Lord, he is not a man [infrastructure]

Chapter 131 The Magic Train

The appearance of the magic train let Tang Bo know that he was safe.

With the magic train, he has air supremacy. Anyone who studies modern tactics knows how important air supremacy is to war.

Similarly, the magic train can transport a large number of troops without considering the inconvenience of geography.

He doesn't need to dig mountains or lay a lot of tracks, he can transport his soldiers, weapons and resources wherever he wants.

There are not many people nearby who can knock down the magic train from the sky, but those are very few powerful divinely favored people.But if the other party can hit a train, can he withstand the continuous revenge from Bailuling?

As long as Bailuling doesn't take the initiative to declare war, I believe that few people will take the initiative to provoke Bailuling.

The White Deer Caravan, including himself, has traveled all over the surrounding countries in the past few years. Magic has emerged in these countries through the hands of the Demon Slayer, but it has not really developed. The gods want to guarantee their supreme interests and status. , it is naturally impossible for civilians to master powerful skills.Even the Demon Slayer Sect is limited to the use of golems.

It can't be blamed that Tu Mojiao's people didn't think of using magic, but the people who taught them told them: the magic array map must be used on golems.

Those who can radiate their thinking also know to engrave the magic circle map on wooden and metal plates and carry it with them, but that's all. The idea of ​​using the magic circle map to make tools seems to be out of their understanding.

This is the same as we learn mathematics in school, but we only know how to use it to take exams, at most to calculate daily use, how can we use mathematics to develop machinery, weapons, advanced tools and so on.

But Tang Bo also knows that this kind of thing only needs someone to give a little hint. When the magic train flies into the sky, and when the magic weapon of Bailuling is spread, people will naturally awaken their awareness of magic. In order not to be forever suppressed by the white deer collar, he will definitely try his best to develop and learn the various functions of magic.

This kind of thing has always been that as long as one person takes the lead in doing it, the others can only chase after them even if they don't want to do it.

Speaking of which, he, Tang Bo, has done a great deed. At least those great nobles will no longer dare to limit their knowledge to their own hands. In order to strengthen the national power and get more talents, pigs know that they need to spread the net widely and then pick out the key points of talents. nourish.

Tang Bo has never been to places farther away. He only knows that from the world map he has obtained, the places he has set foot on so far are only a small area, and there are still many unknown areas in this world.

Tang Bo doesn't know if magic is already being used in other places, or if technology is being developed, or if a skill tree more powerful than magic and technology has been activated. In terms of technology, Bailuling is definitely second to none.

If it weren't for the problem of the magic train still having battery life, he could explore further.

But this can be put aside, there is no rush.The magic technology line cannot be achieved overnight.

In addition, he, Bailu, possesses the magic power train. Other countries... among other things, Qiushuishang Kingdom will definitely send people to contact him, whether it is military oppression or civilized negotiation, they will all want his magic power technology.

For this point, Tang Bo has also planned. Before they researched the magic train that can fly into the sky, they had already researched the magic kinetic energy that is cleaner than the steam engine. The white deer collar bus uses magic kinetic energy.

However, magic kinetic energy only guarantees kinetic energy, and does not guarantee that the vehicle will fly or not sink in water.

If other countries really find them, Tang Bo is going to trade steam engines first, and then magic kinetic energy engines. He will only sell finished products, not technology.

Now Bailuling is not afraid of being persecuted by others, if he wants to fight, come on.

Believe it or not, throwing a bomb from a high altitude will blow up your entire country?

Emboldened, Tang Bo finally decided to expand the territory of Bailuling.

He told the Marquis of Thunder that the Luma Principality is his, and that is his, and no one can take it away.

The Marquis of Thunder also saw the magic train. The thing ran around the entire Luma Principality. Many people in Luma City saw it. Many people ran home in fright, shouting that the devil is coming.

However, as long as the courageous people look carefully for a while, they will see that there is a huge cloth hanging on the body of the giant python-like monster.

"White Hart Collar Magic Train" is written in the common language on the cloth on the left.

"Welcome aboard" is written on the right cloth.

The magic train finally stopped over Luma City. In order not to scare more people, Tang Bo did not lower the magic train, but let the train float in the sky. The Marquis of Thunder who came to check the situation met with him.

The Marquis of Thunder is also very kind. When encountering such a strange thing, instead of hiding and letting his subordinates investigate, he brought someone here himself.

In fact, when Marquis Thunder saw the words White Hart Collar on the car, he had nothing to be afraid of. If Tang Bo wanted to deal with him, he would not use such an exaggerated and dazzling way.

When Marquis Thunder saw Tang Bo falling from the sky, his first words were: "You can do it!"

Tang Bo laughed, "It's okay."

The Marquis of Thunder raised his head, "Can I go up and have a look?"

"Of course, this thing is made for people to ride, it's just a means of transportation."

The Marquis of Thunder didn't know the word pretentious, but he still wanted to punch Tang Bo face to face. Seeing his calm appearance, he opened his mouth as if it was just a means of transportation.It's just you ghost!

In less than a moment, the Thunder Marquis saw the long sectioned monster suddenly drop one section.

Before he had time to be shocked, he saw that carriage fell alone in front of them, and the door opened immediately.

Tang Bo stretched out his hand, "Please get in the car."

The Marquis of Thunder tried his best to look calm and knowledgeable, and casually ordered a few people to join him in the...compartment that looked like an enlarged carriage.

The exterior of this carriage was all painted black, and the material could not be seen, but when the Marquis of Thunder entered, he secretly touched the door frame and guessed that this carriage was probably made of metal.

The interior of the carriage is not as expected by Marquis Thunder, and the decoration is very luxurious.

They are not very surprised that the carriages of nobles like them are also very luxurious.

The carriage that fell was a VIP compartment, and the entire carriage was like a large bay, consisting of a dining table, sofa, dining table and a separate bedroom.

When Tang Bo invited the Marquis of Thunder to sit on the sofa, the carriage began to lift off smoothly.

The Marquis of Thunder could no longer pretend to be indifferent, he went to the window and looked out, and saw that the people and things on the ground were getting smaller and smaller, and the carriage was flying, but he couldn't feel the slightest vibration at all.

The people he brought also quickly grabbed the window position, looking out dazedly, all of them looked very complicated.

"What kind of ability is this?" the Marquis of Thunder couldn't help muttering.

"This is magic technology." Tang Bo hooked his lips, gesturing to the waiter serving at the ordering counter.

The waiter understood and began to prepare drinks.

The Marquis of Thunder turned his head and asked impatiently, "What is magic technology?"

Tang Bo: "What would you like to drink?"

The Marquis of Thunder doesn't care about what he wants to drink now, he just wants Tang Bo to say a little more.

But Tang Bo is a cunning devil, if he doesn't want to say it, you don't want to get half a word out of his mouth.

After the waiter brought drinks and snacks to everyone, the Marquis of Thunder had already calmed down... He obviously wanted to stand at the window and watch for a while, but he still chose to sit on the sofa.

oh!This weird chair is so damn comfortable to sit on!

Although it was a little uncomfortable at first, as long as you relax your body, you will find that this kind of thick chair, which seems to be wrapped in leather and filled with something inside, is really comfortable to sit on.

The Marquis of Thunder couldn't help but said with a bit of jealousy, but also with a bit of real feeling: "You White Deer collars really have too many good things. Have you been instructed by the gods?"

Tang Bo pointed to his nose and said without blushing: "Yes, we Bailu leaders all know that the Bailu God loves me and has taught me a lot of valuable knowledge and abilities."

Thunder Marquis: "..."

Do you want to say that these nobles believe in gods?

Believe it or not, after all, they are born so different, not only in status, but also in abilities that are different from ordinary people.

The royal families of some countries even claim to be the blood of gods.

But they have never seen the gods, nor have they heard the teachings of the gods.So they can only imagine the existence of gods, and think that gods are superior and disdain to communicate with humans.

It's as if countless commoners have never seen their king in their entire lives.

If everyone has never been in contact with the gods, then there is nothing to say.But Tang Bo said that he was favored by the gods and even pointed out by himself. Can you not make people jealous?

It's not that the Marquis of Thunder doubts the so-called White Deer Spiritual Theory, but apart from this explanation, how can he understand the changes in the deer collar and Tang Bo's knowledge and abilities?

"Maybe it's not the gods, but the demons." The Marquis of Thunder lowered his voice and said abruptly.

Tang Bo crossed his legs, leaned on the sofa with a relaxed body, and said with a nonchalant smile: "As far as I know, the magic of Tumojiao really comes from the demons. Have you ever seen the demons?"

"No. There is a binding force between the world where the demons live and our world. It is very difficult for the demons to come over. Even if they can come over, their strength will be weakened a lot, and their actual bodies cannot come out. It's just their demon souls." The Marquis of Thunder said unexpectedly.

Tang Bo was also a little surprised and said: "It seems that you seem to know the demons very well."

"I don't know much about it. There are some things that we are told by adults when we are very young. The thing about the demon race is one of the things that all descendants of great nobles with a complete inheritance must learn." Bo's heart revealed a little more.

Tang Bo sat upright, as if asking for advice: "I'm very curious about the demons."

The Marquis of Thunder gave Qiao a little bit: "Why, didn't your White Deer God tell you about the Demon Race?"

Tang Bo said without changing his face: "He doesn't chat with me, he only teaches what he wants to teach every time. Maybe I can ask him next time. But if you are willing to tell me, I don't have to bother him. After all, every sacrificial ceremony costs a lot.”

Marquis Thunder pointed to Tang Bo's nose: "You really dare to say that you can't be so disrespectful to the gods."

Tang Bo shrugged: "I'm just saying, just like children complain about their parents, He knows that I respect Him very much."

The Marquis of Lei Ting couldn't help but sigh Tang Bo's "witness", thinking that it's no wonder the White Deer God loves him so much. If it were him, he would also like such a son who can come and talk, not a son who can't make a boring fart with three sticks Guy, or just yes.Of course not too arrogant.

This speed is really beyond the grasp of ordinary people.

The Marquis of Thunder took a sip of the drink, which was like wine, and was fascinated by the sweet and slightly alcoholic taste as soon as he took a bite.I don't know how this drink was made. It tasted very good, like wine, but it was more refreshing and delicious than any wine he had ever had.

"This is... fruit wine?" the Marquis of Thunder guessed.

Tang Bo nodded: "It's not pure fruit wine, it's blended wine. If you like it, I'll let the bartender make it up and I'll bring you some to go. In addition, our Bailuling has also brewed some fruit wine, and we are preparing to launch it this year. Go out, if you don't mind, welcome to help us taste the taste and give some pointers."

The Marquis of Thunder did not refuse the offer, he really liked the taste of this blended wine.

With the drinks to temper the atmosphere, Marquis Thunder looked much more relaxed.

The people brought up by the Marquis of Thunder consciously sat down at the table, and their own waiters entertained them.But they couldn't sit still at all. After asking the waiter that they could walk anywhere in the car except the front, they began to explore in this magic train.

The Marquis of Thunder saw Tang Bo's generosity, and gave corresponding feedback: "According to the ancient records passed down to this day, our world is called Double Moon Star. No one knows who took this name. Anyway, we have knowledge inheritance, and this world That's the name."

"Shuangyue star is very big. There is no clear record of how big it is. We only know that the land shared by the four great powers is only a small piece of Shuangyue star. We don't know how small it is, because we can't Cross the sea and see the other side of the sea."

"It is said that the demons also live on the Double Moon Star, but it is said that they live deep in the center of the earth. There is also a huge world there. According to the inheritance records, it is called the inner world. The inner world seems to be ruled by the demons. The demons have always wanted to come out of the inner world and actually occupy Shuangyue Star, but there is a blockade arranged by the gods between the inner world and the outer world, and it is very difficult for the demons to come out of the inner world."

"But the demons like to eat souls, and the souls from the outer world are probably better captured and more delicious than the souls from the inner world. This has made the demons greedy for the outside world for a long time. They have tried many methods to break through that layer of restraint. .”

The Marquis of Thunder said this, and took out something from his arms, "We call this thing a demon seed."

It was not the first time Tang Bo had seen the demon seed, but he did not expect that the Marquis of Thunder also knew the existence of the demon seed.

The magic seed that Marquis Thunder took out was a bright red spar about the size of a thumb belly.

"This demon seed originally grew on the body of one of my great-uncles. He had this demon seed embedded in his chest when he was born. The head of our family at that time took this demon seed without any hesitation. My uncle was born with this demon seed because of this. death, but there is one less mutant demon in the world."

"Mutated demons?" Tang Bo raised his eyebrows.

The Marquis of Thunder played with the demon seed, and said with a smile: "The demon seed is specially refined by the demon race with its own strength and flesh, in order to prepare a body that can be possessed by the demon soul, so that it is convenient for them to come. Go to the outside world to hunt souls. Human beings who are born with demon seeds will awaken special abilities after absorbing them, and such people are called mutant demons. And the gods do not have demon seeds."

Tang Bo: "Are there any demon seeds hidden inside the body so that people can't see them?"

"Maybe there are, but the demons discovered so far are all abnormalities on the surface of the body." Marquis Thunder said indifferently: "If the mutant demons grow up, it will be terrible, but if the demons are dug out before they absorb the demons If you don’t, then they’ll be useless.”

"Do these dug out demon seeds have any special function?" Tang Bo asked.

The Marquis of Thunder smiled: "Yes, the demon seed can increase the ability of the god-fated person, but it must be of the same line. Whether it is the same line, the god-followed person will feel it when they get the magic seed."

Tang Bo: "Are there many demon species discovered?"

Marquis Thunder shook his head: "Not many. It is not easy for the demons to release the demons. Those who can do this are very powerful demons."

"Then are there grown-up mutant demons?" Tang Bo smiled after asking this question.

Of course, if not, where did the Tumojiao get the knowledge of the demon race?

The Marquis of Thunder really replied: "Not every demon seed can be discovered and solved in time when it is just born. The nobles have inheritance. If there are demon seeds appearing in the descendants, they will usually be dealt with early. But civilians and slaves Know what? At most they think they've given birth to a freak, but as long as they're all limbs and sane, they'll raise a child like that."

"Why don't you spread the news about the demons? Let everyone be careful of the demons?"

"What do you think?" The Marquis of Thunder sneered.

Tang Bo understands that it’s okay not to spread the news about the demons. Anyway, when they grow up, those demons are just the skins used by the demons to hunt food, and those demons rarely hunt nobles, and their souls are similar. Noble souls are always more delicious.Since the tastes are similar, why should the demons take the risk of offending the gods.

And how could the gods and nobles care about the few civilians and slaves?Anyway, as long as human beings are not extinct, they can reproduce continuously.

But if the matter of the demon race and the demon species is publicized, then ambitious people who want to use the demon species will inevitably emerge.If they deliberately search for and cultivate demon seeds, can the gods and nobles continue their stable and wealthy lives?

Tang Bo was still a little puzzled: "If the nobles knew about the existence of the Demon Race, they should also know about the existence of magic. Why didn't they think of learning and using it?"

This made Marquis Thunder stunned: "That's the knowledge of the demons, why should we learn it? And can we learn it well?"

Tang Bo was helpless: "The Tumojiao has already learned and used magic. Haven't you seen their puppets?"

The Marquis of Thunder said with a wry smile: "No one has paid much attention to the Demon Slayer Sect before. It is a scattered sect like a wild witch. There are many liars who say that they have a certain power. They are our common pharmacists. Similar wild witches. However, witches have disappeared long ago, and the inheritance of witches has not remained. According to the historical records of the great nobles, witches in ancient times were probably all kinds of gods."

Tang Bo was even more helpless: "So you always think that the Tumojiao said that they have mastered the magic of the demon clan is a lie, and that the Tumojiao people are a bunch of liars?"

Marquis Thunder: "...No. It's just that we think... the vast majority of the nobles think that it's just some weird skills, and the skills of lowly craftsmen and witches don't make much sense if you learn them."

Tang Bo looked at the Marquis of Thunder just like looking at those feudal ancestors in China who thought they were only educated. They had clearly developed a systematic technology tree, and there was also a Mohist school specializing in technology, but in the end there was only one Confucianism. , and all high-level officials only recognize Confucianism.

For thousands of years, the technology tree has been suppressed at the bottom. All geniuses have learned to write articles, and they can only learn from one school. It is not serious to learn other schools. No matter how practical skills are, they can only be regarded as hobbies. Learning, but also ashamed to let others know.

Even if the spark of technology can be re-ignited by coincidence, it can be extinguished abruptly during the development process, until the once more ignorant party who held high the technology and beat those who wrote stereotyped essays to the ground.

Marquis Thunder was taken aback by Tang Bo's eyes.

"Cough!" The Marquis of Thunder coughed dryly. Through the conversation just now, he also realized some key points: "Is the ability of these carriages to fly to be related to the magic of the demons?"

Tang Bo didn't admit or deny it. He asked the Marquis of Thunder again if he had any way to deal with the demon spirit possessed by him.

Thunder Marquis said that the way to deal with the demon soul is very simple, that is to destroy the body possessed by him. The demon soul has no body to rely on, so he must quickly find another body to possess, or he can only go back to the inner world of the demon race.

"The body that a demon can possess must be a mutated demon with a demon. Ordinary people can't bear the possession of a demon soul. Even if the possession is successful, there is no way for the demon soul to display their demon ability. It is you Said magic."

Tang Bo's heart moved. He suspected that the demon soul could not only possess the possessor of the demon seed, but also people with magical talents.

It's just that if you want to tell who has magical talent, you must actually get in touch with that person.

According to the Marquis of Thunder, the demon souls escaped from the inner world of the demon race and could not be exposed to the outside world for a long time, so they would have no chance to find and select people who were born with magical talents. best choice.

And because the demons are formed by those demons using their own abilities and flesh and blood, it will be much easier for them to locate the owners of these demons and possess them.

Tang Bo still wanted to know more about the Demon Race, but Marquis Thunder said that he had already told him everything he knew.

Tang Bo didn't believe it at all, how could such a big nobleman not leave some behind?If he really told him everything about the Demon Race, then this person is definitely not the Marquis of Thunder himself.

But if you don't tell the truth, there are still friends who do it.

Tang Bo sensibly did not continue to entangle the demons, but mentioned to Marquis Thunder that he was going to start buying land from various lords in Luma Dukedom.

The Marquis of Thunder also understood very well that it was because Tang Bo respected him that he came here to inform him, and at the same time, he was also warning him not to stretch out his hand indiscriminately.

The Marquis of Thunder sighed, Tang Bo drove out the magic train, how could he stop it?

He was a general in charge of fighting, and when he saw the long carriage flying in the sky, no less than ten tactics for attacking the enemy from high altitudes and other uses of this tool emerged in his mind.

He can think of it, but Tang Bo can't think of it?

How could such a big guy be used only as a means of transportation after working so hard?

Not only will the Marquis of Thunder not prevent Tang Bo from purchasing the territory of the Luma Principality, he also intends to personally persuade His Majesty the King to let the king simply make Tang Bo a Grand Duke.In this way, they can get some benefits from Tonglei Nation.

Tang Bo is also very satisfied with the meeting with the Marquis of Thunder this time, not only because he publicized the current strength of the White Hart collar, but also because he got the method to deal with the demon soul from the Marquis of Thunder.

It can be regarded as a blind eye, he and Gu Ding have been worrying about how to completely solve the demon soul.

In fact, their thinking was too complicated. They originally thought of trapping the demon soul in their soul sea and slowly wearing it down until they completely wiped out the other party's soul power.

In fact, they only need to expel the demon soul from the soul sea, and then find a way to imprison it and prevent it from possessing other people, then it will not take long for the demon soul to dissipate by itself or have to retreat back to the demon clan. in the world.

The method is simple, but no one told them, and they don't know.

Tang Bo accepted the love of Marquis Thunder.

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