Carmen adjusted her emotions.

After leaving Samir, he himself is doing well, although he still thinks about Samir occasionally.In fact, there was not much communication between them. Most of the time, Samir was talking, and he just listened casually. But after Samir left, he found that he actually remembered every word Samir said.

But Carmen is a rational Yuren.

He sees early on that there's no way Samir will stop because of him, that he has his own agenda, that they're each other's guests.Even if that time was an occasional solace for him to pass through endless nights, he could live without it.

He is a born crippled featherman, and he has never mastered the power of time. For him, as long as he can reach his limit, it will be fine.

The word vengeance had been etched into his will after witnessing what the slave traders had done.

He does not want the power that does not belong to him, the freedom that does not belong to him, and the beauty that does not belong to him.

Even if you ask for it reluctantly, it must not be as good as you imagined.

He came to see Samir before, and it was just a whim, but now that he saw it, his thoughts have not changed.

Samir was still the same as before.

In other words, she has faded from her childishness, and is even more outstanding and dazzling than before.

"I was chatting with the city lord just now." Carmen said, "I suddenly thought of you, so I came to look for you."

When he spoke frankly, Samir also smiled frankly: "Didn't I see you at the city wall before? You fell from the sky and shocked me. Speaking of which, I told Lily about you before." Woolen cloth."


"In order to get closer, let's ask for information. At that time, the only person I could contact was her!"

"Are you even lying to little girls now?"

"Wow." Samir looked at him in amazement: "Can you actually know how to joke now?"

Carmen: "..."

Samir smiled slightly and asked, "How are you doing recently?"

Carmen said lightly: "Fortunately, after we separated from you, I was still doing what I did before. Later, when I was in danger, I was rescued by Atley, and then I started working for her."

Samir thought to himself, why does the city lord rescue people everywhere? What is she, a rescue plane walking on the mainland?

Carmen suddenly asked, "What about you?"

He started talking after the separation, and Samir also followed subconsciously: "We were not on the border of the orcs at the time. After we separated, I went to the capital of the orc empire to stay for a while, and then went to the North Sea. Come to the Confederacy."

"But I stayed in the Southern Alliance for a short time." A blond-haired and green-eyed figure flashed in Samir's mind, and said, "Then I went to the Northern Alliance. The School of Magic and the White Tower over there are quite interesting."

Carmen listened carefully to his journal-like records. After listening, he said, "Do you have any relationship with the slave group of the Northern Alliance?"

"What?" Samir didn't know why.

"I tracked down the group of people who were making trouble in Gray Feather City before, and then I saw a wanderer from the Northern Alliance. He once said your name."

Samir frowned: "Wanderer?"

He remembered the wanderer back then, who was rescued by the necromancer at the end, but now that the necromancer is dead, he is still alive?

"Yes, be careful." Carmen ordered, and then asked nonchalantly, "Who is that elf beside you?"

Samir blinked: "Why don't you ask that half-elf?"

"That elf seems to like you." Carmen said lightly.

Samir was stunned for a moment, and then slowly said: "Really... But he really takes care of me. Even if he likes me, it has nothing to do with me, right?"

Carmen quickly understood what he meant.

Because for Samir, when he likes someone, most of it has nothing to do with that object.

He tried his best to pursue the other party because of his own feelings and because he was attracted, and then left because of the lack of interest. From the beginning to the end, it didn't matter what the other party's attitude or feelings were.

What Samir did was for himself, and it really had nothing to do with the other party.

Carmen pondered for a while, and suddenly felt that Samir seemed like a scumbag.

Why in his memory, Samir has always been a shining, kind, gentle and powerful image like an angel.

Carmen was silent for a moment, and asked, "If you are like this, will you be beaten one day in the future?"

Samir said seriously: "So, I am doing my best to become stronger!"

This is too well-founded, Carmen has nothing to say, it seems that Samir knows exactly what he is doing.

"But..." Samir touched his chin: "I don't want to hurt Lang Luo's words. In fact, although I have met many people, this is the first time I have seen him so gentle."

Carmen said blankly: "It's strange that the word came out of your mouth."

"That's it, Lang Luo wouldn't say such things to me." Samir smiled: "So, I hope Lang Luo won't get hurt, especially from me."

Carmen shook her head: "I don't you like him?"

Samir: "Not really, he's different from you."

What this difference means, he did not say clearly.

Just then, footsteps sounded outside the door.

Samir subconsciously looked back towards the door, and turned his head again. Carmen had already stepped on the window frame and was about to run away.

Samir wanted to ask you what you were doing. Carmen squatted halfway on the window sill, and suddenly turned her head and said, "I've never said it before, and I probably won't have a chance in the future. Actually, I've always wanted to tell you——"

"Thank you."

His figure disappeared from the window sill in an instant.

Samir smiled and sat down slowly. At the same time, there was a knock on the door.

"Come in."

Unsurprisingly, the blond elf walked in from the door. He was still chilled by the night wind from the courtyard, but was quickly dispelled by the warm indoor incense.

"I saw the city owner in the yard just now." Lan Luo said, "She said that there will be fireworks at the end of the Shenghai Banquet tonight. Samir, do you want to watch the fireworks together?"

"Okay." Samir agreed, and asked, "The roof of the City Lord's Mansion can't just be lifted."

Langlo said, "It's all right."

The two of them climbed to the roof of the City Lord's Mansion, which is the highest place in the entire Gray Feather City. At this time, the sky was still silent, and the night sky was full of stars, shining brightly.

Samir and Langlo sat side by side on the roof, neither talking, waiting for the fireworks to bloom.

The night wind blew Samir's silver hair up. He lowered his head and pushed back the hair that was blown on his face, but the night wind didn't stop, so Samir had to grab his hair.

Lan Luo turned his head for a glance, took off the branch he used to tie his hair, leaned over, and tied up the silver hair for Samir.

He was so close that Samir could almost feel his shallow breathing. The moment the branch was taken down, his golden hair fell down, covering the sky full of stars, and fell into Samir's eyes.

Samir was slightly taken aback. Although the two had had closer contact before, he had never had this strange feeling before.

After tying his hair, Lan Luo straightened his body very consciously, returned to the previous distance, and then turned sideways slightly to block the wind.

In fact, he didn't need to do this at all. This kind of night wind would not have any effect on Samir at all. Even if he fell down before, it was only because of poisoning.

But Lang Luo also had a hard time explaining this idea. He didn't do this to impress Samir, nor did he really think it was useful. To put it bluntly, it was just like he decided to make a wooden doll for Samir before.

When doing this kind of thing, he himself is happier.

"Before, what you said about the Fountain of Life..." Lan Luo said: "The Fountain of Life cannot cure the disease immediately, and she is in a state of stagnant time and cannot be cured by the Fountain of Life."

Samir suddenly realized, and then said: "But I didn't talk about the fountain of life before." Lang Luo blinked blankly.

At that time, they really just made eye contact.

Samir stared at his rare ignorant eyes, and smiled: "I understand, but whether the fountain of life is useful or not, I shouldn't bring it up."

"That is the fountain of life of the elves after all. If I raise it, isn't it morally kidnapping you?"

Lang Luo paused and said, "I will not be affected by moral kidnapping."

A long time ago, the ancestor of the elves was known for his indifference, and even those "old friends" were unwilling to deal with him.

"What a coincidence, neither will I! I only do what I want to do!" Samir clapped his hands happily, stood up against the night wind, and asked him with a smile: "But if it's my request, Even if it's a bit embarrassing, will you agree?"

Langlo nodded.

"I hope you won't." Samir turned his head and looked up at the starry sky.

Under the entire silent and bright starry sky, there are only two shadows, one standing and one sitting.

Samir looked at the starry sky, and Langlo looked at him.


The fireworks rose into the sky and exploded at the very top.

The black sky suddenly bloomed with gorgeous flowers, which caught everyone's attention in an instant and fell into their eyes.The fireworks bloomed very briefly, but after they turned into white mist and fell, new fireworks rose again.

Samir didn't speak for a long time, suddenly, he heard the sound of ding ding.Looking back, Wei An was climbing up with the help of chains.

Those chains surrounded him, and four of them branched out like tentacles, clung to the wall and crawled at night.

Samir watched him come up, and Wei An didn't expect that there was someone up there, so he was taken aback and sat next to Samir.

Samir asked, "Why did you come up?"

Wei An covered his face and said in pain: "I can't write any more. Maybe it's because the weather is too cold, or it's too hot, or my hair is getting longer, and there are bugs outside... I have to go up to watch the fireworks and find inspiration."

Samir had seen him fall into this state from time to time and was used to it.

The chain behind Wei An was retracted, his shadow twisted twice, and became swollen, a young figure appeared beside him, stretched out his hand, and touched his head secretly.

"Fireworks, it's so beautiful." Wei An's gaze fell from the fireworks to the street. The bustling streets before had become empty. The Shenghai Banquet in the last two days went smoothly. The crowd seemed to have forgotten what happened before, and they still Indulge in the noisy and prosperous Shenghai Banquet.

"But it will dissipate soon," Vian said.

"It's okay, it's enough to be beautiful now." Samir smiled and turned his head, just in time to meet Lang Luo's unexpected gaze.

Wei An asked, "What color fireworks do you like?"

Samir said without hesitation: "Golden."

Wei An: "..."

The fireworks are not golden at all!

Where will the embers of the fireworks fall?

Atleigh was working in front of the table. At the moment when the fireworks bloomed, she stopped the pen in her hand and looked outside.

From this window, only part of the fireworks and falling embers can be seen.

Where will the embers go?

What kind of fate exists?

What is the end of time?

These three questions popped up in Atley's mind without warning. She just sat at the desk, propped her head up, and looked out the window. Her gaze didn't necessarily fall on the fireworks.

Liana was sleeping in the deepest part of the City Lord's Mansion at this time.

The style of the fireworks this time is different from before, and it really wasn't Liana's choice.

Atley's eyes slowly closed.

The light from the fireworks exploded softly fell on her.

She looked like a feather floating in the light and shadow of time.


What if I'm the special one?

——Everyone is special, at least for someone, you must be special.

When the fireworks suddenly exploded, this answer suddenly appeared in Carmen's mind. He thought for a long time before he remembered that this sentence was said by Samir.Although not long after finishing this sentence, the two of them parted ways.

The only person who can talk nonsense to him seems to be Samir, and even Atli is just a handover at work, and usually two sentences can be done.

It's really... like a dream.

Looking back now, I also feel that nothing happened, it was just his illusion.Sometimes he gets caught up in memories, and he also feels as if he is just an irrelevant third perspective.

Probably for my life like this, Samir's intrusion was originally out of place.

He probably also broke into a lot of out of place lives.

Carmen smiled at the thought.

Tomorrow, I will take that Xiaoyuren away.

Still work is important.

go to work.

He lightly jumped down from the window sill, and in mid-air, after turning back, his figure disappeared.

Only a gray feather fell faintly.


Thanks to the little angel of the irrigation nutrient solution: 6 bottles of Sisit cattle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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