housekeeper praised after eating: "I made the young master bother, and I even learned how to make new food from outside. The cooks in the mansion are so useless."

When the cook heard this, she burst into tears on the spot, thinking that she was about to be kicked out of the lord's mansion.

But the butler only told the cook not to casually pass on the cooking methods that the young master learned from other nobles, and didn't say anything about driving her out of the house.

Only then did the cook feel relieved.

But when the cook was just relieved, Tang Bo suddenly said: "Call everyone in the kitchen."

Tian Min rushed to call someone, but Jia Dou rolled his eyes.

When all the kitchen helpers arrived, Tang Bo stretched out his finger to the cook: "Stealing, carelessness in cooking food, and failure to keep the body clean, ten lashes will be punished. Jia Dou, you come and execute."

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