There is still one day before the Shenghai Banquet begins.

Even though Samir was lying in the city lord's mansion, he could still hear the hustle and bustle outside. Lily said that in the past two days, many tourists have come to the city of gray feathers just to participate in the feast of the sea.The city lord not only has to deal with the plague these days, but also arranges various guards during the banquet. He is so busy that he has not rested for several days and nights.

In the dimly lit room, Samir was slowly explaining the process of the No.30 seven slave traders killed by Yuren.

"The slave trader this time is an orc with a very strong body, almost invulnerable. Moreover, he also has several guards who are inseparable from him every day to protect him."

Lily asked, "Then did he die in the end?"


"How did you kill him?"

Samir thought that Lily really listened to this as a story, or the serialized one: "Don't worry... The orcs fight by activating their bloodlines, and different bloodlines have different abilities. That orc has bear bloodlines, not only the skin is tough , and the more severe the injury on the body, the stronger the lethality."

"Bear-type orcs are very difficult to deal with, but they are not without weaknesses. The feathered man polluted his blood with a potion, and then killed him with a dagger."

After listening, Lily asked, "Can the blood of an orc be polluted?"

"That's right. On their side, the most important thing is the purity of the bloodline. The purer the blood, the stronger the power of inheritance."

"How do you know so much about orcs?"

"well enough……"

"But you even know how to pollute the blood." Lily looked at him and said, "You must have told that Yuren this information."

Samir didn't expect Lily to be so keen, he waved his hand: "I've been to the Orc Empire before..."

Lily: "Have you been to many places?"

Samir: "Fortunately, I like meeting different races."

There was a flash of light in Lily's eyes: "That's great..."

Samir asked: "Do you want to see the outside world too?"

Lily nodded, then shook her head again, she wanted to look around, but she had to be with her sister.

She says goodbye to Samir and prepares to leave.At this moment, the green plants by the window trembled, and if Samir felt it, he said, "Lang Luo and the others..."

"The elf and the troubadour are back!" The servants of the City Lord's Mansion brought back the news, which made the atmosphere of the entire City Lord's Mansion relaxed.

Lily opened the door and ran towards the city lord through the corridor, her long skirt raised a round arc.

Samir soon saw Lan Luo, Lan Luo pushed open the door, the sun was shining on his blond hair, making it the brightest color in the room, he walked quickly to the bed and observed Samir.

Samir smiled and said, "You are finally back, just now I was with Lily..."

Lan Luo leaned over and hugged him tightly.

Samir was slightly taken aback, but he felt Lang Luo's slightly trembling body and cold skin, so he still raised his hand, put it on the elf's back, and stroked him gently.

He left for three full days, and Lang Luo felt miserable every day. He was worried about Samir's situation, but he couldn't show it.Under this kind of continuous accumulation of emotions, Lang Luo hugged Samir impulsively as soon as he came back.When Samir really fell into his arms, he became nervous again, feeling that his behavior was too abrupt.However, instead of pushing him away, or scolding, Samir comforted him.

Lang Luo opened his mouth. Samir's behavior completely blocked his voice, and he was speechless.

"Okay, since you're back, it means you've got the stone feather, right?" Samir said with a relaxed smile, "Great, everyone is waiting for you to come back."

" are you doing now?" Lan Luo asked.

Samir narrowed his eyes, stroking the corners of his eyes where he couldn't see.Since he broke Joe's identity that day, Joe hasn't been here again, but he often feels a burning sting in the corner of his eyes.

"I'm fine, it hasn't gotten any worse," Samir said.

Lan Luo: "Shi Yu has been handed over to the city lord, and the antidote will be made soon."

He took the initiative to let go of this somewhat too long hug, and took out a piece of pure white stone feather, which even had a lustrous luster on the surface.

"You only need one stone feather to make the antidote, and this is what I left behind." Lang Luo said, "You seem to like shiny things better. This is the only stone feather that can shine. At that time, I thought, you might Like this... well, if you don't like it, you can just say..."

After all, it was just a stone. Compared with the treasures Samir owns, it was really shabby.As the ancestor of the elves, Atlans can theoretically own the entire elf island, but he himself can be said to be penniless. The elves do not have the habit of collecting and storing treasures like the dragons.And his only sword is still in Samir's hand.

Samir looked at the stone feather, which was long and feather-like, and because it was transparent, he could even see the fluffy feathers inside.

"I like it very much." Samir put away Shi Yu.

Compared with gifts, Lang Luo always cared about his heart outside, which moved Samir very much.

He can actually feel the sincerity of others.

And if the sincerity is wrapped in lies and temptations, he will just pretend to smile.But if it was revealed honestly, he would return the honesty.

Frankly refuse or something.

The antidote will be made soon, but whether the antidote is effective or not, they have not yet determined.The city lord invited a prophecy magician and several priests to make an appraisal. The appraisal result was normal, but they needed at least one poisoned person to use the antidote first.

The city lord had gathered as many poisoned people as possible before and placed them behind the city lord's mansion. At this time, he planned to sign an agreement with them and find someone who was willing to test the medicine first.

But no one was willing to try the medicine first, and no one knew whether the antidote would work. In the end, Lianna, who finally woke up, proposed that she was willing to take the medicine first.

When Samir heard about it, he said, "Let me do it."

Lang Luo naturally disagreed, Wei An was also very worried, and Lily was very entangled, but in the end Samir could only make his own decision.

The city lord confirmed again and again and asked him if he would like to.

Samir thought to himself that my body must be better than that of Liana's elder sister no matter what. He didn't do it out of a noble spirit of dedication, but he just felt that he was more suitable.

So Samir became the first infected person to use the antidote.

He was still sitting on the bed, and the room was crowded with all kinds of people, in stark contrast to the desertedness before.Samir heard a lot of breathing, but tried to suppress it.Someone brought the antidote to his hand, and Samir felt that it was Lang Luo's finger through the cold touch.

He smiled because of this, and after taking a sip of the antidote, he paused strangely before continuing to drink.

The taste was so bad, I felt like I was half dead after drinking it. Samir was still relishing the taste of the antidote, and the scene in front of him suddenly became clear. He saw Lang Luo's light green eyes, which were full of tension. And worried, and next to him was Wei An who was staring at him closely. Behind her was a slender woman with outstanding temperament. Next to her stood a short-haired maid with deep gray eyes.

It must be the Lord City Lord and Lily. Samir and Lily have chatted for so long, but this is actually the first time that they have seen Lily's face clearly.Yuren's facial features are clear and beautiful, and his figure is slender and elegant. It is the kind of beauty that can be felt by any race, but it will not be too beautiful, and even produce an inexplicable sense of oppression.

The beauty of the elves is more oppressive, and the typical representative is the ancestor of the elves. When most creatures see the ancestor of the elves, the first reaction will definitely not be to pay attention to his face, and they will be suppressed to death just by their aura.Every time Samir recalled that he fell in love with the ancestor of the elves at first sight, he probably fell in love with that face, and felt that he had accomplished a feat that could be engraved in the history of the continent of Redras.

"A long time, my lord." Samir greeted with a smile: "Good morning, Lily."

Lily kept looking at him with her big gray eyes open. Seeing that Samir was safe and sound, she breathed a sigh of relief, turned her head, and secretly wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes.

She was relieved that the friend she had just met was fine, and when she thought that her sister was also saved, she felt even more excited.

Fortunately, most of the people present were quite excited, and her performance was already very restrained.

The city lord Atli looked at Samir and asked, "How do you feel now?"

Samir felt it seriously, and said, "The effect of the medicine is very fast, maybe the dose is a bit heavy, and my body is a little hot now..."

Lang Luo on the side immediately held his hand, and Samir said, "It's indeed better than before. This antidote shouldn't be completely solved in one go, right?"

The city lord Atli nodded: "You need to take it at least twice. Take a good rest and take it again tomorrow. If there is no problem, the antidote can be used on a large scale."

In fact, this is still very risky. After all, I don’t know if there will be any reaction after the two times, but time is tight, so I have to do it now.

The city lord and the others left in a mighty manner with a large army. Lily went to see the process of making the medicine, and made some arrangements to deal with possible accidents at the Shenghai Banquet tomorrow. When night fell, she came to her sister's room .

Liana was sleeping peacefully. Hearing her footsteps, she struggled to sit up and asked, "Lily, why haven't you brought the antidote yet?"

Everyone unanimously concealed from Liana the news that Samir was the person who tested the drug. With her character, it was absolutely impossible to agree.

Lily's happy mood also calmed down, she whispered: "Sister, the antidote is not ready yet..."

Liana paused and said, "Don't lie to me, Lily, you are not good at lying."

Lily was a little at a loss, and even had the idea of ​​escaping.Lianna held out her hand, however, and Lily had to come over and take the slender, pale hand.

"Did the subject of the drug test change?" Liana asked.

My sister is always smarter than herself, Lily answered in a low voice.

Liana: "Those who were poisoned before are willing to try the medicine?"

Lily felt her head getting heavier, her voice was hoarse as if rubbing against paper, she said with difficulty: "Yes."

"Who is it?" Liana asked.

Lily whispered, "Sister, you don't know..."

She still hopes that Liana can let go of this topic, so she is just avoiding it as much as possible.

If it is necessary to find someone to test the medicine, the kind-hearted sister must hope that this person is her.

"What's his name?" Liana asked aggressively.

Lily tilted her head, put her tongue on her chin, and said with difficulty: "...Samir."

"Guest of the city lord?!" Liana frowned: "You actually let the guest of the city lord test the medicine?!"

Lily quickly said: "Sister, he did it voluntarily, and he is also one of the infected patients."

"Even so, you can't let the city lord's guests test the medicine."

Lily argued: "Sister, but your body is very weak, if there is something wrong with that medicine..."

Liana was very angry: "So you let the Santo's guests take the risk?! Lily, I know you are worried about me! But if you do this, what will they think of the Santo!"

Lily looked at her flushed face, the grievances and worries in her heart were mixed together, fermented into more complicated, mixed with sullen emotions.

"Are you still only thinking about the city lord!" Lily cried and said, "I'm only worried about your safety!"

"Lily, it's not just because of the city lord, it shouldn't have been done..."

"Yes, you are the most selfless." Lily heard her sharp voice: "If possible, I would rather let me come! Even if Samir didn't take the initiative, I would never let you test the medicine!"

After she finished speaking, her chest heaved violently, blood rushed to her head, and her pulse was beating.Lily felt a burst of extremely strong regret and frustration. Her current mood was like the ashes left after a raging fire. Lily's first reaction was to apologize, but there was still a little anger left in her heart.

Her only wish was for her sister to be well, but it was Liana herself who trampled on this wish.

Lily turned around and left, her short hair was thrown on her face, her steps were heavy, as if all her spirit had sunk.What makes her most angry is nothing more than her own powerlessness. Since a long time ago, she can only follow passively. Everything is chosen by her sister.

Who will lure the enemy, and who will be responsible for escaping?

Choose to stay in the City Lord's Mansion, or leave?

Who will reveal his heart, and who will keep silent?

who died?Who lives?




Lily heard her sister calling her from behind, she didn't turn her head, but the last sound was accompanied by a thud, as if some heavy object fell down.Lily turned around quickly and saw a scene that almost caused her heart to stop.Liana's upper body fell off the bed, her wings hung limply, and the once bright and beautiful feathers also became dim.

She went over to help Liana up, and Liana touched the tears in the corners of her eyes and sighed.

"I understand, Lily, it's not your fault." Liana's voice was extremely heavy, and it contained a secret that Lily didn't understand at all.

"Don't quarrel, Lily, I don't want to quarrel with you, go get me a glass of water, then open the curtains, and tell me about Samir."

Lily followed suit one by one, and the rhythm was completely in Lianna's hands.

She poured a cup of hot water for Liana, fed her sister to drink, then walked to the window, opened the curtains, and said, "Samir is a very interesting person. He has been to many places, and he also knows a feather man. Although I don't know if it's true or not, Samir...Samir?!"

Lily looked down and saw Samir and the elf walking on the street.

There is a street behind the room where Liana is resting. It is very quiet on weekdays, but it will be extremely lively on the day of the Shenghai Banquet.Opening the window from this room, you can clearly see the scene on the street. Lily saw Samir at first glance. After all, the silver hair was too conspicuous, and Samir had no intention of covering it up.

The elf next to him was also very conspicuous. The two of them walked together, and half the street's eyes fell on them.

Lily never imagined that Samir would run out in less than two hours after drinking the medicine!

After drinking the medicine, Samir obediently lay down on the bed in accordance with the orders of the city lord and the priests. After an hour, he jumped up from the bed and said to Lang Luo, "Let's go out and play."

Lang Luo was taken aback and advised him: "You should rest."

Samir said: "After sleeping for so long, I finally recovered. How can I continue to lie down? If I lie down again, I will be annoyed."

Lan Luo thought to himself that he had been lying on the inner island of the elf, and he didn't feel anything.

However, if Samir could persuade him, he wouldn’t be Samir, and Lang Luo was not good at speaking in this area, nor could he refuse most of Samir’s requests, so he prepared a cloak for Samir to put on, with He left the City Lord's Mansion.

"City of Gray Feather, it can be said to be the largest seaport city in the Southern Alliance." Samir dragged Lang Luo around: "I came here because I wanted to enjoy the scenery of City of Gray Feather. Shengsheng lay in bed for more than ten days!"

"Not more than ten days..."

"Don't worry about these details!" Samir looked around, the night was windy, he quickly took off his hood, and let the night wind brush his hair.

Tomorrow there will be a grand sea banquet, what Samir learned from Lily is that on the day of the grand sea banquet, the city lord will hold a banquet on the street, and share the biggest fish caught in the past year with the whole city.In addition, the Shenghai Banquet will also have song and dance performances, fireworks shows, and animal shows that last for three days. In short, for people who are extremely poor in entertainment life, it is a unique and grand banquet.

Tonight, all kinds of facilities have been set up, and tourists and businessmen from other places also went to the street to feel the atmosphere in advance. The street was as bright as day, and the local vendors were reluctant to rest at all, missing the most profitable opportunity.

Samir saw a lot of things again, all kinds of small toys, some of which are very simple but very interesting, with exquisite ideas, and many specific seafood such as shells.

"There are a lot of people." Samir held a bunch of useless gadgets bought with money, and pulled Lang Luo to the steps in the corner. The street was crowded with people, rubbing shoulders, and even breathing extremely difficult.

"You said, the city of gray feathers, why is it called the city of gray feathers?" Samir asked.

Lan Luo really didn't know, he shook his head.

Samir rubbed his chin and asked, "Lang Luo, I've always had a question. The city lord has been in power for at least five or sixty years, but she looks like she's in her 60s."

"What race is she?"

Before Lang Luo could answer, there were several people whispering next to him.

"Have you heard that two days ago, a boy at the port was secretly taken away by the City Lord's Mansion..."

"It's happened quite a few times recently."

"It seems that a plague is spreading..."

"Really?! How is it possible!"

"The child next door to me got the plague, and he died after lying in bed for two days!"


"I heard that after the child fell ill, the city lord sent someone to take him away. Who knows what he was going to do! Could it be to silence him?"

"The half-orc who was transporting goods with me at the port before has also been missing for several days."

"very scary……"

"But it's impossible for the city lord to do such a thing."

"Who knows, the higher-ups usually hide a lot from us."

"And the patrols have indeed increased recently."

"The port is no longer allowed to freely enter and exit."

"Maybe, this plague was spread by the city lord."

"If the plague breaks out, what should we do? The city lord wouldn't want us to die here, would he?"

Samir frowned slightly. These people were talking, and they were almost going to force the city lord to take away the patients, conceal the plague, and convict them of dying in the city of gray feathers!

He looked over there and caught a glimpse of a familiar figure.

lizard Man!

Samir was startled, and motioned to Lan Luo to look over. The lizard man just raised his head at this moment, smiled at Samir, then turned and left.

The people around him also left one after another and went to another location.

"Grab him!" Samir snapped.

Lan Luo raised his hand, and there was a sound of cracking soil and rocks from the ground. The lizardman fled extremely fast, but the plants growing from the ground were faster.

He was entangled in the plants, and Lan Luo commanded the vines to drag him all the way to Samir.

"Meet you again, stall owner." Samir said slowly, "You still owe me an elf, remember?"

The lizardman's body rubbed against the ground, and there were bloodstains on his face. He raised his head and smiled at Samir: "My guest, it's just a gift from an elf. If you want it, I'll give it to you. Why bother?" Let's do it. By the way, guest, are you satisfied with that golden cat?"

Samir: "You use all kinds of small things to poison, and then slander the city owner to spread the plague. Do you think this kind of illogical rumor is useful?"

"Rumors don't need logic, as long as they can stir people's hearts is enough." The lizard man said: "Besides, it is a fact that the city lord concealed the plague. Tomorrow is the Shenghai Banquet. Even if you catch me alone, those words have already spread."

"You can't stop the riots from erupting, and the great Lord Atley, her rule over the Gray Feather City has come to an end."


Thanks to the little angels who irrigate the nutrient solution: 5416334157 bottles; 10 bottles of ai ai ai ai; 5 bottles of small volcanoes;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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