But why did the elf ancestor do this?

When Lan Luo and him were in an ambiguous stage, Atlans also proposed the idea of ​​"getting together again", and after he agreed to a date with Lan Luo, Atlans said, "Wait for him at the Divine Tree Festival." "This kind of words...

Sure enough, there is still a problem.

Samir couldn't understand the operation of the first spirit ancestor at all.

If Atlans was here, Samir would have to ask him a question himself.

What are you fussing about?

Although he had figured out some things, Samir still didn't want to see Atlans right now.

At least wait for both parties to calm down and deal with Nuo Exiu...

Thinking of this, Samir pushed Nuo Exiu, and the red-haired beast made a moaning sound, hugged him and turned over on the bed, completely pressing on Samir.

Nuo Exiu lowered his head and rubbed against him, then he opened his eyes, reached up and touched the shackles, showing a smile.

"Good morning, Samir, it's great to have you here." Nuo Exiu pressed against his chest, hearing the steady heartbeat inside: "I've been dreaming about such a scene, and it finally came true."

Samir shook his wrist, and the iron chain made a crisp sound: "Does your fantasy also include this chain?"

Nuo Exiu's eyes fell on the chains and the wrists inside the chains, showing a smile: "In my fantasy, your whole body is bound by chains, and I surround you with gems and flowers..."

Samir thought to himself, Nuo Exiu's abnormality is already terminally ill.

"Why aren't I completely tied up now?" Samir asked.

"Not yet." Nuo Exiu tilted his head, kissed the corner of Samir's mouth, and got up.

Nuo Xiu stood beside the bed, stepping on the carpet with bare feet, his long red hair was hanging down, his hair was so many, curly and frizzy that it almost completely covered his figure.

"Let's eat something first." Nuo Exiu said, he walked to the head of the bed, and then pulled down a thin rope, meeting Samir's eyes, Nuo Exiu said: "In the future, you will call the attendant If you want to, you can also ring the bell directly. This position is just within your reach, but don’t think about using it for other things, Samir.”

Samir blinked and looked at him innocently.

After a while, two orc servants opened the door, then walked into the room with food, and put the plate on the table.Samir took a closer look at the two of them. He suddenly appeared in this bedroom, but the two servants did not show any strange expressions at all.They were very indifferent, put down the food step by step, and then left without even looking at themselves.

Is Noah really good, or are they being controlled?

Smelling the delicious food, Samir shook the chain and asked, "How can I eat like this?"

"I'll feed you." Nuo Exiu was very interested in this. He picked up the food, sat next to Samir, and then put the food to Samir's mouth with a knife and fork.

Samir smelled it. It was ordinary food. Orcs also tended to eat big fish and meat. They seldom tried vegetarian food if they could eat pure meat.Most of the cooking methods in the Beastman Empire are simple, but they can bring out the deliciousness of the ingredients.

Samir didn't refuse, he was hungry anyway.

Of course, if the hunger strike was useful, he wouldn't mind using it.However, Nuo Exiu didn't care about this at all. If he really felt that, Nuo Exiu might directly manipulate his body to eat it.

Samir didn't want to be manipulated by Nuo Exiu, so he ate his breakfast bite by bite with a spoon.

"You used to feed me like this before." Nuo Exiu said suddenly, looking at the empty dinner plate.

Samir was terrified, and quickly said: "That's different, I was much rougher then, please don't completely repeat the previous things."

The fourth prince of the empire, Nuo Exiu, was imprisoned in a high tower and locked up with chains because of his blood mutation.This was also a difficult choice for the king at the time, but he couldn’t do otherwise. If he didn’t lock up Noah Xiu, he would attack every living life around him indiscriminately.

The empire didn't lie about this. When Samir sent Noah to him, Noah went crazy.The first time they met, Noah broke the chain, jumped up and bit Samir's neck.

Samir remembers this vividly.

At that time, Samir was more fearless than now. When he was adventuring outside, he heard about the fourth prince of the orc empire. The empire paid a high price for someone to solve the problem of the fourth prince. Samir was very interested and went.

Before going to meet the King of the Orc Empire, Samir sneaked into the tower first.

The tower is located in the mountains behind the Imperial Palace, and the surrounding area is empty. It is rumored that if you get close to the fourth prince, you will become unlucky. This place has been set as a forbidden area.

However, that kind of prohibition was useless to Samir. At that time, he was at the peak of his enthusiasm for adventure, and fell into a great interest in exploring the unknown and challenging the limit.Therefore, he was not allowed to enter here, and he just wanted to enter.

Using the techniques he had learned before, Samir successfully climbed up the high tower. The outside of this high tower is made of smooth stone bricks. Samir flew up until he reached the top, only to find a small window with iron bars erected on it. , The window opened a crack, allowing the sun and wind and rain to get in through this crack.

That window was too small. Samir still remembers that even if he turned into a human form, the window was only as long as his arm. Samir simply became smaller, turned into a very small silver dragon, and then Knocked on the window.

The windows were already covered with dust... because of his movement, the dust fell down and floated up and down in the sunlight.

There was no movement inside.

Samir then opened the window from the outside - this is very simple, probably the designer did not consider who would open the window from the outside, because there is no protection.The window opened wide, and Samir slipped through the gap, then transformed into an orc.

Every time he goes to a place, he will transform into the appearance of local residents.This is for the convenience of getting closer to the family. Samir does not care whether he will be recognized or not. It is best if he is not recognized.

The silver-haired orc fell to the ground, and then rolled in a circle to relieve the impact. He raised his head and looked around, and saw a shriveled and thin wolf crouched in a corner.

The current royal family of the empire is of wolf blood, so it is normal for the fourth prince to be a wolf. However, for orcs, they can differentiate into two different forms of beasts and orcs at a very young age. From this point of view, the fourth prince cannot become a wolf. Orcs?This may also be one of the symptoms of that mutated bloodline...

Many thoughts flashed through Samir's mind. He was about to stand up. He was very quiet just now, when the little wolf cub squatting in the corner suddenly jumped up and rushed towards him with a grin, his dark eyes fixed on Samir. It was full of crazy killing intent.

Samir was startled, and then found a chain on the wolf cub's neck. When it ran to the farthest distance, that is, in front of Samir, the chain suddenly stretched, and Samir clearly saw The chain made a very obvious mark on the little wolf cub.The little wolf cub paused, and Samir breathed a sigh of relief. Immediately afterwards, the hair on the little wolf cub's body exploded, and it let out a low growl. It fixed its dark eyes on Samir, and with a snap, the chains snapped. Breaking, the little wolf pounced towards Samir like an arrow from the string, opened his mouth, and bit Samir's neck fiercely.

The blood flowed out immediately, and Samir's ears constricted suddenly because of the severe pain. He put his hand around the wolf cub's mouth, separated its upper jaw from the lower jaw, and the wolf cub used all his strength Focus on minions.Both sides tried their best, and in the end, Samir was the one who was the better, restraining the little wolf cub and locking it up again.

This is the first meeting between Samir and Noah.

After experiencing the battle at the first meeting, Samir Jing didn't hate or be afraid of Nuo Exiu. On the contrary, he had a great interest in the fourth prince, the little wolf cub.

At that time, the way the little wolf pounced on him, the look in his eyes, was more direct and crazier than that of wild beasts, Samir had never seen such eyes.

After the initial meeting, Samir went to meet His Majesty the King.

The current His Majesty the King has a relatively gentle personality. Besides Samir, there are two other races who came to see the King, and they all came for the mutant blood of the Fourth Prince.Samir could tell that one of them was an alchemist and the other was a rogue, and their races were hard to tell. After all, most of the adventurers who went out would hide their races, not their professions.

His Majesty the King gave them a high price. If they can successfully solve the problem of the fourth prince, they will receive an enviable reward, and they will no longer have to worry about survival for the rest of their lives.Samir was not interested in rewards, he was most interested in Noah Xiu himself.

After that, Samir and two other adventurers went to meet the fourth prince who was locked in the cage. The two adventurers were a little surprised. The body was shriveled, even the bones were protruding, and the whole body was so dirty that it was impossible to see clearly. The fur-colored wolf turned out to be the fourth prince of the empire.

The king told them helplessly that any living thing approaching the fourth prince would be brutally killed by him, even if his hands and feet were trapped and his tongue was locked, he still had a strange blood power that could kill people invisible.Those attendants were also innocent, His Majesty the King couldn't bear to let them die, and the fourth prince himself didn't know how to eat or take care of himself, and it ended up like this.

The other two adventurers expressed their understanding, and then began to talk about their own ideas.The alchemist said that there was a potion that might be able to change the blood of the fourth prince. The wanderer said that he had seen such a situation with the fourth prince in an ancient tomb. They had a heated discussion, and Samir walked towards the cage.

The little wolf was in the cage, staring at him closely, his limbs were tied up with iron chains, and his snout was covered with a black shackle. If there were no such obstacles, he would have rushed out immediately and killed all the living here. thing.

His Majesty the King noticed that Samir was approaching, standing very close to the cage, and immediately warned loudly: "Be careful, don't get close to him!"

"I see, thanks."

Samir touched the wound on his neck, bent down, and smiled at the little wolf in the cage.The little wolf cub rushed forward immediately, brushing the bridge of Samir's nose with his sharp claws, and Samir could almost feel the cold wind cutting the air on his claws.

Samir straightened up and started laughing.

His Majesty the King and the other two adventurers watched him, and His Majesty asked, "Do you have any idea?"

Samir shook his hairy ears, and instead of answering His Majesty's question, he asked, "What's his name?"


Does the name matter in this case?However, at Samir's insistence, His Majesty the King still informed the fourth prince's name.

"Noah, his name is Noah Harrigson."

Later, the other two adventurers went to find a solution to the problem of Nuo Exiu, but Samir was very leisurely and came to the tower to see Nuo Exiu every day.Nuo Exiu would still attack him, but because he couldn't beat Samir, Samir was not nervous about it, but he would get hurt from time to time.

He got closer every day than last time, told Noah some interesting things, and brought some gifts, such as flowers and gems.Contrary to appearances, Nuo Exiu can actually understand what they say, and has normal reason and thinking ability.

"This is the early rain flower." Samir put a light blue flower on the ground. In this dark prison, the light blue flower is simply out of place, just like Samir himself.

Samir said: "The early rain flowers bloom after the first rain in spring. The early rain flowers bloom, which means that spring is coming."

The little wolf cub rushed over, tore open the light blue flower, then threw it into his mouth, chewed it, and then swallowed it.

Samir smiled and continued: "Spring is here, which means that green sprouts will emerge from the trees, the wind will become warm and gentle, the sun in the sky will last longer, and the river will start to flow. It will all be better because of it.”

The little wolf cub slowly chewed the flowers in his mouth, the flowers had no smell at all, mixed with the smell of soil and moist water.

He opened his mouth slowly and said, "...Spring?"

"Spring is a beautiful season," Samir said. "I wish you could see the spring outside."

The little wolf cub didn't speak.

Samir continued: "It doesn't matter if you can't see spring for a while, because summer is also very beautiful, autumn is also very beautiful, and winter is also, with pure white snow and flowers that only bloom in winter."

"You always see."

After a long time, Nuo Exiu left the tower, and when he was able to travel freely to every part of the orc empire and spent countless days and nights outside the tower, he realized that there was no spring in the orc empire.

The Orc Empire did not have Zao Yuhua either.

Samir has always adhered to the concept of "everything will get better", and it can be said that his philosophy is biased towards the optimistic side.It doesn't matter even if it fails temporarily, it will definitely lead to the ideal ending in the end, as long as you pay enough price.

This kind of attitude made him act more positively to some extent, and being positive did bring better results, which deepened this idea for him.

After persisting for a long time, Samir was finally able to get close to the little wolf cub and had some physical contact.Although the relationship between them was still very dangerous, if there was any stimulation, Nuo Exiu would immediately retreat or attack him, and Samir's minor injuries were not broken.

But he was finally able to feed and bathe Nuo Exiu. The reason why the little wolf cub was so easily subdued by him before was also because he hadn't eaten for a long time, which made his body weak.

At the beginning of feeding, Samir grabbed the cub's snout and forcefully stuffed it in for him.The first time he took a bath was like a war. After the war, Samir discovered that Nuo Exiu was actually a little red wolf cub.

The way he looked before, his hair was so dirty and tangled up that he couldn't tell he was a red wolf at all.

The red hair is long and smooth, radiant in the sun, and the vigorous limbs are as gorgeous and dazzling as if surrounded by flames.


When Samir thought of this, he came back to his senses. For a long time, he used that simple and rude way to feed Noah.

Of course, later on their relationship became a little closer, and Samir could eat and bathe with him normally, and sleep with the cub at night.And not long after that, Samir learned the news that the sea heart stone could change the blood, and set off to the North Sea to find the sea monster.

Nuo Exiu also remembered the past, he smiled, and put the empty dinner plate back.Then he picked up the wine glass, and in front of Samir, cut open his fingertips with his paw, and a drop of blood dripped out, which melted into the wine.

Samir hid back for a while, looked at him warily, and said, "You won't let me drink this stuff, why do you add blood to it, I don't have such a hobby..."

Nuo Exiu held the glass of wine and shook it slightly. The blood melted into the wine, and the originally clear and clear wine immediately turned dark blue. Nuo Exiu shook the glass again, and the wine returned to its original state. look.

With one hand locked by a chain, Samir could only cover his mouth with the other hand and said, "I don't drink that stuff."

Nuo Exiu said, "Be obedient, it doesn't taste good."

Samir chuckled: "It's not about the taste, is it? Why did you give me this drink? Explain clearly."

"If you don't drink it, I have other ways to make you drink it." Nuo Exiu looked at him with his head tilted, and said slowly: "Of course, it is much gentler than your original method."

Samir didn't speak, and looked at him coldly.

Nuo Exiu sighed in disappointment. Samir saw a blue-purple light flashing in his dark eyes, and wondered if it was spiritual magic?No, the orcs don't know how to use magic, they use the power of blood, is it useful for mind protection or immune control?you can try...

The scene in front of him gradually blurred, and in Samir's last sight, he saw Nuo Exiu handing him the wine glass, and he reached out to take it.

It seems that mind protection and immune control are useless, and Samir's thinking is still clear. At present, it seems that the biggest obstacle to leaving here is Nuo Exiu's power.

He didn't know much about it, but maybe the other orcs would shed some light.

When Samir woke up again, not too long had passed, he quickly smacked the well, and didn't feel any unusual taste in his mouth, but it was obvious that he had already drank the bloody wine.

What if Nuo Exiu kept using this method to deal with him?Samir is also thinking about this issue, of course he can't sit still, he feels that if he continues like this, he will become a fool.

Noah sat beside him and said, "Be good, I won't always do this."

Samir thought for a while, then nodded: "Okay."

Nuo Exiu didn't expect him to agree so happily, and opened his eyes slightly.As soon as he showed such a look, he seemed a little cute in his ignorance.

"Go and open the curtains, I see the sun is shining today." Samir said.

Nuo Exiu responded, and then went to open the curtains. When he turned around, he found Samir sitting up straight from the bed.

The sun shone into the house, and Samir raised his hand to cover the sun, and the chain hung down, making a crisp sound.

"It's almost noon now?" Samir looked at the position of the sun and estimated the time: "Don't you need to go out for something, just stay with me in the room?"

Noah said: "There are some jobs, but they will help me. I can stay with you all the time."

"They will help you?" Samir looked at him: "What are you doing now?"

"Some chores in the royal family." Noah moved a chair and placed it beside the bed, then sat down, propped his chin with his hands, and stared at Samir.

Samir was thoughtful: "Speaking of which, after I left, I don't know much about the affairs of the Orc Empire. Is the current king the same as before?"

"Father has abdicated." Nuo Exiu said, "The current king is the second brother. He has done a lot of things, and he has established diplomatic relations with the elves, which has deepened the cooperation with the Northern Alliance."

When he said this, he squinted his eyes and laughed: "I have a good relationship with my second brother, so he gave me a job to deal with some internal affairs of the royal family."

Samir had some doubts in his heart. As far as he knew, when Nuo Exiu was young, those older brothers were not very kind to him... But at this time, his attention was more on Elven Island:

"Why did you appear on Elven Island before?"

Nuo Exiu explained truthfully: "Because the elves invited us to participate in the Divine Tree Festival, Eighteen and I were sent there."

Samir: "Are you really sent there?"

Nuo Exiu smiled with the corners of his mouth open, showing two snow-white canine teeth: "Of course not, I offered to go to Elven Island because I knew you were Samir. It would be nice to bring it back."

Samir said calmly: "You take me back alone, your younger brother may have some troubles."

Today is the sacred tree festival.

Atlantis should already know the ins and outs.

Nuo Exiu said, "I know, it's okay, I still have many younger brothers."


Thanks to the little angel who threw mines: molan1;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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