Chen Xiuping felt his body being pulled out lightly, and before he landed, a palm wind hit him with his head covered. Just when Chen Xiuping thought that he was going to die, the light all over his body suddenly flashed like It was like casting a golden body suddenly, although the palm wind still hit him, it didn't have any effect.

Chen Xiuping touched his chest and heaved a sigh of relief belatedly. Then he angrily looked at the perpetrator—Meng Xiaobao, a beast in clothes, and found that the other party was also looking at him in shock.

"Dabao?! How could it be you!" Meng Xiaobao blurted out, looking cautiously at the foggy surroundings, as if he felt that Cheng Yin would jump out in the next second.

Chen Xiuping was outraged, he didn't have the consciousness that this guy was a powerful person, he rushed up and wanted to hit him on the head, saying: "Meng Xiaobao, you almost killed me!"

At this moment, Meng Xiaobao calmed down faster than Chen Xiuping. He easily blocked Chen Xiuping's fist, then took Chen Xiuping's hand and pulled him in front of him, looked at Chen Xiuping cautiously, and then... Pinch his face.

"You are really a great treasure." There was inexplicable emotion in his words.

Chen Xiuping glared at him and cursed: "Liar, go away, I don't want to see you."

"..." Meng Xiaobao changed the subject, "So, you are the one who is making Samsara recognize the master?"

Chen Xiuping didn't react for a while because the topic changed too quickly.

Meng Xiaobao went on to say: "Fate is really wonderful. I didn't expect that the reason for Xunxianzong was actually because of you. Then at that time, if I didn't go to Xunxianzong, or let you fend for myself, it would be the one that broke fate. Is there a way?"

Chen Xiuping blinked his eyes, he seemed to know what Meng Xiaobao was talking about, but he didn't seem to know, he just looked at Meng Xiaobao and laughed again, and said: "No, no, the direction of fate is the most stable, even if I don't care about you , there will be others."

Then, he looked at Chen Xiuping and sighed, with worried eyes and gentle smile, he seemed to be the senior brother of Xunxianzong again, and he said: "Besides, how can I ignore you now."

Chen Xiuping frowned and pulled out his hand vigorously, looked at Meng Xiaobao with contempt and said, "I'll blush for you if you say that."

Meng Xiaobao didn't care about Chen Xiuping's contempt at all, he said, "Why didn't Cheng Chengyin look at you?"

As soon as the words came out, Chen Xiuping's face collapsed: "Master still paid attention to me before, but it must be because I thought something too rebellious, so Master got angry and ignored me."

Meng Xiaobao couldn't deny it, and said, "That's not necessarily true, maybe it's the reason for the space barrier you created earlier, uh, what outrageous things did you think of?"

Chen Xiuping rolled his eyes: "Why should I tell you, let alone..." He touched his chest, "I'm seriously injured now!"

Meng Xiaobao smiled wryly: "I didn't know it was you, besides you were not seriously injured, Cheng Yin put a protective restraint on you."

"That's Master's love and love for me! You still almost beat me seriously."

Meng Xiaobao was speechless.

Seeing that Meng Xiaobao didn't speak, Chen Xiuping asked again: "How did I create a space barrier?"

Regardless of Chen Xiuping's resistance, Meng Xiaobao patted his head, his expression could even be called loving, and then he said: "You don't understand, Dabao, so don't listen."

"..." Chen Xiuping slapped Meng Xiaobao's hand away angrily, he couldn't help thinking, after leaving for so long, his identity has changed, why Meng Xiaobao is still so cheap.

Meng Xiaobao, who was still a bitch, ignored Chen Xiuping's anger. He had always known Chen Xiuping, knew that he was just a paper tiger, and his temper came and went quickly, so he simply asked: "Cheng Yin gave you this opportunity." ?”

Chen Xiuping suddenly became alert. He realized that Meng Xiaobao is no longer a member of Xunxianzong. Judging by the character settings, he is still a proper *oss. If you want to know, you must never say it, so he said: "No, what chance? What do you mean?"

Meng Xiaobao stared at Chen Xiuping for a while, until Chen Xiuping turned his gaze away awkwardly, and said affirmatively: "Sure enough, it is Cheng Yin, so my calculations are correct, it is Cheng Yin who made me lose money and money."

Chen Xiuping became displeased: "You look like a dog, but you are actually a hooligan. The things belonged to the master, so why should they be considered your losses, and let alone the money, why are there still people."

Meng Xiaobao smiled and said: "You are not a human being."

Chen Xiuping originally wanted to go crazy, but seeing Meng Xiaobao's smiling face, he suddenly realized that he had fallen into a trap. He looked at Meng Xiaobao vigilantly, thought for a while, and said, "Don't set me up, give me a trick first." Tell me clearly, who are you and where is this place?"

Seeing that Chen Xiuping had come out by himself, Meng Xiaobao couldn't help sipping his lips regretfully, and said, "Dabao, you've become smarter."

Chen Xiuping squinted his eyes and looked Meng Xiaobao up and down. Looking carefully at this moment, he found that Meng Xiaobao still had some changes compared with the past. The most obvious thing was that the originally gentle and refined aristocratic temperament had become a bit strange, which brought him That face doesn't look like a good person—to put it simply, if it was considered a beast in clothes before, it can be seen from the surface now that it looks like a beast.

Of course, this view is very subjective. If you look at it from the original perspective, you will definitely get a completely different description, for example, there are more masculine and unruly beauty, but now that Chen Xiuping has the perception that this guy is a beast , I felt that I could not be talked about by the other party, and tirelessly asked, "Where is this place? Who are you?"

Meng Xiaobao sighed: "Okay, okay, if you must know - but Dabao, you still don't understand, if you know too much, you will be silenced."

Chen Xiuping was stunned for a moment, and after careful consideration, he felt as if... This is really the truth.

Seeing that Chen Xiuping really began to hesitate, Meng Xiaobao rolled around laughing secretly, but on the surface he said solemnly: "You also know that I have a bad reputation, and now I can just be your Meng Xiaobao. If you tell me your real identity, things will be more complicated than that." So easy."

Chen Xiuping was taken aback by Meng Xiaobao's words, looked at him without speaking for a while, and then said after a while: "But I already know who you are."

Meng Xiaobao almost didn't laugh out loud, but now he suddenly had an idea, on the surface he just put down his face, looked at Chen Xiuping expressionlessly, and said coldly: "Is that so, then, what do you think should happen next. "

Chen Xiuping's ignorant eyes suddenly turned cold, and his dark eyes became like deep wells. He said, "Then, are you going to kill me?"

For some reason, Meng Xiaobao originally intended to flirt with Chen Xiuping, but seeing his gaze now, Meng Xiaobao felt uncomfortable. His Dabao shouldn't have such a relationship with him. At a time like this, he should obviously turn over Rolling his eyes and mocking himself, how could he believe it so easily.

He couldn't help looking away, and instead of meeting Chen Xiuping's gaze, he said, "I temporarily pulled you out of the cycle of reincarnation. This is the gap in the space where I was trapped—you recognized the Lord first before, so the others They were all caught in the cracks, but they were able to go out on their own before, but suddenly couldn't do it a few breaths ago. I have been waiting here for an opportunity. I pulled you out——I originally thought that Cheng Yin was in some trouble, but it turned out that it was because you were the only one."

After listening to Meng Xiaobao's explanation, Chen Xiuping still didn't speak, Meng Xiaobao continued: "In my case, my real name should be called Zhao Zicun, that's what those people who were at the same time as me called me."

Chen Xiuping showed a strange expression, he looked at Meng Xiaobao, and said, "All of you powerful people have the interest of splitting up."

Meng Xiaobao didn't understand, so: "Split?"

Chen Xiuping didn't answer earlier, in fact, it was because he didn't really understand what the spatial theories Meng Xiaobao said were, but Meng Xiaobao's later words hit his tongue, he said: "Well, look, Luo Xuemo just Split, called Luo Qingying and called... um..." At this point, he realized that he seemed to be revealing Luo Xuemo's secret, so he changed his tone abruptly, "I mean, anyway, you all seem to be happy to develop that What is the law?"

Meng Xiaobao laughed: "Then you have misunderstood. According to your words, even your master will be split."

Chen Xiuping raised his eyebrows suspiciously: "Master is not a separation/body of Dharma, Master is just a distraction now."

Meng Xiaobao shook his head: "That's not what I'm talking about—when a monk reaches the tribulation, there are two catastrophes to cross. Do you know what it is?"

"Do you think you are a teacher? Why do you still ask questions?" Chen Xiuping complained first, and then he said, "Well, I don't know."

Meng Xiaobao didn't care. In fact, he always thought that the older he was, the better his temper. Those who were afraid of him were people who didn't understand him now. You see, he had a very good temper in Chen Dabao's place, so Meng Xiaobao thought he had a good temper. He still explained in a good-tempered manner: "Over there is the catastrophe of the sky and the catastrophe of man. There is always a saying among us monks in the period of crossing the catastrophe - Tianguan is easy to pass, but human feelings are hard to guard. , to save people from calamity, but it is impossible to guard against."

Chen Xiuping asked "Ah?" in doubt.

"By crossing the catastrophe, monks are already very close to the way of heaven, so thousands of my own existences in thousands of small worlds will return to their own bodies, but if they return to their own bodies, they are not themselves, and have different My own memory, even a monk, how can I easily bear it, so I let go of the dharma, feel the mundane world, and understand the Taoist mind, that is, the dharma is myself, and I am the dharma."

"Sorry, you must have been talking nonsense afterwards." Chen Xiuping pointed out.

Meng Xiaobao smiled: "Different monks always have different ideas. In fact, what I'm talking about is just my own ideas—but Dabao, even your master will split into Dharma forms in the end, because this is a necessary step. , is also a very dangerous step.”

Chen Xiuping frowned and stared at Meng Xiaobao. What Meng Xiaobao said was different from what he saw at Luo Xuemo's place. Dharma portraits were not such precious things at Luo Xuemo's place, not to mention that she didn't have Dharma portraits until she was in the tribulation period. Yes, for a moment he didn't know who was right, so he simply said, "Do you think this explains why you lied to me for so long?"

Meng Xiaobao shook his head: "I didn't lie to you, I am Meng Xiaobao—although I am a Dharma face, it is also a brand new life. If you have to force it, what in this world must be unique, not to mention that I have failed."

Chen Xiuping took a look at Meng Xiaobao, he felt that what Meng Xiaobao said was indeed very painful, it didn't look like it was fake, then the failure of crossing the tribulation sounded so pitiful that he couldn't bear to continue to mock , So he reluctantly comforted: "Failure is the mother of success."

Meng Xiaobao couldn't help laughing, and said, "Do you know why I failed?"

Chen Xiuping thought for a while: "Isn't it because your conspiracy was exposed? You have a purpose in the first place."

Meng Xiaobao: "...Of course not."

Seeing what Meng Xiaobao said, Chen Xiuping also became curious, and asked, "Why is that?"

Meng Xiaobao's eyes were heavy, and there was a smile in his eyes, but it didn't reach the bottom of his eyes. He said: "Because I'm about to lose the person I want. If I can't get it, I will fall into a demon."

Chen Xiuping looked at Meng Xiaobao, saw the clouds covering his handsome face, and gradually widened his eyes. He recalled everything in the past, and suddenly thought of something, so he screamed——

"Meng Xiaobao, you actually fell in love with Master!"

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