Every time the mermaid Aman said a word, Samir would secretly throw a lie identification.

Amann is obviously also very good at mind-type magic, so if Samir uses it obviously, he will definitely be discovered by him.

Samir asked: "Revenge? Has the Mermaid ever done anything wrong to you?"

Amanen looked at him with a half-smile: "Even if you are a friend, you wouldn't tell him everything."

"Really, I think we can at least get to know each other initially."

At this moment, there was a wave of fluctuations in the enchantment. Samir and Aman looked at each other, thinking that today's temptation was over, Aman smiled and said: "The sea monster is back, and I don't need to stay Here, see you next time, Bride of the Siren."

He got into the depths of the lake and disappeared. Samir looked up and saw the sea monster descending from the sky, with long wet hair floating in the air. Seeing Samir raise his head, the sea monster stretched out his arms towards him.

Samir couldn't help stretching out his hand too.

The siren fell lightly as if in the sea. He grabbed Samir's hand, clasped his fingers, showed a smile, and then slowly stepped on the ground with both feet.

"Samir." The sea monster whispered his name softly.

Samir's heart skipped a beat.

Among the people he has met, the Siren can be said to be the most special.

Anne Heinet is both simple and complex, empty and all-encompassing, omniscient and ignorant, emotionless and purest.

Even if he just called his name like that, Samir could feel the weight in it.

Anne Heinet's attitude was too serious.

first name.

The most sensitive syllable for anyone should be his own name. If Wei An called him by his name, Samir would not feel anything at all, but if it was Lang Luo, if it was the ancestor of the elves...

"What are you thinking?" Anne Heinet asked, "Why aren't you looking at me?"

This should have been a question full of possessiveness and control, but when Anne Heinet asked it, it felt like a child asking "Why is it dark".However, because of Anne Heinet's own stubbornness and the power he possesses, even children's questions must be answered solemnly.

"Because you don't have clothes on." Samir said, "It's normal not to wear clothes in the sea. After all, few fish can wear clothes. But if you're on land, it's strange not to wear clothes."

Anne Heinet looked at him blankly.

The siren's still wet long hair hangs down to the ground, covering his back and chest, but the long dark hair makes his skin look fairer, only living in the bottom of the sea all the time, never being exposed to the sun It takes one time to get that complexion.

There is a kind of hard and cold pale feeling like the rocks on the seabed.

Samir put his hands on his shoulders and used the transfiguration technique to create a veil for him, covering him.

The gauze hangs down, the white texture is looming, and the waistline is more charming than before.

Samir can only sigh with emotion, it is really a perfect creation in the ocean.

The beauty of the sea monster is really rare, shocking, but unable to give birth to any charming thoughts.

Like facing the ocean itself, nothing but admiration remains.

Anne Heinet allowed him to mess around with his body, and put on an inexplicable veil. He tugged at the veil that was hanging down, and asked expectantly, "Are you happy here?"

Samir tilted his head to avoid his gaze and said, "I'm not very happy, I want to leave here."

Anne Heinet lowered her head and gave a muffled hum.

After a while, he asked:

"Where did I not do well enough?"

"It's not you, it's me who wasn't good enough." Samir said, "Just let me go."

Anne Heinet shook her head: "I found you with great difficulty."

Samir: "I'll be back."

Annie Heinet still shook her head.

Samir thought to himself, it's over, he has completely lost credibility with Anne Heinet.

This made him not only feel guilty, but also a little uncomfortable. His heart was so heavy that he could hardly speak.

He can indeed easily say some sweet words, express his sincerity, and tell some lies if it is convenient.But some lies are difficult to identify. For example, when he confessed to some people, he really felt the truth. However, because the feelings will eventually disappear, it sounds like a lie.

Although he didn't promise anyone that he would live forever, forever and ever.

Moreover, it sounds unreliable to promise such a thing.

He was also sincere when he told Anne Henett that he would return the Seaheart Stone, but it became a lie again.

"If you leave this time..." Annie Heinet asked, "Will you really come back?"

He stared at Samir, leaving Samir unable to answer for a moment.

Anne Henett sighed softly, and whispered, "It's okay."

He pushed Samir to the ground, and let the silver dragon lie among the soft flowers. The fragrance of the soil mixed with the smell of vegetation enveloped the two of them.

Anne Heinet looked down at him and picked up the flowers that fell on his head.The siren is still recalling the concept of "special". This little flower was originally just a very ordinary flower, but because it fell on Samir's silver hair, it looked extra cute.

Every concept that Samir said was slowly confirmed in his heart. Annie Heinet felt calm and gentle happiness in his heart, and he took out the Sea Heart Stone.

"What is this?" Samir glanced at it and quickly recognized the familiar stone: "Sea Heart Stone?"

Anne Henet nodded, put the Heart of Sea Stone in his palm, and asked, "Do you like this?"

He was thinking about what the mermaid said before, it doesn't matter what the gift is, as long as it conveys his heart, but for Annie Heinet, he still hoped that Samir would like his gift and see him After the gift, it will show a happy look.

"Actually, it wasn't that I needed the Sea Heart Stone at that time..." Samir didn't continue, he met Annie Heinet's gaze, and his heart seemed to be tied up by many ropes.

"I like it, thank you." Samir finally compromised: "But next time you don't have to give such an expensive thing."

I heard that it takes tens of thousands of years to form a sea heart stone, and it needs all kinds of right time, place and people. Samir thought that this is the lifespan of a dragon, that is, a dragon will form a piece of stone from birth to death. After comparing Haixin Stone in this way, he can feel the preciousness of it even more.

When Anne Heinet heard that he said he liked it, he bent his eyes and laughed, then lay on his side beside Samir, hugged his body, and held Samir's palm with the other hand—two hands In the middle is the blue sea heart stone.

In the ocean, it is difficult to see the color of the sea heart stone, because it has the same color as the sea, but in this special land, the sea heart stone is obviously blue, which is lighter than the ocean. Deeper than the sky.

Samir said softly: "However, I still have to leave, because there are people waiting for me beyond the ocean."

Lan Luo and Wei An.

He turned his head and found that Anne Heinet had fallen asleep, with long eyelashes hanging down and curly long hair sticking to his face, looking very well-behaved.

He lay among the flowers, smelling the scent of flowers and soil, as well as the faint ocean-like breath of Anne Heinet, and fell asleep.

The scene became quiet for a while, under the blue sky, white clouds flowed slowly, the wind blew the lake surface into wrinkles, the grass and flowers stretched their bodies in the wind, and the mountains and forests in the distance were quiet and serene.

With a crash, Amanen emerged from the center of the lake. He slowly swam to the shore, propped his chin with one hand, and said to himself: "What a beautiful picture..."

However, all good things will eventually be torn to pieces.

Reality should be shredded beauty and ugly embers.

All of them, will end up lying on the debris.

The blood vessels were throbbing, and Amann involuntarily showed his fangs and sharp teeth, and the fins on his body opened. This is the blue scale tribe calling for the same tribe to fight.The singing that only the same people could hear kept echoing in his mind, sharp and ear-piercing, making him unbearable.

Amann looked at the blue mermaid reflected on the lake, with a hint of disgust flashing in his eyes.

A monster like him has not died yet, just for revenge.

Aman cut his wrist with his sharp nails, and blue blood dripped down. He smiled and disappeared from the lake again.When he turned to leave, the Sea Heart Stone in the palms of Samir and Annie Heinet suddenly shimmered.


Samir didn't know that Amann had been here, but even if he knew, he wouldn't care.

At this time, he was lying in the sea from a strange perspective. Samir clearly knew that he was dreaming, and there was a layer of light and gentle blue light around him. He couldn't wake up, so he concentrated on experiencing the dream in front of him.

He felt almost like a rock on the bottom of the sea, with the occasional fish swimming above it, but mostly darkness and the soft swaying of the plants.After looking at it for a long time, you will feel that you are no different from those seaweeds.

"He" was just a perspective at the beginning, an existence with consciousness but no entity. Some fish would bump into "him" and then briskly pass through "him" to move on.What surprised Samir the most was that even without looking back, "he" could see the trail behind the fish. Not only the fish, "he" perceived everything around him, not with eyes, nor like a magician. It is not like using mental power like a human being, but an instinct.

I don't know how long it has passed, "he" is still lying there, and the world he instinctively perceives is getting wider and wider. "He" has seen more plants, more animals, more stones, more races, and more More words, more behaviors..."He" didn't have the slightest curiosity about it, but his instinct was expanding, and the food he saw couldn't cause all kinds of waves in his heart.

A group of small fish is about to be eaten by a big fish, a storm is about to destroy a race, a conspiracy is brewing among the race, "he" has seen all of them, but remains indifferent.

With Samir's personality, he would intervene in most things, so this attitude was very awkward for him.However, he is now in this existence, and he can fully feel the will of this existence itself.


If it was the ocean itself, would it care about the disappearance of a race?

If it is the ocean itself, will it try to avoid extremely bad disasters?

If it is the sea itself, will it interfere with the alternation of power and the various wars between the races?

The ocean embraces everything, but cares about nothing.

Samir gradually understood that the existence he felt was the condensation of the will of the ocean.

Later, a fish bumped into him again, was blocked by "he", and swam to the side in a daze.

"He" has an entity.

With the unique perspective of "him", "he" can also see himself, which is exactly the same as the fish just now. "He" swam forward, turned into a stone, turned into seaweed, and turned into various creatures encountered along the way. Finally, "he" stretched out his arm and saw a slender and white arm.

What is this again?

"He" doesn't care about his own image, just wandering around like this, occasionally stopping to be with the reef and seaweed.

Then "he" met the first intelligent creature, a sea snake with wisdom.

The sea snake swam towards "him", and "he" felt disgusted instinctively, and took a few steps back.

The sea snake said a few words.

"He" could understand what the sea snake was saying, but he couldn't think about it.In the end, the sea snake kept swimming towards "him", and "he" couldn't bear it anymore and opened the barrier.

The sea snake was ejected.

If it was the ocean itself, it wouldn't kill a creature in it on purpose.

"He" learned to use the enchantment under such circumstances. "He" didn't know what power he possessed, but when he needed it, he could always come up with some useful ones.

Later, "he" went to many places, recalling what the sea snake said to "him" in a long time.

The sea snake was asking him: Who are you?

who am I?

"He" began to think about this problem.

From here, "he" has some distinctions from the ocean itself.

Later, probably a long, long time has passed since his birth. The time in the ocean is like eternity for a moment, and eternity is only a moment.

"He" met his kindred.

In fact, they didn't meet each other, it's just that the two consciousnesses sensed each other, and they didn't say hello to him, but left immediately.But only after this contact, "he" has the concept of the same race, and also knows what kind of existence he is.

A siren formed by the condensed will of the ocean.

Such a sea monster will appear in tens of thousands of years. Some sea monsters die slowly, and some still exist, but the existence itself is meaningless.Although it is said to be of the same family, the concept is also very vague.

They are like a stone, a piece of seaweed, just stay quietly on the bottom of the sea.

"He" slowly figured out something.

who am I?

——I am a siren.

What is a Kraken?

——The condensation of the will of the ocean.

Why am I a siren?

— can't answer.

"He" looked at a stone and thought, what is the difference between me and this stone.

Why am I me, why is a rock a rock, why a siren is a siren.

who am I?

Siren's answer could no longer satisfy him.

However, although there are such doubts and questions, it does not actually have a great impact on "him". Whether or not he thinks about this problem will not change "him", the entire ocean, or even the entire continent of Redras.

"He" cannot see his own existence.

Then until one day, an existence covered in gorgeous flowers came from beyond the ocean.

Not to use a certain creature to describe it, but a certain "existence".

It exists clearly and profoundly.

"He" still doesn't feel himself.

But "he" saw himself in the eyes of that "existence".


Samir woke up with a start.

His palms were slightly warm, and when he looked down, the sea heart stone was shimmering, illuminating his and Annie Henet's palms.

In the dream just now, Samir’s feelings were extremely real, as if he had really experienced these tens of thousands of years, from Anne Heinet’s incorporeal consciousness, to what he saw, to his doubts, and finally to the appear by themselves.

Is this the Kraken?

The dream just now was too long and deep, and it was difficult for Samir to wake up for a while. As long as he closed his eyes, he would sink into it naturally, as if floating in the sea.

Samir still opened his eyes, trying to wake himself up.

The sea monster is completely different from what he imagined. It was born in this way. There is no such story recorded in any book on the mainland. It seems that the sea monster just appeared on the bottom of the sea from birth to death. Die blandly again, so even more unknown.

Of course, sea creatures still know the existence of sea monsters. They understand, but it is difficult to explain, and it becomes a completely different story when it is transmitted from the mouths of these sea creatures to land.

Anne Heinet also opened his eyes at this time.

His eyes, as if soaked in water, are bright and deep, without any emotion in them, so they are extraordinarily clean.

He just stared at it for a while, then said, "My past..."

Samir hummed lightly.

"My past was very boring."

Boredom is an emotional word, learned by Anne Heinet. He stared intently at Samir and said, "But even this kind of boring past, I want to share with you."

Samir's heart skipped a beat.

He closed his eyes again to calm himself down.

He didn't know whether it was better for Annie Heinet to be like this now, or to be a pure siren like in the past.

In other words, good and bad are just his definition, the definition of universal value.

Annie Heinet squeezed Samir's fingers through the sea heart stone, and said, "Here, it hurts occasionally."

"Pain" is also a strange concept for Sea-Monster.But he doesn't dislike the occasional pain in his fingers, and at the moment of pain, he always has a clearer self-perception.

Samir looked at his finger: "Is it because I bit it before?"

Back then when Samir broke into the Kraken's enchantment for the first time, the Kraken certainly didn't welcome him, they had fought once.

Samir turned into the original form, and the siren didn't have the idea of ​​killing him, just wanted to drive him away. Later, Samir bit his finger—it was not polite at all when he changed into a dragon shape. If it was an ordinary person, he would have died in Longkou.

But then they reconciled temporarily, because Samir smiled and said, "Don't be so cold, I'm your bride."

The siren was surprised by this sentence.

"My" is another new concept.

In this ocean, is there anything that belongs exclusively to "mine"?

He insisted that the entire sea belonged to him, but it did not belong to him alone, because other sea monsters could also say that the entire sea belonged to them.

Uniqueness and belonging, two concepts Siren came into contact with.

Is his bride, his only bride.

The siren hummed, but Samir didn't cause any injuries at the time, and if there were any, he would have recovered a long time ago.

Samir sighed, he owed Siren a lot.

Obviously all along, only others owe him his share, he has never been willing to be left behind by others!

Anne Heinet said: "This sea heart stone can also enter your dreams."

Samir's heart skipped a beat. If his dream was the same as the siren's dream just now, it probably wasn't a good thing in the dream.

"But you won't let me in." Anne Heinet lowered his eyelids.

"It's a good thing not to go in." Samir said quickly: "My past, ah no, my dream is really..."

It's really not something that a little siren like you should see!

Anne Heinet said in a low voice: "I heard from the mermaid that the spouses need to get to know each other better. Can I go in and have a look next time?"

Samir: "..."

He struggled to utter a few words: "Next time."

Samir sat up, holding the sea heart stone, if Anne Heinet wanted to give it to him, he could only hold it.

He thought about it, and felt that the reason why things turned into the current scene was entirely due to the mermaid's problem.

After he left, why did Anne Heinet meet the worst mermaid?

After all, in terms of Anni Heinet's way of being, he is probably the one who is the easiest to get close to red and black.

Like he hit a fish and became a fish, hit a rock and became a rock.

Stones and fish make no difference to him.

For him, there is no difference between good and bad.

Samir thought hard, and then seriously said to Anne Heinet: "That mermaid is not your friend."

In any case, it was after him, the first creature that Annie Henet came into contact with. Samir was very conflicted. He hoped that Annie Henet could stay away from such bad things as Amann, but he didn't want his words to make Annie Heinet misunderstood.

"He will use you and do some bad things." Samir said, "In this way, others will resent you."

Anne Heinet listened to him carefully, and said, "I know."

Samir opened his eyes slightly.

Anne Heinet went on to say: "But friends, they use each other."

Samir wondered what the mermaid had instilled in Anne Henett: "No, no, no... how to put it, you see, we are also friends, and I won't use you to take revenge on my own race or anything. "

"You are not my friend." Anne Henett said seriously: "You are my bride."

Samir took a deep breath, and the killing intent towards Amanen became stronger in his heart.

The author has something to say:

Magician: "What are you thinking? Why don't you look at me."

Elf: "What are you thinking? Why don't you look at me."

Siren: "What are you thinking? Why don't you look at me."


Just add one more.

Joe: "What are you thinking? Why don't you look at me."

Everyone can imagine for themselves, hahahahahahahahahahaha


Thanks to the little angels who irrigate the nutrient solution: 10 bottles of parrots; 5 bottles of googol sheep;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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